
Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS)(ISSN: 2582-1091) ( Impact Factor: 0.622) aims to publish quality articles with a major emphasis on the gastroenterology, hepatology, gastrointestinal surgery, and gastrointestinal endoscopy. The journal covers a wide range of gastroenterology topics including gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, pancreatic cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and liver transplantation. The journal solicits and publishes all the information about Gastroenterology and Digestive System.

You are welcome to submit your valuable and reliable articles towards the journal at gastro@actascientific.com, gastro@actascientific.com


Internationally profound journal that Publishes articles on various disciplines of Gastroenterology.
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Rapid Publication after the article is peer reviewed through eminent reviewers.
Acceptance and Publication of papers with excellence, novelty and originality.
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Aim and scope

Today, the importance of gastroenterology emerging rapidly and Acta Scientific Gastro Intestinal Disorders (ASGIS) is dedicated to focus on the various developments and advancements to provide a platform for the researchers to promote, share, and discuss various new issues in Gastroenterology.

Major subject areas of interest in gastroenterology field include, but are not restricted to the following fields:

Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Gastrointestinal Infections, Gastric Cancer, Gastric Inflammation, Digestive enzymes, Stomach Cancer, Intestinal Blockage, Stomach Disorders, Constipation, Epigastric pain, Endoscopy, Gall Bladder, Stomach Cramps, Gastrointestinal Radiology, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology, Hepatology, Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal Inflammation, Gastrointestinal Hormones, Intestinal Blockage, Epigastric Pain, Gall Bladder, Gastrointestinal Radiology, Gastrointestinal Pathology, Pancreas, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Gastrointestinal Pharmacology, Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis, GIST Sarcoma, Constipation, Stomach Ulcer, Abdominal Adhesions, Acid Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Acid Regurgitation, Alagille Syndrome, Anal Fissure, Antacids, Barium Enema, Barium Swallow, Bile Ducts, Bloating, Bowel Control, Celiac Sprue, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Colitis, Collagenous Colitis, Colonic Atresia, Colostomy, Continent Ileostomy, Copper Storage Disease, Dehydration, Delayed Gastric Emptying, Digestion, Duodenal Ulcers, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Esophageal Cancer, Feeding Tube, Flatulence, Gluten Intolerance, Gluten-free Diet, Heartburn, Hepatitis A, B, C, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ileoanal Reservoir, Ileostomy, Imperforate Anus, Indigestion, Intestinal Gas, Intussusception, Iron Overload Disease, Laxatives, Lymphocytic Colitis, Milk Intolerance, Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and Peptic Ulcers, Nontropical Sprue, Pancreatic Ducts, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Piles, Polyps, Pseudo-obstruction, Pyrosis, Rapid Gastric Emptying, Regional Enteritis, Regional Ileitis, Salivary Glands, Short Bowel Syndrome, Smoking and the Digestive System, Stomach Flu, Stomach Infection, Stomach Nerve Damage, Traveler's Diarrhoea, Upset Stomach, Volvulus, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome & it’s Treatment, etc. The journal includes all the diversified topics under the area of Gastroenterology.


Choice of Wavelets for Electrogastrogram (EGG)

  • Gokul M and Pradeep Murugesan.
  • Published: October 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 01-03.
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Research Article

Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase-1 (ERAP-1) Mutations in People with Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) Gene Mutations Without Disease

  • Resat Dabak, Gulbuz Sezgin, Faith Oner Kaya, Feride Sinem Akgun, Oya Bayramicli and Selim Nalbant.
  • Published: November 21, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 04-10.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0194
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Research Article

Treatment of Biliopancreatic Diseases by Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. Retrospective Analysis of Twenty-five Years in a Tertiary Reference Center

  • Raúl A Brizuela Quintanilla, Julián F Ruiz Torres, Juan Y Ramos Contreras, Norberto Alfonso Contino and Jorge García-Menocal Hernández.
  • Published: November 25, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 11-16.
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Review Article

Anatomical Basis of Approaches to Liver Resection

  • Madhusudhanan Jegadeesan and Ramprasad Jegadeesan.
  • Published: November 25, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 17-23.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0196
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Case Study

Comorbid Risk Factors for an In-Hospital Fatal Outcome of Patients Hospitalized for Covid -19: A Case-control Study

  • Niculae Ion Nedelcu, Magdalena George and David H Van Thiel.
  • Published: November 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 24-27.
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Case Study

Infective Esophagitis and Gastric Balloon Case Study

  • Yasser Al Shehadat.
  • Published: November 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 28-29.
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Case Study Best Article of the Issue

Vitiligo Improvement in Patient with Crohn’s Disease Undergoing Treatment with Infliximab

  • Cardoso Mateus Ricardo, Tavares Isabela Boulhosa, Cordeiro Karina Ferreira and Campos Luciana Teixeira.
  • Published: November 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 30-33.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0199
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Conceptual Paper

Potential Premalignant Status of Gastric Portion Excluded after Roux En-Y Gastric Bypass in Obese Women: A Pilot Study

  • Graziela Rosa Ravacci, Robson Ishida, Raquel Suzana Torrinhas, Priscila Sala1, Natasha Mendonça Machado, Danielle Cristina Fonseca1, Gisele Canuto, Ernani Pinto, Viviane Nascimento, Marina Tavares, Paulo Sakai, Joel Faintuch, Marco Aurelio Santo, Eduardo Guimarães Hourneaux Moura, Ricardo Artigiani Neto, Angela Flávia Logullo and Dan Linetzky Waitzberg.
  • Published: November 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 12: 34-37.
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Back to the Future: HLA in Gastroenterology

  • Hakim Rahmoune, Mounira Amrane, Hadia Ziada-Bouchaar, Dalila Satta, Daoud Zineb and Nada Boutrid.
  • Published: August 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 01-02.
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Review Article

Is there Any Relation between the Age of Patients and the Length of the Small Bowel? How Long is your Patient's Bowel?

