

Dr. Vasily Yu. Belashov

Department of Physics

Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University


vybelashov@yahoo.com, Vasilij.Belashov@kpfu.ru

Advisory Board Members

Dr. Amer Tarek


Department of Mathematics,

Tanta University /Faculty of Science,


Biography +

Amer received his PhD in Applied Mathematics (Theoretical Mechanics) from Tanta University (Egypt) and Magdeburg University (Germany) in 2001. Amer is a full Professor of Applied Mathematics (Theoretical Mechanics) in Egypt. His research interests are Analytical mechanics, Gyro motion, Vibrational mechanics, Stability of dynamical systems and Bifurcations. He has several publications and awards in national and international levels. Amer is a reviewer for many international scientific journals and has a group of good researchers.

Research Interest +

Nonlinear Dynamics, Rigid body motion, Gyroscopic motion, Vibrational motion, Chaotic motion, Stability

Dr. Paolo Di Sia

Adjunct Professor,

Departments are School of Science & School of Engineering,

University of Padova & University of Verona,


Biography +

Paolo Di Sia (Adj. Prof., Dr., Dr., Dr.) is currently Adjunct Professor by the Universities of Padova and Verona (Italy), already Adj. Prof. by the Universities of Verona, Padova, Pavia, Bolzano (Italy), Visiting Professor by the “National Center for Theoretical Sciences” (National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan ROC), qualified as Associate Professor in Mathematics Didactics Mathematics in Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Universitetet i Agder, Nord Universitet, Universitetet i Stavanger, Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway) and Head of the “Primordial Dynamic Space” Research in Verona (Italy). He got a Bachelor in Metaphysics, a Master in Theoretical Physics and three PhDs (Mathematics, Theoretical Physics applied to Nanotechnology, Philosophy of Science). His scientific interests span transdisciplinary physics, classical and quantum-relativistic nanophysics, nano-biotechnology, nano-neuroscience, theories of everything, foundations of physics, history and philosophy of science, science education. He is author of hundreds of works to date (papers on national and international journals, book’s chapters, books, inner academic works, works on scientific webpages, popular papers), is reviewer of some academic books, editor of some international academic books, reviewer of many international journals. He obtained several international awards, is member of many Scientific Societies and International Advisory/Editorial Boards.

Research Interest +

Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Physics, Transdisciplinary Physics. Classical & Quantum Relativistic Nanophysics, Nano-Bio-Technology. (Holistic) Theories of Everything, Foundations of Physics. History and Philosophy of Science, Science Education, Mathematics and Physics Education.

Mr. Serhii I. Pokutnii

Professor ,

Department Theoretical Problems of Optics and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems,

Chu?ko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences ,


Biography +

Serhii I. Pokutnii is a Professor of Theoretical Physics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department Theoretical Problems of Optics and Spectroscopy of Nanosystems Kurdjumov Institute for Metal Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (from June, 2006 – September, 2013), Head of the Department of Nanophysics Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (from September, 2013), Group Leader for Theoretical Quantum Optics of Nanosystems Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) (from September, 2019), Professor of the Department Quantum Technologies Wroc?aw University of Science and Technology, Poland (2022 – 2023). His current research interests are light – matter interaction theory: theoretical quantum optics, theoretical spectroscopy nanosystems (electron, exciton and biexciton states in nanosystems containing semiconductors, metal, dielectric, and perovskite quantum dots light absorption nanosystems); theory of condenced matter (theory of excitons in nanosystems, theory of local electron states in nanosystems, theory of transfer energy electron excitation states in nanosystems

Research Interest +

Theoretical quantum optics and spectroscopy nanosystems and photonic quasicrystals (electron, exciton and biexciton states in nanosystems containing semiconductors, metal, dielectric, perovskite, light absorption nanosystems and photonic quasicrystals

Dr. Fateh Mebarek-Oudina

Professor, Higher Education & Research,

Department of Physics,

University of 20 Août 1955-Skikda (Skikda University),


Biography +

Prof. Dr. Fateh Mebarek-Oudina completed his PhD in 2010 and has since established himself as a prolific researcher with over 130 published papers in esteemed international journals and numerous indexed books to his credit. Presently serving as a distinguished full professor at Skikda University in Algeria, he also holds the prestigious designation of being a renowned reviewer for over 300 international journals. Recognized for his exceptional contributions to the field, Prof. Dr. Mebarek-Oudina has been consistently listed among the Top 2% Scientists Worldwide by Stanford University for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. His research endeavors are centered on a diverse range of topics, including heat and mass transfer, MHD, mathematical simulation and modeling, biofluids, nanofluids, hybrid nanofluids, ternary nanofluids, microfluidics, and computational fluid dynamics.

