Dr. Youssef A. Attia
Department of Arid Land Agriculture,
King Abdulaziz University ,
Saudi Arabia
Dr. Youssef Attia is a Professor in the Department of Arid Land Agricultural, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. He obtained Bachelor of Agriculture Sciences in Animal Production at Tanta University (June, 1980), Egypt and a Master of Agricultural Science in Poultry Nutrition, Alazhar University (June, 1986), Egypt. He earned Ph.D. in Poultry Production at Zagazig University-Egypt under channel system with University of Georgia, at Athens, USA, He has been awarded the best Poultry Research in Egypt, form the Egyptian Poultry Science Society1995, Alexandria University Scientific Achievement competition award, 1997, The State of Egypt Prize for individuals and organizations (Prize of Dr. Mahmoud Zein El-Din for Poultry Breeding and Diseases 2005), Damanhour University award for Scientific Distinguish, 2011, Shield of Damanhour University for Outstanding Scientific Publishing 2012, King Abdualziz University Award for Scientific Publication 2013, King Abdualziz University Award for Scientific Publication 2014, King Abdualziz University Award for Scientific Publication 2015 and King Abdualziz University Award for Scientific Publication as well as Citation 2016 . He serves as an Editorial board member of more than 10 international Journals.
Prof. Dr. Youssef A. Attia is interested fields of research are poultry nutrition, production, husbandry, physiology and breeding as well as rabbits Nutrition, and Husbandry. His present research focuses on searching for alternative feedstuffs for Poultry and Rabbits feeding, alternative to antibiotic growth promotors, improve tolerance to heat stress, producing of nutritional modified poultry products and improve animal immunity.
Dr. Cengiz Elmaci
Department of Agriculture,
Uludag University,
Dr. Cengiz ELMACI is a Professor at Biometry & Genetics Unit of the Animal Science Department of Agricultural Faculty, Uludag University(Bursa, Turkey). He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D in Animal Science in Ankara University in 1989 and 1995, respectively. From 1988 to 1995, he worked as research assistant in the Animal Science Department at Ankara University in Ankara, Turkey. He were also studied as a visiting scientist for a six month in Volcani Center(Israel). He has published many different articles in indexed journals such as, Biochemical Genetics, Livestock Science, Animal, Tropical Animal Health and Production and Journal of Applied Animal Research. He participated to different courses organized by CIHEAM and ICGEB. He is also serving as a member of the Editorial board and reviewer of many journals.
Prof. Cengiz Elmaci research interests are Animal Genetics; Animal Biotechnology; Animal Breeding; DNA Marker; Polymorphisms.
Dr. Mostafa Mohamed Rady
Department of Agriculture,
Fayoum University,
Prof. Dr. Mostafa M. Rady had his BSc. degree in Agricultural Production from Cairo University (Fayoum Branch) in 1991, Egypt. He earned MSc. degree in 1998 from Cairo University (Fayoum Branch), Egypt in Plant Physiology, and then earned PhD. Degree in 2002 from Cairo University (Fayoum Branch), Egypt in Plant Physiology. He was appointed Lecturer of Plant Physiology since 2002 to 2007, he was appointed Associate Professor of Plant Physiology since 2007 to 2012, and he was appointed Full Professor of Plant Physiology since 2012 till now in the Faculty of Agriculture, Botany Department, Fayoum University, Fayoum 63514, Egypt. He has more than 120 papers in the field of Plant Physiology and supervised several hundreds of BSc students and more than 15 Post-graduate students for MSc and PhD degrees
Prof. Dr. Mostafa M. Rady research interests are Botany Department, Plant Physiology i.e Environmental Stresses such as drought, salinity, and heavy metals, Organic Agriculture, and Plant Nutrition.
Dr. Vikas Kumar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Maharishi Markandeshwar University,
Dr. Vikas Kumar, currently serving as Assistant Professor in Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana (Ambala) and has guided several M.Sc., M. Tech and one Ph.D student for their research work. He has published more than thirty five research papers and reviews in journals of national and international repute and contributes regularly to the society. He has also been acting as an associate editor and reviewer of various journals. As a researcher, his research interest includes areas like biological control agents, antimicrobial activity of compounds and plant pathology field.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Vikas Kumar research interests are: • Estimation of antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants and synthetic chemical compounds. • Analysis of antimicrobial activity of endophytic fungi against crop pathogens. • Exploitation of microorganisms especially fungi, for the biological control of weeds and fungal pathogens. • Hands on experience of handling different types of microbes like bacteria, fungi. Handling and identification of various fungal cultures. • Handling of Thin Layer Chromatography, Column chromatography and GCMS analysis. • Worked on isolation and characterization of bacteriocin producing Lactococcus sp. • Experience of docking, molecular and statically analysis of results.
Dr. Pandey
Department of Botany,
Hindu University,
Professor Shashi Pandey-Rai has a brilliant academic record. Her performance in postgraduation fetched her three Gold Medals (Birbal Sahani Memorial Gold Medal, Shri Rakeshwar Lal Sinha Gold Medal and Kamayani Memorial Gold Medal) of Lucknow University. She has made outstanding contribution in the area of epigenetics/genetics/ genomics of regulation of stress resistance/terpenoid biosynthetic pathway expression in Artemissia annua, Catharanthus roseus, Withania coagulans. The main focus of her research is to identifying key elements involved in these processes which will allow generating novel tools for metabolic engineering. To this end, her group developed a functional genomics platform that allows (i) comprehensive investigations of epigenetic regulation of plant secondary metabolism and (ii) gene discovery on a genome-wide scale. For the first time she has been able to demonstrate that drought and salt resistant loss-of-function mutants simultaneously harbour pleiotropic changes in seedling and adult plant morphology. Some of the mutants harbor gross changes in the shoot morphology, inflorescence architecture, implicating involvement of chromatin remodeling in the adaptation process against abiotic stresses. Implication of epigenetic repressors in the expression of alkaloid/terpenoid pathway and stress management gives an entirely new direction to the research on secondary metabolism in plants. Her efforts has opened new area of research work in India by providing novel genetic material in a plant in which secondary metabolism is of great commercial importance. She has Published 88 in international and national publications, One US Patent FPO 1826 , NF28/04 granted and published online in 2006,App. No. 10/838531), One technology transfered to Almet India Pvt. ltd.(Mahyco). Currently, she is also involved in several activities as life member of various societies such as Society of Conservation Biodiversity, India., Life Member of the Biotech Research Society, India, Life Member of the Indian Vegetable Science Society, India.Life Member of the Indian Society of Plant Physiologist, India., Fellow of the Society of Applied Biotechnology, India, Life Member of The Indian Botanical Society, India, Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), India and Member, Institutional Bio-safety Committee of BHU and member of IGNSA, Asia. She has also received Y. S. Murty medal for her outstanding contribution in the area of botanical sciences.
Conservation of plant genetic resources by in vitro technique; manipulation of genes to improve the yield, quality and stability of medicinal plant having great commercial importance; functional genomics; comprehensive investigations of epigenetic regulation of plant secondary metabolites and gene discovery on a genome-wide scale.
Dr. Grozi Delchev
Associate Professor,
Department of Plant Production,
Trakia University,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grozi Delchev, PhD had been conducting research since 1995 at Field Crops Institute, Chirpan, Bulgaria. He had been working at Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria since 2012. He studied chemical control of weeds and self-sown plants in some field crops such as: durum wheat, winter oilseed canola, oil-bearing sunflower, grain maize, grain sorghum, coriander, milk thistle, winter forage pea, chickpea, cotton. He published his studies in 1 PhD Theses, 1 Habilitation Monograph and 4 other Monographs. He is co-author in 3 other Monographs. He had published also 208 scientific articles, as well as 34 popular science articles.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grozi Delchev, PhD is interested fields of Plant Protection, Plant Production.
Dr. Snezhana Boycheva Dineva
Department of Food Technology,
Trakia University ,
No data to show
Ecology, food contamination, e-learning
Dr. Josphert N. Kimatu
Department of Life Sciences ,
South Eastern Kenya University ,
Prof. Josphert Ngui Kimatu is an Associate Professor in the School of Sciences and Computing, in the Department of Life Science at South Eastern Kenya University. Has a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Plant Molecular Epigenetics from Northeast Normal University (NENU) in Changchun City, China, a Master’s Degree (MPhil) in Forestry Pathology from Moi University, Kenya and Bachelor’s Degree (BSc) in Botany and Zoology from Moi University, Kenya, a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from Maseno University, Kenya. He has been trained in Post-Harvest Management in maize, legumes and rice in a four-module certificate course in Stellenbosch University in South Africa, in Sydney University in Australia and in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana in 2012. And a certificate in molecular diagnostics from the University of Nairobi (2014). He has done post graduate studies in Agricultural Education in Sweden at the Lund University, with a thorough practical interrogation with schools, farmers and research institutes from Malmo to Stockholm (2015). Underwent a Soybean Innovation Lab, Training certificate on integrated pest management and pesticide safety (IPM). 7th April 2020.He has done Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation studies in Technical University of Munich (TUM) In Germany at Freising (2016). He is a trained National Environment Management Agency (NEMA) Expert (2019). Trained in the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. UK, Training certificate on COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus. 4th April 2020. Trained with HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland and Aalto University, Finland on Problem based learning (PBL) and Design thinking for the IDBM and PBL-BioAfrica project; on 13th January 2021 via Zoom webinar.He is currently a Commission of University Education trained external reviewer of Kenya Universities. He is a reviewer of research proposals with the National Research Fund (NRF). He is a reviewer of research proposal with the LASER PULSE of Purdue University of USA. He is the Legal entity appointed representative (LEAR) appointment for the South Eastern Kenya University (PIC no. 912415854) for the European Union, Funding and Tenders since 4/10/2019. He has acted as the Dean of Students, Chairman of Department of Biological Sciences; He was the coordinator of the South Eastern University College AIDS Control Unit (ACU). He is was the South Eastern Kenya University Director of research, innovations and technology. He has done research in over nine crops and fodder plants, microorganisms including SARS Covid-2 and published over 78 research articles, University level book chapters and three reviews in Plant Cytosine DNA Methylation, plant Polyploidy and hybrid necrosis. Moreover, he has presented findings in seminars both in local research centres like KARI and International conferences in USA and South Africa.
Plant Molecular Epigenetics, Microbiology, Botany, Post-harvest management, Biodiversity, Education. Plant Molecular Epigenetist, Plant pathologist, Education Curriculum specialist, Botanist, Agricultural Extension: Post-harvest management consultant, Commission of University Peer Reviewer, Integrity Assurance Officer, Scientific researcher
Dr. Ahmed Mirghani Abdel Rahman Bereir
Department of Agricultural Extension and Training,
University of Gezira,
Ahmed Mirghani Abdel Rahman Bereir, Professor of Agricultural Extension, Head Department of Agricultural Extension and Training, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan. Previously I served as the Director of Administration of Environment, University of Gezira. He was serving as a Member of the editorial board of some international Scientific Journal of Agricultural Research and referee for several scientific journals. He have made considerable contributions in training and capacity building for farmers, agricultural cadre and another cadre in Sudan and supervised many MSc and PhD students. 1 participated in an academic staff exchange programme, this programme was coordinated by Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (AQUAFISH Centre of Excellence, Malawi) and RUFORUM during the period 08/01/2018 to 19/01/2018 and financed by the World Bank. He was a member of the Climate change committee/Gezira State. He had published three books in addition to several scientific papers in the field of agricultural extension, rural development and climate change adaptation technologies in the rainfed sector in Sudan in peer-reviewed international journals. Previously He worked for the Ministry of Agriculture, Gezira State as an extension officer from August 1989 to June.1998. During this period he had participated in various agricultural extension activities of the FAO/Applied Fertilizer Project for the Sudan, Gezira State (vegetable and fruit growers) in the Gezira State, Gezira Province, and Elhag Abdalla area. And participated in various agricultural activities of Integrated Pest Management Farmers Field Schools (IPM-FFS) and Rural Women Schools (RWS) of the FAO/ ARC/IPM project for the Sudan (vegetable and fruit growers and rural women) in the Gezira State, Gezira Province, Elhag Abdalla area as IPM-FFS trainer and coordinator.
The Field of Agricultural Extension
Dr. P. Kandasamy
Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Visva-Bharati (A Central University),
Dr. P. Kandasamy, working as Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agriculture, Visva-Bharati (A Central University), Santiniketan, West Bengal, India. Currently, he is Head of the Department of Agricultural Engineering. He obtained his B.E (Agril. Engg.) and M.E (Agril. Engg.) in Agricultural Process Engineering degrees from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India and Ph.D degree from Visva-Bharati. His research fields are drying, controlled atmosphere storage, solar energy for food preservation, fish processing, food irradiation, processing and development of value-added products from major and underutilized fruits, hermetic storage, packaging. He has published 30 research papers in National and International peer-reviewed Journals and 12 book chapters and authored five books/edited books. Presently, he is guiding five PhD research scholars. He has presented several papers in National and International seminars and conferences. He has received an International research leadership award for best researcher in Post Harvest Engineering from IJRULA & Rula Awards in association with World Research Council and United Medical Council. He has attached with professional bodies including ISAE, IEI and AFSTI. He is also an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Food Engineering and Technology.
Food and Agricultural Process Engineering
Dr. Mohammed Naithel Radhi
Department of Horticulture,
University of Thi-Qar,
Professional experience professor at thi-qar university in iraq march 2011- present Education and training 1- 1999-2003 - bachelor's high school "ammar ibn yasser", (iraq), (thi-qar 2- 2- 2003-2007 - license in agronomy "faculty of agronomy in basra", (iraq), (basra) 3- 3- 2008-2010 - master's studies in agronomy "faculty of agronomy in basra", (iraq), (basra) 4- Registration for a doctorate (1-10-2015) field of agronomy studies 5- - 2010-till now - professor in the university of thi-qar '', (iraq), (thi-qar) Communication skills - experience in community work - pasta appears in the activities assumed by the practical and research projects carried out within the faculty Organizational / managerial skills - professor - beekeeping - fighting plant diseases Skills acquired in place of The work - a good knowledge of plant pathogen control processes. - computer skills - a good knowledge of microsoft office tools.
plant protection, plant pathology
Dr. Ved K Phogat
Emeritus Professor ,
Department of Soil Science,
CCS Haryana Agricultural University,
Emeritus Professor- ICAR ii. Ex. Professor and Head, Department of Soil Science iii. ICAR Sponsored Best Teacher Award iv. Special DAAD Fellowship (Germany) v. Publication Medal- Australian Society of Soil Science vi. Commonwealth Scholarship for Ph.D. vii. Publications: 02- Text books 10- Teaching manuals 70-Research Papers viii. Guided 10 PG students
Soil Physics, Soil Conservation, Water Management, Environmental Sciences
Dr. Yassin Mohmed Ibrahim dagash
Department of Agronomy,
Sudan University of Science and Technology,
Prof.(Dr.) Yassin Dagash is a researcher and Emeritus professor at the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Sudan .He received his PhD degree in Agronomy in1984 from University of Arizona, U.S.A. From 2020, he is an Emeritus Professor at Sudan University of Science and Technology. His research interests focus on Arid-land Agriculture , Stress Physiology ,Fertilization ,Biodiversity ,Crop production and range. He has authored several publications in various journals and wrote 12 books. He is an editor and reviewer in various international journals. He exceeded thousand citations in 2015.
Agro-climatology , Fertilization ,Crop production and range ,Biodiversity ,Arid-land agriculture ,Stress physiology ,Strategic and academic planning ,Quality management.
Dr. Sanjay-Swami
Department of Natural Resource Management,
Central Agricultural University,
Dr. Sanjay Swami obtained Ph.D. in the field of Soil Science from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India. Presently, Dr. Swami is Professor in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry at School of Natural Resource Management, College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Barapani, Meghalaya under Central Agricultural University, Imphal. Apart from teaching UG, PG and Ph.D. courses, he is an active researcher in the field of Conservation and Management of Natural Resources, especially in the Indian Himalayan Region for more than 18 years. He handled 7 externally funded projects and contributed over 150 research papers and technical articles in various journals/periodicals of international repute. He has also to his credit 18 standard books and more than 50 book chapters. He has guided 5 Ph.D. and 13 M.Sc. scholars, attended more than 25 international conferences, presented research papers and won many prestigious awards viz. SCSI Gold Medal Award, SCSI Leadership Award, Young Scientist Award, Distinguished Scientist Award, Outstanding Achievement Award, etc. He has wide international exposure and visited many countries like The Netherlands, China, Japan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Mongolia, etc. for various academic purposes. He is editor, associate editor, consulting editor and reviewer of many national and international journals.
Natural resource management with special emphasis on nutrient management in acidic soils, soil pollution, land use planning, development of location specific integrated farming systems for resource poor small holders, organic farming, etc
Dr. Md. Harun Ar Rashid
Department of Horticulture,
Bangladesh Agricultural University,
1. Postdoc in Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics: University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 2. PhD in Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Warwick, UK. 3. Agris Mundus- MSc in Sustainable Development in Agriculture, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and University of Catania, Italy. 4. Post-Graduate Certificate Course on Seed Technology, Seed Pathology Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 5. Master of Science (MS) in Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. 6. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Hons.), Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Horticulture, Plant breeding and plant genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Molecular Biology, Seed Technology, Postharvest Biology
Dr. Mostafa M. Rady
Researcher and Head of Department,
Professor;Faculty of Agriculture,
Fayoum University,
- A distinguished Professor of Plant Physiology and an “Authorized International Trainer†Recognized in “Stanford University World’s Top 2% Scientistsâ€, from October 2020 till now. - Head, Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, FU, Egypt. - has vast experience to work on Plant Physiology. - Lead a research group to develop innovative new ideas, concepts, and creative solutions. - Carry out research projects and write new proposals to secure funds. - Teach Plant Physiology courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students. - Supervise masters and PhD students and supervise student’s graduation projects. - Publish high quality scientific research in peer-reviewed journals.
Major research interests/strengths are concentrated in the area of Plant Physiology, Plant Nutrition, Organic Agriculture, Pollution Research, Environmental Stresses; especially Salinity, Drought, Heavy metal and Ionic stresses.
Mr. Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelfarrag
Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Animal and Poultry Production,
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Aswan University,
Mahmoud Mohamed Abdelfarrag, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Current research area: animal nutrition, dairy and animal meat products, manipulation of rumen fermentation, probiotics
Animal Nutrition, Animal Production, Crop Production, Ruminant Nutrition, Animal Science, Bacteria, Rumen, Forage, Rumen Microbiology, Feed Formulation, Dairy Cattle Nutrition, Feed Evaluation
Mr. Haifeng Zhao
Department of School of Food Science and Engineering,
South China University of Technology,
Dr. Haifeng Zhao is Professor in the School of Food Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. He received his Ph.D. in 2008 from Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. He also was a Visiting Scholar of Food Chemistry at University of Copenhagen in Denmark in 2015. During his academic training and research, he has gained experiences in multiple disciplines. He has formed his research interests involving fermented food, beverage, yeast, food microbiology, food nutrition, food flavour, food constitutes, natural products, non-themal processing technologies, by-products and bioactive peptides. Dr. Zhao currently holds 40 Chinese patents, published l00 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and 3 book/book chapters, with more than 2,900 citations. Dr. Zhao serves as a member of the 3rd National Fermentation Engineering Technology Working Committee, a member of the Beer Sub-Technical Committee of the National Brewing Standardization Technical Committee. He also serves as Associate Editor of Frontiers in Microbiology and Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Topic Editor of Molecules, and Editorial Board Member of Food Research International.
Fermented food, Beverage, Yeast, Food microbiology, Food nutrition, Food flavour, Food constitutes, Natural products, Non-themal processing technologies, By-products, Bioactive peptides
Dr. J.M.L. Gulati
Department of Agronomy,
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (Institute of Agricultural Sciences), Siksha O Ansundhan, Deemed to be University, Bhub,
- Obtained Undergraduate degree in Agriculture and M.Sc. (Ag) in Agronomy from Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Naini, Allahabad,( now Prayagraj), Allahabad University, U.P., India - Obtained Ph.D. in Agronomy from Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India - Carrier Profile: 1. Formerly (a) Dean, PGF-cum-DRI (OUAT), Bhubaneswar (b)Dean, College of Agriculture, (Additional charge), OUAT, Bhubaneswar 2. Formerly Prof.& Head, Department of Agronomy, C.A. (OUAT), Bhubaneswar 3. Ex Chief Scientist, AICRP on Water Management (ICAR), OUAT (RRTTS, Chiplima Campus), Sambalpur, Odisha 4. Ex. Chief Agronomist, AICRP on IFS (ICAR), OUAT, Bhubaneswar 5. Ex. Prof. & Head, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (IAS) SOA DU, Bhubaneswar 6. Ex. Member, Academic Council, IGKV, Raipur, Chatisgarh, India 7. QRT member of AICRP on Water Management (ICAR) for the period of 2012 to 2017 8. Member expert panel, Scientist Meet on AICRP on Water Management (ICAR) for the year 2020- 21 9. Life member of four Professional Societies Presently 10. Professor, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (IAS0, SOA DU, Bhubaneswar 11. Member, Academic Council, Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology University Gunpur, Odisha
Irrigation Water Management, Crop Architecture and Crop Geometry, Nutrient Management & Production Technology, Organic Agriculture, Conservation Agriculture
Dr. Anil Chandra Deb
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
University of Rajshahi,
Working as full Professor in the Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. I am involved with quantitative genetics research since 1993 through the applications of various biometrical genetics model in plants and animals as well as now working on bioinformatics and molecular breeding and published more than sixty one (61) articles in different reputed journal in home and abroad. Supervised a number of MS research in the department. There are five Ph.D. and two M.Phil. students already carry out their research under my supervision. Carry out different research project as chief coordinator finance by University Grants Commission, National Committee of Science and Technology and University of Rajshahi.
My research interest is to study the quantitative characters of a population obtained through breeding procedures and evaluating their inheritance pattern by applying biometrical genetic methodology and also study of their genetic control at the molecular level.
Dr. Angel Manuel Suárez Hernández
Research Professor of Agriculture,
Faculty of Engineering and Business San QuintÃn,
Autonomous University of Baja California,
Dr. Angel Manuel Suárez-Hernández has been working as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Business San Quintin, Autonomous University of Baja California, Ensenada campus, Mexico since 2017. His research interests include horticultural production systems, protected agriculture in arid zones, plant nutrition and graft technology.
graft on vegetable, vegetal Nutricion, hydroponic crop production, horticulture
Dr. Rodríguez-Vaquero
Microbiology Institute of chemistry and Pharmacy,
Faculty of Biochemistry,
UNT – CONICET,UNT – CONICET Research of National Council of Scientific Technical Investigation (CONICET). Professor of General Microbiology, Food Microbiology and Microbial Physiology. Microbiology Institute of Faculty of Biochemistry, chemistry and Pharmacy National University of Tucumán,Research of National Council of Scientific Technical Investigation (CONICET). Present Position: Researcher of CONICET and Professor at National University of Tucuman. Academic Affiliation: Institute of Microbiology - Faculty of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy - National University of Tucuman, and CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research). Ayacucho 471 (4000) Tucumán, Argentina. Professor Rodríguez-Vaquero is a graduate in the career of Biochemistry and conducted PhD studies at Biochemistry. Dr. Rodríguez-Vaquero is currently a research scientist member of National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET-Argentine) and Professor in the General Microbiology course at National University of Tucuman - Argentine. Member of Argentine Association of Microbiology (AAM- Filial NOA). She directs several doctoral theses at the National University of Tucuman. She counts with numerous publications in international peer reviewed journals in basic and applied topics related to microbiology. She also specialized in subjects such as the antimicrobial activity of natural compounds against pathogenic bacteria and the reuse of industrial wastes.
Microbiology – Food microbiology - Waste reutilization – control of microorganism
Dr. Subrahmaniyan Kasirajan
Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Associate Professor and Head Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vridhachalam Dean incharge Palar Agricultural College Vellore District 09.07.2018 31.05.2019 Professor and Head Regional Research Station 05.08.2020 15.05.2022 Director Tamil Nadu Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai 16.05.2022 Till date
Plastic mulch, Conservation tillage, Groundnut Agronomy
Dr. Arumugam Pillai
Professor and Head,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Tamilnadu Agricultural University,
I am currently an active researcher and professor of plant genetics and breeding at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in India, with more than 25 years of research and teaching experience. My specialization in rice genetics has roots in my master’s program at the same university. I have completed my doctoral program in plant genetics and breeding, working on cotton and identifying fertility restoration genes for developing hybrids. During my post-doctoral exposure at the Japan International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, I have identified and cloned several salt-responsive genes in rice. During this tenure, I have authored some of the best-quoted research papers in the field of salt tolerance in rice. I then took up a post-doctoral assignment under the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) fellowship and worked on the differential expression of polyamine-responsive genes in rice involved in abiotic stress tolerance, especially tolerance to low temperatures, where I could identify, characterize, and register many stress tolerance genes in rice, especially the SAMDC gene. Later, I joined the Université de Picardie, France, as a visiting professor and worked on T-DNA insertional mutagenesis and functional genomics in rice. During my research stints at various organizations, I gained significant experience in the analysis, design, development, and implementation of the latest biomolecular technologies relevant to crop improvement programs. I have successfully handled six externally funded projects from various national and international agencies, with cumulative funding of USD 2 lakh. My major funders included the Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology (ISCB), the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (DST-JSPS), the Department of Science and Technology (DST-India), and the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India. Through these projects, I have developed salt tolerance in rice lines from induced mutagenized somaclones, and these are now in the advanced stages of field testing. I could also develop several semi-dwarf and early mutants of a popular rice cultivar in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, White Ponni, using induced mutagenesis, allele mining, and marker-aided selection. These lines are in the advanced stages of release as commercial cultivars. I have so far fallow black gram variety KKM1, and another black gram variety CO7. In the course of my research career, I have gained expertise in handling various computing, statistical, and bioinformatics tools, including software and databases, which encouraged me to endeavor to develop a special device for high-throughput screening of M2 plants in rice using a PDA bar code system. As an active researcher, I am also involved in the editorial services and peer review processes of various international and national science journals. I would like to highlight my recent conferring of a Best Researcher award for outstanding contribution to the field of plant breeding and genetics (V. N. Veeraraagavalu Naidu Shield and Medal for Agricultural Botany-2012) and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Best Researcher Award in 2019. Scientist of Excellence in the NICHE Area Award in 2021 I have guided several students for their Master's (20), Doctoral (5), and post-doctoral (2) in Plant Breeding and Genetics at my university, and I have also served as a resource person for various national and international seminars and training programs. I also have experience conducting various national-level winter and summer schools. I am currently handling projects on • Identification of genes responsible for semi-dwarf and early mutants by the MUT-MAP approach in rice • Development of biotic, abiotic, and quality fine-grain rice varieties through the MAGIC population • Genome engineering for developing super-hybrid rice through the TGMS approach.
