2024 Volume is out with first Issue
Acta Scientific is an Association of International open access journals which publishes peer-reviewed articles and encourages vital research worldwide and also aims to radiate knowledge in all directions. The Journals include:
Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS) is an Internationally peer-reviewed journal that focuses to publish reliable articles in all the fields of dentistry. The journal aims to spread knowledge and information on all the sciences related to dentistry like oral cavity, dental implants, dental care, dental biofilms, oral health, root canal, gingivitis, etc..
Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with an Impact Factor 1.416, that desires to cover all the topics relevant to microbiology, bacteria, Virus and microbiological methods and their applications. The journal aims to focus on the advancements and developments in the field of Microbiology and microbiological methods.
Acta Scientific Agriculture (ASAG) aims to publish quality articles with a major emphasis on the all the aspects of agriculture. Agriculture that is alternatively termed as farming or husbandry is an important key for the development of sedentary human civilisation.The journal covers a wide range of agricultural related topics.
Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS) is a scientific, peer-reviewed, that desires to disseminate knowledge in the field of Pharmaceutical Science and Drug development. The journal aims to increase the visibility on Pharmaceutical Science related aspects such as drug, drug design, drug development, manufacturing, evaluation, etc…
Acta Scientific Orthopaedics (ASOR) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that focuses to publish informative articles in all the fields of orthopaedics and bone research. The journal targets on all the issues related to clinical and experimental research with regard to musculoskeletal disorders.
Acta Scientific Paediatrics (ASPE) is a multidisciplinary, internationally peer-reviewed journal that significantly focuses on advanced paediatric research including novel insights regarding paediatric medicine. The vision of the journal is to improve the aspects of child health. The journal accepts all the articles related to Paediatrics.
Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS) aims to promote communication among clinical researchers worldwide. The journal publishes original work in all the areas of Medicine and Medical Sciences. The journal provides a platform for advances in research related to sciences of medicine. Our aim is to encourage scientists.
Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that desires to cover all the topics relevant to food, nutrition and diet and also palatability of foods and their applications. The journal aims to focus on the advancements and developments in the field of nutrition, dietics and food sciences.
Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS) is a scientific, peer-reviewed journal that desires to publish quality research in the field of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The journal aims to provide increased visibility on Gastroenterology and related aspects such as Gastroenterology, Digestive System, Hepatology.
Acta Scientific Neurology (ASNE) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal that aspires to publish articles related to worldwide research in neuroscience. The mission of the journal is to bring all relevant and major findings in the field of neurology that includes advances in neurological medicine, various neurological disorders and their treatment.
Acta Scientific Ophthalmology (ASOP) is a scientific, multidisciplinary and internationally peer-reviewed journal that aims to create a platform to publish various aspects of ophthalmology. The journal covers a wide variety of clinical trials and experimentation in diagnosing and sorting the issues with a challenge to provide the best eye care solutions.
Acta Scientific Veterinary Sciences (ASVS) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, case reports and expert opinions in all areas of veterinary sciences that covers a broad spectrum of topics that include all the scientific and technological aspects under veterinary sciences. The journal desires to provide information in an expeditious way regarding advances in veterinary sciences.
Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH) is an international open access, peer-reviewed, monthly journal that publishes research articles, review manuscripts and case reports related to Women’s health care medicine. The journal focuses on the current advancements and cutting-edge information on innovative research in Women’s Health.
Acta Scientific Cancer Biology (ASCB) aims to promote current advancements in Cancer Biology and Oncology worldwide. The journal aims to publish original work in all the areas of Cancer, Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy. The journal provides a platform for advances in research related to Cancer Biology and Oncology medicine.
Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) is an International open access, multidisciplinary, double-blinded peer reviewed journal which aims to publish clinical and medical investigations related to Otolaryngology. We dedicate to publish latest advancements and meticulous evident based scientific research related to the general science and clinical fields of the auditory & vestibular system and diseases of the ear.
Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports (ASCR) is an International open access, double-blind peer reviewed journal that publishes latest, cutting-edge research and clinical case reports, clinical images, and procedural videos from all the areas of clinical medicine to create a valuable collection of cases in all clinical disciplines.