Research Interest +

heat and mass transfer, MHD, mathematical simulation and modeling, biofluids, nanofluids, hybrid nanofluids, ternary nanofluids, microfluidics, and computational fluid dynamics.

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Lee Yuan-Hao

Project Assistant Professor,

Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Science,

China Medical University,


Biography +

Dr. Yuan-Hao Lee have solid background in biomedical imaging and radiological science. She was trained as a radiation biologist and a medical physicist in the PhD program and at the clinic, respectively. By combining her interest in medical physics and her research experiences and techniques of biomedical imaging, She has developed useful methods for investigating the interactions between radiation and tissues.

Research Interest +

Medical Physics, Biomedical Imaging

Dr. Jyoti Rajput

Associate Professor,

Department of Physics,

Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab,


Biography +

Jyoti Rajput was born in Punjab, India. She received her Ph.D. degree from NIT Jalandhar, Punjab, India in 2019. She is currently an Associate professor of Physics at Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India. Her research focused areas deal with laser induced electron acceleration in vacuum and plasma (Direct Laser Acceleration, Laser Beat Wave Acceleration, Plasma Beat Wave Acceleration), harmonic generation in plasma and THz radiation generation in plasma. She has published around 20 research articles in various international SCI journals and presented her research work at various international conferences/workshops. She is also a member of different renowned associations/societies e.g., Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) , ISCA etc. She has been a panel member in Ph.D. comprehensives and Final evaluations. She has also been an invited speaker in international conferences.

Research Interest +

Laser Plasma Interactions, Charged particle acceleration in vacuum and plasmas, Harmonic generation in plasma, Terahertz radiation generation in plasma

Dr. Ayah Elshahat

Associate Professor,

Department of Nuclear and Radiation Engineering,

Alexandria University,


Biography +

Ayah Elshahat is an assistant professor in the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt. She graduated from the Nuclear and Radiation Engineering Department in 2001, received a MSc in nuclear engineering (thermal performance of nuclear reactors) from Alexandria University in 2005, and received a PhD in nuclear engineering (enhancing nuclear energy sustainability using advanced reactors) from Manchester University in 2016. She has experience in simulation of advanced nuclear reactors, safety of nuclear reactors, and thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactors. She supervised some graduation projects about virtual reality simulation of nuclear reactors. She supervised postgraduate students (MSc and PhD) in safety of nuclear reactors, thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactors and in developing some simulation models of nuclear reactors.

Research Interest +

Nuclear reactors, nuclear engineering, safety of nuclear reactors

Dr. Suneet Kumar Awasthi


Department of Physics and Material Science and Engineering,

Jaypee Institute of Information Technology,


Biography +

Dr. Suneet Kumar Awasth is a science post graduate from University of Lucknow. After completing his post graduation, he joined the Photonics Research Group of Prof Usha Malaviya at Department of Physics, University of Lucknow. He completed his doctoral thesis on "Optical Devices Based on Photonic Crystals". Dr. Suneet Kumar Awasth joined Department of Physics and Material Science and Engineering, JIIT-128 Noida as a lecturer in January 2010. Before joining JIIT-128, Dr. Awasthi has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Physics Department, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur. Currently, he has more than five and half years of post Ph.D research and teaching experience.

Research Interest +

Optics, Photonics, Metamaterials, Biosensors

Dr. Dariusz Jacek Jakobczak

Assistant Professor ,

Department of Electronics and Computer Science,

Koszalin University of Technology,


Biography +

Dariusz Jacek Jakóbczak was born in Koszalin, Poland, on December 30, 1965. He graduated in mathematics (numerical methods and programming) from the University of Gdansk, Poland in 1990. He received the Ph.D. degree in 2007 in computer science from the Polish – Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, Poland. From 1991 to 1994 he was a civilian programmer in the High Military School in Koszalin. He was a teacher of mathematics and computer science in the Private Economic School in Koszalin from 1995 to 1999. Since March 1998 he has worked in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Koszalin University of Technology, Poland and since October 2007 he has been an Assistant Professor in the Chair of Computer Science and Management in this department. His research interests connect mathematics with computer science and include computer vision, artificial intelligence, shape representation, curve interpolation, contour reconstruction and geometric modeling, numerical methods, probabilistic methods, game theory, operational research and discrete mathematics.