• Molecular Breeding • Plant Biotechnology • Agroinformatics • Breeding and genomics of rice biotic (BLB and Blast) and abiotic stress (salinity and submergence) • Genome editing( CRISPR Cas 9) for Semidwarf, early and Thermo sensitive Male Sterile in rice • MAGIC population in Rice • Yellow Mosaic Virus Resistance in Black gram • Nucleus and Breeder seed production of latest released varieties • Recombination breeding and Mutation breeding
Dr. Dhiman Mukherjee
Department of Agronomy,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidayalaya,
DR. Mukherjee had did his MS in 2000 and Ph.D 2004 in Agronomy from Institute of Agricultural Science, Banaras Hindu University. He has qualify NET three time (2001, 2005 and 2009) and presently working as Professor (Agronomy), under the aegis of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidayalya. He has an excellent academic record throughout his carrier. He has experience in research, teaching and extension work in agronomy in various way for last 18 years. His work on the conservation of high altitude endangered medicinal plant (viz. Swertia.chirota, Coptis teeta, Valerina jatamansi etc.), resource conservation technique under various cropping system are quite acceptable for farming community. He has registered 42 valuable germplasm of high altitude medicinal plant (North East Himalaya). Award and laurels won by Dr. Mukherjee run into volumes. He has been honored with Indira Gandih Shiromany award and Bhara Jyoti Award in 2011 for outstanding achievement and contribution in the field of agricultural sciences. He received Bhara Shiksha Ratan award in the year 2012, for his colossal involvement in the field of research and extension activity. He revived CWSS Young Scientist Award in 2013 for valuable contribution the field of agronomy. He was honored with Outstanding Scientist Award in 2015 and Scientist of the Year award in 2019 from GEWS. He has so far published more than 144 papers in national and international repute journals. He has attended more than 55 international and national conference and presented his research works as key note speaker. He has published 21 review papers, 28 book chapters and 36 popular articles. He has organize one conference and 5 training programme. Dr. Mukheree is a Fellow of Society of Hind Agri Horticultural Society (FHAS) and Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseed Research (FISOR). He has also authored four popular books mainly on medicinal plant, seed science, organic agriculture and agro-meteorology. He is a member of 30 professional scientific society, including society of oilseed and brassica research, agronomy society, weed science etc. He is editorial member of five national and international reputed journal.
Weed management, Resource conservation technology, Crop husbendary practices
Dr. Sahane Funda Arslanoglu
Department of Field Crops,
Ondokuz Mayis University,
Dr. ?ahane Funda Arslano?lu is Professor at the Department of Field Crops in Faculty of Agriculture. She got her first degree in Agriculture (1991) and a Master on Industrial plants (1994) and PhD on mutation breeding on potato (1999) at University of Trace University. Her research field is sustainable agriculture, plants breeding and agronomy, especially agriculture and breeding of flax, hemp, soybean, potato, medicinal and aromatic plants. Her research is focused on the development of new variety, effect on agriculture of climate-environmental. She is co-author of more than 150 scientific publications, and 4 book chapters. She is also serving as a member of the Editorial board and reviewer of many journals. She took part in the organizing and scientific committees of many national and international congresses
sustainable agriculture, flax, medicinal plants, secondary metabolits, plant breeding, potato, soybean
Dr. Antonio SCOPA
Department of Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences,
University of Basilicata,
Prof. Antonio Scopa, School of Agriculture, Forestry, Food and Environmental Sciences University of Basilicata, Italy. He published 21 national and 72 International Research Papers, 7 book chapters, and presented more of 80 proceedings. He is Tutor and Co-tutor of Ph.D. students and he is editorial member and Reviewer in international journals.
Prof. Antonio Scopa Research interests are: Soil chemistry, Soil remediation, Chemistry of natural substances in vegetables and soil, Effects of biotic and abiotic stresses on soil and plant, Pesticide chemistry and photochemistry, Water and soil Pollution and their environmental aspects.
Dr. Ahmed El Baroudy
Department of Soil & Water,
Tanta University,
Dr El Baroudy received the degrees of B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from The University of Tanta in 1996 and 2000, Egypt. Currently, he is a Professor and head of Soil in the Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University. His research activities are mainly concerned with pedology, soil degradation, desertification, land evaluation, remote sensing and GIS modelling. He has published widely in Soil Science, having authored 35 refereed and conference papers. Dr El Baroudy has jointly supervised eight M.Sc. and seven Ph.D. theses to completion. He has conducted postdoctoral research at Córdoba University, Spain. He is a member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (IJEMA), Journal of Agriculture Food and Development and the Comprehensive Research Journal of Agricultural Science (CRJAS). He also participates in five research projects. He is a member of many professional associations. These include the Egyptian Society of Soil Science, Journal of Agriculture Sciences of Tanta University, National Centre for Faculty and Leadership Development Egypt, International Centre for Faculty and Leadership Development at Tanta University. He is a Peer-Reviewed for eleven international journals. He has many awards, including the Tanta University Award for International Publishing, International Award for Agricultural Scientific Research in the Management and Development of Water Resources in Arid and Semi-arid Zones (ACSAD) and the Tanta University Promotional Award in Agricultural Sciences.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El Baroudy research interests are Agricultural Sciences.
Dr. Mohamed Gomaa
Department of Geophysical Sciences ,
National Research Centre,
Prof. Mohamed Gomaa, leader of geophysical exploration laboratory, National Research Centre (NRC). He received his Msc. and PhD degrees in geophysics from Cairo University, Egypt in 1996 and 2004, respectively. He moved on to become a Professor of geophysics at National Research Centre (NRC). He currently is the leader of the geophysical exploration laboratory at National Research Centre (NRC).
Prof. Mohamed Gomaa research interests involve modeling of electrical properties of rocks and minerals with a focus on physics of texture between grains, mixture laws, composites and mixtures.
Department of Horticulture,
Atatürk University,
Ertan Yildirim is Full Professor of Department of Horticulture, Agriculture Faculty at the Atatürk University. Ertan Yildirim had his BSc. degree in horticultural sciences from Atatürk University in 1991, Turkey and then earned MSc. degree in 1996 from Suleyman Demirel, Turkey in horticultural sciences. Ertan Yildirim got PhD degree from Atatürk University in 2003. He involved in many projected. He served as Director of the Vocational Training School and Director of the Graduate School of Natural And Applied Sciences. Member of national and international social and governmental organizations. He is author of over 170 publications. He has served as reviewer for many journals. He has attended many international courses, congress and symposiums.
Prof. Dr. Ertan YILDIRIM research is focused on teaching and researching of vegetable growing, vegetable breeding, greenhouse management, seed germination and physiology, organic agriculture, stress physiology..
Dr. Yasser Shabana
Department of Plant Pathology ,
Mansoura University,
Prof. and Chair of the Plant Pathology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt; Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, Research, and Cultural Affairs (2013-2017); Program Manager of Weed Biocontrol, University of Florida, USA (2006-2009); Visiting Professor, Purdue University, USA (2005-2006); Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Research Fellow, University of Hohenheim, Germany (1999-2001). Honored several awards e.g., the IFS/King Baudouin Award from IFS, Sweden (1993), Mansoura University Incentive Award (1997), the State Incentive Award (1998), Shoman Prize for Young Arab Scientists from Jordan (1998), Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship from Germany (1999), and the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Arab Fund (Kuwait) (2004), Mansoura University Award of Excellence (2011), Mansoura University Award for Scientific Innovation (2013), Mansoura University Award of Merit (2017). Honored a biographical record in Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering® (2008), in Marquis Who’s Who in America® (2009), and in Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2010). Co-inventor of two United States Patents. Member or ex-member of 18 professional societies and in technical committees of USA societies (e.g., American Phytopathological Society (APS), the APS Biological Control Committee, International Society of Plant Pathology, International Weed Science Society, Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), the WSSA Biological Control Committee, International Organization for Biological Control, International Bioherbicide Group, International Parasitic Plant Society, International Society for Pest Information, Arab Society for Plant Protection, Egyptian Phytopathological Society, Egyptian Mycological Society). Received funds from several agencies, including: AvH Foundation, Germany; DANIDA, Denmark & CABI Bioscience, UK; International Foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden; Supreme Council of Egyptian Universities, the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Italy; and others. Invited speaker, trainer, or panel member by international institutions such as IFS, Sweden; CABI Bioscience, UK; University of Patras, Greece; University of Hohenheim, Germany; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Benin; Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark; Novozymes Biologicals, USA; Purdue University, USA. Peer reviewer for several international journals such as Biological Control, Biocontrol Science and Technology, BioControl, Weed Research, Aquatic Botany, Plant Pathology Journal, Journal of Biological Sciences. Served as Regional Editor for: “Plant Pathology Journal†and “Journal of Biological Sciences; Associate Editor for: “International Journal of Plant Pathologyâ€, “Research Journal of Agricultural Researchâ€, “Advances in Plant & Agriculture Research", and “Journal of Environmental Science and Technologyâ€. Editor for the international journals: “Agriculture International Actaâ€, the International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN, Agronomy), “SCIREA Journal of Biology", “American Journal of Plant Biology", “COJ Reviews and Research (COJRR)â€, and the Open Access Journal of Science and Technology (Microbiology). Has published more than 115 articles in peer reviewed journals and conferences.
Prof. Yasser Shabana research interests are General plant pathology, biological control of plant diseases and weeds, plant disease management, weed management and model systems, invasive weeds management, and microbial pesticides.
Dr. Matshwene Edwin Moshia
Department of Soil, Climate and Water,
Agricultural Research Council ,
South Africa
Prof. Matshwene E. Moshia III (Edwin) is a Specialist Researcher in Soil Information System at the Institute for Soil, Climate, and Water of the Agricultural Research Council (ARC-ISCW) in South Africa. He currently serves on FAO-ITPS (Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils) in Rome, Italy. He received a Fulbright Scholarship and obtained a Ph.D. degree in Soil Sciences specializing in Precision Agriculture at Colorado State University, USA. His Soil Science fields of specialization cover Pedometrics, Precision Agriculture, and Environmental Soil Sciences with a specific focus on Manure Management and the Environment. He has received awards from notable organizations such as Soil Science Society of America (Div. S04 and S08), Western Soil Science Society of America, International Society of Precision Agriculture, Foundation of Agronomic Research, Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), and was awarded African Young Professional in Science. In 2016, he received another Fulbright Scholarship and went to the University of Florida in the USA as a Fulbright Research Scholar in Precision Agriculture working on Deep learning neural networks. He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta since 2006, and a rated researcher (2016-2021) with National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. This six-year (2016 - 2021) recognition award is given to scholars with a sustained recent record of productivity in their field and is recognized by their peers as having produced a body of quality work.
Pedometrics , Soil fertility and Plant Nutrition,Environmental Soil Sciences, Analytical Soil Chemistry, Soil Survey and Evaluation.
Dr. Cem Karagozlu
Associate Professor,
Department of Agricultural Products,
University of Ege ,
Assoc. Prof. Cem Karagozlu, male, Born in 1964,graduated from license degree Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Products, master degree and Ph.D. in in “Dairy Technology†at University of Ege (Turkey). He was working research assistant in Ege University Faculty of Agriculture. He completed his MSc. on the subject “kefir†in 1990 and his PhD on the subject “fruit yoghurt†in 1997, both in Department of Dairy Technology. He became Assistant Professor in 2000 and Associate Professor in 2012. He published six books which of four are course books on his field as well as his national and international scientific articles and communique.
Assoc. Prof. Cem Karagozlu research interests are processing of fermented milk, cheese, food safety and nutritive properties of dairy products
Dr. Antoniya Stoyanova
Associate Professor,
Department of Agriculture,
Trakia University,
Assoc. Prof. PhD Antoniya Stoyanova is a lecturer at Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, since 2012. She has received her M.Sc. in Agricultural Institute, Bulgaria in 1990. In 2009 she received PhD in "Meliorations (including soil erosion and combating it)" in Agricultural Institute, Bulgaria. From 1999 to 2012 she worked as a research associate at the Agricultural Institute, Bulgaria. From 2012 teaches in Trakia University, Faculty of Agriculture, Bulgaria. She has published over 100 scientific papers in specialized journals on topics related to the cultivation of many crops. She participated in numerous conferences where she has reported problems related to the influence of irrigation and fertilization on agricultural crops. She worked on implementing innovative technologies and technological elements in the cultivation of plants. She is serving as a member of the Editorial board and reviewer of many journals.
Assoc. Prof. PhD Antoniya Stoyanova research interests are Plant Growing, Irrigation of Agricultural Crops, Organic Farming. Soil Erosion.
Dr. Tahereh Mohammadabadi
Faculty of Animal Science and Food Technology ,
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University,
She finished her PhD in Iran and Australia and has been as a researcher at University of Queensland, Australia; she has attended and presented her works in different conferences in some countries. She is working as academic member, researcher and teacher since 11 years ago in Faculty of Animal Science and Food Technology, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Iran. She has been as supervisor for 10 PhD students and more than 30 Msc students and also guided more than 45 Msc and Phd thesis. She has over 200 published publications, conferences presentations, and scientific projects; Also some books on phytochemicals and microbes, probiotics, bioactive components in the livestock milk; gut microorganisms of animals, milk lactoferrin and health, anti diabetes properties of camel milk. She is member of the editorial board and reviewer of some international and national journals
Dairy Products, Milk Quality, Camel Milk and Health Complications, Food Technology, Herbalist, Animal Science, Gut Microorganisms of Animals
Dr. Tatiana Zaharova
Assistant Professor,
Department of Projection of Technical Systems,
Sumy National Agrarian University,
Asst Prof. Dr. Tatiana Zaharova had her BSc Degree (2008) and MSc Degree (2010) in Mechanization of agriculture from Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine and then earned PhD in Engineer Sciences from National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine in 2014. Tatiana was appointed as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Projection of Technical Systems at the Sumy National Agrarian University from 2015 till now. She has more than 50 papers in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
Asst Prof. Dr. Tatiana Zaharova research interests are constructing of working parts of agricultural machines.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor,
Department of Vegetable Science,
SKUAST-Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar ,
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Singh presently working as Assistant Professor Division of Vegetable Science SKUAST-Kashmir Shalimar Srinagar, J&K, India, he has 13 years of experience in research, and teaching experience is more than 8 years. His research work has been published in academic journals such as Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Indian Journal of Horticulture, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vegetable Science, Ecology Environment and Conservation, Research in Enviroment and Life Sciences, Green Farming etc. He has published 7 Books and 13 Book Chapters. 32 Popular Articles. Dr. Singh holds master’s degrees in Allahabad Agriculture University. Qualified ASRB Net (Vegetable Science)He obtained his PhD (Economics) from Veer Bahadur Purvanchal University, Jaunpur U.P
Asst. Prof. Pradeep Kumar Singh research interests are Vegetable breeding, Vegetable Production.
Dr. Hossein Zeinalzadeh Tabrizi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Crop and Horticultural Science Research,
Ardabil Agricultural & Natural Resources Research and Education Center,
Dr. Hossein Zeinalzadeh Tabrizi is an oilseed crops researcher of Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in Iran. He received his PhD degree in Plant Breeding in 2014 from the Department of Field Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, Ataturk University in Turkey. During this period, he achieved a Science and Research Scholarship from Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities. He has managed several projects and published scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings.
Asst. Prof. Hossein Zeinalzadeh Tabrizi research interests are Oilseed crops breeding, molecular breeding to biotic and abiotic stresses, tissue culture, gene transfer, marker assisted breeding.
Dr. T. Vamsi Nagaraju
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ,
SRKR Engineering College ,
Asst. Prof. T. Vamsi Nagaraju is a Master in Civil Engineering with specialization in geotechnical engineering. I have been working as an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at SRKR Engineering College. I have a research experience in Geo-Environment and Geotechnical Engineering. I have a good number of publications in various journals, the list of my publications were attached in CV.
Asst. Prof. T. Vamsi Nagaraju research interests are: • Ground improvement techniques • Geopolymer technology • Expansive soils • Pavement geotechnics • Environmental geotechnics • Optimization and modeling in civil engineering
Dr. Rakesh Roshan Satapathy
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Centurion University of technology and management,
Dr. Rakesh Roshan Satapathy have completed his B.sc(agriculture) from Orissa University of agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Orissa and completed M.sc (ag)- Plant pathology from Orissa University of agriculture and technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Now he is working as assistant professor in department of plant pathology, centurion university of technology And Management, Paralakhemundi, gajapati-761211. Now he is teaching 200 students of B.sc (ag) and guiding 7 students of RAWE programme of B.Sc(ag). He has published two research article in journals and attended three national level symposium
Rakesh Roshan Satapathy research interests are formulation of various integrated management practices for the management of the diseases of plants so that I can help farming community in a better way
Dr. Meera devi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture Application,
Visvesvaraya Technological University ,
Mr. Meeradevi A K completed B.E in Information Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, India and M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University. Currently pursuing PhD in Agriculture Application for crop yield prediction using machine Learning approach and implemented many algorithms for yield prediction. Currently she is working as Assistant Professor , Department of Computer Science and Engineering , M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. She has published 5 papers in the field of agriculture for Crop yield prediction using data mining and machine learning
Asst. Prof. Meera devi Research interests are Machine Learning; Precision Agriculture, soil science Agricultural Machinery and Processes; Data-based Modeling, Remote Sensing ,wireless sensor networks, data mining, deep learning
Dr. Jaimin R. Pandya
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Navsari Agricultural University,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jaimin R. Pandya is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Pathology in N.M. College of Agriculture (NMCA) at Navsari Agricultural University (NAU) since March 2013. Dr. Pandya had completed his graduation, post graduation and doctorate from the NMCA, NAU, Navsari, Gujarat, India. Dr. Pandya had guided four post graduate students as a major advisor in the field of plant pathology. He had more than twenty national and international publications to his credit. Incidentally he had presented a number of research papers in national and international seminars/ conferences/ symposia and received various prizes also. Dr. Pandya is in the editorial board of different journals. Earlier he was also associated with S.D. Agricultural University, Sardar Krushi Nagar, Dantiwada, Banaskantha, Gujarat, India with the same position. Before joining as an assistant professor, he contributed with several positions like JRF, SRF and RA at NAU. Dr. Pandya awarded for his best research work for doctorate degree by the Gujarat Association of Agricultural Sciences and he was awardee of Indian Society of Mycology & Plant Pathology as well as Indian Phytopathological Society at west zone level. Dr. Pandya also received Young Achiever Award by the Society for Advancement of Human and Nature. He served as Zonal President of west zone for Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. Dr. Pandya is acted as member of Navsari Agricultural University Teacher's Association (NAUTA) as well as office bearer of Gujarat Agricultural University Teacher's Association (GAUTA).
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jaimin R. Pandya research interests are Plant Pathology.
Dr. Vikas k. Guleria
Assistant Professor,
Department of Higher Education,
Govt of Himachal Pradesh,
Dr. Vikas Guleria had his MSc. degree in Botany from Panjab University, Chandigarh in 2003, India and then earned MPhil degree in 2005 from Panjab University, Chandigarh, India in plant physiology. And then earned PhD from the Department of Botany, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India in Seed Physiology and Biochemistry. He was appointed as Assistant Professor of Botany in Department of Higher Education, Govt of Himachal Pradesh, India since 2010 till now and he has more than 11 papers in the field of plant sciences in various National and International Journals. He has been awarded Young Scientist award in 2018
Dr Vikas K Guleria’s research interests are Plant physiology and biochemistry, ethnobotany, Plant conservation, Plant taxonomy, traditional medicinal uses of plants.
Dr. Mehdi Rahimi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology,
Graduate University of Advanced Technology ,
Mehdi Rahimi was born in Shiraz, Iran, in 1978. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran. His research interests are in the areas of plant breeding (classical breeding, biometry, abiotic stress, molecular breeding, genomics, gene expression).He received his Ph.D. inplant breeding at Tarbiat Modares University during 2008-2013 and M.Sc. in plant breeding at University of Guilan during 2004-2007 and his B.Sc. in agronomy and plant breeding from Shiraz University.
Asst. Prof Mehdi Rahimi research interests are 1) Improvement of Crops and horticulture plants through classical and molecular genetic methods 2) Plant biotechnology 3) Molecular markers, Genetic diversity and Gene expression 4) Identify quantitative traits loci by QTL mapping and association mapping and genetic maps 5) Biometry - Genetic analysis of traits using biometric methods - Statistical analyzes in agricultural research 6) Quantitative genetic and population genetics 7) Resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses.
Dr. Ionel BONDOC
Associate Professor,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS),
Dr. Ionel BONDOC Current workplace and position: University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi (ROMANIA), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Public Health Department,Assoc. Prof., DVM, MSc, VPD, Ph.D;Work experience (experience in teachingand research): 27 years;Head of Research and Teaching Units: Control of Products and Food of Animal Origin; Food Safety; Control and Quality Assurance of Food; Inspection and Veterinary Sanitary Law;9 Books, of which 3, indexed by CAB International and Web of Science Core Collection;Published and/or communicated total works (scientific papers): 101;Scientific papers indexed in International Databases: total 74, of which, 51 as single author, first author or scientific coordinator;Scientific papers published in International Databases indexed journals (Veterinary Bulletin, CAB International Publishing Databases, HeinOnline, Central and Eastern European Online Library, and others) – 57;Scientific papers indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Categories – Food Science and Technology and Veterinary Sciences: 17, of which, as single author, 16;Scientific Coordinator of Veterinary Theses (Veterinary Degree), Engineering Degree and Dissertation Papers: 119; Awards: EUROINVENT 2015, Silver Medal for the handbook: Control of products and food of animal origin. Universitary Textbook, 1st ed., â€Ion Ionescu de la Brad†Publishing, Iasi, ISBN 978-973-147-139-6, 531 pages. Awards: EUROINVENT 2016, Gold Medal for the handbook: Foundations of veterinary sanitary and food safety legislation. Treatise, Vol. 1, 1st ed., â€Ion Ionescu de la Brad†Publishing, Iasi, ISBN 978-973-147-162-4, 645 pages. Awards: EUROINVENT 2016, Gold Medal for the handbook: Foundations of veterinary sanitary and food safety legislation. Treatise, Vol. 2, 1st ed., â€Ion Ionescu de la Brad†Publishing, Iasi, ISBN 978-973-147-174-7, 572 pages. Awards: PUBLONS 2018, Top Reviewers for Assorted* (Peer Review Awards Top 1% in Field) – September 2018. PhD Degree in Technology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise; Scientific research contracts/grants: 25 (annual and multiannual); Membership in scientific and/or professional national, european and international associations/societies/organizations relevant to the areas of expertise; Member of Editorial Team - Editor; Associate Editor; Advisory Board Member; Editorial Advisory Panel; Scientific Editorial Board; National and International Reviewer.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ionel BONDOC Areas of expertise/fields of competence/research interest: Food Quality; Food Safety; Veterinary Sanitary Legislation; Food Law; Continuing Veterinary Education; Quality Assurance of Food; Food Fraud Detection; Food Adulteration; Food Technology; Food Biotechnology; Meat Inspection; Zoonoses; Foodborne Diseases; Emerging Diseases; Pathogens; Food Trade; Veterinary Public Health.