Acta Scientific Computer Sciences (ASCS) is the study of computer technology, both hardware and software. It is in-demand across practically in every industry in today's technology-dependent world. It is the processes that interact with data and can be represented in the form of programs. It enables the use of algorithms to manipulate, store, and communicate digital information.
Acta Scientific Pharmacology (ASPC) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed, open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects of basic research related to the field of pharmacology and Clinical Research.
Acta Scientific Biotechnology (ASBT) is a broad and advanced branch of science where micro organisms or living cells are use for the large productions of utilizing products by performing genetical manipulation. They include Drugs, foods, beverages, enzymes, proteins, fats, personal care products, bio fuels, fabrics, bioplastics, biopesticides, bioinsecticides, bioherbicides.
Acta Scientific Applied Physics (ASAP) is a Brach of physical sciences which helps in the different areas but most highly useful in the medical field. The combination of physical engineering helps to use the physics in the day to day life for the useful support. The applied physics is mostly used in the techniques of leaser techniques, magnetic reasoning.
Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System (ASCVS) is an internationally renowned open access journal which is devoted in publishing articles with a double blinded peer review process. It is a highly viewed journal which focusses on all the topics related to cardiovascular study, our main aim is to build collaborations yielding top-notch research publications contributing directly to global development.
Acta Scientific Anatomy (ASAT) is the branch of biology concerned with the study of the structure of organisms and their parts. It is a branch of natural science which deals with the structural organization of living things. Anatomy is inherently tied to developmental biology, embryology, comparative anatomy, evolutionary biology, and phylogeny as these are the processes by which anatomy is generated over immediate (embryology) and long (evolution) timescales.
Acta Scientific Surgical Research (ASSR) Journal publishes an in-depth and the most authoritative information on major clinical problems in the fields of clinical and experimental surgery, surgical education, and socioeconomic aspects of surgical care. Also includes practical, authoritative information about procedures, clinical advances, and major trends shaping general surgery also cover topics in oncology, trauma, gastrointestinal, vascular, and transplantation surgery.
Acta Scientific Forensic Science (ASFS) is the application of science to criminal and civil laws, mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigation, thus Forensic science also known as criminalistics. This journal is devoted to the publication of original investigations, observations, scholarly inquiries and reviews in various branches of the forensic sciences. Similar submissions dealing with forensic aspects of other sciences and the social sciences
Acta Scientific Environmental Science (ASES) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed, open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects of Environmental Sciences connected to geology, physics, chemistry, legislations.
Acta Scientific Diabetes (ASDB) is common disease now-a-days with high effectiveness which sometimes leads to death of patients. We use the platform to share the awareness among the everyone equally about the disease along with the great knowledge on the topic.
Acta Scientific Psychology (ASPY) is branch of science which includes the study of human mind and its behavior in the conscious and unconscious phenomena. It includes the abnormal behavior study, mental illness and psychic illustrations, trauma, stress disorders. These studies help us to know about the brain function and the release of different enzymes with the behavior.
Acta Scientific Anaesthesiology (ASAN) is an internationally peer reviewed open access online journal which aspires to publish quality articles related to anaesthesia from the researchers worldwide. It performs a double blinded peer review process, it is a highly viewed journal which has become a platform to exchange the research content.
Acta Scientific Pulmonology (ASPU) is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. The respiratory system is vital to the whole functioning of the body. Pulmonology is known as chest medicine and respiratory medicine. It is considered as a branch of internal medicine and is related to intensive care medicine.
Acta Scientific Applied Chemistry (ASAC) is a principle Brach of chemistry where it is used to solve or used to help in the preparation of chemicals or other materials which are used for our use. Applied chemistry is the advanced form of chemistry where the different molecules are used for the experimental work. It also includes a vast variety of field of molecules compare to the pure chemistry.
Acta Scientific Endocrinology (ASEC) is good impacted, International, double blinded peer reviewed journal, which can be accessed from anywhere from the globe. We aim to publish articles on Endocrine System and concerning diseases along with the hormones they secrete. We provide a good forum for all the scientists, endocrinologists to exhibit their research and study.