  • Sanguinetti J*, Barreiro C, Voliovici E, Bentancor M, Montano D, Anaulina Silveira, Sonia Boudrandi and Enrique Barrios.
  • Published: September 12, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 03-06.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0174
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Role of Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Lowering Indirect Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonates Under Phototherapy

  • Behairy El-Sayed Behairy, Magdy Anwar Saber, Rasha Elsayed Hassan, Samira Abd-Elwahab Abd-Elaziz, Haidy Mohammed Zakaria and Gihan Ahmed Sobhy.
  • Published: September 16, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 07-11.
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Case Report

Resolution of Multiple Large Spider Angiomas after Liver Transplantation in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis

  • Ankur Jindal and Aditi Gupta.
  • Published: September 16, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 12-13.
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Case Report

A Study on the Challenges of Diagnosis and Interpretation in the Subject with Intestinal Ganglioneuromatosis

  • Kadir Bal, Sibel Erdamar, Bilgi Baca, Uğur Korman and Erkan Çağlar.
  • Published: September 24, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 14-16.
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Research Article

Cost Effective Technique of Removal of Platelets for HLA Crossmatching by Density Gradient Centrifugation

  • Murali Adiga.
  • Published: September 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 17-19.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0179
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Research Article

COVID-19 and Liver Disease

  • Ankur Jindal, Rakesh K Jagdish and Aditi Gupta.
  • Published: September 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 20-27.
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Case Study

The Importance of Meticulous Peri-operative Care in Managing High-Risk Patients Undergoing Bariatric Procedures

  • Omar S Mansour.
  • Published: September 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 10: 28-31.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0181
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Abdominal Attacks May Reveal Hereditary Angioedema!

  • Naouel Lemdaoui, Nada Boutrid, Hakim Rahmoune, Mounira Amrane, Abderraouf Bataiche and Hala Boutrid.
  • Published: August 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 01-02.
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

SPATZ3 Intragastric Balloon: Efficacy, Fungal Contamination and Complications during the 12 Months of Use

  • Bruno Queiroz Sander, Oliveira ASB, Maiolini R, Pereira CRT, Sindorf ML, Ferreira CO, Silva MIF, Rosa ED, Barral MCM, Clasen SPAS, Freitas JBA, Benvenuti ECSC, Pessoa DF, Bonates HA, Scoralick MO, Ribeiro MMS, Matos CRQS, Carvalho CAM, Braga KM and Rosado JJS.
  • Published: August 08, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 03-05.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0165
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Research Article

Weight Regain after Bariactric Surgery. Endoscopic Suture with Overstitch Use for Gastrointestinal Anastomosis Decrease. Inicial Results: Brasilian Multicenter Study

  • Bruno Queiroz Sander, Marcelo Pereira Sander, Jimi Scarparo, Felipe Matz, Felipe Ramos, Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Castro, Stephany Roman Farfan, Waldemilson Cleber de Castro Vieira, Hellen Guimarães Sampaio, Edson Portela, Linsmar Dantas Conceição, Diego Paim Carvalho Garcia and Luiz Ronaldo Alberti.
  • Published: August 12, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 06-08.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0166
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Research Article

Recurrence of Helicobacter pylori Infection after Successful Eradication Therapy in Egyptian Patients

  • Mohamed AA Bassiony, Amr T El Hawary and Marwan N Elgohary.
  • Published: August 24, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 09-13.
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Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH): A Critical Stage of Chronic Liver Disease

  • Ali Mahzari.
  • Published: August 24, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 14-15.
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Research Article

Comparing the Effects of Biofeedback and Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) on Dyssynergic Defecation Sings and Symptoms

  • AR Pakghalb and R Bazaz Behbahani.
  • Published: August 24, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 16-20.
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Conceptual Paper

Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Children

  • Rajeev Gupta.
  • Published: August 24, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 30-35.
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Short Communication

Gut Dysbiosis, Probiotics and COVID-19

  • Andrew P Smith.
  • Published: August 31, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 9: 36-38.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0173
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Guest Editorial

Remdesivir-Gate for COVID-19

  • Mina T Kelleni.
  • Published: July 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 01.
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Research Article

Laparoscopic Groin Hernia Repair: A Systematic Institutional Study

  • Tuhin Shah, Ashish Prasad Rajbhandari, Bhuban Rijal, Rabin Koirala and Arjana Shakya.
  • Published: July 09, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 02-08.
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Research Article

A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety Measures of Opioid Analgesics in Acute Pancreatitis

  • S Aravind and G Balaji.
  • Published: July 17, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 09-15.
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Case Report