Dr. Vijaykumar Kore
Assistant Professor,
Department of Horticulture,
Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Dr. Vijaykumar T. Kore is an Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Shri. Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture, Pimpalkhuta, Ta. Dhamangaon Rly., Dist. Amravati affiliated to Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, India. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Post-harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Dist. Nadia, West Bengal in 2009 and 2014, respectively. From 2009 to 2013, he worked as Senior Research Fellow under the project “Development of Value Chain in Litchi†sponsored by Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, Govt. of India under the guidance of Prof. S. K. Mitra, Professor, Department of Fruits and Orchard Management, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur. He has also experience of Assistant Professor of Horticulture at SSWP College of Agriculture, Kesalwada/Wagh, Tal. Lakhani, Dist. Bhandara from 2013 to 2014, at Sau. KSK College of Agriculture, Beed from 2014 to 2015 and at Shri. Sant Shankar Maharaj College of Agriculture, Pimpalkhuta from 2017 to till date. He also worked as Young Professional- II at ICAR- Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur under the project ICAR- All Indian Co-ordinated Research Project on Fruits (ICAR-AICRP on Fruits) from 2015 to 2017. He has published many research and review articles in indexed journals such as, Fruits, Journal of Food Science and Technology, Crop Research, International Journal of Fruit Science, Advances in Life Sciences, Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) and Annals. Food Science and Technology. He also participated in different seminars, exhibitions, workshops etc. He is also serving as a member of the Editorial board and reviewer of many journals.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Vijaykumar Kore Vijaykumar T. Kore research interests are Horticulture, Post-Harvest Technology, Processing and Value Addition and Food Technology etc.
Dr. N.Shanthi
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
Pachaiyappa's college,
Dr. N. Shanthi is the Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Botany, Pachaiyappa’s College, Chennai, India. She has one decade of Post Graduate teaching and Research experience in the field of Stress Physiology. She has completed one research project. She has signed an MOU in 2018 with SynkroMax Biotech Pvt Ltd., Chennai, for research and exchange of faculty and research scholars. She has published 1 books and 25 papers in national and international journals. She is a reviewer for many international journals. She has also presented the paper at the International conference in Malaysia and Singapore. Recently She has received Outstanding Scientist Award for Initiatives, Discoveries, and Developments in the discipline of Botany from Venus International Foundation, Chennai and Distinguish professor awards fromAIMIST University,Kedah,Malaysia.
Asst. Prof. Dr. N.Shanthi Research Interests are Applied Botany and Plant Stress Physiology
Dr. Jose R Peralta-Videa
Department of Chemistry,
University of Texas at El Paso,
Dr. Jose Peralta-Videa obtained a BS in Agronomy from the National Agricultural University of Nicaragua in 1975, MS in Agricultural Sciences from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center at Costa Rica in 1978, PhD in genetics and plant breeding from the Postgraduate College at Chapingo, Mexico in 1983, and PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso, US in 2002. He has published more than 200 papers and currently serves as Associate Editor of Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering. His research interests encompass the study of the environmental implications of nanotechnology with emphasis in terrestrial plants, especially crop plants, and the use of green technologies for environmental remediation. Of major interest is the evaluation of the impact of nanomaterials in plant physiology and nutritional quality of plant exposed to nanomaterials. Additionally, the use of plants for the restoration of heavy metal impacted soils is within his area of interest. The long-term goals are to determine the environmental toxicity of nanomaterials, the possible transmission of nanomaterials to the next generation of plants, the possible biomagnification of NPs in the food chain, and the food safety. Instrumentation utilized in these types of studies includes inductively coupled plasma/optical emission spectroscopy (ICP/OES), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and infrared imaging micro spectroscopy.
Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology with Emphasis in Terrestrial Plants; Especially Crop Plants; and the use of Green Technologies for Environmental Remediation.
Dr. Pingan Xiang
Researcher ,
Department of Rural Ecosystem Health,
Hunan Agricultural University,
Dr. Pingan Xiang is a Researcher of the Key Laboratory of Rural Ecosystem Health in Donating Lake Area of Hunan Province (Hunan Agricultural University, China). He Received his M.Agr. In Plant Pathology in 1997 in Hunan Agricultural University. In 2004, He Earned his Ph.D. In Crop Cultivation and Farming System at Hunan Agricultural University. Since 1999, He has Published Different Articles in Indexed Journals Such as Journal of Integrative Agriculture, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Applied Soil Ecology, Environmental Earth Science, Acta Ecological Sonica, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, China Population Resources and Environment, Scientia Agricultura Sonica. Moreover, He is Reviewer of International Journals Such as Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Acta Pedologica Sonica, Journal of Hunan Agricultural University. Also, He is in the Editorial Board of Journal of Hunan Agricultural University.
Agricultural Ecology; Agro Ecosystem Management and Conservation; Natural Resources Management.
Dr. Mohamed AbdelRahman
Division of Environmental Studies and Land Use (DESLU),
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS),
Dr. Mohamed AbdelRahman is a researcher, Division of Environmental Studies and Land Use (DESLU), National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS), Egypt. He received his Ph.D. in soil science and agriculture chemistry to specialize in Pedology entitle "Assessment of Land Degradation and Land Use Planning by using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka" obtained from university of Agricultural Science, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore, Karnataka, India., 2014. His Research Field is in Soil Survey, Land Degradation, Land Resources Evaluation; Land Capability, Land Suitability, Land Use Planning, Change Detection, Soil Fertility, Land Improvement, USLE, RUSLE, Geostatistics, Model Builder, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imageries, Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Soil Properties. He received his M.S.c in agriculture sciences to specialize in (Soils), Pedology entitle "Quantification of land degradation indicators using GIS and remote sensing technologies" obtained from Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University, Egypt, 2009.
Soil Survey; Geomorphology and Mapping; Land Degradation; Soil Improvement; Land Resources Evaluation; Land Capability; Land Suitability; Land use Planning; Environmental Hazard Assessment; Change Detection; Soil Fertility; Crop Monitoring; Yield Prediction; and Crop and Soil Management; Climate Impacts on Agriculture and Soil Properties.
Dr. Zaiton Sapak
Department of Plantation and Agrotechnology,
Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM),
Dr Zaiton Sapak is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology at the Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia where she has been a faculty member since 2012. She received a BSc. Degree in Biotechnology Resource from University Malaysia Sarawak in 2003, and an M.Sc in plant pathology from University of Putra Malaysia in 2006. She received her Ph.D in Plant Pathology from the University of Queensland, Australia in 2012. From 2006 to 2008, she worked as research officer in the plant pathology division at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) in Bangi Malaysia. Since 2006, she has published scientific articles in indexed journals such as Phytopathology and international journal of Agriculture and Biology. She also presented her research papers in several international conferences such as 3rd Global Conference on Plant Pathology for Food Security, Asian Conference on Plant Pathology, Australasian Plant Pathology Society and International Conference on Biopesticides. Also, she is a reviewer for journals such as Tropical Agricultural Science and Oil Palm Research.
Plant pathology; Biological Control; Crop Disease Modelling and Forecasting.
Dr. Muhammad Shaaban
Professor ,
College of Agriculture,
Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang,
Dr. Muhammad Shaaban completed M.Sc. (Hons.) in Soil Science at the Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan. He stood 1st in master degree and got Gold Medal from university. He got the Chinese Government Scholarship for pursuing PhD at Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), Wuhan, China. During PhD, Dr. Muhammad Shaaban showed marvelous output of research by introducing novel pathways of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural soils. He has taken part in several national/international conferences and research competition during his PhD and won various kinds of research awards. He got his PhD degree (Soil Science) an outstanding student of HZAU. He has been conducting research in the lab of “Soil Ecology and Environmentâ€. He got two vivid achievements: (1) He won National Science Foundation China, and (2) China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. His research area is “Molecular Soil Ecology†mainly focusing on soil processes and environmental effects including nutrient cycling, global warming and climate change. He has published several research articles in highly reputed international scientific journals indexed in science citation index (SCI).
Dr. Muhammad Shaaban research interests are Soil Processes and Environmental Effects.Global Change Ecology. Molecular Soil Ecology.Greenhouse gas emission.Agro-Ecology.Environmental Pollution.Soil Biogeochemistry.soil N transformation.Soil C sequestration.Soil Fertility.Plant Nutrition. Land management/use change.
Dr. M L Dotaniya
Department of Environmental Soil Science,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science,
Dr M L Dotaniya, Scientist at Division of Environmental Soil Science, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal under the umbrella of ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GOI. He has completed his bachelor degree from the SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner, Rajasthan. After that M. Sc. (Ag) Soil Science from GBPUA & T, Pantnagar as a Junior Research Fellow; Ph. D. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, New Delhi as a CSIR Research scholar. Dr Dotaniya worked in his academic mostly on soil fertility aspect, i.e. Management of N and K in Indo-Gangatic plain of India by application of crop residue management; use of sugarcane waste material for minimizing/ enhancing the P use efficiency soils. After that, he selected for the Scientist post through the ASRB and joined the National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad on April, 2010. The division is also engaged in determining baseline concentration of heavy metals for delineating contaminated areas, evaluating sink capacity of soils for heavy metal pollutants, developing technologies for remediation of polluted soils, developing technologies for safe use of different waste material in agriculture, developing soil management practices for minimizing emission of greenhouse gases, and studying impact and risk assessment of nano-particles on soil health and plant nutrition. He is mainly focused on heavy metals pollution and their remediation options. Developed Geo-accumulation index for tannery irrigated fields, metal toxicity limits in sewage irrigated lands, evaluation of multi-metal toxicity in crop plants. Soil fertility limits in tribal dominated belt of MP. He has published many research papers, articles, review papers, book chapters and books on heavy metal aspects. He is working as a member of the Editorial board of repute magazine as well as scientific journals. His scientific contribution rewarded many prestigious Awards by repute societies and organizations. Dr Dotaniya acting as a Reviewer for a number of journals; and actively engaged in extension activities for the upliftment of agricultural communities across the India.
Dr. M L Dotaniya research interests are Soil & Water pollution, Multi metal toxicity, Heavy metal Remediation, Safe use of sewage and sludge in agriculture
Mr. Ashish Khandelwal, ARS
Division of Agricultural Chemicals,
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
Mr. Ashish Khandelwal is a scientist in Division of Agricultural Chemicals, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute. He completed his Master’s Degree from ICAR-IARI. Earlier, he joined as Assitant Professor cum Junior Scientist in Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour followed by post of scientist in ICAR. His major area of research was Product development particularly gel/polymer based formulation, Agrochemical decontamination, Sensor development for pesticide residue detection, Environmental fate of pesticide and bioformulation. Currently, he is working in the field of agrochemical decontamination and detection technique. His work is recognized by reputed international jounral mainly chemospehere and Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. He got exposure of 24 credit course on SPAC in BIDR, Israel and got first rank with 99 credit among 24 students including India and China.
Ashish Khandelwal, ARS research interests are Polymer composites, natural compounds, bioformulation and pesticide detection.
Dr. Shaon Kumar Das
Scientist ,
Department of chemistry and soil science,
ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute,
Shaon Kumar Das is working as a Scientist (Agricultural Chemistry/Soil Science) at ICAR-National Organic Farming Research Institute, Gangtok, Sikkim under ICAR. He did his M.Sc. in 2010 from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi with gold medal for his outstanding contribution. Then he joined in Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in 2011 as scientist. Dr. Das is a regular member of the Society of Pesticide Science, Association of Agrometeorologists, International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management and Indian society of soil science. He has published 17 national and 15 international research articles, 8 review articles in national and International journals, 19 popular article, 21 extension folder, 2 books, 21 book chapters in edited books. He is a regular reviewer of many International journals and also a member of the editorial board. He got DST-INSPIRE fellowship in 2010. He has been awarded the Young Scientist award by 5th faculty branding award of education expo TV in 2017 and also by society for scientific development in agriculture and technology in 2017. He also got 2 best oral presentation awards. Several invited talk delivered by him. Now he has 2 institute projects as PI, 8 as Co-PI and 2 as Co-PI in DST project. He has been involved in the research on carbon sequestration, soil fertility management, soil acidity reclamation, organic nutrient standardization of major hill crops. Currently he is working on characterization of biochar and their application on soil for management of soil health.
Dr. Shaon Kumar Das research interests are Carbon sequestration, Organic farming, Soil acidity management, Water use efficiency and Biochar for soil health
Dr. Waleed Abobatta
Researcher ,
Department of Horticulture,
Horticulture Research Institute,
Waleed Abobatta working as a Researcher at (Citrus research Deparment) at Horticulture Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, he did his M.Sc. in 1995 from Tanta University (Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture) and Ph D in 02014 from Minufiya University, he’s a member of Scientific Committee for Greenhouses Plantation and a member of Scientific Team for National Campaign for Navel Orange improvement. He is one of the Editorial Board Members in many journals like Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (AFF), http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/aff, Advances in Agriculture and Environmental Science (AAEOA) http://ologyjournals.com ,Advances in Plants & Agriculture Research http://medcraveonline.com and member of International Advisory Board Members of Journal of Harmonized Research https://www.johronline.com/editorialboard.aspx ,Associated Editorial Team of IEREK Press http://www.ierek.com/press/index.php/Baheth , Also, Abobatta member of Reviewer Committee of International Academy of Chemical, Civil & Environment Engineering (IACCEE) http://iaccee.org/committee.php He’s consultant of Nano application in the agricultural sector and Magnetizing treated water in agriculture in the Arabian region. Abobatta involved in a number of researchers in his field of expertise, he has many scientific publications.
Dr. Waleed Abobatta research interests are, Nano application in agricultural sector, Integrated Horticulture crops management, Magnetizing treated water in agriculture, soilless culture of vegetables, Greenhouses Plantation. Jojoba production.
Dr. K. Prasad
Assistant Professor,
Department of Horticulture,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa Bihar Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare. G.O.I,
Dr. K. Prasad had completed his Masters’ and is continuing his PhD at Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110012. Under the guidance of Dr. R. R. Sharma, he was the first researcher in India to screen Indian mango cultivars for the incidence of lenticel browning. His Masters’ research findings have been published in journals of national (Indian Journal of Agriculture Sciences, Indian Journal of Horticulture) and International (Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Journal of Food Science and Technology) importance. His scientific notes and short communications have been published in national (ICAR-Indian Horticulture, ICAR-News) and international (Springer and Elsevier) publications.
Dr. K. Prasad Research interests are Postharvest Technology of Horticultural crops, Fresh fruit handling, Processing of Horticultural crops.
Dr. N M Gohel
Associate Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Anand Agricultural University,
Dr. Naresh M. Gohel is presently working as Associate Professor (Plant Pathology) at Department of Plant Pathology, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand. Dr. Gohel has earned B.Sc. (Ag.) in 2002, M.Sc. (Ag.) Plant Pathology in 2005 and Ph.D. in Plant Pathology in 2008 from Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat. Dr. Gohel started his professional career as Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology) in September 2008 at Department of Plant Pathology, B. A. College of Agriculture, AAU, Anand. In October 2012, joined AICRP-NSP (Crops) Seed Technology Research as Assistant Research Scientist and moved up to become Associate Professor (Direct Selection) in March 2017 in the same department. He is at present serving as Associate Professor and actively engaged in research projects, teaching Plant Pathology (UG and PG), along with guiding M.Sc. and Ph.D. students for their research. Besides these, he is acting as PG Seminar Co-coordinator for Plant Protection group.
Dr. N M Gohel research interests are Mycology, Seed Pathology, Biocontrol of plant pathogens
Dr. Sanku Dattamudi
Southeast Environmental Research Center,
Florida International University ,
Dr. Sanku Dattamudi is an NSF funded Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) postdoctoral research scholar at Florida International University (FIU), Miami, FL, USA. He has several years of experiences working in environmental soil chemistry, specifically, air, soil, and water quality issues. He received his PhD from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA and joined FIU as a postdoctoral scholar. Previously he worked as a visiting research scholar on nitrogen transport and groundwater pollution in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dr. Sanku Dattamudi research interests are Agroecology, Analytical soil chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Sustainable Agriculture, Soil health, Air and water quality, Soil fertility and plant nutrition
Dr. Pronob Das
Scientist ,
Regional Centre, Guwahati,
ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute ,
Dr. Pronob Das is a Scientist at ICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Regional Centre, Guwahati, Assam (India). He pursued his academic career in the professional field of Fishery Science. He received his graduation in Fishery Science (B.F.Sc) from College of Fisheries, Assam Agricultural University, Raha in 2001 and masters (M.F.Sc) in 2005 from College of Fisheries, Kerala Agricultural University, Panangad, Kerala. He received his doctoral degree (Ph.D. in Aquaculture) with First class and distinction in 2015 from ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed to be university), Mumbai. He has published more than 30 papers in peer reviewed journals, 2 books, 20 book chapters, several articles and abstracts during his research career. He also acted as a reviewer of several peer reviewed journals (Aquaculture, Aquaculture Nutrition, Fish physiology and Biochemistry, Fish and Shellfish Immunology, etc.).
Dr. Pronob Das research interests are in fish disease & health, fish genetics, wetland ecology & fisheries, aquaculture and stress physiology of fishes.
Mr. Saurabh Singh
Research Scholar,
Department of Vegetable Science,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI),
Saurabh Singh is currently Ph.D. Research Scholar at Division of Vegetable Science, IARI, New Delhi since 2015. He has completed his B.Sc. Agriculture from CSK, HPKV Palampur and M.Sc. Agriculture with specialization in Vegetable Science from the same institute. He is the recipient of honour certificate and merit fellowship in B.Sc. and M.Sc. programme. He has also worked as Agriculture Expert for one year in the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) funded HPCDP project for crop diversification and promotion of vegetable cultivation in Himachal Pradesh. He has also qualified the ICAR-ASRB NET five times and IARI Ph.D. entrance exam 2015. He has about 5 years of research experience on Brassica vegetables breeding. He has published research and review papers in national and international reputed journals with impact factors and NAAS rating. He has also authored one book, 4 book chapters with national and international publishers and 14 popular articles.
The main research interest is on understanding molecular mechanisms of genetic phenomenon of self-incompatibility, cytoplasmic male sterility and nutraceutical rich vegetable breeding and heterosis breeding for yield and quality traits. Application of molecular biology and biotechnology in vegetable crops and utilization of molecular markers for assessing the genetic diversity, gene tagging, QTLs mapping and marker assisted breeding for crop improvement and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Current research focus is on genetics studies in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.) involving CMS and DH lines, studying the genetics, gene action, heritability and heterosis for Biochemical and horticultural traits in snowball cauliflower, genetic diversity studies in CMS lines using molecular markers and confirmation of cytoplasmic sources in CMS lines using mitochondrial DNA specific markers.
Mr. Ram Kumar
Department of Entomology,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University ,
Ram Kumar is a Ph. D. Scholar in Department of Entomology, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar, India. He received his B. Sc. (Ag.) from Dr. PDKV, Akola, Maharashtra, India and M.Sc. (Ag.) from Department of Entomology, DRPCAU, Pusa in 2015 and 2017, respectively. He is Gold Medallist of M.Sc. (Ag.). He has published various research papers and articles in indexed journals such as, Journal of Experimental Zoology India, Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, International Journal of Chemical Studies, Progressive Research: An International Journal and International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.
Mr. Kumar has interest for research in following fields, Insect Taxonomy, Insect Ecology, Insect Toxicology, Insect Host Plant Resistance, Biological control of Insect Pests, Economic Entomology and different other fields of Insect world.
Dr. Mukesh K. Berwal
Department of Crop Improvement,
ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture,
Dr. Mukesh K Berwal is a Scientist (Plant Biochemistry) at Department of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner (Rajasthan, India). He received his M.Sc. in Agri. Biochemistry from CSA University of Agri. & Teachnology, Kanpur in 2007 and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana India in 2015. From 2009 to 2016, he worked as scientist, Plant Biochemistry at ICAR-Central plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod, Kerala, India and worked effect of climate change and abiotic stresses on plantation crops like coconut, arecanut and cocoa. He has published more than 20 research articles in indexed journals and 10 book chapters. At present, he is working on abiotic stress tolerance in Arid horticulture crops and Exploration of Bioactive compound production potential of arid horticulture floras.
Dr. Mukesh K. Berwal's research interests are Abiotic stress tolerance, Secondary metabolites, nutraceuticals, molecular markers etc.
Dr. Santosh Sambhaji Mali
ICAR-Research Complex for Easter Region,
Research Centre Ranchi,
Dr. Santosh S Mali is a Scientist at Ranchi centre of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi in 2004 and 2015, respectively. From 2006 to 2007, he worked as Scientist-B in the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. Since, 2007, he joined Agricultural Research Service of Indian Council of Agricultural Research. He has published many articles in indexed journals such as, Environmental Earth Sciences, Current Science, Irrigation and Drainage, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Indian Journal of Soil Conservation and Vegetos. He participated in various trainings, courses, seminars, workshops and conferences organized by ICAR and other research agencies/societies. He has published several book chapters and policy papers and is an editor to a book on ‘water productivity’. Dr. Mali is leading several ICAR funded projects and a project funded by ACIAR, Govt. of Australia. He is recipient of Young Scientist Award from Green Reap Welfare Society and Best Paper Awards by IASWC and TRANSE STELLAR during 2017. ELSEVIER has awarded him a certificate for his Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing. He is also serving as reviewer of many journals.
Dr. Santosh Sambhaji Mali Research interests are 1. Watershed Hydrology 2. Climate change impact assessment 3. Hydrological Modelling 4. Application of remote sensing and GIS in natural resource management 5. Agricultural water management
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Chauhan
Faculty and Researcher,
Department of forestry/Agroforestry,
University of Horticulture and Forestry,
Dr Chauhan has vast experience of 24 years of teaching, research and extension in Forestry/Agroforestry. He has organized one regional, three national, one international symposia/conferences; associated with six summer/winter schools/trainings as Director/ Coordinator and also Member of two international symposia committee organized at Beijing, China and Borolo, Italy. IUFRO Coordinator of Short Rotation Forestry from last seven years and IUFRO Task Force member on Forests and Bio-energy; Taskforce member Sustainable Forest Biomass Network; Coordinator FAO Network on Sustainable Rural Energy Network; Member Board of Management, University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan (HP); Member ICAR Expert Committee on Forestry Education. Life Member of seven professional societies, Associate Editor, Agroforestry Systems; Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Ecology, Ludhiana and General Secretary Indian Ecological Society; Vice President Indian Society of Agroforestry, Joint Secretary, Society of Tree Scientists and Editorial members of five other national/international Journals. Dr Chauhan has handled four adhoc projects as PI and six as Co-PI. He has 78 research papers to his credit published in journals of national/international repute; besides published seven review papers, 21 popular articles, three practical manuals, edited four books, a text book and six other documents. Guided eight students for their M.Sc. degree as chairman of their advisory committee; evaluated 31 M.Sc. and 19 Ph.D. thesis as external examiner. Dr Chauhan has visited Australia, Austria, China, Hungary, Italy, Srilanka, South Korea, Thailand, etc. for scientific interactions.
Dr Sanjeev Chauhan has research interests in Forestry/Agroforestry, carbon sequestration through plantations and cold arid region.
Dr. Amit Singh
College of Horticulture & Forestry (Post Harvest Technology of Hort. Crops),
Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University,
Amit Kumar Singh (Faculty- Horticulture, RLBCAU, Jhansi) born at a small village surrounded by agricultural lands in Ghazipur District, Uttar Pradesh. Completed his higher secondary education from the Pachotar National Inter College (PNIC), Mardah, Ghazipur District, Uttar Pradesh. His parents farming background motivated him to pursue a under graduate degree in Agriculture from the Post Graduate College Ghazipur, Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University (VBSPU) Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. He was awarded University merit fellowship for his post-graduate studies leading to M. Sc. (Hort.) in Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal. His master’s research focused on processing of underutilized fruits crops, which was carried out at Directorate of Research, BCKVV, West Bengal. He realized an advanced degree in Horticulture (PHT of Hort. Crops) and completed Ph. D. (Hort.) in Post Harvest Technology of Horticultural Crops from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal. During Ph. D. degree he received DST-Fellowship (Inspire Fellowship) for her research work and he focused on underutilized vegetables to aware the peoples not only the quantitative aspects as well as qualitative aspects. He has participated and presented more than 10 international and national conference, seminar, symposia on horticulture and received several awards Young Scientist Award, Young scientist associated award, best paper, rank holder, Inspire Fellowship Award, University Research Scholar Award etc. Apart from this he has published more than fifteen articles and five book chapters in reputed journals and publishers. He has been served as Assistant Professor- Horticulture at MS Swaminathan School of Agriculture, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Gajapati, Odisha for more than two years. At presently he is serving at Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh.
Dr. Amit Singh Research focuses on quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of underutilized fruits and vegetables crops to aware the people, uplifting the nutritional and socioeconomic status of vulnerable commodities of India as well as Asia.
Dr. V.K. Khanna
Assistant Professor ,
Department of Plant Biotechnology,
Central Agricultural University,
Dr. V. K. Khanna graduated from Delhi University and did his M.Sc and PhD from Haryana Agricultural University in Genetics, followed by Post Doctorate, CSIR. He joined as an Assistant Professor at G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar and worked there for nearly 30 years. He has more than 39 years of experience of teaching and conducting research on Wide-hybridization, Genetics and Biotechnology. He has guided 76 M.Sc and Ph.D theses and published 164 research papers in Indian and Foreign Journals of repute. He has also presented 193 research papers in Conferences/Symposia/Workshops in India and abroad, a few of them being Lead Papers including a Key-note address in an International Conference. He has been the Chairman/Co-chairman in many National and International conferences. He Chaired a session at the 7th International Congress of SABRAO and International Symposium of WSAA at Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China from Nov. 16-20, 1993. His group reported the mechanism of crossability between wheat and rye for the first time.
Dr. V.K. Khanna Research interests are Wide- hybridization, Molecular markers, Tissue Culture, Cytogenetics.