Acta Scientific Haematology (ASHY) is an internationally peer-reviewed journal focuses to publish informative articles in all the fields of orthopaedics and bone research. The journal targets on all the issues related to clinical and experimental research with regard to musculoskeletal disorders.
Acta Scientific Dermatology and Venereology (ASDV) is an esteemed International open access journal which aims to publish the quality articles in the topics of Dermatology and Venereology more specifically about skin, nails, hair (functions & structures) and its diseases and sexually transmitted diseases.
Acta Scientific Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed open access journal with a good impact factor that invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research on all aspects of developments of types of malignancies including pathology, diagnosis and therapy, including radiotherapy, and systemic treatment.
Acta Scientific Urology (ASUR) is most talked International open access journal and one of the dedicated to publish highly cited articles, we bring effective reportation of the clinically relevant data needed to present at the foreground of the vast field of urology which includes genitourinary surgery, male and female urinary-tract system and the male reproductive organs.
Acta Scientific Biochemistry (ASBC) is a branch of Science which deals with chemical reactions between the cells which are present in every living organism. The bio-chemical research will help us in a compendious way to regulate or prevent different types of diseases.
Acta Scientific Hepatology (ASHP) is an international esteemed open access journal stepping forward to be a best platform for all the Authors around the world to showcase their outstanding basic and clinical papers on all aspects of liver diseases, Liver Sciences, Gallbladder, Biliary tree, Pancreas etc including both human and animal studies.
Acta Scientific Nephrology (ASNP) is an International, well known open access journals which indulges in publishing scientifically approved papers on the diversified themes of Nephrology, Kidney related studies and also in the disease management of Kidney concerned disorders.
Acta Scientific Radiology (ASRD) is one of the significant journal in the family of Publisher Name works with a main motto to publish scientifically valued papers in the fields of Medical Imaging to diagnose a disease or to treat it. The viewers of this particular journal are of multidisciplinary. In this modern world of diseases, Radiology is such a branch whose importance is immense.
Acta Scientific Pathophysiology (ASPP) is an internationally significant open access journal which desires to publish all the concepts related to physiological processes. It helps in providing the opportunity for academics, professionals and practitioners to exhibit their research work. Pathophysiology is a highly viewed journal and performs a double blinded peer review process which helps in effective publication.
Acta Scientific Immunology (ASIM) is an internationally well-known journal which aims in publishing all the articles related to immunology. A double blinded peer reviewed journal which helps in providing an opportunity to the researchers around the world.
Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Analysis (ASPA) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects of Pharmaceutical Analysis.
Acta Scientific Proteomics (ASPT) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects related to study of protein structure, their structure and physiological role or functions at the level of cell, tissue, organ, biological fluid, or organism.
Acta Scientific Clinical Psychiatry (ASCP) is international standard peer review journal, whose publications can be accessed freely by anyone. The primary intention for us is to receive and publish the best quality publications in the field of Clinical Psychiatry that is diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders which are scientifically satisfying, ethically approved and informative to the readers.
Acta Scientific Reproductive Biology (ASRB) is an open access peer reviewed international journal which serves in publishing various articles related to reproductive sciences. It is a globally wide spread journal which enhances the quality of research work from the researchers worldwide. It has become a forum to exchange the knowledge through the research community.
Acta Scientific Toxicology (ASTX)is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects of Toxicological sciences, mechanisms of toxicity associated with exposures to foreign chemicals.
Acta Scientific Chemical Engineering (ASCE) is an international, double- blinded peer-reviewed, highly viewed open access journal with a good impact factor that publishes highly standard scientific information on all aspects of chemical engineering and applied chemistry and discussion of new developments in chemical engineering.
Acta Scientific Telecommunications (ASTC) refers to the exchange of information by electronic and electrical means over a significant distance. A complete telecommunication arrangement is made up of two or more stations equipped with transmitter and receiver devices. A single co-arrangement of transmitters and receivers, called a transceiver, may also be used in many telecommunication stations.