Small Bowel Bleeding Associated with Meckel’s Diverticulum. Complex Diagnosis with Monoballoon Enteroscopy

  • Jonatán Mendoza Ramírez, Diego Angulo Molina, Javier García Guerrero, Jorge Santín Rivero and Laura Montserrat Bernal López.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 24-27.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0157
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Research Article

EUS Guided Liver Workup Versus Percutaneous Guided in a Community Hospital

  • Matthew M Eves, Allison Harvey, Michael Lysek and Roshanak Derakhshandeh.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 28-34.
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Case Report Best Article of the Issue

Successful Pelvic Exenteration for T4b Rectal Cancer: A Case Report

  • GZ Bounab, S Bicha, H Rahmoune, N Boutrid, R Sayoud, H Boutrid and N Lemdaoui.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 35-38.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0159
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Research Article

Evaluation of the Frequency and Factors of Hospital Mortality in Surgery at the Kankan Regional Hospital

  • Camara Soriba Naby, Camara Alpha Kabinet, Diallo Amadou Djoulde, Balde Oumar Taibata, Balde Abdoulaye Korse, Sanoh Doukara, Toure Aboubacar, Diallo Aissatou Taran and Diallo Biro.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 39-43.
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Mini Review

The Evolving Role and Challenges Faced by Gastroenterologist in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond

  • Muhammad Kamran and Wasim Jafri.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 44-47.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0161
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Research Article

Role of Fibroscan and Non Invasive Markers to Assess Hepatic Fibrosis and Steatosis at Initial Presentation of Patients with Hepatitis B

  • Ankur Shah, Rathi Chetan and Shah Jayshri A.
  • Published: July 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 8: 16-23.
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Perplexity in Diagnosis of Pancreatic Lesions

  • Tanveer Ahmed.
  • Published: May 29, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 01.
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Research Protocol

Spectrum of Pulsion Esophageal Diverticulum and Approach to the Management Based on Presence or Absence of Symptoms

  • Ajeet Kumar Lohana, Rajesh Bansari, Fakhar Ali Qazi Arisar, Wasim Jafri.
  • Published: June 19, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 02-08.
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Case Report

Metastatic Renal Epithelioid Angiomyolipoma: An Interesting and Rare Case Report

  • Jill David, Reginald Chounoune, Alene Wright, Abdul Waheed and Frederick D Cason.
  • Published: June 22, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 09-12.
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Case Report

Acute Pancreatitis Revealing Cystic Dilatation of the Common Bile Duct: A Case Report

  • Naouel Lemdaoui, Raouf Menoura, Abderraouf Bataiche, Hakim Rahmoune, Nada Boutrid and Soumia Satta.
  • Published: June 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 16-19.
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Short Communication

Identification and Characterisation of Periodicum pradatorius: An Emerging Pathogen of Physicus novicius and Litterae scientific

  • Rasher Dan, Thomas Thug and Peter Throb.
  • Published: June 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 20-21.
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The Challenge to Move the GI Tract

  • Alfredo Fernandez.
  • Published: June 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 22.
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Case Report

Pedunculated Giant Gastric Adenoma Embedded in the Entire Duodenum

  • RB Bayramov, RT Abdullayeva and SE Huseynova.
  • Published: July 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 7: 23-25.
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100% Sustained Viral Response with Combination of Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy in Patient on Long Term Hemodialysis

  • Bouzegaou Hassiba, Zenai El-Hadj Mehdi, Zaoui Mustapha, Benhlima Mohamed and Sassi Souad.
  • Published: May 02, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 6: 01.
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Case Report

Monogenic Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children. A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review

  • Shaden Al Mahamed and Abdelhai Hammo.
  • Published: May 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 6: 12-16.
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Research Article

Clinical and Etiological Profile of Patients with Splanchnic Venous Thrombosis in a Tertiary Care Centre from Southern India

  • Ravindra L Gaadhe, Pawar Abhimanrao Manikrao, K R Palaniswamy and Piramanayagam P.
  • Published: May 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 6: 17-23.
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Letter to Editor

The Amazonification of Healthcare Will be the Next Step Forward for Patient Safety

  • Salvador Gullo Neto.
  • Published: May 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 6: 24-25.
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Case Report

Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding Caused by a Jejunal Diverticula Multidisciplinary Approach

  • Elvira Vaillo Martin, Laura Millán Paredes, Alberto Márquez Rodriguez, Aitor Costales Sánchez, Juan de Diego Gamarra and Andrea Rossetti.
  • Published: May 31, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 6: 26-28.
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Hepatic and Gastro-Intestinal Manifestations of Volumetric Overload Shocks (VOS) Causing ARDS

  • Ahmed Ghanem.
  • Published: April 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 01-05.
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Research Article

Esophageal Dilatation in Children with Esophageal Strictures, Outcome and Safety at Single Center Experience

  • Abdulhamid Alhadab, Shaden N AlMahamed, Zahid Arein and Abdelhai Hammo.
  • Published: April 23, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 06-11.
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Review Article

Extracorporeal Detoxification and Immunocorrection in Treatment of Corona Virus Pneumonia Complications

  • Voinov VA, Ilkovich MM, Kovalev MG and Voinova YV.
  • Published: April 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 12-17.
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Case Report

Meckel’s Diverticulum: Bibliography Review and Presentation of a Case

  • Carlos Sanjuan-Sánchez and María G García-Rangel.
  • Published: April 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 18-20.
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Covid-19 Crisis: How Tortuous is the Coronavirus Road Ahead?