Research Interest +

computer vision, artificial intelligence, shape representation, curve interpolation, contour reconstruction and geometric modeling, numerical methods, probabilistic methods, game theory, operational research and discrete mathematics

Dr. VE. Jayanthi

Professor & Head,

Department of Biomedical Engineering(Since2015),

PSNA College of Engineering and Technology,


Biography +

Dr.VE.Jayanthi, Professor and Head in the Department of Biomedical Engineering from PSNA College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul. She received her UG degree AMIE (ECE) in the Institution of Engineers (India) in 1993. She completed her Master’s Degree in Applied Electronics, Anna University, Chennai in 2004. She was awarded a Doctoral degree in Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Anna University, Chennai in 2013. She is the professional body member of ISTE, IAENG, IEEE (Signal Processing), Biomedical Engineering Society of India (BMSI), Member of Indian biomedical skill consortium (IBSC), and mentor of ATEL Tinkering Lab. She has 23 years of teaching and programming experience and published more than 56 research paper in the reputed international journals. She submitted the proposals and received a sum of the amount of Rs 45 lakhs from ICMR, DBT, AICTE and American International Health Alliance -Ethiopian. Her research interests include Digital Image & signal processing, Device Design, VLSI Architecture Design, Assist & wearable device

Research Interest +

Digital Image & Signal Processing, Device Design, VLSI Architecture Design, Assist & wearable device

Dr. Shubham Sharma

Senior Scientist,

Department of Computational Materials Science,

Pfizer Inc,


Biography +

Dr. Shubham Sharma is a Senior Scientist, Computational Materials Science at Pfizer Inc, USA. A chemical engineer, Dr Sharma earned his PhD in Chemical & Environmental Engineering in 2021 from Brown University, RI, USA. His PhD research focused on method development and application of computational modeling techniques in the field of electro-chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis. Followed by his PhD, Dr Sharma served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA, US where he contributed to the field of electro-chemical dissolution, surface-corrosion, and machine learning techniques in spectroscopy. Dr Sharma joined Pfizer in 2022 and currently serves as subject matter expert for various modeling deliverables at the Materials Sciences division.

Research Interest +

Computational Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Catalysis, Crystal Structure Predictions, Charge transfer reactions, Electronic Structure Theory, Drug Product Design

Mr. Anjan Biswas

Endowed Chair of Mathematics.,

Department of Mathematics and Physics,

Grambling State University,


Biography +

Dr. Biswas graduated with his B.Sc. (Honors) in Mathematics from St. Xavier’s College in Calcutta, India. Subsequently he received his M.Sc. and M. Phil degrees in Applied Mathematics from the University of Calcutta, India. Thereafter, he earned his MA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, USA. Subsequently, he carried out his post-doctoral studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA. Currently, he is the Endowed Chair of Mathematics at Grambling State University that is located in Grambling, LA, USA. His research focus is on Mathematical Photonics

Research Interest +

Mathematical Photonics.

Dr. Afaf Sarhan

Associate Professor,

Department of Experimental Physics,

Mansoura University,


Biography +

Education background: 2019: Assoc. Prof. of Experimental Physics, Physics department, Mansoura University, Egypt 2013: Ph.D. in Experimental physics, Physics department, Mansoura University, Egypt. Title of the thesis: " Eco-friendly electrochemical synthesis of chitosan-silver hybrid nanoparticles and their biomedical application" 2007: M.Sc. in Polymer physics, Physics department, Mansoura University, Egypt. Title of the thesis: “Studies on the crystalline structure and some physical properties of amorphous and semi crystalline polymer". 2001: BSc in Physics, Physics department, Mansoura University, Egypt.