Dr. Pradeep Mishra
Assistant Professor,
Department of Statistics,
College of Agriculture,Powarkheda,JNKVV,
Dr. Pradeep Mishra, had his B.Sc. (Ag.) in the College of Agriculture, Bilaspur, affiliated to IGKVV, Raipur (C.G.). He successfully completed this degree in 2008 with securing 69.1% marks. For further study he got admission in the College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., and Jabalpur for his Master Degree in Agricultural Statistics. He successfully completed the entire course requirements for his degree with First Division .Author has completed his Ph.D in Agriculture Statistics in year 2014 Presently, he is working as a assistant professor at college of agriculture ,Powarkheda under JNKVV university since year 2017 . He has published more than 56 research article in different international and national journals. Also he got award like young scientists, best doctoral degree, second best paper award from different societies.
Dr Pradeep Mishra research interests are Department of Agriculture Statistics i.e Design of experiment, Sampling, Multivariate, Time series analysis and forecasting.
Mr. Vivek Kumar Gaurav
Environmental Research Laboratory ,
IIT Roorkee,
Mr. Vivek K Gaurav had completed his graduation in Chemistry (Hons.) from Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University in 2010. He done his postgraduation (M.Sc.) in Biotechnology sponsored by Department of biotechnology (DBT)-HRD, Govt. of India from H.N.B. Garhwal Central University, Srinagar (U.K.), India in 2012. Later on, he joined Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee as Junior Research Fellow in 2013. He is Senior Research Fellow in Environmental Research Laboratory (ERL), Department of Paper Technology, IIT Roorkee. He has published 2 book chapters and 4 research papers.
Mr. Mr. Vivek K Gaurav Research Interests includes Assessment of Environmental contamination, Soil and Groundwater Quality, Inorganic and organic pollutant extraction and analysis, applications of GC-MS, HPLC and ICP-OES in environmental monitoring and analysis, Ecological and Health risk assessment Computational environmental risk assessment strategies.
Dr. Hyat Mahmud
Deputy Director (Crop),
Department of Agricultural Extension ,
Ministry of Agriculture at the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,
Dr. Hyat Mahmud is an Additional Deputy Director (Crop) in Department of Agricultural Extension (Bangladesh Civil Service: Agriculture cadre), of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh since April 25, 1994. Dr. Mahmud graduated from Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh and obtained his Master of Science degree in Plant Pathology in the Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University. He achieved his Doctor of Philosophy degree (Research field: Bio-control, Seed pathology and molecular plant pathology) in 2016 from BAU. He has published more than 24 papers in reputed national and international journals that have been cited over 24 times, and his publication H-index is remarkable. He is working as a reviewer and member of editorial board of reputed many international journals. In addition to this, he received a good number of professional trainings in-country and overseas to enhance professional, research and administrative competence for the Department of Agricultural Extension, and project development for sustainable agriculture, and also have excellent inter-personal and research skills developed over the last twenty four years. He is conducting research on Bipolaris oryzae for sequencing gene in observing variation over the years with Dr. M. Delwar Hossain, BAU, Mymensing.
Dr. Hyat Mahmud research interests are in Bio-control of plant diseases, Eco-friendly plant disease management and plant disease epidemiology. Molecular plant pathology including gene sequencing of fungi; Bioassay of microbes, detecting changes in molecular characterization of fungus, and Genome analysis.
Dr. Murli Dhar Meena
Department of Soil Science,
ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research,
Dr Murli Dhar Meena had his BSc. degree in Agricultural sciences from Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajsthan .2006 India and earned MSc. degree in 2008 from Chandrashekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Dr. Meena Had Ph.D. in 2012 from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Division of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry New Delhi in the field of nutrient dynamics in soil treated with enriched composts. He was selected as scientist in Indian Council of Agricultural Research since 2011 and promoted as Scientist in senior scale in 2015 to till now and he has published 10 international and 11 national papers in the field of nutrient dynamics, sustainable municipal solid waste management, soil salinity and sodicity management by using organic amendments and developing low cost organic fertilizers by using low grade sources of minerals and crop residues
Dr. Murli Dhar Meena research interests are developing low cost organic fertilizers by using low grade sources of minerals and crop residues through composting technology, nutrient dynamics in soil and integrated nutrient management for sustainable crop production
Dr. Joji VS
National Resource Person (Recognized Trainer),
Central Ground Water Board,
Dr V.S. Joji, working as Scientist, Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of India (GoI), Kerala Region, Kesavadasapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. A former faculty at National Ground Water Training and Research Institute, GOI, Raipur, Chhattisgarh is also working as Recognized Trainer of Direct Trainer Skills (D.T.S.) course of Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), GoI and TNA consultant. He completed his graduation and post-graduation from University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. He carried his PhD work at the University of Kerala availing financial assistance from University Grants Commission in the form of UGC-Junior Research Fellowship (UGC-JRF), Human Resources Dept., GoI. Dr. Joji qualified many competitive examinations in the field of Geology in India and a few among them are NET, UGC-JRF, CSIR-JRF, Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering, Geologist in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Geological Survey of India, Central Ground Water Board, Lecturer in Geology and many others. Dr. Joji has successfully completed many Trainer Development Courses of DoPT such as Systematic Approach to Training (SAT), National Training Policy (NTP), Training Needs Analysis (TNA), Mentoring skills, Experiential Learning Tools (ELT), Management of Training (MOT), Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) and Design of Training (DOT) Courses designed by Thames valley University, UK. He has more than 60 published international, national research, technical papers and reports to his credit.
Dr V.S. Joji, Actively involved in the research, teaching and training. The research areas mainly include ground water studies of inland, coastal and island aquifers especially rock -water interaction, water quality, various types of hydrogeologic processes; GIS application in groundwater, watershed characteristics and artificial and rain water harvesting, river basin studies especially morphometric analysis, ground water exploration, management and quantification water, various aspects related to different branches of Geology. Related to teaching and training involved in the Trainer Development Programme - Direct Trainer Skills (D.T.S.) course of Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Govt. of India (GoI) and various aspects related to ground water of Central Ground Water Board, GoI. Number of published research articles
Dr. Farshid Talat
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding,
Dr. Farshid Talat had his BSc. degree in Agronomy and Plant Breeding from Urmia University in 1997, Iran and then earned MSc. degree in 1999 from Tehran University, Iran in Plant Breeding-Bioechnology. He earned his Ph.D from Chinese Academy of Sciences in the field of Biotechnology-Genome Sequencing in 2014.He was appointed as a research scientist of the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) of Iran since 1999 till now and he has more than 80 papers in the field of plant breeding, plant architecture, biotechnilogy and bioinformatics and supervised more than 25 MSc students
Dr. Farshid Talat’s research interests are statistical data analyses, genomics, genetics, plant breeding, biotechnology, bioinformatics and bio data analyses
Dr. Nishant Bhanu
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding ,
Banaras Hindu University ,
Dr. A. Nishant Bhanu experienced Researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the Research industry. Strong research professional with a Doctor of Philosophy focused in Genetics and Plant Breeding from Banaras Hindu University. Recipient of DST INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP and Young Scientist Awards at national and international level for contribution in the field of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Apprised with practical acumen related to International Agriculture and Rural Development Programme, sponsored by Cornell University and Rice Seed Production sponsored by IRRI. Experience of teaching (Honorarium basis) the Under-graduate, Post-graduate and Diploma students of Genetics and Plant Breeding and Seed technology ad Marketing. Published over a dozen of meaningful research papers in Peer Review Journals, 03 book chapters & 09 Review Articles, coupled with a number of commendable scientific presentations to his credit, including a noted presentation on the “Assessment of genetic purity of inter-specific F1 hybrids involving V. radiata and V. umbellate†at the VIII International Conference of Legume Genetics and Genomics at Siofok, Hungary
Dr. A. Nishant Bhanu is skilled in Molecular Markers, Plant Breeding (Legume Breeding), Inter-specific hybridization and Plant Tissue Culture. His research interest are inter-specific hybridization among Vigina species and hybrid development in corn and pearl millet.
Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,
Eternal University,
Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Akal College of Agriculture, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, India. He obtained his doctorate degree in Science “Microbial Biotechnology†in 2016, jointly from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India; M.Sc. (Biotechnology), in 2009 from Bundelkhand University and B.Sc. (BCZ) in 2006 from University of Allahabad, India. He has made pioneering contributions in the area of Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Biodiversity; Microbial Ecology; Plant-Microbes Interaction; Agricultural Microbiology; Environmental Microbiology and Beneficial Probiotic Microbes for agriculture and Human Health. In his credit 84 Publications [31 Research papers, 07 Review articles, 05 Books, 28 Book chapters, 06 Popular articles, 04 Editorials, 02 Technical reports and 01 Patent] in different reputed international, national journals and publishers with 1039 citations, h-index-18 and i10-index 34 (Google Scholar). He has published 105 abstracts in different conferences/symposiums/workshops. He has presented 19 papers presentation in national and international conferences/symposiums and got 10 best paper presentations Award, Young Scientist Award (NASI-Swarna Jyanti Purskar-2013) and 02 certificates of excellence in reviewing Award. He has a long standing interest in teaching at the UG, PG and PhD level and is involved in taking courses in agriculture microbiology, bacteriology, biosystematics and biodiversity, bioprocess engineering and technology, environmental biotechnology, environmental microbiology, industrial microbiology, microbial biotechnology and techniques in microbiology and biotechnology. Presently he is guiding 02 scholars for PhD degree and 01 for M.Sc. dissertations. He has contributed in organizing 06 conference/workshops. In his credit >6700 microbes (Archaea, bacteria and fungi) isolated from diverse sources and >550 potential and efficient microbes deposited at culture collection National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (NBAIM), Mau, India. He has deposited 2386 nucleotide sequences to NCBI GenBank databases: in public domain. Niche-specific microbes from extreme environments were reported as specific bio-inoculants (Biofertilizers) for crops growing in normal and diverse abiotic stress conditions. Dr. Yadav and group have developed technology for screening of archaea for phosphorus solubilization for the first time. He is Editor/associate editor/reviewer of different international journals including Nature-Scientific Reports, Microbial Ecology; Plos One, Extremophiles, Annals of Microbiology, Journal of Basic Microbiology, Advance in Microbiology and Biotechnology. He has lifetime membership of Association of microbiologist in India, Indian Science Congress Council, India and National Academy of Sciences, India.
Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav research interests are Microbial Biotechnology; Microbial Biodiversity; Microbial Ecology; Plant-Microbes Interaction; Agricultural Microbiology; Environmental Microbiology and Probiotic Microbes for agriculture and Human Health.Microbial Biotechnology with implications in agriculture and environment; Plant-microbes Interaction; Microbe-mediated tolerance to abiotic stress in plant; Developing farmer and eco-friendly technologies; Bioprospecting of microbial molecules;
Dr. Sayed Hussain
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture,
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan,
Dr. Sayed Hussain got his bachelor (B.Sc (Hons)) and master (M.Phil.) degree from Agriculture University Peshawar, while did his Ph.D degree from Institute of Fruit Sciences (Horticulture Department), College of agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, P.R. China in 2015. Now From 2015, he is working as an assistant professor, at Department of Agriculture (Horticulture), Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KPK, Pakistan. Teaching, Research, Laboratory management and some other administrative responsibilities are my main job in the university. He published more than 20 research articles in well reputed scientific journals with more than 35 impact factors, in the field of agriculture and biotechnology and also supervised more than 30 B.Sc students.
Dr. Sayed Hussain research interests are to horticultural plants germplasm resource collection, evaluation, utilization and improvement. Recently, three main areas have been the focused, i.e., evaluation of germplasm resources, genetic diversity and molecular phylogeny in horticultural crops, physiological and molecular mechanism in the control of anthocyanin biosynthesis in fruit plant and molecuar mechanisam of plant dormancy regulation.
Dr. Rajan Bhatt
Assistant Professor,
Department of Soil Science,
Punjab Agricultural University,
Dr. Rajan Bhatt, did his B.Sc (Agriculture) from Guru Nank Dev University, Amritsar in 2000 while M.Sc (Soil Science) form Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India in 2003. Afterwards he worked in gully control programme upto 23-1-2006 and in 24-1-2006, he joined as Assistant Professor (Soil Science). In year, 2015 he did his Ph.D (Soil Science) from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India where he calculated water balance under different establishment methods. He also delineated the soil moisture dynamics during the intervening periods and recognized as the first to work on this aspect even at global level. Presently he is working as Scientist (Soil Science) at Regional Research Station, Kapurthala, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Till now Dr. Bhatt published around 60 research papers (in international and national journals), 10 book chapters and 71 extension articles pertaining to practice climate smart agriculture, improving livelihoods of foothill farmers through different techniques, resource conservation technologies to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming. He is also pioneer to evaluate the performance of the polycoated urea in the wheat and rice under stressed and unstressed conditions and worked as CO-PI in the sponsored project. Already Dr. Bhatt has many awards to his credit including student incentive award, Young Scientist awards-2017 & 2018, “Leadership award-2018â€.
Dr. Rajan Bhatt research interests are Resource conservation technologies, Climate smart Agriculture, Techniques to improve land and water productivity, fertilization scheduling in cereals and sugarcane etc.
Mr. Abdulla-Al-Asif
Department of Animal Science and Fisheries,
Universiti Putra Malaysia,
Mr. Abdulla-Al-Asif had his BSc. degree in Fisheries and Marine Bioscience from Jessore University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh in 2013, and then he earned his MSc. degree in 2016 from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh in Aquaculture. Currently he is a PhD Research Fellow in Department of Animal Science and Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia with the Field of Marine Ecology. He has more than 58 scientific and review papers in the field of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Marine Science related interest
The research interests of Mr. Abdulla-Al-Asif are Aquaculture, Fisheries, Marine Science, Eco-Environmental Aquaculture, Fish diseases as well as Socio-economic approaches
Mr. Krishnananda Pralhad Ingle
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology ,
Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Mr. Krishnananda Pralhad Ingle did Ph.D. In Agricultural Biotechnology from Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Maharashtra, India in 2018 and MSc. in 2010. He completed BSc in Agricultural Biotechnology from Shri. Shivaji college of Biotechnology, Amravati (MS), India. After MSc, he worked for private sectors for three Groups, Biostadt India Ltd. (Hyderabad, India), VNR seeds Pvt. Ltd., (Raipur, India) and MAHYCO (Jalna, India). He is appointed as Assistant Professor of Agricultural Biotechnology at College of Amkheda, Malegaon (MS), India. He has 21 National and 2 International publications, 1 Book chapter (accepted in Springer), 8 Technical Publications, in the field of Agricultural Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding sector.
Mr. Mr. Krishnananda Pralhad Ingle interested in Agricultural/Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Breeding sector and in Molecular markers technology related to plant or Agricultural sector.
Dr. Hardik Pathak
Department of Biotechnology ,
JECRC University,
Dr. Hardik Pathak had his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry, Botany and Zoology from MLSU University Udaipur, Rajasthan in 2001, and then earned M.Sc. Degree in 2013 from Bangalore University, Bangalore in Biotechnology. He was appointed Lecturer of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Applied Sciences, Jaipur since 2004 till now and he has more than 25 papers in the field of Biodegradation, Phytoremediation and Environmental Biotechnology and Agriculture Biotechnology and supervised more than 50 Ph.D, M.Sc and B.Sc students.
Dr. Hardik Pathak research interests are Agriculture Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Microbial Technology, Rhizoremediation, Phytoremediation and eco friendly approach.
Dr. M. Vassanda Coumar
Department of Environmental Soil Science ,
Indian Institute of Soil Science,
Dr. Mounisamy Vassanda Coumar presently working as scientist in the Division of Environmental Soil Science, ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil Science(ICAR-IISS), Bhopal, India. He did his MSc and PhD with specialization in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Prior to joining the ICAR-IISS, Vassanda worked as a Lecturer (Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi), Research Officer (Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizer Ltd, Mumbai) and Postdoctoral Fellow (Global Centre for Environmental Remediation, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia). Vassanda has supervised more than 10 postgraduate students and published more than 35 research papers in peer reviewed National and International Journal. He has also contributed research article as author/co-author for several book chapter, books and bulletins
Dr. M. Vassanda Coumar specialized areas of research work are soil quality assessment, fertilizer use efficiency, carbon sequestration, environmental pollutant monitoring and remediation of contaminated soil. Vassanda is a modern researcher with a remarkably in-depth and wide knowledge on soil contamination, pollutant assessment and remediation of contaminated soil using potential amendments as reflected by his publications
Dr. Chidanand Patil
Assistant Professor,
Department of Applied Agriculture,
Central University of Punjab,
Dr. Chidanand Patil is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Agriculture for MBA (Agribusiness) Programme at the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, Punjab. He has completed B.Sc. in Agriculture from the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Dharwad, Karnataka in 2007, MBA (Agri-Business Management) from UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka in 2009 and Ph.D in Agri-Business Management from UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka in 2014.
Dr. Chidanand Patil’s research interests include Contract farming, Consumer behaviour, Agricultural Marketing and ICT in agriculture.
Dr. Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi
Principal Technical Officer,
Department of Agricultural Science Education,
The College of Education,
Dr. Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi is a Principal Technical Officer (Agric), Department of Agricultural Science Education, The College of Education, Lanlate, Oyo State, Nigeria where he carried out various research works and experiments. He is a renowned researcher with many international publications. Abdulraheem area of study includes Agronomy, Crop and soil management, Soil fertility and plant nutrition as well as Educational field. He has the evaluation and passion in improving the soil nutrients for maximum crop yield through his experience in the uses of locally source soil amendment materials (Sawdust Ash, Oilpalm Bunch ash) for the improvement of soil physical and chemical properties thereby leading to improve in crop performance and yield. Abdulraheem has to his credit, Twenty Four (24) published journal articles, three (3) chapters in books, two (2) seminar papers and six (6) conference proceedings papers. He has successfully attended thirteen (13) learned conferences/workshops. He is a member of several professional bodies among which are; Scholars Academic and Scientific Society (SASS), International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), Soil Science Society of Nigeria (SSSN), American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT), Reviewer: International Greener Journal; Editorial Board Member: A R Research Publication and Conference World, India; Editorial Board Member: Sumerianz Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary; Editorial Board Member: Advance in Agricultural Technology and Plant Science (AATPS) – Chembio Publishers; Associate Editor: Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS). SAS Publishers, Assam, India, Editorial Board Member: European Modern Studies Journal, Ukraine; Editorial Board Member: Journal of Environmental Science Studies, Singapore; Editorial Board Member: International Journal of Applied Science. (Ideas Spread Inc), New York.
Dr. Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi Research interests are Agronomy, Crop Management, Soil management, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Agricultural Education, Land use, Crop Production, Agricultural Research, General Agriculture.
Dr. Bibhash Verma
Division of NRM,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
Dr. B.C.Verma is working as Scientist (Soil Science) at Central Rainfed Upland Rice Research Station (CRURRS, ICAR-NRRI), Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi in 2006 and 2009. He has several research articles and publications in the area of soil organic carbon, soil fertility management, acid soil management, biochar application etc. He is also serving as reviewer of many scientific Journals.
Dr. B.C.Verma is mainly working in the field related to soil fertility management, soil organic carbon, soil enzymes, acid soil management, crop productivity etc.
Dr. Pham Xuan Phu
Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
An Giang University,
Dr. Pham-Xuan Phu is currently lecturer and researcher of Rural Development and Natural Resources Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, An Giang University, Vietnam. He has received his MSc. in Specialisation in livelihood and natural resources management in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in 2008. Besides, he is currently fourth year PhD student at Can Tho University in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Mr Pham Xuan Phu has a strong network with local and international working on the ground. He performs as livelihood and climate change policy advisor for Vietnam River Network, Oxfam, Green IDEA, RDViet and WARECOD to undertake research and development activities in the fields’ indigenous knowledge, livelihood, flood, natural resources management, water, energy and climate resilience components. He has strong background in the fields of integrated rural development and agriculture. He has done a number of studies in such related fields and the research results have been published on international scientific journals.
Dr. Pham Xuan Phu research interest in local knowledge, livelihood to household's resilience to flooding, sustainable livelihood, community-based water management, climate change, poverty alleviation.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahawar
Research Scientist,
Department of Horticultural Crop Processing ,
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahawar is current working as an Agricultural Research Scientist of Agricultural Structures and Process Engineering discipline at Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology, Abohar (Punjab). He has accomplished his B. Tech (Agricultural Engineering) degree from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka), M. Tech. degree (Food Biotechnology Engineering) from GBPUAT, Pantnagar (Uttarakhand), and Ph. D degree from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. Dr. Mahawar has published 30 research papers in national as well as international journals along with two technical bulletins, and 20 popular articles. He has presented many research articles in national and international conferences. He is a life member of prestigious societies like Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE), The Institution of Engineers (IEI), Horticultural Society of India (HSI) and New Age Mobilization. He is a recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award’ at the National conference on Identification, Convergence, Implementation & Extension of researchable Issues for Sustainable Development held at Meerut, India.
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahawar Research interests are Agricultural Structures and Process Engineering, Machine design, Post-harvest processing and Value addition of horticultural crops
Dr. Satish Kumar Sain
Research Scientist,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Central Institute for Cotton Research,
Satish Kumar Sain, Ph.D. Plant Pathology. He has a keen interest in R&D and promotion activities with the aim to find out effective biocontrol agents for sustainable crop health management, and to popularize the use of biocontrol agents among researchers and farmers. His research work on biological control of insect-pests includes use of pathogenic microorganism, endophytes, PGPR, entomopathogens, botanicals, induced resistance, rhizosphere engineering for integrated management of plant pathogens and insect-pests. Presently, he is working as a Senior Scientist (Plant Pathology), ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research. He has served as Assistant Director-Plant Health Management (Horticulture) at National Institute of Plant Health Management, Hyderabad (2011-2015), Visiting Scientist & Project Coordinator at The World Vegetable Center-Regional Center for South Asia, ICRISAT Campus, Hyderabad (2006-2011), Plant Pathologist at Vibha Agrotech Ltd. Hyderabad (2005-2006) and research fellow at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi (2002-2005). He has over 18 years experience in research & development, promotion and capacity building activities in the area of plant protection, integrated pest management, biological control, ecological engineering, home gardening, screening for resistance etc. in vegetable and other crops. He is the Gold medalist in M.Sc. Plant Pathology and recipient of 12 meritorious awards, including best oral and poster papers, Award of appreciation from CDO & NARO, Uganda. As an agriculturist and especially plant pathologist by training, he is having memberships of 16 scientific societies / committees.
Dr. Satish Kumar Sain has contributed to agriculture in several areas including bacteriology, mycology, plant pathology, resistant screening, biological control, integrated pest management, ecological engineering discipline for identification and characterization of agriculturally important plant pathogenic and biological control microorganisms, epidemiology, molecular biology, screening of biological, botanical and chemicals against plant pathogenic and insect-pests, screening of germplasm/lines against pathogens, development of IPM modules. He has more than 200 publications, 50 presentations, 13 technologies etc. Handled more than 25 R&D projects. He has developed more than 15 training manual for 15 different training programs and conducted more than 120 International and National training programs. Submitted more than 30 agriculturally important microbial cultures to national culture collection centers and 20 gene sequences to NCBIGenBank.
Dr. Nandlal Choudhary
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Biochemistry,
Amity Institute,
Dr. Nandlal Choudhary (born, March 01, 1979), is a Plant Biochemist employed as Assistant Professor at Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh Noida. Dr. Choudhary graduated in agriculture from Mahatama Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri and after then joined the prestigious Indian Agricultural Research Institute from where he received his M.Sc and Ph.D in Biochemistry in the year 2003 and 2007, respectively. Dr. Choudhary has made research contributions towards the understanding of biochemical and molecular mechanism underlying biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. During the Ph.D., he made efforts to understand the role of antiviral protein against plant viruses under the mentorship of renowned plant biochemist, Prof. M.L. Lodha. Then, he moved to Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, USA in 2009 and worked as postdoctoral fellow in laboratory of Prof. Ronald Brlansky. Here, he worked about 5 year on genomics of exotic citrus viruses and developed specific serological and molecular diagnostics assays which were very crucial in devising the strategy for management of citrus viruses. Dr. Choudhary has developed monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against recombinant coat protein of Citrus leprosis viruses which is being utilized in surveying the citrus areas of Columbia, Panama, Mexico. He also reported two new citrus viruses, Citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type 2 and Citrus leprosis virus nuclear type. He has also developed the real-time PCR based molecular diagnostic method for devastating citrus pathogens viz. citrus greening bacteria and citrus leprosis virus. Since 2014, Dr. Choudhary’s research interest is focused on identification and characterization of viral suppressor proteins of citrus ringspot virus. Dr. Choudhary is life member of Indian Virological Society, Asian PGPR society of Sustainable Agriculture, International Society for Infectious Diseases and World Society of Virology.
Dr. Nandlal Choudhary Research interests are Diagnostics of Plant Viruses, Plant Virus genomics, Plant molecular biology
Dr. Hossain M. Zabed
Department of Food and Biological Engineering ,
Jiangsu University,
Dr. Hossain M. Zabed is currently working as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Jiangsu University, China. He got his Bachelor and Master in Microbiology from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh and PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Malaya, Malaysia. In his more than 10 year’s working experiences, he worked as a Lecturer at Primeasia University, Bangladesh (2012-), a Microbiologist at Incepta Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Bangladesh (2008-2012), and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Jiangsu University, China (2017-). His major research focuses are Biofuels, Bioproducts and Bioactive natural compounds. As a young researcher, he published 40 academic materials on biomass, bioenergy, and microbial biosynthesis in the last 5 years, which included peer reviewed articles, highly cited papers, book chapters and conference proceedings. He presented his research outcomes as invited speaker in several international conferences. In recent years, he got two research project grants from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Dr. Zabed is serving as a Reviewer and an Editorial Board Member for some international Journals. He has professional membership with the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the Microbiology Society (UK).