  • Avinash Jayaswal.
  • Published: April 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 21-23.
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Case Report

Adult Sigmoido-Rectal Intussusception Presenting as Gangrenous Bowel and Rectal Prolapse: A Rare Presentation

  • Renu Saini, Urmila Basu, Niraj Kumar, Raj Mithun Degala and Sanjay Kumar Dubey.
  • Published: April 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 24-26.
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Case Report

Not Only Helicobacter pylori Lives in Stomach - Case Report

  • Leandro Bressianini Jurkonis, Carolina Rebello Hilgert, Maria Cristina Figueroa Magalhães and Jean Rodrigo Tafarel.
  • Published: April 28, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 5: 27-29.
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Corona and Our Role

  • Suman Baral.
  • Published: March 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 01.
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Research Article

Association Between Overlapping Syndromes and Renal Lithiasis in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Dídia Bismara Cury, Ana Camila Michelletti, Rogério A, Elsa Alidia Cury Petry Gonçalves and Nestor Schor.
  • Published: March 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 02-05.
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Case Report

Sebaceous Carcinoma and Muir - Torre Syndrome: Case Report

  • Louis Smits, Sorin Cimpean and Aude Schillaci.
  • Published: March 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 06-08.
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Literature Review

Hepatobiliary Infestation by Ascaris lumbricoides

  • BQ Sander, EP Silva, SR Farfan, LD Conceição, SG Godinho, WCC Vieira, FMB Pires, HG Sampaio, JR Pereira, FRB Miranda, CHR Castro and IS Barra.
  • Published: March 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 09-10.
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Case Report

Unique Case of Isolated Jejunal Angiodysplasia Refractory to Coil Embolization Managed by Laparoscopic Resection

  • Jyotsna Misra, Subham Bera, Shuvro H Roy Chowdhury and Shubhayu Banerjee.
  • Published: March 30, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 11-14.
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Case Report

Encountering a Very Rare Pancreatic Tumor-Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas

  • Urmila Basu, Subham Bera, Devmalya Banerjee, Shubhayu Banerjee and Gaurav Kumar.
  • Published: March 31, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 4: 15-19.
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Microscopic Colitis A Commonly Missed Diagnosis that Needs Further Studies and Thorough Investigations

  • Omar S Mansour.
  • Published: February 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 01-03.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0117
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Research Article

100 Successful Consecutive Peroral Endoscopic Myotomies (POEMs) for Long-Term Treatment of Esophageal Achalasia Including Complex Achalasia Patients. The Greek Experience

  • Nikolas Eleftheriadis, Haruhiro Inoue, Haruo Ikeda, Manabu Onimaru, Nikolas Evgenides, Ioanna Bravita, Andreas Protopapas, Eleni Eleftheriadou, Grace Santi, Theodora Kali and John Katsogridakis.
  • Published: February 11, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 04-08.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0118
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Review Article

Pseudomembranous Colitis: Current Scenario in Paediatric Practice

  • Suraj Gupte.
  • Published: February 11, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 09-13.
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Case Report

Acute Gastric Ischemia Following Severe Hypotension During Epidural Anesthesia

  • Nikolaos Giorgakis, Sotirios Anastasiadis, Jannis Kountouras and Panagiotis Katsinelos.
  • Published: February 14, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 14-15.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0120
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Research Article

Metabolic Profile of Aged and Non-Aged Alcoholics Interned in Psychiatric Hospital in Brazil

  • Paulo Borini, Romeu C Guimar達es and Zamir Calamita.
  • Published: February 17, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 16-22.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0121
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Case Report

Ascaris lumbricoides in the Main Biliary Duct as a Cause of Abdominal Pain in Young Adult

  • William Augusto Casteleins, Marcos Roberto Likes Mischiatti, Marlon Rangel and Rafael William Noda.
  • Published: February 17, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 23-25.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0122
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Case Report

Fistula-Related Pericarditis as a Complication of Gastric Bypass Surgery

  • Avinash Jayaswal and Mohamed El Koulali.
  • Published: February 17, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 26-28.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0123
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Research Article

The Therapeutic Relevance of Co-Targeting Wnt-Hh Signalling Pathways in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  • Anindita Tripathy, Manoj Kumar Sahu, Kanishka Uthansingh, Ayaskanta Singh, Jimmy Narayan and Ratna Kumari.
  • Published: February 27, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 3: 32-40.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0125
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The Challenge of Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in HIV Patients

  • Stefani Panayiotou.
  • Published: January 01, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 01-03.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0107
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Case Report

Case Report of Obstructed Complex Ventral Hernia Repair

  • Ramadan Shaker.
  • Published: January 02, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 04-06.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0108
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Case Report

Amyloidosis and Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

  • F Lucas, M Alves and R Roberto.
  • Published: January 03, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 07-08.
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Research Article

Diagnosis and Management of Pancreatic Necrosis Infection

  • Bassem NASR, Malek BARKA, BEN LTAIFA Afef, Waad FARHAT, Abdelkader MIZOUNI, Mohammed Said NAKHLI, Mohammed BEN MABROUK and Ali BEN ALI.
  • Published: January 08, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 09-16.
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Case Report