Acta Scientific Mass Communications (ASMC) is the process through which a message is circulated extensively among people nearby and throughout far extending areas such as entire countries or the globe. Through mass communication, information can be transmitted quickly to many people who generally stay far away from the sources of information. Journalists work in all sorts of media and industries.
Acta Scientific Automobile Engineering (ASAE) is an internationally renowned open access journal which is devoted in publishing articles with a double blinded peer review process. It is a highly viewed journal which focusses on all the topics related to automobiles, our main aim is to build collaborations yielding top-notch research publications contributing directly to global development.
Acta Scientific Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently, in the similar manner the intelligent humans think. The term Artificial intelligence is used to describe machines that mimic cognitive functions that humans associate with other human minds, such as learning and problem solving.
Acta Scientific Emergency Medicine (ASEM) is an internationally esteemed journal which helps in providing the data of the latest developments and advancements in the fields of emergency medicine. It is a double blinded peer reviewed journal which presents a novel information to the research community.
By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!
Good work experience.
Miss Sadhana Singh is really good at her work and very helpful towards queries!
It was a pleasure working with acts!
Thank you.:)
REVIEW. My opinion on the publication service. I have acquainted with the scientific publications of the Journal of Acta Scientific Microbiology and came to the conclusion: the articles are diverse, cover the latest achievements in the fields of Microbiology (especially medical), virology of immunology, bacteriology, ecology and their interaction with man and the environment. I liked their depth of research. I am pleased to publish my work in this journal, although I publish it in other journals. In this journal, scientists receive Certificates for their work. Sincerely yours Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentina Divocha
Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
Peer reviewed and Quick publication. Good articles, easily accessible
Nice journal and very cooperative and friendly publication team.
Freely available research and review articles with broader coverage of the area. Publishes good quality research findings that are reviewed and edited by some renowned researchers from across the globe.
Hi... m from neighbourhood country Pakistan,I have wonderful personal experience of ACTA scientific Ophthalmology Journal entire Editorial Board, There is strong sincerity coordination with up date processing step by every mail helps author would work with zeal & zest.
Bright future is expected for the AS Nutritional Health Journal. It is publish strong Scholarly Articles featuring current research in Nutritional Health.
I have a very good experience with your journal. I wish success in every aspect of journey of Journal.
Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
A wonderful experience with Acta Scientific Publications so far, both as reviewer and author. Journals provide a fast review and publication process.
Acta Scientific publications service very good and Fast processing and need. The response and clarification made very fast and smooth great work Acta Scientific publications service Team.
Peer reviewed and Quick publication. Good articles, easily and freely accessible with broad convergence.
Good stuff and different abilities for publication.
Swift and logical communication. I am very happy with you.
This publication house provides a variety and good quality of journals to the research community.
Publishes a variety of medical science journals .freely accessible to all..
Really an excellent platform for research and thoughts exchange.
It was a good experience to publish with you!
The publication process in Acta Scientific is very active. The review process is fast enough. My experience with the journal Acta Scientific Agriculture is quite impressive. The best thing I have experienced that, the responses from Senior Managing Editor is very quick and co-operative. I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future.
Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts.
I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro etc.They are prompt in their communication and reasonable in charges.
A remarkable journal, open to all, a very professional and competent team. I wish this magazine every success and I congratulate all the members for the good work they are doing and especially Ms. Sadhana Singh.
I am Dr.Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from Lovely Professional University. At the outset I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Acta Scientific Publications for having given me the honor to be the Editorial Board member. They publish only scientific research papers/ articles with valuable and innovative information in recent and emerging fields. I appreciate their continuous services which are highly organized, commendable and professional. I am highly recommending this AS publications to all the active researchers to send their research findings for peer review and visible publication. I am very eagerly looking for a long term association with AS Publishers.
AS Veterinary Science Journal is very useful journal for progressive farmers, students, faculty, scientist and other stakeholders as this journal regularly publishes research article, popular article and review article on Veterinary Sciences and Animal Sciences. Rating would be 4.75 out of 5.00. So, I wish all the best for this journal and the publisher for rendering great service in the field of veterinary science and animal husbandry for the nation.