Dr. Hossain M. Zabed Research interests includes Development of crop hybrids for biofuels; Biomass processing; Construction of microbial cell factories; Metabolic engineering; Microbial biosynthesis; Pathway optimization; Bioprocess optimization, and Fermentation technology.
Dr. Asif Mohammad Iqbal Qureshi
Research Associate,
Department of Genetics & Plant Breeding,
Dr. Asif started his career by working as Research Associate in the NAIP, ICAR Saffron project which confirmed development & release of NAIP Production system using 3 system modules, INM for improving Soil Health, IDM for control of Corm Rot & IPM for control of Rodent managemnt. He was then selected as Assistant Professor in Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology in Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bihar (2012) and after then he took over All India Coordinated Research Project Rapeseed-Mustard at SKUAST Kashmir as Principal Investigator funded by ICAR, New Delhi, India (2013 contiuining) . Dr Asif received Certificate of Merit in MSc (OGA: 8.81) from SKUAST-Kashmir, India and during his tenure MRCFC, Khudwani Centre, SKUAST-K was adjudged Best All India Coordinated Research Project Award (2015) from Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, ICAR, New Delhi, India. He was then Honored Fellowship by Indian National Science Academy , Bengaluru for 56 days w.e.f 26 oct. to 20 dec, 2015 in the Molecular Plant Physiology Lab. of Centre For Advanced Studies in Botany, Department of Botany, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. He Received Ist Prize in Poster Presentation in the National Symposium on Biodiversity, Biology and Bioprospecting, Kashmir University, April1-2nd ,2015 (Characterization and utilization of maize land races of Kashmir for food and nutritional security, National Symposium on Biodiversity, Biology and Bioprospecting, Kashmir University). Dr Asif Selected for Prestigious & Illustrious Raman Fellowship Programme by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, for advanced research on "Marker Assisted Breeding for Quality Improvement in Dr Beans" at Michigan State University, USA for one year (July 2016 to 27 July, 2017). YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD (2017) from Faculty Branding Awards, Delhi. Received Best Poster Award in National Seminar on Saffron Production and Promotion organized by SKUAST-K and JKAPD at SKUAST-K Shalimar Kashmir India (7-8Th Aug, 2017).
Dr. Asif's research interests include Crop Improvement, Quantitative Genetics, All Mating Designs for crop improvement, Biotechnology (Genetic & Molecular diversity analysis in field crops), Real Time PCR , Quality breeding in Dry beans.
Dr. Sougata Sarkar
Research Scientist,
Genetic Resources & Agro-tech Division,
CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu,
Dr Sougata Sarkar is involved in research and development of medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) growing in planes and higher altitudes in India. He has obtained his PhD from a pioneer research Institute named CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow and is presently involved in genetic improvement in MAPs through classical plant breeding approach and plant tissue culture technique in yet another pioneer research Institute named CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (IIIM), Jammu, INDIA.
Dr. Sougata Sarkar Research Interests are Genetic improvement in MAPs through conventional and non-conventional methods; conservation of genepool; qualitative and quantitative development of secondary metabolites (aroma ingredients) in MAPs; DNA fingerprinting and barcoding in MAPs; Agrobacterium sp mediated genetic transformation in MAPs;
Dr. Muruganandam Muthiah
Principal Scientist ,
Department of Natural Resource Management,
South Dakota State University,
Dr Muruganandam is a Fulbright Scientist working as Principal Scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ICAR-IISWC), Dehradun. He has acquired doctoral Degree from HNB Garhwal (Central) University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand and post-doctoral research experience from South Dakota State University (SDSU), Brookings, South Dakota, USA after Master’s in Mariculture from ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research (ICAR-CMFRI) and Cochin University of Science and technology (CUSAT), Kochi, India. He is founder Scientist who single-handedly established research and training in fisheries science at the ICAR-IISWC with relevant national and international importance and implications, since 1996. He has over 25-years of research and professional experience on multi-disciplinary areas and diverse topics. He had completed/handling 17 research/demonstration grants. He had refined 6 fish-farming/livestock-based production technologies. He has been resource-person and faculty member in about 50 national and international training and extension programs. He is Member in standing-committee for climate impact assessment, contingence planning and popularization of technologies at IISWC
Dr. Muruganandam Muthiah Presently, as Principal Scientist (Fisheries and Aquaculture) at ICAR-IISWC, Dehra Dun he is focusing mainly on watershed based fisheries development through various bio-physical interventions. The wide range of interests include production systems and technologies evolved through principles of sustainable development, farm animal and fish disease management, socio-economics and decision support tools to optimize fisheries and aquaculture production in diversified agro-ecological regions and effective management of natural resources for development through community participation and empowerment. Impacts of soil-water conservation structure established in-streams and watersheds like gabion, Conservation Bench Terrace (CBT) trenches etc. and traditional fishing like community-based fishing festivals (locally known as mond) celebrated in Uttarakhand Himalayas on fish biomass and aquatic biodiversity are being assessed. Various issues on the accommodation of composite carp culture in Water Harvesting Structures (WHS) and farm ponds and situation-specific integrated farming systems to ensure food and livelihood securities of farmers are major areas of his research interests.
Dr. Bhagya H.P
Department of Horticulture ,
Dr. Bhagya, H.P Scientist (ICAR-IIOPR, Pedavegi) born in 30th September 1988. Completed her bachelor and master degree of horticulture from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore during 2009 and 2011, respectively and received university gold medal for M.Sc. Horticulture in plantation, medicinal, aromatic and spice crops. Completed her Ph.D Horticulture from UHS, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India during 2019 and received inspire fellowship from DST for Ph.D programme. She was awarded ICAR-SRF in 2014. She has published more than 15 research articles and 12 popular articles, 12 leaflets, 1 book and 1 technical bulletin brought out. She had research experience in coconut and vegetable crops and presently working on oil palm crop.
Dr. Bhagya H.P research interest is in Evaluation of oil palm germplasm, carbon sequestration studies: above ground and below ground carbon stock in oil palm and coconut plantation. Morphological and molecular characterization of germplasm lines. Propagation studies in medicinal and aromatic plants.
Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics,
Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University ,
Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Singh is Assistant Professor in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar. Additionally, he is associated with AICRP on Rice as Plant Breeder. Prior to his current engagement he was engaged in teaching at HNBGU (central University), Deharadun, Uttarakhand and as Senior Research Fellow at National Seed Research and Training Centre (NSRTC), Varanasi. He is an alumnus of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar; University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru and Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He was awarded ICAR-JRF for M.Sc. and ICAR-SRF for Ph.D. and qualified ASRB- NET. He has published more than 15 research papers in various journals of national and international repute, contributed 5 book chapters and several popular articles in leading magazines. He has attended various national and international conferences/ seminar/ symposium/ lectures. He is life time member of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, New Delhi. He is mentoring several masters and doctoral fellows in their research programme. Dr Singh has keen interest in Plant Science and ardently engaged in varietal improvement programme for crop plants especially rice crop with special reference to biotic and abiotic stresses for wider adaptation and enhanced yield potential
Research Interest of Asst. Prof. Dr. Mithilesh Kumar Singh is in Plant Science
Mr. Hanuman Prasad Pandey
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
C.S.Azad University of Agriculture and Technology,
Mr. Pandey currently pursuing Ph.D (Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry) from Chandra shekhar Azad University of Agricultural and Technology, Kanpur. He has completed Masters degree from CSAUA&T Kanpur in 2018. He has awarded three gold medals in Masters degree program, Best Poster Presentation Award by Society of biological sciences and rural development, Prayagraj (U.P), Young Scientist Award by Kalash Research and Welfare Society, Prayagraj (U.P), Young Scientist Award by Society of Agricultural Research and Social Development New Delhi, Scientist Associate Award by Astha foundation, Meerut (U.P), Life member of several academic societies. He has published more than 10 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and attended more than 20 national, international conferences and training programme.
Mr. Hanuman Prasad Pandey Research interest is in Agricultural Research:- Soil Science related new aspects, Bio-fortification, Soil ecology, Application of artificial intelligence in Soil research .
Dr. Amit A. Deogirikar
Assistant Professor,
Farm Machinery and Power; Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Amit Ashokrao Deogirikar (b. 1977) is B. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering) graduate acquired his M. E. (FMPE) in 2001. He has 18 years of experience in the field of Farm Machinery and Power. Presently he is working as Assistant Professor (Farm Machinery and Power), Department of Agricultural Engineering, Dr. B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. He has 25 internationally abstracted scientific publications and 30 technical papers. He has published four text books for the UG students of Agriculture discipline, 01 bulletin on Success story of Rotavator, 01 Marathi booklet on Soil Analysis and 30 popular articles related to Farm Machinery and Agriculture. He has one patent filed on his credit. He has guided 20 research projects of the UG students for participation in different State and National level research competitions. With the help of Software Engineer, he has developed MCQ type examination software for UG students of Agriculture.
Research Interests of Dr. Amit A. Deogirikar are agricultural machineries like transplanters, cultivators, magnetic seed and water treater, pulp pasteurization
Dr. Shashi Pandey Rai
Department of Botany,
Hindu University,
Prof Shashi Pandey Rai has a brilliant academic record. Her performance in postgraduation fetched her three Gold Medals (Birbal Sahani Memorial Gold Medal, Shri Rakeshwar Lal Sinha Gold Medal and Kamayani Memorial Gold Medal) of Lucknow University. She has made outstanding contribution in the area of epigenetics/genetics/ genomics of regulation of stress resistance/terpenoid biosynthetic pathway expression in Artemissia annua, Catharanthus roseus, Withania coagulans. The main focus of her research is to identifying key elements involved in these processes which will allow generating novel tools for metabolic engineering. To this end, her group developed a functional genomics platform that allows (i) comprehensive investigations of epigenetic regulation of plant secondary metabolism and (ii) gene discovery on a genome-wide scale. For the first time she has been able to demonstrate that drought and salt resistant loss-of-function mutants simultaneously harbour pleiotropic changes in seedling and adult plant morphology. Some of the mutants harbor gross changes in the shoot morphology, inflorescence architecture, implicating involvement of chromatin remodeling in the adaptation process against abiotic stresses. Implication of epigenetic repressors in the expression of alkaloid/terpenoid pathway and stress management gives an entirely new direction to the research on secondary metabolism in plants. Her efforts has opened new area of research work in India by providing novel genetic material in a plant in which secondary metabolism is of great commercial importance. She has Published 88 in international and national publications, One US Patent FPO 1826 , NF28/04 granted and published online in 2006,App. No. 10/838531), One technology transfered to Almet India Pvt. ltd.(Mahyco). Currently, she is also involved in several activities as life member of various societies such as Society of Conservation Biodiversity, India., Life Member of the Biotech Research Society, India, Life Member of the Indian Vegetable Science Society, India.Life Member of the Indian Society of Plant Physiologist, India., Fellow of the Society of Applied Biotechnology, India, Life Member of The Indian Botanical Society, India, Life member of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), India and Member, Institutional Bio-safety Committee of BHU and member of IGNSA, Asia. She has also received Y. S. Murty medal for her outstanding contribution in the area of botanical sciences.
Research Interests of Prof Shashi Pandey Rai are Conservation of plant genetic resources by in vitro technique; manipulation of genes to improve the yield, quality and stability of medicinal plant having great commercial importance; functional genomics; comprehensive investigations of epigenetic regulation of plant secondary metabolites and gene discovery on a genome-wide scale.
Dr. Deepak Ghimire
Department of Agriculture,
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science,
Deepak Ghimire is an M.S. student in Agronomy (Soil and Water Sciences) at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA. He completed his B.Sc. Agriculture from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Sciences (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
Research Interests of Dr. Deepak Ghimire are Soil and Nutrient Management. Sustainable agriculture and cropping systems. Agriculture based mitigation and adaptation practices for Climate Change. Use of crop sensors for in-season nitrogen management in wheat
Dr. Muhammad Yousuf Jat Baloch
Department of Environmental Engineering,
China University of Geoscience (Wuhan) ,
Dr. Muhammad Yousuf Jat Baloch is a research scholar in the field of Environmental Engineering. He published several papers as a corresponding and first authors he is also co-authors in different research projects. Dr. Baloch is the member of Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) as a registered engineer for the life time. He also awarded the supervision certificate from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Dr. Baloch received many Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
Dr. Muhammad Yousuf follows the rules from his childhood such as never keep the water running unnecessarily, always try to reuse/recycle things to avoid disposal, never waste food, grow plants to reduce the global warming issues. By following these rules, Dr. Baloch developed an interest in the field of Environmental Engineering. His research focus include; water and wastewater treatment, Engineering hydrology, Water resources and irrigation engineering, Environmental geochemistry, Surface and groundwater Hydrology, Arsenic remediation from groundwater, seawater intrusion in the coastal areas, Soil and coastal wetland pollution control and remediation and Pollution and control technology. He has also skills on different software’s such as EndNote, ORIGIN PRO, ARC GIS, Hydrus1d, PHREEQC, AutoCAD, MATLAB, and Sigma Plot. Dr. Muhammad Yousuf built a strong background in the field of Environmental and Groundwater Engineering, He has also worked experiences as an engineer in the field of Health Safety & Environmental (HSE) in Pakistan.
Groundwater Engineering, Hydro geochemistry; Groundwater remediation; Water and wastewater treatment; Hydrogeology; Diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique; Persistent organic pollutants (POPs).
Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava
University of Bonn,
Crop Science and Resource Conservation,
Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava is currently working as a Senior Scientist in the Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, and involved in agro-ecological modelling framework development (SIMPLACE) in connection with Upscaling Site-Specific Climate-Smart Agriculture and Land-use practices to improve regional production systems. She is also involved in the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), an international, transdisciplinary project connecting climate science, crop modelling, and economic modelling to place regional agricultural impacts of climate change into their global economic context to assess uncertainties and vulnerability of world food security. She is having over a decade of experience in crop modelling framework development at different scales, modelling structural change and agricultural nutrient flows across scales combining bio-physical and bio-economic model, crop yield forecasting using satellite data, crop models and machine learning algorithms.
Research Interests of Dr. Amit Kumar Srivastava are Cropping system modeling, Climate change impact assessment, Crop yield forecasting.
Dr. M. Mumtaz Khan
Associate Professor,
Department of Plant Sciences,
Sultan Qaboos University,
Dr. Mumtaz Khan earned his B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Hons.) from the Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad followed by a Ph.D. and postdoctoral training from the University of Sheffield, UK. He is currently working as Associate Professor at the Department of Crop Sciences, College of Agriculture and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. His main research interests are in sustainable agriculture production, abiotic plant stress mechanism and disease-free citrus nursery production system.
Horticulture/Crop sciences
Dr. Victorita Radulescu
Hydraulic Machinery and Environmental Engineering,
University Politehnica of Bucharest,
RADULESCU C. VICTORITA Prof. PhD. Eng., Director of Laboratory of Applied Hydraulics & Numerical modeling, Faculty of Power Engineering, University Politehnica of Bucharest Scientific activity: 14 published books, 54-articles published in national and international journals, 78-published articles in volume of International Congresses, 51-Articles in national Congresses and Conferences Research activity: over 50 scientific contracts, 28 as Project Leader and 3 international researching contracts
Environmental, Renewable resources, Efficiency, Energy, Hydraulic machinery, Friendly and Ecologic Agriculture
Dr. Fernando José Cebola Lidon
Department of Earth Sciences,
New University of Lisbon,
Full Professor in Food Phytotechnology in the Department of Earth Sciences of the NOVA School of Science and Technology – New University of Lisbon (NOVA-ST); General Coordinator of the Agrofood Sector of the NOVA-ST; General Coordinator of Ph D and Master courses on Agro-Food Production and Processing Technologies; General coordinator of the Research Center GeoBioTec – NOVA (with 91 full members and collaborators); About 250 international publications (Research papers and books).
Plant Biology and Biochemistry; Food Technology; Food Storage; Plant Nutrition; Biofortification
Dr. Lirika Kupe
Associate Professor,
Department of Agronomy Sciences,
Agricultural University of Tirana,
Assoc. Prof. Lirika KUPE (Dorri) graduated as a Biologist from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana, in 2001. She completed her master's degree in 2003 and PhD in 2006 at the Agricultural University of Tirana and holds the Associate Professor since 2009. She is author and co-author of around 28 scientific journals and has participated in around 37 international and national conferences or symposium. She has also participated as an expert on international projects in the field of biodiversity and environmental management such as SCOPES, CPWB, NIVA etc. He has also carried out a number of long-term specializations at the Limnologic Institute (University of Zurich), University of Innsbruck - Austria, University of Tekirdag (Turkey), University of Hoenheim (Germany) etc. She has been conducting teaching activity in the subject of General Botany since 2001 and from 2017 she is teaching subject of Energy Waste Treatment.
Fresh water ecology, diatoms taxonomy & ecology
Dr. Fayaz Mohiddin
Associate Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Kashmir ,
Dr. Fayaz Mohiddin is an Associate Professor in the Section of Plant Pathology, Mountain Research Centre for Field Crops, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology-Kashmir India and has served the Centre as Head of the Section of Plant Pathology. Dr. Mohiddin has mainly contributed in the field of biocontrol of plant diseases caused by fungi (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Alternaria) and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in horticultural and ornamental crops. He has evaluated relative effectiveness of several biocontrol agents against these pathogens. His research has shown greater effectiveness of indigenous isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride, Pochonia chlamydospooria, Pseudomonas fluroscens and Bacillus subtilis. Dr. Mohiddin has over 90 research articles, 3 books, published in well reputed national and international journals. Dr. Mohiddin has invented a process to produce commercial formulations of biocontrol agents (patented in USA). Using the process, he has produced biopesticides of Trichoderma harzianum, Pohonia chlamydospooria and Pseudomonas fluorescens (patented in India). Dr. Mohiddin has successfully developed powder formulations of biocontrol agents and distributed to numerous farmers in 6 districts of J&K to control wilt, root-rot and root-knot of horticultural crops including apple. Dr. Mohiddin has developed a high efficiency and low cost liquid fermentor protocol using indigenous technology to produce microbial formulations at a large scale. He has disseminated the technology to rural people in his state and held various trainings for the farmers to establish small scale production units of Trichoderma under DBT research project sanctioned to him.
• Management of plant pathogenic fungi and nematodes • impact of climatic change on the crop productivity and disease development • Molecular characterization of efficient isolates of biocontrol agents and development of their biopesticides for the management of plant diseases caused by fungi and nematodes of agricultural crops
Dr. Ales Hanc
Associate Professor,
Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition ,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,
Dr. Ales Hanc is Associate Professor at the Department of Agro-Environmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. He is the guarantor of the bachelor's study program Landscape Protection and the Use of Natural Resources and the master's program Waste Technology. He teaches classes in the field of Agro-Environmental Chemistry, Plant Nutrition and Waste Management. His research and publication activities are focused on the management of biowaste and knowledge of processes during composting and vermicomposting (using earthworms). Individually or as a co-author He has published over 170 scientific and professional articles. More than 40 of them are displayed on Web of Science with 450 citations (without self-citations). H-index is 13. Researcher ID: U-8984-2019. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4291-8576 He presented selected papers orally at international conferences, e.g. in Hong Kong (2011, 2013, 2015 – Co-chairman of the Composting Section), China (Beijing, 2012, Shanghai, 2018), USA (2017), South Africa (2016), Malaysia (2018), Greece (2010 and 2018), Spain (2018), Hungary (2014), etc. He also participated in the creation and development of patents, utility models and industrial designs, certified methodologies, functional model and proven technology. He is a co-author of a book on composting and composting plants
Waste Management; biowaste; composting; vermicomposting; plant nutrition; fertilization
Dr. M. Kavino
Assistant Professor (Senior Scale),
Department of Fruit Science,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Dr. M. Kavino, has graduated from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He obtained his post graduate and doctoral degree from the same University. He has experience in teaching, research and extension works in fruit crops for over 15 years. He has been awarded with Senior Research Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. degree programme. He has honoured with Best Dissertation Award for Ph.D. thesis from AIPUB, New Delhi and NRC Banana, Trichy and Dr. Madhava Rao award for the best M.Sc thesis in Pomology. He received international travel grants from DST, DBT, CSIR and Kirk House Trust, England to present his research contributions in Banana at South Africa and Thailand. He is working in the field of “Crop improvement and crop management of Tropical, Sub Tropical and Arid Zone Fruit Cropsâ€. He has good experience in the field of Induced Systemic Resistance (ISR) and it is evident from his publications. He is already guided nine M.Sc.(Hort.) students and guiding one M.Sc.(Hort.) student at present in Fruit Science. He has more than 101 publications in peer reviewed international and national journals. He was the recipient of GOI, DST- Young Scientist award with scheme entitled on “Enhancement of resistance to Panama wilt (Fusaium oxysporum f.sp.cubense) of banana mediated through co-culturing of banana plantlets with PGPR and Endophytes†and Co-principal Investigators for Bioversity International, Italy and Royal Society, United Kingdom projects during 2017-2021.
Horticulture- Fruit Crops
Dr. Arpan Bhowmik
Scientist (Senior Scale),
Department of Agricultural Statistics,
Dr. Arpan Bhowmik is actively involved in research, teaching, training, student guidance and advisory services in Agricultural Statistics for the last ten years at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi. He, worked in diverse areas of Experimental Designs, Informatics, Statistical Genomics, Statistics for Biology and Statistics for Social research. He has Made significant contributions in developing designs and analytical methodologies for experiments involving indirect effects (e.g. neighbour effects, trend effects etc.), cost efficient designs for experiments involving hard-to-change factors, fitting response surface models in presence of neighbour effects, designs when observations are correlated, designs for polycross trials etc. He is involved in development of different online software/databases/Mobile apps/SAS macros/ R-packages which are providing readymade solutions to the end users and making global impact. Mixture distribution approach has been used for identifying differentially expressed genes. Sliding window methodology has been developed and used to divide the genome into homogeneous segments and identify the change points in Rice and Escherichia coli genome. He has documented success stories of different agri-entrepreneurs. Till date he has published 114 research papers out of which 45 research papers published in journal having an impact factor, 1 book, 7 book chapters, 1 paper in conference proceeding, 14 E-article/popular articles, 16 reference manual, 11 E-manual/E-book, 6 technical bulletin/project reports and some other documents. He is also involved in different research projects in different capacities. He organized a number of national and international training programmes and workshops. He was actively involved in organization of Eight International Conference of Agricultural Statistics (ICAS-VIII) a mega event of Food and Agricultural Organization which was held at New Delhi during 2019. He has received IARI Merit Medal for outstanding research work done during the Ph.D., International Travel Support Award for Young Scientist from SERB, DST, GOI for attending III LACSC at University of Costa Rica in 2018,Young Scientist Award from different professional societies, Krishi Vigyan Gaurav (Honorary Title) for carrying out research work in official language Hindi from Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samiti and a number of best poster award. Beside he is being involved in development of KRISHI portal : ICAR research data repository which bagged gold icon in Open Data Category under Digital India Award 2020 of Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. He has served as guest faculty for teaching a course on Computational Statistics at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai under Joint teaching programme of the college. He has also received two copyrights. He has successfully guided 3 M.Sc. student and presently guiding 1 Ph.D. students as major guide. He has served as Member of advisory committees of more than 100 students across different disciplines of Post Graduate School, IARI. He have delivered a number of lecture in different institute across India as invited resource person. He served as invited speaker, conveners etc in different national and international conferences/symposia/seminars/webinars. He is continuously providing a number of advisory services to researchers under National Agricultural Research and Education Systems (NARES
Agricultural Statistics, Statistics, Design of Experiments, Factorial Experiments, Response Surface Optimization, Computational Statistics, Application of Genetic Algorithm for Optimization, Application of Machine learning techniques in agricultural data, Statistics for Biology, Statistical Genomics, Research Methodology for Social Science, Logit and probit analysis, Data analysis
Dr. Ravindra Meena
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture (Soil Science),
School of Agricultural Sciences, Career Point University Kota (Rajasthan),
Ravindra Meena, M.Sc. Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agriculture science, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi (Utter pardesh) India. He published 4 Research papers in National and international journals , Hindi Article – 14 and 5 International conference and national conference.
Soil Science (Agriculture)
Dr. Shailendra Kumar Shukla, FRSC
Professor and Founder Coordinator ,
Center of excellence in Energy and Resources Development, Mechanical Engineering ,
Prof S.K.Shukla is former Pro Vice Chancellor of Ranchi University and currently Professor and Coordinator in the department of Mechanical Engineering IIT(BHU),VARANASI. He is Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK and JSPS fellow. His current research is mainly about Energy Conversion Systems, Renewable Energy, Storage and Biofuels production, Green hydrogen project etc.
Renewable Energy, Biofuels, Bioenergy, Solar Thermal
Dr. Muhammad Shehzad
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agronomy,
University of Poonch Rawalakot,
Dr. Muhammad Shehzad, Assistant Professor in Agronomy at University of Poonch Rawalakot, Pakistan. He received his Bachelor’s, Master’s degree in Agronomy from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He did his PhD from the same University in collaboration with the University of Nebraska Lincoln USA. He has more than 50 scientific papers in Agricultural sciences. He is currently working as an editor of more than five well reputed journals.