A Diagnostic Dilemma of a Pancreatic Cyst in a 12-Year Old Child

  • Wilkinson B. Gacayan MD and Faisal K. Romancap MD FPCS.
  • Published: January 23, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 1: 17-19.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0112
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Short Communication

Antireflux Mucosectomy (ARMS): Innovative Endoscopic Treatment for Resistant Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD)

  • Nikolas Eleftheriadis, Haruo Ikeda, Manabu Onimaru, Ioanna Bravita, Eleni Eleftheriadou, Grace Santi and Haruhiro Inoue.
  • Published: January 23, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 20-21.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0113
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Case Report

Laparoscopic Resection and Intracorporeal Anastomosis of a Small Bowel Tumor. Case Report

  • Alexander Forero-Torres, María Reyes Bañeres-Visedo and María Isabel Prieto-Nieto.
  • Published: January 29, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 22-24.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0114
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Review Article

Understanding the Basic Concepts of Liver Transplantation

  • Chandan Kumar Kedarisetty, Senthil Kumar, Vanarasi Y Bhargav, Mu Karthikeyan, Tamarai Selvan, Babu Elangovan, Jayanthi Venkataraman.
  • Published: January 29, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 25-33.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0115
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Short Communication

Closure of the Cystic Duct at Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

  • Simon R Bramhall, Moustafa M Mourad and Muhammad A Karim.
  • Published: January 29, 2020; Volume 3 Issue 2: 34-35.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2020.03.0116
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Importance of Local Societies Guidelines in Medical Advising for Real Life Practice

  • William Augusto Casteleins.
  • Published: December 02, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 01.
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Research Article

Comparative Study between Harmonic Scalpel and Diathermy in the Surgical Treatment of Grade III and IV Hemorrhoids

  • Shady Mohamed Naguib Ghieth, Hassan Ali Elbahrawi, Mohamed Ibrahim Kassem and Ahmed Abdelfattah Sabry.
  • Published: December 02, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 02-08.
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Short Communication


  • Hijaz Mohd Aiman.
  • Published: December 02, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 09-12.
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Abdominal Tuberculosis - Predicament to Physicians

  • Tanveer Ahmed.
  • Published: December 02, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 13.
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Research Article

Outcome of Minimally Invasive Proctology (MIP) in a Daycare Unit

  • Sanjeev Singh Yadav, Sumayah Husna and Sanjana Yadav.
  • Published: December 09, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 14-17.
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Research Article

Study the Role of Combined M2-Pyruvate Kinase, Calprotectin and Occult Blood Test as Fecal Biomarkers for Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer

  • Atef Abo El-Soud Ali, Ahmed Abo Zaid Ahmed, Mohamed Gamal El Helbawy, Huda Saad Elmehily and Emad Mohamed Salem.
  • Published: December 09, 2019; Volume 3 Issue 1: 18-27.
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Case Report

Cystic Artery Pseudoaneurysm and Severe Cholangitis – A Rare Association - A Case Report.

  • Jaya Ghosh Chatterjee, Sayan Das and Asokananda Konar.
  • Published: November 11, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 33-36.
PDF Full Text

Research Article

Focus on the Perforated Peptic Ulcer.

  • Sorin Cimpean, Marie-Therese Marechal, Benjamin Cadiere, Gloire A Dieu Byabene, Luca Pau, Arianna Grilli, Guy-Bernard Cadiere.
  • Published: November 11, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 26-32.
PDF Full Text

Research Article

Acute Gastroenteritis and Associated Bacterial Isolates from Domestic Water Sources in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

  • Ojo Omoyemi Rebecca and Olotu Emmanuel Juwon.
  • Published: November 07, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 17-25.
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Clinical Image

Inverted Diverticulum.

  • Reda Berraida, K Loubaris, I Elkoti, H Seddik and A Benkirane.
  • Published: November 04, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 16.
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Review Article

Gastrointestinal Cancer. Microbiota and Treatment.

  • Gertrudis Adrianza de Baptista.
  • Published: November 04, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 11-15.
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Research Article

Analysis of Long-Term Weight Regain in Obese Patients Treated with Intragastric Balloon.

  • Bruno Queiroz Sander, Luiz Ronaldo Alberti, Diogo Turiani Hourneaux Moura, Jimi Izaques Bifi Scarparo, Patricia Sanches Carneiro, Vitor Nunes Arantes.
  • Published: November 04, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 08-10.
PDF Full Text

Research Article

Efficacy of Sofosbuvir Velpatsavir Combination in HCV Genotype 3 Infected Children of Age between 12 to 18 Years.

  • Jawad Khan and Saira Nasr Malik.
  • Published: November 04, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 02-07.
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The Future of Black - Boxes in Surgery.

  • Bogdan Socea.
  • Published: November 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 10: 01.
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Case Report

Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Thiamine in Wernicke’s Encephalopathy Secondary to Crohn’s Disease: “Let there be Light”.

  • Khalid N Abdelwali, Iman Benelberhdadi, Anass Rahaoui and Fatimazahraa Ajana.
  • Published: October 16, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 26-28.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0091
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Review Article

Endoscopic Ultrasonography of Malignant Rectal Tumors for the Decision-Making of Therapeutic Action.