Acta Scientific is a good platform for publishing and referring the articles. Had good experience in working with experienced keen reviewer team, they quickly responded the queries. Helping in each and every aspect for publishing the article. Highly recommended.
The quality of processing and submission of articles in the journal is very high! You are great! Great job! I really liked it!!! Thank you so much for the work you have done! I am ready to continue cooperation with you! Please tell me where on the site (in which section) you should post my review of the work you have done.
An excellent journal in which only highly informative scientific articles are carefully selected and published, allowing you to receive new valuable information on many diseases. Fast, well-coordinated work of the editorial board leaves only good impressions. Thank you for the appreciation of my article and the opportunity to become a member of the editorial board.
Excellent open-access, peer reviewed journal (Acta Scientific Orthopaedics). Quick and professional manuscript processing, interesting articles, great communication with authors.
Acta Scientific is an internationally progressive publishing group with active and leading staff that collects original articles. The publications of Acta Scientific are dedicated to unsolvable problems that have global interests and inspire scientists to bring the knowledge. Editors of the Acta Scientific work purposefully and insistently with the aim to publish articles of advanced science. The contents of journals attract the vast circle of inquisitive readers and challenge discussions where indifferent are out.
Excellent peer reviewed international indexed journal for publishing one's own research work. My work was published in toto and without any alterations and within 1 to 2 months. I got regular feedback and update about the position of my papers both by email and by WhatsApp messages. I recommend this journal ASPE for publishing research work in paediatrics and paediatric sub-specialities.
Acta Scientific Publication provides excellent platform for the researchers. The dedicated team corrects our errors with keen reviews. Their communication is very supportive and provide decent time for correction. No doubt it's the most emerging publication house in recent times.
AS Microbiology Journal reflect the power of research and the Quality of the Journal. Thanks to Chief Editor and other Editors, Reviews and other staffs.
An excellent journal that publishes new data on various medical problems. Thank you for the prompt and well-coordinated work of the editorial board.
It is an amazing platform to publish and refer articles and recent research information. Had a good experience working with Acta Scientific Publications. Highly recommended!!
Its really good platform for publishing your article at international level. They quick responsive and ratings of the journal are going high with unique and quality publications.
It is a privilege having some studies published in the magazine. I hope to send further papers soon. The journal consistently offers good quality papers and keeps improving. Relationship with the editorial board is amicable and informative. It is part of the Acta Scientific International Open Library initiative and offers democratic availability both to authors and readers. As a member of the peer-reviewing board of the magazine, I am also a testimony to the quality of papers and peer-reviewing. Relationship and communication with all editorial personal were always cordial, ethical, and friendly. All relevant information to authors and readers is available on the magazine's website for immediate consultation and the editorial bodies at immediate reach. The website and the companion journals are well programmed and visually attractive. It is an honour to be connected to a magazine that offers such moral standards. Always keep up the good work!
As a researcher, and founder of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also coined , Haquapathy ; Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and President & CEO of Haqua Wellness, Virginia, USA; I had the honour to be an editorial board member of the ACTA Scientific Neurology since February 2019, until present time. I published series of articles with the said journal. Since then, all their services are highly professional, accurate, fast, and well organised. I strongly encourage any researchers not to hesitate sending their articles for peer review and publication with ACTA Scientific.
It seems to be an excellent option to publish and consult articles and information, it is an International research journal that Publishes articles on Multidisciplinary fields, it has double-blind peer review, it also has eminent reviewers and an editorial committee committed to its work and research.
Thank you for your professional and solution-oriented approach. I hope to work with you again on future projects.
Acta Scientific is an International platform for publication of your valuable research. Acta scientific plays its role in publishing unique articles with an accentuation on most recent exploration discoveries. Acta Scientific tries to bring famous researched data across the globe into light and plans to construct an effective platform. Acta scientific team is very fast, co-operative and well oriented. I’m honoured to be a part of this international and well reputed oragnization.
This is a high quality journal and it is my honor to be working with such professional people.
Acta Scientific is an upcoming journal with a good team. I have had the best experience as a reviewer so far. Journal provides a fast review and publication process and recommend every medical professional to use this service.
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