Seed Priming, Forage crops, Nutrient Management, Weed management
Dr. Harpal Singh Randhawa
Principal Entomologist,
Department of Entomology,
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.,
He have joined as Asstt. Entomologist in March 1993 at PAU Regional Research Station Gurdaspur and promoted as Principal Entomologist in July 2010. he has identified ¬new insect-pests viz. nut borer, leaf roller, leaf miner, thrip and mite of litchi, leaf defoliator) of mango & litchi, gram caterpillar and tobacco caterpillar of seed crop of berseem, pigeonpea pod borer, shoot borer of Toona ciliatae, amaltas leaf roller, apple fruit fly and studied their life history to find weak link for their effective control measures. The suitable control measures have been developed for the insect-pests those have improved the quantity and quality of produce and increased the farm income of farmers. He had also involved on development of crop varieties and cultivation of newly released varieties (rice & sugarcane) has been a key factor in increasing crop production. He had also received project on development of Biocontrol lab. for control of insect-pests fruits and vegetables to reduce the insecticidal load in environment. As Farm Incharge, facilitated production of improved seeds of different crops to generate income for university and provide quality seed to farmers. Also taught different (80 times) of Zoology, Biology, Entomology and Pathology to students of Diploma in Agriculture, Certificate Course in Agriculture, B Sc Agri. (Hons.) and guided one M Sc Agri. (Ent) Student as major advisor. He had also Published 237 extension articles in farm magazines and delivered 205 lectures & 21 Radio/TV Talks in the Agricultural Camps/Farmers Fairs/All India Radio/Doordarshan Kenrdra Jalandhar to popularize PAU technologies. Also generated income Rs 5.04 core for PAU through submission of projects to different agencies, sale of seed and Trichocards (bioagents).
Dr. Hanifeh Seyed Hajizadeh
Associate Professor,
Department of Horticultural Sciences,
University of Maragheh,
He was Associated Prof. and scientific member of University of Maragheh with 15+ years of experience in teaching and lab work, having two sabbatical period in Europe with focus on plant biotechnology lab experiments, he love plant science
Biotechnology and Postharvest Physiology
Dr. Rachana patil
Associate Professor,
Department of Rural Management,
S. P. Mandali's Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research,
Prof. Dr Rachana Patil has done PhD in Economics, M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics, MA Economics. She is having more than 14years experience in Teaching, Research and Consultancy. She is a mentor for Global Citizen Leadership Program by Centre for creative leadership USA, Academic Research Projects, Industry Research Projects. She is a resource person for conducting Research workshops at National level. She has published more than 35 Research Papers in National & International Journals. Participated & Presented Research Papers in National & International Conferences including Oxford University UK and IIM Ahmedabad. She is a recipient of Young Female scientist award with silver medal in the field of Agricultural Economics; Received Bharat Ratna Mother Teresa gold medal award for her outstanding individual contribution in the field of Education and Research by Global Economic Progress & Research Association New Delhi also received best research paper presentation awards in National & international Conferences. She is a founder of an ‘Agri lab’ in the Welingkar Institute of management development and research, Mumbai. She is an editorial board member for various National & international journals. She is an Innovation Ambassador for Weschool. She also has abundant experience in Consultancy pertains to various government & World Bank funded research projects/ Schemes.
Agriculture Economics, Entrepreneurship, Rural Economy
Dr. Mehdi Karimi
Assistant Professor,
Soil Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, National Salinity Research Center,
Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization ,
She received PhD from University Putra Malaysia in 2014 and served as researcher in Iranian National Salinity Research Center from 2000. Most of her research activities is related to using saline waters for crop production. Over past 20 year, her research was focused on improving fertilizer use efficiencies and to provide a guideline for optimum fertilizer management. Recently, she was using nano-technology to innovate fertilizers with higher efficiencies.
Agriculture, Soil chemistry, Nano fertilizers, Plant nutrition, Stresses such as salinity, Environment, Water Quality, Pistachio, Cereals such as Wheat
Dr. Javid Manzoor
Assistant Professor,
Department of Environmental Science,
JJT University, Rajasthan,
Dr. Javid Manzoor is Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science, JJT University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India. He did his Ph.D. from Department of Environmental Science (IGAEERE), Jiwaji University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has obtained his Master’s degrees (M.Sc. and M.Ed.) from the same university. His areas of interest include Environmental monitoring and assessment, environmental pollution and waste management. He is a member of several national and international organizations and is in the editorial board of various journals. He has published research papers in various journals with impact factor and attended conferences and workshops at national and international level.
Environmental monitoring and assessment, Environmental pollution, waste management
Dr. Koche Mina D
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati,
Dr. Mina Dadarao Koche, working as an Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology at Department of Plant Pathology, Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati since last seven years. Total teaching experience in the field of Plant Pathology is of Ten years till date. I have taught many undergraduate courses with great dedication to the great satisfaction of the students and actively involved in all teaching, extension and research activity. I received Fellow member of Scholars Academic and Scientific Society Assam (FSASS) and Fellow member of Society of Agriculture and Nutrition (FSAN). I have received Vedant educator excellence award 2020, The Real super woman 2020, Bharatjyoti pratibha sanman purskar -2020, Race-2020 India awards “ Young fellowâ€, Indo-Thai academic award -2019 “Young scientist award, India independence awards-2019 “Contribution in Agricultural scienceâ€. I act as member of the Editorial board of the Trends in Biosciences Journal and Agriways. Journal also paper reviewer of Research journal i.e. Plant Disease Journal and Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology also published Fifty three research papers in National and International reputed journal, Sixty five popular articles, one text book, two book chapter, attended and presented research papers, posters in different National and International conferences, symposium, workshop and trainings. Acted as member for poster evaluation at 14th International workshop organized by Association of Plant Pathologist (CI) and IPS New Delhi during 27-30 Dec 2016 at Nagpur. Acted as rapporteurs for technical session I and II at National Symposium organized by Association of Plant Pathologist Dr. P.D.K.V., Akola and ICAR Research complex for NEH Region Umiam, Meghalaya from 6th to 8th November, 2019 at Umiam and National Symposium on Plant Health Management organized by Department of Plant Pathology and Entomology, College of Agriculture, Navasari, Gujrat from 2nd to 4th November,2020. My special contribution is towards the major Citrus diseases caused by Phytophtora and its management and biological control agent Psuedomonas which is useful for the management of soil borne diseases of several crops. Aiming to achieve the research goal in the field of Plant Pathology for the better livelihood of my beloved farmers of India and the world.
Plant Pathology (Mycology, Bacteriology, Seed Pathology, Biocontrol Agents)
Dr. Ravichandran
Assistant Professor,
Department of Chemistry,
Lovely Professional University,
Dr. Ravichandran is currently working as an Associate Professor in Department of Chemistry at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab. He completed his Ph.D. in 2006 from Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai and completed M.Sc. in Chemistry from Pondicherry University, Pondicherry. He has qualified in GATE with a score of 95 percentile conducted by Ministry of Human Research and Development in the year 1998. He has 17 years of Research experience and published 105 International papers and 4 Patents. He has published 5 Textbooks for the benefit of student community and received Outstanding Scientist, Bharat Shiksha Ratan, Academic excellence and Life Time Education Excellence National awards for his outstanding contributions in research. His area of research work are: Synthesis of Mannich and Schiff bases, Complexation with metal ions like Cu(II), Co(II) and Ni(II), Structural characterization using spectroscopic techniques like UV-Vis., IR, 1H NMR, CV and EPR, Chromatography: column and thin layer chromatography.His main focus on the development of novel greener methodology.
Green Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Environmental Science and Nano Chemistry
Dr. Biswajit Patra
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Entomology,
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya,
Dr Biswajit Patra has been working as Assistant Professor (Agricultural Entomology) in Regional research station (Hill Zone), Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Kalimpong, West Bengal, India.He received Senior Merit Scholarship during Master degree programme. He was also awarded Gold Medal and Smt. Hemangini Dutta Memorial Book Prize for securing highest OGPA in M.Sc (Ag.) in Agricultural Entomology. Before joining as Assistant Professor in UBKV, he served as Assistant Director of Agriculture under West Bengal Agriculture Service (Administrative) in the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal for more than two years. He received Young Scientist Award from reputed societies. He also received best oral presentation awards in different seminar/symposium. He has published research papers in many national and international journals of repute. He is a life member of some reputed professional societies. He is now continuing his research on Insecticide Resistance Management.
Insecticide Toxicology/Insecticide Resistance Management
Dr. Mahmoud Abdelsalam Ahmed Mohamed
Associate Professor,
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Fayoum University,
Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture- Fayoum University, his areas of interest include Economic, Marketing, sustainable Agricultural development, value chains, and farmers’ perception and adaptation towards climate change, food waste
Economic- Business Management
Dr. Faheem Ahamad
Assistant Professor,
Department of Environmental Science ,
Swami Vivekanand Subharti University ,
Working of environmental pollution and Toxicology since 8 years (published more than 34 papers and book chapter in national, international Journal and books)
Environmental Science
Dr. Swarupa V. Agnihotri
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
Wilson College,
She is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Botany, Wilson college, Chowpatty, Mumbai. She had completed her M.Phil. and Ph.D. in the field of plant physiology from the department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. She was awarded with G.V. Joshi memorial award and also received DST-PURSE fellowship. She has published nine research articles in the various national, international journals and proceedings. She has also published book chapters in National and International books. She had also served as an editor of the book.
Plant physiology
Dr. Mustafa Adhab
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Protection,
University of Baghdad,
Mustafa Adhab is a plant biologist who is specialized in plant-virus interaction and the relationship to insect vectors in nature. Mr. Adhab is a faculty member at the Department of Plant Protection, University of Baghdad who runs a plant virology lab and supervises undergraduate and graduate students in the field of plant pathology and relationships between microbes and arthropods vectors.
Plant protection, Plant pathology, Virology, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Plant-Virus-Vector relationships
Dr. Jyoti Rajput
Associate Professor,
Department of Physics,
Lovely Professional University,
Jyoti Rajput received her Ph.D. degree from NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, India in 2019. She is currently an Associate professor of Physics at Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. She has published around 25 research articles in various international SCI journals and presented her research work at various international conferences/workshops. She is also a member of different renowned associations/societies e.g., PSSI, ISCA etc
Soil Pollution, Water Pollution, and Hazardous Waste Management
Dr. Anita Singh
Associate Professor,
Department of Vegetable Science,
Graphic Era Hill University,
- Completed PhD in Horticulture (Vegetable Science from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and technology, pantnagar - Guided 7 M.Sc. Ag. Students and 1 PhD student - Published 32 Research Papers,14 Popular Articles, 6 Book Chapters,6 Manuals and 2 leaflet - Unit Head of Horticulture, School Of Agriculture, dehradun - Reviewer of ARCC Journal from June 2021 to till date
Vegetable breeding mainly Tomato, Cucumber and Leafy vegetables
Dr. Kadry Abdel khalik
Department of Botany ,
Sohag University,
- completed Msc. (Ag) plant taxonomy, Assuit university, Egypt - pursued Ph.D. in Plant taxonomy from Wageningen University, Holland - has vast experience to work on no
Plant taxonomy, morphology , phylogenetic, anatomy, Ecology
Department of Plant Science and Plant Protection,
Kyrgyz National Agrarian University ,
Since 2011 Scientific secretary of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University. 2016 Coordinator of Working Group fordevelopment 64 modules on Agricultural Technologies financed by WFP of the UN 2015 Coordinator of Working Group for development module “Food Security and Nutrition†for students on agriculture supported by FAO project “Strengthening of the national food security information system in the Kyrgyz Republic†2014 Member of Working Group of the FAO UN and Ministry of Agriculture KR for development “Programme Food Security and Nutrition of the Kyrgyz Republic†2013-2015 Specialist on seed feed crops. UNDP project: “Poverty limiting Initiatives and Environment†(part time)
Seed Science, Plant Science and Plant Protection, Food Security
Dr. Emad M. Al-Maaroof
Department of Biotechnology and Crop Science ,
University of Sulaimani,
- completed Msc. (Ag) in Plant Pathology from University of Baghdad - pursued Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from University of Baghdad - has vast experience to work on plant pathology and disease resistance
Plant Pathology, Plant diseases, Mycology, Cereal diseases, Rust diseases, Disease resistance
Dr. Seedari Ujwala Rani
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University,
A dedicated Researcher for five 5 years (M.SC (Ag) & PhD in Agricultural Economics pursued at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi which is a premier institute in the field of Agricultural research in India and published articles in various journals under social sciences subject. I am a Assistant Professor by profession and able to explain complex information to all and chairperson for few students guiding for their research programme in their master degree. Teaching for Under graduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral students in various subjects like Development economics, Agricultural Marketing, Agribusiness Management ,International Trade and Research Methodology As a teacher, updating of knowledge in Agricultural Economics , creating interest and awareness in students about all India competitive exams after the graduation. Bringing the passion among the students towards Economics and guiding them for ICAR-JRF, ICAR-SRF and IARI-Ph. D exams and also as a to be a good economic policy maker and provide the good piece of research work which will be helpful to many research scholars in academics.
Agricultural Finance , Climate Change & Agricultural Production
Dr. Debashis Dash
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture and Allied Sciences,
C V Raman Global University (CGU),
Dr. Debashis Dash was born on 14th November, 1993 at Nayagarh district, Odisha. He passed his high school examination from D. A. V. Public School, Sovarampur, Balasore, Odisha in the year 2008 and higher secondary examination from Nayagarh Autonomous College, Nayagarh, Odisha in 2010. He obtained my B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree in 2014 from Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology with an OGPA of 8.39/10. In the year 2014, He was enrolled in the department of Agricultural Communication, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar through ICAR, JRF entrance examination to pursue M.Sc. (Ag.) degree programme in Agricultural Extension and Communication. In the year 2016, He obtained my master’s degree with an OGPA of 8.686/10 and He was the topper of the department in Masters’ and has the highest GPA among the enrolled Ph.D. students of the batch 2016-2018. He topped the G.B.P.U.A&T entrance examination and joined the same department to pursue Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension and Communication (major) and minor subject was in Social Sciences. With an advent interest in training, He wholeheartedly worked for the development of rural and tribal youth. He have determined training needs of youth in agriculture related areas using qualitative and quantitative research techniques. Based on their highest training needs, modules have been designed using ADDIE design. Besides training of youth in agriculture, He have keen interest in agricultural education, community development and rural development. He have cleared ICAR NET (Agricultural Extension) and UGC NET JRF (Adult education/ Continuing Education/ Non-Formal Education). I have also qualified UGC NET in Mass Communication. Recently, He have achieved the degree of IGNOU (2021) in PGDRD (Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development). He have enrolled myself in the NPTEL course “Qualitative Research Methods and Research Writing†(a 12 Week Course) on the SWAYAM platform (swayam.gov.in), during the Jan-Apr 2020 and successfully completed. I have been Certified from agMOOCs for successfully completing courses on “BASICS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTUREâ€Â, “FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSIONâ€Â, “ICT BASICSâ€Â, “EMPLOYMENT GENERATION AMOUNG RURAL YOUTH THROUGH AGRIPRENEURSHIP†and “E-EXTENSIONâ€Â. Till date, he have 10 research papers, 10 book chapters, 5 popular articles, and a technical paper under my name in various reputed national and international journals, books, and conference proceedings respectively. He also having the privilege of being a life member in Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi (Indian Journal of Extension Education) and Society of Extension Education, Agra (Indian Research Journal of Extension Education). He have attended many national and international conferences, workshop and webinars organized in our country and abroad. He possess a dominance in Hindi, Odia, and English languages in terms of reading, writing, and speaking. He have been a resource person to 30-Hour online Remedial Crash Course on Agriculture for Aspirants of JRF and other competitions organized for UG students of GBPUA&T, Pantnagar under IDP-NAHEP from 13 February 2021 to 13 March 2021.With an experience of attending the interview of Agriculture Research Service (ARS) after clearing prelims and mains, he, recently made an attempt to publish a book (Extension Education: A Ready Reckoner) for the aspiring students in the field of agricultural extension and communication. I also the hold the experience of working in World Bank sponsored project (NAHEP- National Agricultural Higher Education Project) as an e-Content Developer in GBPUA&T, Pantnagar from 16th March to 31st December 2020. At present, he was working as an Assistant professor in the Department of Agriculture and Allied sciences at CV Raman Global University, Bhubaneswar since January 11, 2020. He have been teaching the following courses: Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology and Fundamentals of Extension Education. Apart from teaching, He was serving the University as an Examination Coordinator of College of Agriculture, CGU, BBSR.
Youth Training, Training Needs in Agriculture, Rural Development
Dr. Prananath Barman
Assistant Professor,
Department of Horticulture,
Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
Dr. Prananath Barman had his BSc. degree in horticulture from Central Agricultural University, Imphal, India in 2004 and had his MSc. degree in 2006 from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India in Horticulture (Pomology) and then earned PhD degree in Horticulture (Pomology) from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor in Fruit Science from April to December 2012 and thereafter appointed as Scientist (Horticulture – Fruit Science) under Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi since January 2013 till now and he has 14 research papers in the field of crop production in national and international journals. He was awarded with best Research Paper by the Horticultural Society of India for research paper entitled “Synergistic interaction of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhiza helper bacteria in improving antioxidant activities in Troyer citrange and Cleopatra mandarin under low moisture stressâ€Â, during Inaugural Function of 7th Indian Horticulture Congress, New Delhi 2016 on November 15, 2016. He was awarded with young scientist Award by Mahima Research Foundation and Social Welfare committee, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in the International Conference on “Agricultural, Allied Sciences & Biotechnology for Sustainability of Agriculture, Nutrition & Food Securityâ€Â, held on 25-26 November 2017 at Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India
Dr. Barman research interests are Horticulture i.e Organic Horticulture, Agriculture Microbiology and Stress physiology of horticulture crops.
Dr. Yogesh A. Garde
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Statistics,
Navsari Agricultural University,
- Completed Ph.D. in Agricultural Statistics from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (2012) - Has having 09 years 01 months of work experience in field of research and teaching - Has guided 05 M.Sc. students - Has having more than 21 research paper, 02 book chapter - Has delivered 04 lectures in training and workshop - Has attended 12 conference, 08 seminars, 06 workshop and 04 training - Has organised 02 webinars - Has given 05 university recommendations - Has 05 life membership of professional societies - Has Honoured with “Young Scientist Award†for outstanding contribution in the field of Agricultural Statistics on the occasion of International Web Conference 2021
Crop yield forecast, Time series analysis, Stability analysis, Applications of RS and GIS in field of agriculture
Dr. Atef Mohamed Mohamed
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant pathology,
Fayoum University,
B.sc Cairo University, Egypt 1997/1998 DSPU (Specialized Diploma) Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece 1999/2000 M.sc Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece 2000/2002 PhD Fayoum University, Egypt (been halted and cancelled) 2005/2008 PhD University of Warwick, UK 2008/2012 - He has good knowledge and experiences in field of plant disease management in particular plant molecular virology.
• Plant Protection • Plant Virology • Biotechnology • Molecular Biology
Dr. Manish Kumar Vishwakarma
Assistant Breeder,
Hybrid Wheat Program,
Borlaug Institute for South Asia/Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de MaÃÂz y Trigo (CIMMYT),
Dr. Manish Kumar Vishwakarma is an Assistant breeder at BISA-CIMMYT, (Borlaug Institute for South Asia-CIMMYT-India) in Hybrid Wheat program; working in the development and improvement of wheat crop through application of Genomics and Molecular breeding tools and techniques. Prior to this, he has given his three-year services as a Visiting Scientist in Groundnut crop at ICRISAT. He received his M.Sc in Genetics and plant breeding at the Allahabad Agricultural Institute Deemed University, Naini, Allahabad in 2004 and Ph.D at Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi in 2013. He has published several articles in the field of Plant breeding, Molecular breeding, Trait mapping and Genomics. During P.hd he presented his research paper in Plant Genome Evolution 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 2013. In addition to this, he has also attended a one and half month training on Hybrid wheat at CIMMYT, Mexico in 2017. He is also serving as a member of the Editorial Board and reviewer for many scientific Journals.
Dr. Manish Kumar Vishwakarma research interests are in development of hybrid wheat with the help of Genomics tools as well as in Molecular breeding, trait mapping in wheat.
Dr. Mina M. Dzhivoderova-Zarcheva
Assistant Professor,
Department of Technology of Tobacco, Sugar, Vegetable and Essential Oils,
University of Food Technologies,
Dr. Mina M. Dzhivoderova-Zarcheva is Assistant Professor in the Department Technology of tobacco, sugar, vegetable and essential oils, University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv since 2013 year. She has completed her PhD thesis in University of Food Technologies, in the area of Food technology ,Technology of sugar and sugar products, with topic “TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON STARCH AND STARCH HYDROLYSATESâ€Â. She is a member in the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria. She has published more than 24 research papers in various journals of national and international repute and participations in 5 university, national and international projects. She has attended various national and international conferences/ seminar/ symposium/ lectures.
Production, properties and uses of native, modified starches and starch hydrolysates. Structural and mechanical properties and stability of emulsions and gels
Dr. Lalita Panwar
Assistant Professor,
Department of Entomology,
Maharishi Markandeshwar Deemed to be University Mullana Ambala,
- B.Sc (Hons.) agriculture from CCSHAU Hisar - Msc. (Ag) in Entomology from CCSHAU Hisar - Ph.D. in Entomology from CCSHAU Hisar - has vast experience to work on Apiculture and IPM -Published 20 research paper in national and international journal, 6 book chapter, 15 popular articles and participated in 22 national and international conference.
Apiculture, Integrated pest management, biological control, pest of field crops
Dr. Vijay A. Patil
Assistant Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology,
Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari,
- Completed Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (2012) - Has having 09 years 02 months of work experience in field of research, teaching and extension - Has PI of AICRP rice Pathology, NAU, Navsari - Has handled 4 other agencies project as a PI, as well as 3 govt. projects - Has guided 07 M.Sc. students - Has having more than 35 research paper, 02 book chapter - Has delivered 04 lectures in training and workshop - Has attended 11 conference, 08 seminars, 08 workshop and 05 training - Has given 11 university recommendations - Has 05 life membership of professional societies - Has Awards/Honours: 1) SADVICHAR PARIVAR AWARD for developing of different varieties of rice (GNR-3, GNR-4, GNR-5, Purna, GNR-6 and hybrid GNRH-1) From Gujarat association for Agricultural Sciences, Ahmedabad. Year-2019-20. 2) Best poster presentation award- 2015-16 3) Best poster presentation award first prize- 2016-17 3) Best oral presentation award-2018-19. 4) Young Scientist Award honored by PPAG, Gujarat. – 2020-21
Rice Pathology, Plant Disease management, Epidemiology, Host plant resistance, Pesticide residue, Education Technology Viz., UG & PG teaching and guiding.
Dr. Moraru Paula Ioana
Research Assistant,
Department of Technical and Soil Sciences,
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca,
Dr. Engineer, Research assistant, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Publication of 120 papers in BDI&ISI journals and international symposiums, 28 of which as lead author. Specialized in soil tillage conservation and its effect on soil organic matter, water management and carbon sequestration.
Dr. Moraru Paula Ioana research interests are Soil Sciences.
Dr. Deepanshu Rana
Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
Sardar Bhagwan Singh University,
She was done her M.Sc. & Ph.D. in Microbiology from Gurukul Kangri University, Hardwar, India, having 5 years research and 1 years teaching experience. She was a recipient of the Young Scientist Award from SAAR, JNU (February, 2020) and also an active member of Indian Science Congress Association and Indian Science Congress Association-Haridwar Chapter. Her area of research is working on Gut Bacteria capable of producing potent Secondary Metabolites which may serve as Antimicrobial agents with enhancement in there potentiality using Nanotechnology and also the in-silico studies. She has about 10 publications in leading peer reviewed Journals.
Gut Bacteria, Secondary Metabolites, Microbe-Microbe Interaction, Antimicrobial agents, Ecological Niche, Nanotechnology, In-silico study
Dr. Aline Roberta de Carvalho Silvestrin
Professor and Researcher,
Department of Agronomy,
Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná,
5541 99919-2004
He is an Agricultural Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Paraná. He is a master in Soil Science and Plant Nutrition from the University of São Paulo and a Doctorate in Forestry from the Federal University of Paraná. He have been working for 13 years as a professor and researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.
Soil conservation, Soil carbon, No-till system, Sustainable agriculture, Restoration of degraded land.