  • Norberto Caridad Alfonso Contino, Raúl Antonio Brizuela Quintanilla, Jorge Luis García Menocal, Yanet Ortega Dugrot, Julieth Suarez Oceguera and Marelys Beatriz Estupiñan Álvarez.
  • Published: October 15, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 22-25.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0090
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Research Article

Cholecystitis and Synchronous Liver Abscess: Percutaneous Treatment Results.

  • Dos Santos Gabriel, Voliovici Eduardo and Olivera Pertusso Eduardo.
  • Published: October 15, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 16-21.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0089
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Review Article Best Article of the Issue

Conventional and Alternative Measures for IBS Management.

  • M Abdul Kader.
  • Published: October 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 11-15.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0088
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Intramuscular Diclofenac as Prophylaxis for Post ERCP Pancreatitis.

  • Sandoval L, Avila G and Sánchez A.
  • Published: October 10, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 07-10.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0087
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Research Article

Laparoscopic Versus Open Laparotomy in Management of Intestinal Malrotation and Volvulus in Neonates: A Comparative Study.

  • Omar Atef Elekiabi, Ehab M Oraby, Tamer Wasefy and Ahmed K El- Taher.
  • Published: October 05, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 02-06.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0086
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Chronic Pancreatitis - A Slave for Many Masters.

  • KS Santhosh Anand.
  • Published: October 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 9: 01.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0085
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Poem Article

Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Complex Achalasia: The Only Realistic Long-Term Treatment.

  • Nikolas Eleftheriadis.
  • Published: September 27, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 27-28.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0084
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Case Report

Gastric Perforation After Intragastric Balloon Insertion: A Case Report.

  • Amgad H Kamel, Emad Salem and Abdulelah Sindi.
  • Published: September 27, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 24-26.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0083
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Case Report

Two-Stage Hepatectomy with Portal Embolization to Treat Bilateral Hepatic Adenomas.

  • Larissa Machado e Silva Gomide, Bruno Luis Oliveira Corrêa, Osvaldo Gonçalves da Silva Neto, Fernando Fontes de Souza and Sergio Renato Pais-Costa.
  • Published: September 26, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 20-23.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0082
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Case Report

Hepatitis B Reactivation in a Bone Marrow Transplanted Patient: A Case Report (Hepatitis B Reactivation).

  • Ahmet Uyanikoglu.
  • Published: September 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 18-19.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0081
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Research Article

Successful PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) After Three Failed Heller in a 62-Years-Female with Sigmoid Type II Achalasia and Mega-esophagus.

  • Nikolas Eleftheriadis, Haruo Ikeda, Manabu Onimaru, Ioanna Bravita, Damianos Eleftheriadis and Haruhiro Inoue.
  • Published: September 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 14-17.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0080
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Short Communication

Short Communication: Gastric Outlet Problems in a 51-Year Old Man with Down Syndrome.

  • SR Groen, M Van Ierland and MCB Wielenga.
  • Published: September 20, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 12-13.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0079
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Short Communication

Gut in Sepsis.

  • Vibhor V Borkar.
  • Published: September 20, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 10-11.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0078
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Case Report

Ischiorectal lipoma: Case Report.

  • Jaya Maheshwari.
  • Published: September 20, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 06-09.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0077
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Research Article

Corrosive Induced Benign Esophageal Stricture is Leading Cause of Dysphagia in Our Part of World.

  • Tanveer Ahmed, Mashhood Ali, Noor ul Ain Nazir, Zeeshan Malik and Qurat ul Ain.
  • Published: September 16, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 02-05.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0076
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Immunotherapy Choice Issues in Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.

  • VA Voinov.
  • Published: September 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 8: 01.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0075
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Case Report

Rare Case of Cecal Volvulus Presenting as Intestinal Obstruction.

  • Jaya Maheshwari.
  • Published: August 19, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 7: 24-26.
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Research Article

Holistic Approach to Obesity Management without Strenuous Physical Activity.

  • Jain Richa, Sharma S and Jagmohan Duggal.
  • Published: August 19, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 7: 21-23.
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Mini Review Best Article of the Issue

Title of the Article-Intestinal Gas.

  • Premashis Kar and Sushil Kumar Sharma.
  • Published: August 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 7: 16-20.
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Case Report

The Gastric Bezoar Revealed by an Acute Intestinal Obstruction: An Observation and Literature Review.

  • R Berraida, S Mrabti, S Berrag, I Elkoti, M Tamzaourt, H Seddik, A Benkirane1 and F Alazaoui A Eratbi O Lahnaoui.
  • Published: August 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 7: 12-15.
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Research Article

Changing Demography of Pancreatitis Patients in India – A Hospital Based Study.

  • Vaidya Balendu Prakash, Megha Prakash, Vaidya Shikha Prakash, Sneha Tiwari, Shakshi Sharma, Vaidya Pooja Jaryal and Jyoti Tewari.
  • Published: August 12, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 7: 08-11.
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Research Article

Case Report

Endoscopic Ultrasonography in Tumor of Pancreas in Childhood. Case Report.

  • Norberto C Alfonso Contino, Raúl Brizuela Quintanilla, Jorge Luis García-Menocal Hernández, Julieth Suarez Oceguera, Yanet Ortega Dugrot and Claudia Caraballo.
  • Published: July 30, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 53-55.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0067
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Short Communication

Chronic Inflammation and Carcinogenesis.