Research Interest +

Biopolymers, Nanotechnolog, Polymer physics and chemistry, conducting polymer, Dielectric and piezoelectric of polymers films

Dr. Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi

Assistant Professor and Full Time Faculty Member,

Department of Physics,

Islamic AZAD University, South Tehran Branch,


Biography +

Dr. Seyed Alireza Mousavi Shirazi was born in September 1977. He has a Ph.D. degree in nuclear energy engineering from Islamic AZAD University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran. His M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees are nuclear reactor engineering and electrical-electronics engineering, respectively. The scope of his Ph.D. thesis was medical radiation and dosimetry. He has been employing at Islamic AZAD University, South Tehran Branch, Department of Physics from 2006 to present, and he is now Assistant Professor and full-time faculty member at this institute. He has been teaching physics courses including mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, electricity and magnetism, and their related laboratories. He has published so many papers in the credited and peer-reviewed ISI (W.O.S) journals, international scientific research journals, and proceedings of the international and national conferences in a way that three of them are hot papers. As well, he has so far reviewed so many ISI (Web of Science) and scientific research papers for credited and peer-reviewed journals belonging to Elsevier, Springer and other well-known publishers, and he has also achieved the title of “Outstanding Reviewer” from Elsevier Publisher. He is now the Editorial Board member of many scientific research journals. He has achieved many international and national awards including two gold medals and one honorary medal in the international invention competitions from Malaysia (ITEX 2007) and Romania (INVENTIKA 2007), respectively. Also he has achieved the special prize from Korean Invention Promotion Association (KIPA).

Research Interest +

Nuclear Medicine, Medical Radiation, Nuclear Engineering

Ankit Kumar Mishra

Executive Director and Research Advisor,

Department of Research and Development,

Astroex Research Association,


Biography +

Mr. Ankit Kumar Mishra is currently enrolled in Master's of Technology in Materials Science and Engineering at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. His research interest lies in field of Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Wind tunnel, NanoComposites and Biomaterials. He has published 30+ research papers in several international journals as well as conferences. He is also been serving as peer-reviewer for three journals, along with editorial board member for two of journals and advisory board member for one of journal as well. He also hold life time membership from EUROAVIA LPU and LIPS RESEARCH FOUNDATION and ISET RESEARCH.

Research Interest +

Composite Materials, Biomaterials, Aerodynamics, Rockets and Missiles

Dr. Mohammed Al Bahri

Associate Professor,

Department of Basic & Applied Sciences,

A'Sharqiyah University,


Biography +

Dr Mohammed Al Bahri is presently working as an associate professor in Physics at A'Sharqiyah University in Oman. He has worked in the Ministry of Education in Oman for more than 20 years in Monitoring and evaluating student learning. He got his PhD degree from Sultan Qaboos University in Oman in 2018. He is working as a researcher in nanoscience materials, especially in magnetic nanowires and magnetic domain walls. He has 17 papers published in various Web of Science journals. He was awarded : -1. The best Researcher at A'Sharqiyah University for the Academic year (2022-2023). 2. - Awarded Certificate of Excellence among the top-50 academic researchers in Asia for 2022, December 2022. 3. - Awarded the best-published research award from the International Research Awards ISSN 2022 (IIRA-2022) in July 2022. 4. -The best presenter at ( ICMMM 2020) International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Spain, Barcelona, 17-18 August 2020.

Research Interest +

Nanoscience and Spintronics

Dr. Osama Salem Hussien


Department of Civil,

Al-Azhar University,


Biography +

2001-2004: Demonstrator, Civil Engineering, Faculty of engineering, Al-Azhar University. 2005-2008: Assistant Lecturer, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al- Azhar University. 2008 - 2017: Assistance Professor, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al- Azhar University. 2017 - 2023: Associate Professor, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al- Azhar University. From 2023 until now: Professor, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Al- Azhar University. Books: 1) Osama Salem, “Structural Analysis Statically Determinate”, 2nd edition, 2017, ISBN 978-620-2-05452-2. 2) Safwat Eissa and Osama Salem, “Stress Analysis”, 2nd edition, 2017, ISBN 978-3-659-91427-0. 3) Osama Salem, “Structural Analysis Deformation”, 2nd edition, 2017, ISBN 978-620-2-05524-6 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 4) Osama Salem, “Structural Analysis Statically Indeterminate”, 2nd edition, 2017, ISBN 978-3-659-69190-4. 5) Safwat Eissa and Osama Salem, “Stiffness Method”, 2nd edition, 2017, ISBN 978-3-659-67407-5. 6) Osama Salem, “Theory of Plates and Shells”, 1st edition, 2022, ISBN 978-620-4-98088-1.

Research Interest +

Structure analysis, formwork

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