Dr. K. Nirmal Ravi Kumar
Professor & Head ,
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU), Guntur,
Dr. K. Nirmal Ravi Kumar (born February 1, 1969, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India), holding Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics, has studied at Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU). He has a brilliant academic career with specialization in ‘Agricultural Marketing’ both in his post-graduate and doctoral programmes. Dr. Kumar joined ANGRAU in October, 2001 as Assistant Professor (Agril. Economics) and got promoted as Professor (Agricultural Economics) in 2013. He is actively involved both in agricultural research and teaching activities during the past 20 years in the University. He is the recipient of State Best Teacher Award-2016 from the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Government of Andhra Pradesh and ‘Sri Mocherla Dattatreyulu Gold Medal – for the best research worker in the Department of Agricultural Economics in ANGRAU, 2013’. During his tenure in agro-economic research, he analyzed the economic aspects of irrigation water management, impact of Government programs and policies, market participation intensity of small holder farmers etc. He also contributed towards prioritizing the research areas in major irrigation commands of Andhra Pradesh and need based technological interventions to address the same during his active stint in ‘Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project’, an international project funded by The Royal Netherlands Embassy. In the field of teaching, he teaches at every level from first year under graduate to postgraduate in Agricultural Economics. He was instrumental in introducing the use of smart devices (laptops) in the class rooms and during the past six years, the number of students using them jumped from about 50 per cent to 80 per cent. So, he combined digital technology with class room teaching. This prompted him to go for online teaching directly, so as to have personalized learning for the students. Even thinking skills were promoted among the students through conducting independent enquiry, creative thinking, reflective learning, team work, self-management and effective participation. He guided five M.Sc (Ag) students during his stint at Agricultural College, Bapatla and Agricultural College, Mahanandi during 2009 to 2015. He is also handled the responsibility of Associate Nodal Officer, in ANGRAU for coordinating the Workshop on Spoken Tutorial Project, of IIT-Mumbai since 2013. He conducted a workshop on behalf of Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT, Mumbai in Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) – LaTeX (Test Code: TC-2436) at ARIS Cell, in Agricultural College, Mahanandi and all the students were found meritorious in this assignment. This made the Agricultural College, Mahanadi as the FIRST Agricultural College in ANGRAU to conduct and succeeded in the on-line examination. Dr. Kumar has written extensively and has to his credit 10 books, 9 research papers in international journals, 50 research articles in national journals, four practical manuals for all B.Sc (Ag) courses and 2 technical bulletins on economic aspects of irrigation water management.
Agricultural Marketing, Production Economics
Dr. Magdalena Piekutowska
Assistant Professor,
Department of Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences,
Pomeranian University in SÅ‚upsk,
10.2020- present: Assistant professor at the Institute of Biology and Earth Sciences. Pomeranian University in Słupsk •10.2016 - 10.2020 Field experiments specialist, Research Centre for Cultivar Testing, Experimental Station in Karzniczka. • 2016-2018 Meteorological observer institute of meteorology and water management national research institute • 2016 Trainee advisor at the Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Center in Lubań - district office in Słupsk. • 2015 Intern at Farm Frites Poland S.A. - Raw Material Quality Control Laboratory. • 2014-2015 Laboratory technician in the laboratory of genetics and molecular biology (Department of Genetics and General Animal Breeding at WULS in Warsaw).
Agronomy, crop sciences, artificial neural network, modeling in agriculture, soil sciences,
Associate Professor,
Department of R&D and External Relations,
Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment,
Assoc. Prof. Van Thi Thanh Ho is currently an Assoc. Prof. in the Department of R&D and External Relations at Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment. She received her M.S. from the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam in 2006 and Ph.D. from the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology in 2011. Her research interests focus on the Green energy (hydrogen energy, fuel cells, solar cells) and environmental science (capture, storage and fate of CO2 and treatment of air pollution, waste treatment.
The synthesis of new classes of materials and nanostructures that apply to green energy (hydrogen energy, fuel cells, solar cells) and environmental science (treatment of air pollution, waste water), Sustainable Development such as Climate Change Greenhouse gas inventory for low Carbon city, and Eco-systems for Sustainable Development
Dr. Satheesh Naik SJ
Crop Improvement Division,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur,
Dr. Satheesh Naik is working for pigeonpea breeding and genomics at ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur since last eight years. He has been leading in-house projects on genetic enhancement of long duration pigeonpea, hybrid breeding program, pre-breeding and pigeonpea genetic resource management. Further, Dr. Naik is also serving as the Principal Investigator for national varietal breeding, hybrid breeding, Breeder seed production and front line demonstration program under All India Coordinated Research Project (AICRP) on Pigeonpea
Genetics and plant breeding, Population genetics, Molecular Breeding, Cytogenetics, Genomic Assisted Breeding, Hybrid Technology
Dr. I. R. Delvadiya
Assistant Professor,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Punjab,
Dr. I. R. Delvadiya, born on forth July, 1994, and has completed graduation B.Sc. (Agri.) M.Sc.(Agri.) as well as Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding with First Class with Distinction from Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat-INDIA. He is working as Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Earlier he worked as Seed Quality and production officer at Rajkot, Gujarat in Gujarat State Seed Corporation Ltd. In total, He is having experience of almost 2 years of teaching and research. He has attended many symposia / conference / seminar with 1 training programme (21days). He contributed more than 30 research paper and review paper published in various National and International reputed Journals. He also contributed 22 popular articles. He is working as a Members of Editor board at International Journal of Botany Studies. He has guided 2 P.G. students in the Genetics & Plant Breeding. Currently he is guiding 4 master Student of Genetics and Plant breeding and actively involved in curriculum planning and teaching of course(s) to Master and Doctoral students. He has qualified ASRB-ICAR-NET in Genetics and Plant Breeding.
Agriculture, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Plant Biotechnology, Seed Science, Plant Tissue culture and Oilseeds Crop
Dr. Serpil SAVCI
Associate Professor,
Department of City and Region Planing,
Yozgat Bozok University,
Serpil Savci was born in Mersin in Turkey. At first, she graduated environmental engineering department in Mersin University in Turkey in 2002. After that she studied master program in the same department in Cukurova University in Adana in Turkey. She got her master degree in 2005. At the same year she began phD program at the same university. She graduated phD program in 2010. She had postdoctoral at the university of Stockholm. She is working as an assocc. prof. dr. at engineering arthitecture faculty in Yozgat Bozok University in Turkey now. She has many articles and also notifications. Asistant Prof. Dr. Savcı, is a member of Asia-Pasific Chemical, Biological&Environmental Engineering Society.
Environmental science and technology, adsorption, water pollution.
Dr. Baher Abd El-Khalik Mahmoud Effat
Department of Dairy Science,
Food Industries and Nutrition Research Institute, National Research Centre.,
Baher Effat is a Research Professor of Food and Dairy Microbiology, National Research Centre, Egypt. Over 36 years of experience in Food and Dairy Bacteriology, he shared and supervised over than 6 Master and Ph.D Thesis in Food and Dairy sciences and more than 66 scientific publications in food and dairy microbiology, functional dairy products , probiotics and propionic acid bacteria and pathogenic bacteria and in Food and Dairy Products. He has shared in national and international programs and projects. He joined many international conferences and workshop, in addition to scientific activities. In addition he awarded for CAS-TWAS Visiting Scholar Fellowship from 03 Aug., 2006 to 31 October 2006.Training of young researchers and lecturers on many science-related subjects; including courses for: Microbiological Analysis of Food, Control of Bacteria, Contamination during Food Process and Isolation and Identification of Microorganisms. He is a member of the Editorial Board of several international journals. He also served as a member of the Organizing Committee in International Congresses. - Member Who's Who in the World. - Member of Organizing Committee for 20th International Conference on Nutrition, Food Science and Technology. April 16-17, 2018, Dubai, UAE. - Member of Organizing Committee for 2nd International Probiotics, Nutrition & Microbiome Conference, October 10-12, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands. - Member of Organizing Committee for Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases Congress, January 25-26, 2019, Singapore. - Member of Organizing Committee for Food Technology Conference, October 24-25, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
Food and Dairy Microbiology , Functional Foods , Functional Dairy Products ,Probiotics ,Propionic acid bacteria ,Pathogenic bacteria in foods and dairy products.
Dr. Dilrabo K. Ernazarova
PHD Scholar,
Department of Experimental Polyploidy and Phylogeny of Cotton,
Institute of Genetics and Plant Experimental Biology,
I was born in the family of accountant. Was interested in biology from childhood. Moved from Samarkand to Tashkent in 2002. In 2008 I defended my PhD thesis. Now I work at the Institute of Genetics and Plants Experimental Biology as a senior researcher, as well as at the National University of Uzbekistan as an associate professor.
Crop biodiversity and phylogeny, plant polyploidy, cotton cytogenetics.
Dr. Muge Sahin
PHD Scholar,
Department of Horticulture, Fruit Section,
Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry-Aegean Agricultural Research Institute,
Dr. Müge ŞAHİN received her BSc Degree (2008) and MSc Degree (2011) in the Department of Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture at Ege University, Türkey. She earned Ph.D. degree in Fruit Cultivation and Breeding section at the same University. She has more than 30 papers in the field of Horticulture. She was worked as an editor in chief (for 2 years) and editor (for totally 8 year) in Journal of ANADOLU, Aegean Agricultural Research Institute and also still working in the Editorial Board of Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences and Acta Scientific Agriculture
Plant breeding, fruit breeding, disease resistance breeding, agricultural biotechnology, plant tissue culture
Dr. Suraj Kumar
Assistant Professor,
School of Agriculture (SOAG),
Galgotias University, Yamuna Expressway, Greater Noida,
Dr. Suraj Kumar works as an Assistant Professor in the School of Agriculture and has been associated with Galgotias University since 2020. professional in the field of Entomology His teaching and research work focuses on Insect pest Diversity of okra, and the biology and feeding potentiality of the ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata. He passed his M.Sc (Ag.) Entomology from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology and Ph.D. Entomology from Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology Kumarganj Ayodhya. He has published more than 18 research papers in Different NAAS Rated Journals and Published more than 15 popular Hindi and English articles in Different magazines.
Pest management, Multiplication of Biocontrol agents, and Pest diversity in Okra.
Dr. Sanjrani Manzoor Ahmed
Assistant Professor,
Development Studies,
HANDS-Institute of Development Studies, Karachi,
Dr. Manzoor from Pakistan, Assistant Professor & In-charge of the department of DS, HANDS-Institute of Development Studies, Karachi, Pakistan. Ph.D in Environmental Science and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology, China. Master’s degree in Environmental Science from China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. Bachelor Degree in Geology from University of Sindh, Jamshoro. Research interest in Wastewater treatment; Waste management; Heatwave, Deforestation.
Wastewater treatment; Waste management; Heatwave, Deforestation
Dr. Subhadip Pal
Assistant Professor,
School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences,
The Neotia University,
Dr. Subhadip Pal (born December 12, 1988February 1, 1969, Bardhaman, West Bengal, India), holding master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics, has studied at Orissa University of Technology and Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya. He has a brilliant academic career with specialization in ‘Women Empowerment’ and ‘Natural Resource Management’ in his post-graduate and doctoral programmes. Dr. Pal joined Centurion University of Technology and Management in 2019 as Assistant Professor (Department of Agril. Economics) and in 2019 he joined The Neotia University as Assistant Professor (School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences). He is actively involved both in agricultural research and teaching activities during the past 4 years in different Universities. He is recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award’ for two times from different National Organizations. He has 1 International, 8 national, 2 conference research publications. He is associated with one international project. He is member of International Association of Agricultural Economics, USA; Agricultural Economics Research Association, India. He is associated with 8 national journals as a Reviewer.
Agricultural Economics, Groundwater Resource Management, Women Empowerment.
Dr. Dhanshri D. Nigade
Assistant Professor,
Extension Education,
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Loknete Mohanrao Kadam College of Agriculture,
Presently working as an Assistant professor of Extension Education at Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Loknete Mohanrao Kadam College of Agriculture, Kadegaon affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra. I am from Sangli, Maharashtra. Completed Ph.D. Agriculture (Extension Education) from Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, Maharashtra. Published 16 research paper, 01 short communication, 01 review paper, 01 Book chapter, 41 popular articles in Marathi and English language, 19 abstract. Got 03 best poster presentation award and 02 best oral presentation award. Deliver 01 radio talk. Attainted many National and International Seminar and Conferences. Also work as organizing committee member for conferences.
Extension Education, Impact study, Utility perception, Knowledge and Adoption, Climate smart agriculture, Organic farming, Attitude
Dr. Pranaya Pradhan
Head of the Deapartment & Coordinator (MBA Agri-Business),
Department of Agriculture (NEMATOLOGY),
Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology Institutional ,
Done my BSc from College of Horticulture, Chipilima, MSc in Nematology from College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar, PhD in Nematology, from College of Agriculture , OUAT, Bhubaneswar. Now I am working as Head and coordinator of MBA( Agri-Business), Centre for Managerial Excellence, Rajdhani Govt. College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Nematology, Pathology, Entomology, Agriculture, Sustainability in agriculture, Value addition in Agriculture
Dr.Subhadip Pal
Assistant Professor,
School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences,
The Neotia University,
Dr. Subhadip Pal (born December 12, 1988February 1, 1969, Bardhaman, West Bengal, India), holding master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics, has studied at Orissa University of Technology and Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya. He has a brilliant academic career with specialization in ‘Women Empowerment’ and ‘Natural Resource Management’ in his post-graduate and doctoral programmes. Dr. Pal joined Centurion University of Technology and Management in 2019 as Assistant Professor (Department of Agril. Economics) and in 2019 he joined The Neotia University as Assistant Professor (School of Agriculture and Allied Sciences). He is actively involved both in agricultural research and teaching activities during the past 4 years in different Universities. He is recipient of ‘Young Scientist Award’ for two times from different National Organizations. He has 1 International, 8 national, 2 conference research publications. He is associated with one international project. He is member of International Association of Agricultural Economics, USA; Agricultural Economics Research Association, India. He is associated with 8 national journals as a Reviewer.
Agricultural Economics, Groundwater Resource Management, Women Empowerment.
Dr. Rajendra Bam
Assistant professor,
Department of Agriculture Botany and Ecology,
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University,
Regarding my educational background, I have a master's degree in Agriculture Ecology. I have completed my four years Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. Ag) program (2017) from Tribhuwan University, Nepal. I have undertaken several foundation courses including Agronomy, Horticulture, Soil-science, Plant-Breeding and genetics, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Biochemistry, Animal Science, and Agricultural Economics. Similarly, I completed my Master of Science in Agriculture (Agro-Botany and Ecology) in 2021 from the same university. I already have published 8 articles in different international journals and the thesis of my Master's entitled "Effect of Different Nutrient Sources and Biofertilizers on Performance of Mungbean at Pakhlihawa, Nepal which was recently published in Elsevier, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. I have been working in the office of the Directorate of Agriculture Development, Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperatives in the Far-western Province, Nepal as an Extension Officer for the last 2 years. Besides this, I have been working as an adjunct assistant professor for IAAS, Gokuleshwor Agriculture College Baitadi in the Department of Environment and Agriculture Science for two years and I have already guided 8 students during their Undergraduate Practicum Assessment remain as a minor advisor on research titles like "Performance evaluation of heat resilient spring maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids in Gokuleshwor, Baitadi" and Performance and estimation of stress indices for yield and yield attributing traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under irrigated and heat stress environment". My career goal is to be a leader in sustainable agriculture research. To achieve this goal, I have my philosophy that maximization of agricultural production should not be achieved at the cost of ecological degradation. Therefore, I am committed to generating and promoting sustainable technologies for crop and livestock production while maintaining a sound environment.
Sustainable agriculture, Climate change, Precision agriculture, Crop science, Soil science, Environment science, Agriculture Ecology, Crop physiology
Dr. Abhijit Khadatkar
Senior Scientist,
Agricultural Mechanization Division,
ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal,
Dr. Abhijit Khadatkar is Senior Scientist in Farm Machinery and Power currently working in ICAR- ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal. He received his M.Tech from IIT, Kharagpur in 2007 and PhD from MPUAT, Udaipur in 2019. He served for 11 years and carried out different research, extension and training programmes in improved farm machinery, automation and ergonomics and safety in agriculture, as well as robotics in agricultural operations. His significant contributions towards were improved system for Makhana harvesting; anthropometric and strength database of Indian agricultural workers; drip lateral plastic mulch laying cum planting system, improved machinery for horticultural crops, robotic tranplanter for plug seedlings, etc. He has also initiated work on robotics and autonomous machine for agricultural operations. He has published more than 40 research papers; 35 popular articles; 9 book chapters; 7 leaflets; 5 bulletins/technical reports; 2 books; etc. He is having h-index/i10 index: 9 and GoogleScholar citation of 295.
Automation in Agricultural Operation; Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture; Robotics and Autonomous machines
Dr. Swee Sen Teo
Associate Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,
UCSI University,
Teo Swee Sen is exploring the potential of several species of seaweeds in biomedical research. Among the cores of her expertise, she is interested in pursuing further research on seaweed natural habitats to facilitate the growing demands of commercial usage while retaining and preserving the natural stocks to protect the ecosystem. Currently, she is interested in participating in the project related to sustainable development to support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on “Sustainable Cities and Communities” (SDGs 11) and “Life below water” (SDG14).
Seaweed and its applications; Sustainability related project
Dr. Karima Azzam
Emeritus Professor Doctor ,
Harmful Animals Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute ,
Agricultural Research Center ,
Professor Doctor of Malacology and Biological Pest Control in Plant Protection Research Institute, Former Head of the Department of Harmful Animals (PPRI),Agriculture Research Center(ARC). Egypt. Former Lecturer Assistant in Theodor Bilharz Research Institute. Skill and experience: Malacology, Biological Pest Control, Nematology, Rotifers , Microorganisms, Invertebrate Zoology, Entomology, Environmental Science, Biodiversity , Taxonomy, Identification of fresh water and terrestrial gastropods ,Gastropods embryonic Development, Molecular Phylogeny, Bioinformatics ,Plant Protection Some of Publication 1) Azzam Karima, M. (1998) : First record of the snail parasitic nematode Rhabditis sp. isolated from Egyptian terrestrial snails and its capability to infect other pests . Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 8(1): 27-29. 2) Azzam Karima, M. (1999): Production of the snail parasitic nematode Rhabditis sp. from different pests. In Proceedings of the first Regional Symposium for Applied Biological Control in Mediterranean Countries. Cairo - Egypt, 25-29 October, 1998 3) Azzam Karima, M. (2003): Description of the nematode Phasmarhbditis tawfiki n. sp. isolated from Egyptian terrestrial snails and slugs. Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology. Vol. (42D): 79-87. 4) Azzam Karima, M. (2004a): Biological studies on the snail parasitic nematode Phasmarhbditis tawfiki Azzam (Nematoda: Rhabditidae). Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology. Vol. (45E) : 153 – 162 5) Azzam Karima, M. (2004b): Effect of soil type on the capability of Phasmarhbditis tawfiki Azzam to infect snails under laboratory and outdoor conditions. Egypt. J. Biol. P. Cont. 14(2) : 387-390. 6) Azzam Karima, M. (2006): Survey on terrestrial gastropods, their host plants and parasitic -nematodes as bio control agents .Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology. Vol. (49D): 49-61. 7) Azzam Karima, M. (2011). Rotifers and ciliates associated with Egyptian terrestrial and aquatic molluscs and their effect on Biomphalaria alexandrina (Ehrenberg) snails and their egg masses. Egypt. J. Agric. Res. Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control21 (2):331-337. ,Proceeding of 3rd Arab Conference of Applied Biological Pest Control ,Cairo ,Egypt ,10-12 October 2011 ,Cairo, Egypt , (ESBCP). . Work Shop of Mango Production Strategy in Egypt.27-28 October, 2013. Egypt. J. Agric. Res., 91(3): 251-264. 8) Azzam Karima, M. (2013). Effect of some rotifers on the embryonic developmental and their mortality rate of Biomphalaria alexandrina (Ehrenberg). ). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 23 (2):319-323. 9) Azzam k. M. (2023). Phasmarhabditis eagyptiaca n. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) isolated from Egyptian terrestrial snails and its role as control bio agent to gastropods . Acta Parasitologica https://doi.org/10.1007/s11686-023-00694-x 10) Azzam Karima, M. and Belal, M. H. (2006): Survey on the nematodes isolated isolated from aquatic snails and their potential as bio-control agents of snails .Bull. Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., 57: 185-192. 11) Azzam Karima, M. and El-Abd, N.(2021). First record of Phasmarhabditis sp. from eggs of Eobania vermiculata (Müller) snails in Egypt and their response to host size Egypt. J. Biol. P. Control. 31:48(722-728). 12)Azzam Karima .M. and Khattab, M.M :( 2005): Potential of the snail parasitic nematode Phasmarhbditis tawfiki Azzam to control some snails and insects under greenhouse conditions .Bull. Fac.Agric. ,Cairo Univ.,56:631-640. 13) Azzam Karima M, and M.F.S. Tawfik (2003): Capability of the nematode Phasmarhbditis tawfiki Azzam to infect some snails, slugs and insect larvae in the laboratory. Egyptian German Society Journal of Zoology. Vol. (42D): 27-32, July 2003. 14) Azzam Karima, M. and M.F.S. Tawfik (1997): Effect of water temperature on some biological aspects of the Malacophagous insects Sphaerodema urinator Duf. (Hemiptera : Belostomatidae ). Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 7(1) : 91-96. 15) Azzam Karima M, and M.F.S. Tawfik (2000) : Laboratory evaluation of the snail parasitic nematode Rhabditis sp. as bio control agent against Monacha obstructa snail. Egypt. J. Biol. P. Control., 10(1) : 27-32. 16) Azzam Karima M. and M.F.S Tawfik (2011): First record of the sharp awl snail Opeas pyrgula( Schmacker and Boettger,1891) and dwarf awl snail Opeas pumilum (Pfeiffer,1840) in Egypt and their response to climatic change . Egypt. J. Biol. P. Control21(2),325-330, Proceeding of 3rd Arab Conference of Applied Biological Pest Control , 10-12 October 2011, Cairo, Egypt ,(ESBCP). 17) Azzam Karima M. and M.F.S Tawfik (2015): Effect of some rotifers on terrestrial snails and slugs. Fourth International Conference of Eco-friendly Applied Biological Control of Agricultural Pests and Phytopathogens ,19-22 October ,2015,Cairo,Egypt, (ESBCP) Egypt. J. Biol. P. Control, 25(3): 581-586. 18) Azzam Karima, M ; Abd El-Hady ,E.A. and El-Abd, N. (2015).Survey of natural infec
Malacology , Biological control, Nematology ,Rotifers, Microorganisms
Dr. Pankaj Jha
Assistant Professor,
Department of Food Technology,
Harcourt Butler Technical University,
Dr. Pankaj Jha is currently working as Assistant Professor at Harcourt Butler Technical University Kanpur India. He has completed his Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. He has got selected for a six-month sandwich during Ph.D. program offered by The United School of Agriculture Science, GIFU University, Japan (UGSAS-GU), and M.Tech from Tezpur University, a Central University. He has authored over 9 publications in reputed journals. He is also a member of reputed professional bodies and serves as reviewer for esteemed journals
Nutritional Biochemistry, Fermentation Technology, Food Processing and Preservation, Food Packaging, Biopolymer and Food Nanotechnology
Dr. Murugan Rajan
Assistant Professor,
Department of Botany,
Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College ,
Dr. Murugan Rajan, completed his M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. He has 14 years of Research experience in Bioprospecting of Wild Edible Fruits with Food Science as a background. He has been awarded with Ramanujan Fellowship for Indian Scholars by DST-SERB. He can handle HPLC-DAD, LC/MS, GC-MS, Column chromatography MALDI-TOF and animal handing involved with the pharmacological studies. To his credit he has published more than 30 research articles in various International journals with an h-index of 13. He has also written 10 book chapters and 5 proceedings. He is also acted as reviewer for many peer reviewed journals. Currently he is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, India. He is currently engaged in compilation and documentation on available knowledge on valuable plant resources.