  • Pezhman Alavinejad and Amin Sabbaghan.
  • Published: July 26, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 52.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0066
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Review Article

Damage Control Strategy.

  • Abdelkader Boukerrouche.
  • Published: July 26, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 47-51.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0065
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Image Article

Appendix Invaginée.

  • Reda Berraida.
  • Published: July 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 45-46.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0064
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Mini Case Study

Giant Colonic Diverticulum: Diagnosis on CT Scan.

  • Hamza Wani, Sadananda Meher, Uppalapati Srinivasulu and Mohammad Ibrarullah .
  • Published: July 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 43-44.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0063
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Observational Study

The Effect of Food and Air Pollutions on The Public Health in Lebanon.

  • Hallal Mahmoud MD and Saad El Daou.
  • Published: July 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 39-42.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0062
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Case Report

Haemophagocytic Syndrome Associated with Hepatitis E infection.

  • KS Somasekhar Rao, Geethika, Y Srinivas and Naveen Polavarapu.
  • Published: July 23, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 36-38.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0061
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Comparative Double Blind Study for the Effect of Dexmedetomidine During Sedation of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obese Patients for Upper Gastro Endoscopic Procedures.

  • Hany Said, Emad Salem, Mohammad A Taha Alafifi, Amr Allam and Mohammad Gaber Saad.
  • Published: July 16, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 24-35.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0060
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Research Article

Parasitic Rheumatism among Patients Infected with Intestinal Parasites.

  • Eman M Hussein, Eman M El-Hamshary, Aziza S Omar, Amira B Mokhtar.
  • Published: July 12, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 19-23.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0059
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Mini Review

A Short Review of Non Cirrhotic Portal Fibrosis.

  • Anurag Lavekar.
  • Published: July 10, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 16-18.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0058
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Research Article

Emergency Mesh Repair of Incarcerated Umbilical Hernias using Prosthetic Mesh: Outcomes of Early Surgical Complications And Recurrence.

  • Alp Yildiz, Mesut Yavaş, Can Sahin and Aybala Yildiz.
  • Published: July 10, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 14-15.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0057
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Research Article

Physical Activity and Quality of Life of Obese Patients Before and After Bariatric Surgery.

  • Bruno Leandro de Melo Barreto, Raphael José Perrier Melo, Jones Silva Lima, Rodrigo Conrado de Lorena Medeiros, Jani Cléria Pereira Bezerra.
  • Published: July 10, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 10-13.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0056
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Research Article

Wii Game for Surgical Training in Residents at The Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Mexico City.

  • José Luis Mosso Vázquez, Juan Raúl Maldonado Coronado, Gregorio Tomás Obrador Vera, Michelle Vanegas Medellin, Ana Rivera García Granados.
  • Published: July 04, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 06-09.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0055
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Research Article

Comparison of Quantitative Hepatitis B Virus DNA Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) with Reverse Transcription PCR (rt-PCR).

  • Ghazala Rubi, Sahr Malik and Mubeshra Jamil.
  • Published: July 03, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 02-05.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0054
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Funding Randomized Controlled Trial: Is it the Time to Change our Mind? Editorial.

  • Ahmed Farag.
  • Published: July 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 6: 01.
  • DOI: 10.31080/ASGIS.2019.02.0053
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Research Article

Correlation of Foxp3 Gene Expression with Serum Alanine Transaminase (ALT) Levels and Hepatitis B Viral Load in Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Patients

  • Umme Shahera, SaifUllah Munshi, Munira Jahan, Afzalun Nessa, Shahinul Alam and Shahina Tabassum.
  • Published: June 28, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 57-61.
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Literature Review

Superior Mesenteric Artery Thrombosis Risk and Treatment (SMART): Review of Literature

  • Ankush Sarwal, Anant Pore, Sarang Ingole, Neetika sarwal and Pulkit Maru.
  • Published: June 26, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 54-56.
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Short Communication

The Importance of Hepatocyte Transplantation

  • Lokendra Chand.
  • Published: June 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 51-53.
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Case Report

Nivolumab Induced Colitis: Management of Grade III diarrhea

  • Romy Megahed, Sidish S Venkataraman, Lakshmi Gonduru, Yasir D Ali and Rukma Govindu.
  • Published: June 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 48-50.
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Research Article

Once more about Syngeneic Foetal Organ Grafting and Teratoma Formation

  • Coulic V, Mboti F, Quéron S, Urbanowicz M, DePrez C, Segers V, Najar ES and Delrée P.
  • Published: June 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 39-47.
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Case Report

Auto Phagocytized Gallbladder: A Case Report

  • José Luis Mosso, José Luis Mosso Jr and Enrique Jesús Rodriguez.
  • Published: June 12, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 36-38.
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Mini Review

Cows Die from an Overdose of Love

  • Rahul Hajare.
  • Published: June 11, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 34-35.
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Research Article

Study of Clinico-Etilogical Profile of Hepatocellular Jaundice in Children at Tertiary Care Hospital

  • Pradeep kumar jena, Mangal Charan Murmu, Sushanta Kumar Jena, Shreesh S Bhat and Deepnwita Patra.
  • Published: June 11, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 26-33.
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Case Report