Bioprospecting of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; Food Science and Nutrition
Dr. Mukesh Choudhary
Senior Scientist,
Department of Crop Improvement ,
ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research,
Mukesh Choudhary works as a scientist at ICAR-Indian Institute of Maize Research, Ludhiana, India. He did his Masters from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, and his Ph.D. from The University of Western Australia. His significant research achievements include the development of mapping populations and identification of genomic regions and candidate genes for heat stress tolerance in wheat, the development of multi-tiller and multi-cut fodder maize cultivars using wild relatives of maize, data analysis of multilocation trials under All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Maize, contribution to development of Online Automation System for Trial preparation, data management and analysis of AICRP maize trials, contributed to the development of different maize hybrids- Quality protein maize -IMHQPM1530 (LQMH 1), IQMH 202, and IQMH 203, baby corn- DMRHB1305 (LBCH3), IMHB1532 and IMHB1539, popcorn- IMHP1535 (LPCH 2) and IMHP1540 (LPCH 3), Provitamin A rich hybrids- APQH-9 and Pusa Vivek Hybrid-27 Improved. He has received various awards such as The University of Western Australia International Fee Scholarship (UIFS) and University Postgraduate Award (UPA) 2019, IARI- Best Student of the Year-2014 cum Merit Medal for outstanding academic performance in the M.Sc. programme from ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (2015), Best Poster Award in the national symposium on “Crop improvement for inclusive sustainable development”, 07-09th Nov, PAU, Ludhiana (2014) and Mike Carroll Travel Award 2021. He has published over 50 research articles and book chapters
Stability analysis, biofortification, heat stress, genetics, molecular breeding, GWAS, QTL mapping, hybrid breeding
Mr. Araddhana Manisha Arvind Deshmukh
Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Engineering,
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Sinhgad Institutes, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering,
Dr. Araddhana Arvind Deshmukh She has completed Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) at Aarhus University, Denmark. She has been with VIT Engineering College Pune & PVGCOET Engineering College, Pune as an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Engineering, now she is working in Smt kashibai Navale college of engineering. Araddhana had 16 years of teaching experience and 3 years as other experience. Dr Araddhana graduated in Computer Engineering in 2004 from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra(India) and received Masters from Pune Institute of Computer Technology in 2011, also one more Masters in Arts with specialization in industrial economics. She has completed AMIE degree of Computer Science Engineering from Institution of Engineers (India) with 2nd Rank holder . It means Araddhana had triple graduate degrees and double post graduate degrees in her hand. She has published 142papers in reputed International Journals, Conferences etc. She has authored of 5 books on ‘Cloud Computing’,’Human Computer Interaction’,’Object Oriented Programming’ , ‘. Distributed computing. ' Principles of Programming Language' She is a reviewer of Elsevier, Springer WPC, IJCSNS,IJCA,IJCSI, and many more. She had chaired many international conferences like Women’s in Computing series WIC 2013,14,15,16,18, ICINC 2016,18,19 and IETE journal. She was coordinator for ICINC 2020. She has instrumental in organization of various workshops and short term training programs for students and faculties. She has delivered 53 talks on ”Cloud Computing”, ”Next generation Networking” and 'Research Methodology' In different institutes and engineering colleges. She received funding for research from BCUD,Pune and AICTE, India. She had received Young Researchers Award ' ‘Anushka Purskar’ , ‘Gunwant Nagrik Purskar’ , also received ‘Best Paper award ‘ in 9 different conferences. She has also filed four patents in India. She is a member of IEI(India),UACEE(USA), IAENG(Hongkong),CSI (Pune), Curently she is Secretary in the Institution of Engineers ( India) Pune Local Centre. She is a member of IAENG HongKong, UACEE (USA). Her area of research is Cloud Computing, parallel and distributed computing, Cloud Security, High Performance Computing,Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Methodology and Paradigm as her mathematical models standardized by London School of Mathematics . She was instrumental in project development under BCUD Pune, AICTE New Delhi, CDaC Pune and Delhi
Cloud Computing, parallel and distributed computing, Cloud Security, High Performance Computing, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya
Assistant Professor ,
Department of Plant Pathology,
GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh,
Dr. Dilip Kumar Chaurasiya is a distinguished Assistant Professor specializing in Plant Pathology at GLA University, Mathura. He has earned a reputation as an accomplished researcher with a focus on various aspects of plant health and disease management. Driven by a passion for understanding the intricacies of plant-pathogen interactions, Dr. Chaurasiya has dedicated his career to contributing valuable insights to the scientific community. Dr. Chaurasiya completed his doctoral studies in Plant Pathology, showcasing a strong academic foundation. Throughout his academic journey, he demonstrated a keen interest in several key areas of plant pathology, including the diagnosis of plant diseases, detection of pathogens associated with plants, and the biochemical changes occurring in both healthy and infected plants. One of Dr. Chaurasiya's notable contributions to the field lies in his research on biochemical changes in plants due to elicitors, particularly in the context of plant defense mechanisms. His work has delved into the molecular intricacies of how plants respond to various elicitors, shedding light on the biochemical pathways involved in enhancing plant resistance against pathogens. Dr. Chaurasiya has also been a pioneer in the field of biological control of plant diseases. His research has focused on developing sustainable and eco-friendly strategies for managing plant pathogens, emphasizing the importance of harnessing natural mechanisms to promote plant health. In addition to his expertise in plant pathology, Dr. Chaurasiya has made significant strides in the identification and characterization of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR). His research involves both biochemical and molecular approaches, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the role of PGPR in enhancing plant growth and providing protection against various pathogens. Dr. Chaurasiya is known for his holistic approach to plant disease management, advocating for an integrated approach. His research emphasizes the importance of combining various strategies, from biological control methods to elicitor-induced plant defense, to create effective and sustainable approaches for managing plant diseases. As an Assistant Professor at GLA University, Dr. Chaurasiya has not only excelled in research but has also demonstrated a commitment to education and mentorship. He has played a pivotal role in guiding and inspiring students in the field of plant
1) Diagnosis of plant diseases. 2) Detection of pathogens associated with plants. 3) Biochemical changes in healthy and infected plants. 4) Biochemical changes in plants due to elicitors with respect to plant defense. 5) Biological control of plant diseases. 6) Identification and characterization (Biochemical and molecular) of the PGPR 7) Integrated approach to manage plant diseases
Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Associate Professor,
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry,
CPRG-Agriculture College,Bhadra, SKRAU, Bikaner,
Dinesh Kumar is presently working as an Associate Professor of College of Agriculture at Bhadra, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan). He completed his Ph.D. in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner (Rajasthan) in the year 2018. He did his M.Sc. (Ag.) Soil Science from SKRAU Bikaner in the Year 2011 and B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture from Rajasthan Agricultural University in 2008. He also awarded NET certificate from Indian Council of Agricultural Research – Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board in 2017. He has experience of more than 08 years of academics/teaching/research/industry. He has awarded Best Ph.D. thesis in 2019. He has a vast experience of teaching the students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture. There are 16 research publication to his credit published in reputed International Journals, National Journals and in the proceeding of International and National Conferences. His knowledge covers all major areas of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry but not limited to this. Currently his interest areas in research are soil fertility management, soil survey and problematic soils & their management and reviewed several research articles. He has also held various roles, such as examination coordinator, sports club coordinator and members of BOS and Academic council of University. He has taught fundamentals of Soil Science, Problematic soils & their Management, Manures, Fertilizers and Soil fertility Management also manage Vermicomposting and Azolla unit for RADEY Program to B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Students. He has also served as an internal paper setter for the School of Agricultural Sciences at Jaipur National University.
Soil Science & Agronomy
Mr. Ashim Midya.
Joint Director of Agriculture ,
Department of Agriculture,
Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal,
Dr. Ashim Midya (Born in 06.05.1980, Midnapur, West Bengal), Ph. D (Agronomy), SEFM., is now working in the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal, India as Joint Director of Agriculture (Personal). He has completed B. Sc (Ag) from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKVV), West Bengal and the recipient of ASPEE Gold Medal from BCKVV (1997-2001), for excellence in Plant Protection. He completed his Masters in Agronomy securing highest OGPA and distinction within the batch from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (2001-2003), the leading and renowned institution of Agriculture in India, and was awarded Ph. D degree in Agronomy securing highest OGPA within the batch from Institute of Agriculture, Visva Bharati, Central University of India (2014-19). He was recipient of Research Fellowship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi and Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata (2003-2005). He qualified National Eligibility Test twice conducted by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB) ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research). He is eminent Fellow of Scholar Academic & Scientific Society. He is handling various Government Schemes and Projects for more than eighteen years since joining in the Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal in 2005 and engaged in research, training, disseminating research and technologies for betterment of agricultural and allied research and extension management. He has many publications in reputed National and International Journals Covering MDPI (Agronomy), ELSEVIER (European Journal of Agronomy), WILLEY (Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science), FRANCIS & TAYLOR (Journal of Sustainable Agriculture) , Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences etc. He has attended many National and International Symposia/Conferences etc. and presented papers. He is regular reviewer of many reputed international Journals (Environmental & Experimental Botany, Journal of Agriculture & Food Research (Elsevier), Agriculture Research Communication Centre Journals, ICAR Journals ( Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Indian Farming, Potato journal etc.) Edelweiss Chemical Science (Switzerland), Research on World Agricultural Economy (NAAS, Singapore), Journal of Autonomous Intelligence (Frontiers Publishing, Switzerland), International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, ACTA Scientific Agriculture, Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, UP Journal of Zoology, European Journal of Nutrition & Food safety, Asian Journal of Economics, Sociology & Extension, Queis and many more. He has more than 110 peer review history of reputed international Journals. Dr. Ashim Midya is also editorial board members of international Journals including Frontiers in Agronomy, Indian Journal of Agricultural Research, Trends in Horticulture, Journal of Agriculture Research and Education, etc. He has worked as external Examiner, guest lecturer also for different courses of the Agriculture Department. He has various exposures in training, workshop, seminars, capacity buildings, in Government Sponsored programs.
Cropping System, Weed Management, Water Management, Sustainable Agriculture, Nutrient Management and Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Conservation Agriculture, Crop Science, Extension and Management, Crop protection, Precision Farming
Mr. Soumik Dey Roy
Assistant Professor,
Department of Agriculture,
Brainware University,
Myself Soumik Dey Roy. I am from Habra, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. I completed my schooling in 2016 from Hatthuba Adarsha Vidyapith, Habra. After that I went to Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur, Nadia and completed my B. Sc. (Ag.) Hons. in Agriculture in 2020 with a OGPA of 8.22. During my graduation I built interest in Agricultural Entomology. So, thereafter in 2022 I did my M. Sc. (Ag.) in Agricultural Entomology from BCKV, with a OGPA of 8.94. In February, 2023 I joined as an Assistant Professor (Visiting) at Brainware University, Barasat, West Bengal. Currently I am working as an Assistant Professor at the same university. My research interests are in ecological studies of agricultural pests, their population dynamics and integrated pest management of agricultural crop pests. I also have acquired three published patents in my name
Ecological studies of agricultural pests, their population dynamics and integrated pest management of agricultural crop pests.
Mr. Prashant Shrivastav
Assistant Professor,
Department of Horticulture,
Doon (P.G.) College of Agriculture Science and Technology,
Mr. Prashant Shrivastav born on July 1995 and received his education from Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedakar University, Agra, U.P. (B.Sc. Agriculture) and Integral University, Lucknow U.P. from (M. Sc. Ag. Horti. & pursuing Ph.D. Ag. in Horti.). He has written many book chapters, many articals and published various research papers in journal of National & International repute. Currently, working as Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Doon (P.G.) College of Agriculture Science and Technology, Dehradun
Horticulture, Vegetable Science
Dr. Chetariya Chana Pithabhai
Assistant Professor,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University,
Dr. Chetariya Chana P. is an Assistant Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding at School of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab. He has done his B. Sc. (Hons.) Agri. from Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, Gujarat, India. From the same university he has done his masters and Ph.D. (GPB) degrees working respectively on genetic diversity of bottle gourd and heat tolerance in Desi chickpea. He has an experience of working on various roles like Senior Research Fellow (SRF)-10 months, Assistant Seed Certification Officer (ASCO), GSSCA, Junagadh- 2 Years. He has published 27 research papers, 01 Book, 03 Book chapters, 03 conference papers, 04 review articles, 02 popular articles and reviewing in high impact factor journals of national and international repute. He had active participation in various national and international scientific trainings, conferences, workshops and other gatherings. He is life member of the esteemed Indian Society of Pulses Reseaerch and Development (ISPRD). He has guided 6 M.Sc. (GPB) students. Currently, he has 4 M.Sc. students under him. His currently focused on development of resilient varieties of chickpea, minor millets and legumes crops for food security, sustainable agriculture and farmers welfare
Genetics and Plant Breeding, biotic and abiotic stress breeding, Diversity analysis, Variability and stability in crop plants, Large scale germplasm evaluation and screening, Large scale varietal seed production, inspection and testing, Breeding for climate resilient chickpea, legumes and millets crops varieties
Dr. Rafat Khalaphallah
Department of Botany,
South Valley University,
I am Professor/ Rafat Khalaphallah Work as a "Microbiologist and Environmental Engineering" , Faculty of Agriculture at South Valley University, Botany (microbiology) department and Manger of Quality and Accreditation Unit (QAU) – Manger of Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC). Manger "Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC), also work as a consultant for some of international and local institutions and a reviewer for many journals and research institutions.
Applied microbiology, Soil Science, wastewater treatment, biological control, ,bio-degradation, plant pathology , Water microbiology Environmental Science, food microbiology , Environmental Bioremediation , Environmental Biodegradation, biofuel ,probiotic and bio-fertilizers.
Dr. Salwa Adel Ahmed Bedrech
Department of Viticulture Research ,
Horticulture Research Institute,
Professor Dr. Salwa Adel Bedrech, born in Cairo on March 29, 1970. I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture from Cairo University in 1991. Worked at Horticulture Research Institute, progressed in my experiences and obtained a Master’s degree on March 22, 2001 and a doctorate on December 14, 2004. My career progressed from a research assistant (2001) to Head of Research Department (2022).
Viticulture: Study of grape cultivation, focusing on various grapevine cultivars Plant Physiology: Examining the effects of sunburn on plants Horticultural Science: Bud behavior, growth, and productivity Agronomy: Fertilization strategies Plant Nutrition: Use of organic nutrition and influence of modifying canopy microclimate Crop Protection: Studying the efficiency of organic compounds Agricultural Biotechnology: Application of growth regulators, chitosan nano-particles, and nano-hydroxyapatite on grapevine quality
Dr. Noureddine Chaachouay
Assistant Professor,
Department of Science and Technology,
Hassan First University – Settat,
Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Training School, Hassan First University, Settat, Morocco; and formerly a professor of life and earth sciences at the Directorate of Education in Sale. He holds certificates in several disciplines: • 2020: National Doctorate with an honorable distinction in Plant Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra. • 2016: Certificate of recognition of success in the professional competence exam. • 2015: Qualification certificate for education, Regional Center for Education and Training Professions, Irfan Rabat. • 2015: Specialized master's degree in climate change, adaptation, and sustainable development, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra. • 2015: Microsoft Office certificates (Word, Excel, PPT). • 2014: Technician specializing in computer systems and networks. • 2013: Bachelor's degree in Animal Biology and Physiology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ibn Tofail University, Kenitra. • 2010: Baccalaureate in experimental sciences at Atlas High School. I am a researcher interested in studying the use of plants by local communities in alternative medicine, cosmetics, clothing, rituals, flavors, fragrances, dyes, clothing, etc.
Medicinal and aromatic plants, Herbal medicine, Ethnobiology, Ethnobotany, Ethnopharmacology, Ethnoveterinary, Botany, Pharmacology, Phytochemistry, Systematics.
Dr. Amjad M. Husaini
Professor/ Chief Scientist,
Division of Plant Biotechnology,
SKUAST-K, Shalimar,
Dr. Amjad Masood Husaini is an Agricultural Biotechnologist who is currently Team Leader of Genome Engineering and Societal Biotechnology Lab, Division of Plant Biotechnology, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir, J&K (India). He has been a visiting Scientist to Sustainable Agricultural Systems Lab, USDA, Maryland (USA) and Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford (UK). He holds a PhD in Biotechnology and PG Diploma in Bioinformatics (Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi), besides certificates in Intellectual Property Rights (Indian Law Institute, New Delhi) and Remote Sensing Applications in Agriculture (IARI-ISRO). Dr. Husaini has significantly contributed towards Translational Sciences by developing stress tolerant Strawberry using transgenic approach, and is working on related aspects in Saffron. He is co-breeder of three blast resistant high yielding cold tolerant rice varieties released by SKUAST-K as Shalimar Rice-2, 3 and 4. He is co-breeder of two cold tolerant rice CMS lines (SKAU 7A and 11A) and has significantly contributed in genetic purification of a local aromatic rice landrace ‘Mushk budji’ which was released by SKUAST-K for commercialization under Public-Private Partnership mode in 2014, and was a huge success. He has contributed significantly towards Saffron R&D especially towards its introduction in newer areas, organic production technologies and adulteration problems. Dr. Husaini has edited five books entitled “Saffron”, “Medicinal Plants of the Himalayas: Advances and Insights”, “Genomics, Transgenics, Molecular Breeding and Biotechnology of Strawberry”, “Molecular Biotechnology: Basic Laboratory Protocols”, “Strawberry: Growth Development and Diseases” and published about 97 papers in journals of International repute. He is recipient of awards like Scientist of the Year Award-2017 (NESA), DBT-CREST Award-2012 (Ministry of S&T), International Training Award-2013 (NAIP-ICAR), Summer Research Fellowship-2013 (IASc-INSA-NASI), Young Scientist Award-2009 in Agriculture (J&K Council for S&T), Jawahar Lal Nehru Award for Outstanding Agricultural Research-2008 (ICAR), Junior Scientist of the Year Award-2007 (NESA), and his biography was included in 27th edition of Marquis Who’s Who in the World. He is also listed among the Indian Muslim Legends http://indianmuslimlegends.blogspot.in/2011/07/170-dr-amjad-masood-husaini.html at serial number 170.
Genome Engineering, Plant Chemetics, Organic Agriculture, Stress Biology
Dr. MB. Dastagiri
Principal Scientist and Professor,
Department of Research Systems Management,
Dr. M. B. Dastagiri (PhD, IARI, 1992.) Honorary Doctorate (Hon. DL), Cambridge, England; Hon. D.Sc (World Congress, U.K.), Noble Decree (Honoris Causa), Cambridge, Hon. D.Sc (California Public University, USA) and Father of Modern Agriculture & Fellow, International Agency for Standards and Ratings, is working as Principal Scientist at NAARM, India in the theme areas of WTO & Global Trade, Global Agricultural Policies, Planetary science Global institutions and Vision. He published 74 International papers, 50 International Awards, National papers 31 and 10 Books, 3 Honorary doctorate degrees from UK & USA.Noble Decree, an “Honoris Causa” Award (official decree) by International Biographical Centre, Honorary Doctorate of Science, the World Congress of Arts, Science and Communications, Cambridge, Great Britain.The Sir Isaac Newton Legacy of Honorary Award (2017) for excelled in the sciences and scholarly professions. IBC, Cambridge, London. ISDS Fellow (2021), the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS). Japan.“Honorary Official Nominator for the 2022 to till date Vin Future Prize”.Vin Future Foundation, Hanoi, Vietnam. Dr. M. B. Dastagiri’s current research interests include, Global Agricultural Policies, WTO Agreements and Trade liberalization, IPRs, Global markets, Agricultural trade reforms and policies, Planetary Science, Global Multilateral Institutions, UNO, World Bank, IMF, WTO, TNC’s., Based on invitation participated in the First Nobel Prize Summit, 2021 on "OUR PLANET, OUR FUTURE" April 26-28, 2021 hosted by the Nobel Foundation and organized by U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. M. B. Dastagiri’s current research interests include, Global Agricultural Policies, WTO Agreements and Trade liberalization, IPRs, Global markets, Agricultural trade reforms and policies, Planetary Science, Global Multilateral Institutions, UNO, World Bank, IMF, WTO, TNC’s., Based on invitation participated in the First Nobel Prize Summit, 2021 on "OUR PLANET, OUR FUTURE" April 26-28, 2021 hosted by the Nobel Foundation and organized by U.S. National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Zafar Iqbal
Department of Agricultural Chemistry & Biochemistry,
University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan,
Dr. Zafar Iqbal is a distinguished academic leader and researcher, currently serving as a Professor of Agric. Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Agriculture Peshawar. With over two decades of experience in higher education, Dr Iqbal has led numerous groundbreaking research projects in biochemistry, particularly focusing on enzyme technology, fungal biology, and agricultural innovations
Chemistry of soil, plants, Food & Nutrition
Dr. Mohammad Sohidul Islam
Department of Agronomy,
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University,
Dr. Mohammad Sohidul Islam (M S Islam) is Professor at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HSTU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh. He received his B. Sc. Ag. (Hons) from Bangladesh Agricultural. University, Mymensingh, M S in Agronomy (Stress Physiology) from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, Bangladesh, and Ph. D at the Laboratory of Nutritional Plant Physiology, Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Japan. He has served as Teaching Assistant, and Research Assistant during 2009-2012 at the Department of Environmental Dynamics and Management, Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, Japan. His research interests include plant nutrition, fertilization, soil fertility, plant growth hormones, seed technology as well as physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in plants under environmental stresses and their management. Dr. M S Islam has published 147 research and review articles, and 40 book chapters. He is an editor and reviewer for more than 50 peer-reviewed international journals. He is a life member of the Bangladesh Society of Agronomy (BSA), Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh, and Japanese Universities Alumni Association in Bangladesh (JUAAB). Dr. Islam has supervised 120 MS students including 12 foreign students and two PhD students. He conducted 23 research Projects.
Plant nutrition, Fertilization, Soil fertility, Plant growth hormones, Seed science and technology, Environmental stresses and their management
Dr. John Carlo L. Banan
Assistant Professor,
Department of College of Industrial Technology,
Cagayan State University- Lasam Campus,
Assistant Professor II at Cagayan State University- Lasam Campus, Currently designated as Campus Research Coordinator, Campus Knowledge and Technology Management and Publication Coordinator
Product Development -Foods
Dr. Bekri Xhemali
Managing Director,
Department of Laboratory of Plant Protection,
Kosovo Institute of Agriculture,
Dr. Bekri Xhemali has completed his PhD in Food and Agriculture, Technology and Biotechnology at the University of Modena in Italy. He holds a Master of Science in Integrated Pest Management from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari in Italy. Dr. Xhemali has over 12 years of professional experience working mainly in diagnostics, epidemiology and management of plant diseases. He is author of more than 10 peer-reviewed indexed articles, 3 book chapters and 10 proceedings. He has participated in many national and international conferences, congresses and workshops. He also has given his continuous contribution in peer-reviewing scientific articles becoming peer reviewer in reputed journals: One Ecosystem, Viticulture Data Journal, Journal of Experimental Agriculture International and Universal Journal of Agricultural Research.
Plant Protection, Plant Pathology, Epidemiology, Integrated Pest Management.
Dr. Manisha Chownk
Department of European Food Safety Authority,
European Food Safety Authority,
I am Dr. Manisha, a dedicated biotechnologist with comprehensive experience in both academic research and practical applications within the field. Holding a Ph.D. and having completed post-doctoral work, I am currently embracing the role of a Trainee at the European Food Safety Authority in Parma, Italy, where I am privileged to support the Chief Scientist Office Unit by contributing to document drafting, scientific administration, and innovative project solutions. My previous engagements, including a position as a Medical Writer, Post doctorate, and other research roles have allowed me to cultivate an expertise in the area of molecular biology, proteins, molecular biology such as gene cloning, and protein characterization, transformation of biomass using enzymatic methods, cultivation and maintenance of diverse microbial cultures, literature search, and scientific writing. My academic contributions include numerous research publications, patents, and recognition in the form of awards and fellowships. My technical proficiency spans a range of molecular biology techniques, enzymology, scientific writing, managing projects, which I have applied with diligence every research project I have worked on.
Microbiology, Proteins, Microbiology, Scientific writing
Mr. Marvin D. Adorio
College Dean, College of Engineering,
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,
Cagayan State University,
Engr. Adorio holds bachelor and master’s degrees in agricultural engineering from the Isabela State University – Main Campus, Echague, Isabela Province, Philippines. Over the years, he has worked with research, extension and community engagement-related projects funded by the University and other government funding agencies.
Agriculture, Agricultural Machinery and Mechanization, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
Dr. Baljinder Singh
Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Biochemistry,
Central University of Punjab,
Dr. Baljinder Singh is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Biochemistry at the Central University of Punjab, India. With extensive experience in environmental biotechnology and plant biochemistry, he has previously served as an Assistant Professor at Panjab University and as a Scientific Assistant at the Punjab Pollution Control Board. Dr. Singh has made significant contributions to research on microplastics, environmental contaminants, and plant stress responses, with numerous publications in high-impact journals. He has also developed e-learning content in Environmental Nanotechnology under the MHRD's epgPathshala project. His work spans diverse areas, including bioremediation, plant biotechnology, and transcriptomics, with a focus on sustainable solutions for environmental challenges
Plant Biochemistry, Environmental Biotechnology, Biological Activity
Dr. Fakhrul Islam Monshi,
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding,
Sylhet Agricultural University,
This is Dr. Fakhrul Islam Monshi, Professor, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Sylhet Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Currently, I am working as a JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow at The University of Tokyo, Japan focusing the research on "Characterization of novel genes for the development of low nutrient tolerant and mineral-rich rice" in the Lab of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers. Before that, I did my PhD in plant molecular biology from Kyoto University, Japan in 2020 and the PhD research was involved the diversity of seed storage major allergenic proteins, 2S albumin and 13S globulin. In the meantime, I published a good number of research articles in different reputed journals related to plant sciences. In addition, to upgrade my research knowledge in the field of my interest, I am acting as a reviewer in the top-tier journals like BMC Plant Biology, Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, The Plant Genome, Agronomy Journal, Crop Science Journal, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, Scientifica, Heliyon, ACS Food Science & Technology, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, Gene Reports, Discover Food, International Journal of Agronomy, Journal of Horticultural Sciences, Plant Science Today, etc. And also acting as an editorial board member in the journal ‘Journal of Tropical Crop Science’.
Plant physiology, Abiotic stress tolerance, Plant genomics, Nutrient transport mechanisms in plants, Proteomic analysis etc
Dr. Abdeltif Amrane
Department of Institute of Chemical Sciences of Rennes,
University of Rennes,
AMRANE Abdeltif: Professor – Exceptional class, UMR CNRS 6226 ISCR, University of Rennes. (Google Scholar: h-index: 68; citations: 18337 // Scopus: h-index: 56; citations: 13858). 1998: Thesis Director Enabling Degree (Univ. Rennes 1) / 1991: PhD in Chemistry (Univ. Rennes 1) / 1988: Master (DEA) in Chemistry (Univ. Rennes 1) / 1987: Chemical Engineering Degree (USTHB – Algeria). Since approximately 20 years his research is entirely devoted to the development of combined processes for the removal of organic pollutants in effluent wastewater and gaseous emissions within the CIP team. He has managed 16 PhD theses as thesis director and 2 are in progress; he has also co-managed 24 PhD theses and 4 co-managements theses are in progress. He has been involved as a manager or a participant in several national and international projects, as well in international collaborations (Algeria, Belgium, Hungary, Iran, Lebanon, Mexico, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Tunisia…). He has published more than 550 international papers including 15 papers in press. He is the co-Editor of five books (Elsevier). He has also published 12 chapter books and has about 130 international and 20 national oral communications.
Combined processes / Biological treatment / Advanced oxidation processes / Wastewater treatment
By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!
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