Clinical View of Gastrointestinal Ulcer in Veterinary Medicine

  • A Bello and IM Magami.
  • Published: June 11, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 21-25.
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Case Report

Pancreaticopleural Fistula –A Rare Complication of Pancreatitis. A Case Report and Review of Literature

  • Jaya ghosh Chatterjee and Asokananda Konar.
  • Published: June 05, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 17-20.
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Loss of E-Cadherin Expression in Colorectal Carcinoma and its Prognostic Significance

  • Khaled El Gehani, Raja Aljafil, Ibtesam El Hasadi, Sharifa Al-Ammari, Warda Said, Amal Adim and Ahmed Ben Hasouna.
  • Published: June 05, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 03-08.
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Inflammation in Gastrointestinal Tract and Its Importance

  • Pezhman Alavinejad and Morteza Nayebi.
  • Published: June 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 5: 01-02.
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Mini Review

Experimental and Clinical Application of Hepatocyte Transplantation

  • Lokendra Chand, Suvesh Munakarmi and Yeon Jun Jeong.
  • Published: May 24, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 39-42.
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Research Article

Plasmapheresis in the Treatment of Chronic Liver Diseases

  • Voinov VA, Karchevsky KS and Isauliv OV.
  • Published: May 17, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 28-38.
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Historical Review

Case Report

Recurrent Vomiting due to Intestinal Angioedema

  • Nada Boutrid, Hakim Rahmoune, Reda Belbouab and Belkacem Bioud.
  • Published: May 14, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 15-16.
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Historical Paper

Organ Transplant History

  • Wael Mansy.
  • Published: May 10, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 13-14.
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Case Report

Severe Cholestasis in Hepatitis C Infection in iv Drug Users- Add on Drug Effect on Liver?

  • Muhammad Rajib Hossain, Ebad Ur Rahman, Rupesh Khanal, Md Mahidul Islam Chowduary, Mahzabin Kibria and Shatakshi Pokharel.
  • Published: May 02, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 10-12.
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Case Report

A Rare Cause of Adult Colo-Colonic Intussusception: Colonic Lipoma

  • Isuruni Sonnadara, Indran B Indrakrishnan, Daniela Tanase and David Armstrong.
  • Published: May 02, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 06-09.
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Hospital Zero Hepatitis: Easy and Useful!

  • Remy Andre-Jean.
  • Published: May 02, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 02-05.
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Editorial Note

  • Ariunaa Zundui.
  • Published: May 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 4: 01.
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Clinical Image

An Unusual Cause of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Young Patient

  • Kristen Suchniak-Mussari and Katie Farah.
  • Published: April 18, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 3: 21-22.
Google Scholar PDF Full Text

Review Article

Gallbladder Stone Disease and its Relation to Dietary Intake

  • Yomna Ali Moustafa Marzok Elkhateeb, Tarfa Muyed Alghannam and Shahad Awadh Alkhamali.
  • Published: April 18, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 3: 17-20.
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Case Report Best Article of the Issue

Penetrating Antral Straight Pin Injury Following Accidental Ingestion: A Case Report

  • Kimberly Law, Jacquelin Peck, Michelle Williams, Sara Rippel, Alexander D Wilsey, Emily K Swan, Tori G Falconer, Michael Wilsey.
  • Published: April 03, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 3 : 15-16.
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Research Article

Endoscopic Treatment of Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Tertiary Care Center

  • Yarileynis Martínez Lamelas and Raúl Antonio Brizuela Quintanilla.
  • Published: April 02, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 3 : 02-07.
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Paroxystic Abdominal Pain: Think Autoinflammatory!

  • H Rahmoune, N Boutrid, AS Chehad and N Lemdaoui.
  • Published: April 01, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 3 : 01.
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Case Report

Myopericarditis as an Extraintestinal Manifestation of Ulcerative Colitis: A Case Report and Literature Review

  • Shaan Gupta, Yazeed Abalkhail, Ibrahim Alzahrani, Navid Hejazifar, Holger Schünemann, Khurram J Khan.
  • Published: March 25, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 2: 15-17.
PDF Full Text

Case Report

Gastric Xanthoma in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report

  • Jacquelin Peck, Claudia Phen, Racha Khalaf, Wil Chamizo, Sara Karjoo and Michael Wilsey.
  • Published: March 25, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 2: 12-14.
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Mini Review

Case Report

Symptomatic Pancreatic Involvement Revealing B Lymphoblastic Lymphoma

  • Salem Bouomrani, Souad Yahyaoui, Mouna Guermazi, Aida Hmidi1 and Safa Trabelsi.
  • Published: March 22, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 2: 06-08.
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Is Osteoporosis an Extraintestınal Manifestatıon of Inflammatory Bowel Disease? (Osteoporosis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

  • Ahmet Uyanikoglu, Filiz Akyuz, Kadir Demir, Fatih Besisik and Sabahattin Kaymakoglu.
  • Published: March 22, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 2: 02-05.
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Is IBD about to Vanish?!

  • Kamal A El-Atrebi.
  • Published: February 28, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 2 : 01.
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Short Communication

New Drugs in Oncology – A Challenge for Everyone

  • Manuel Machado and Joana Espiga de Macedo.
  • Published: February 28, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 17-18.
PDF Full Text

Case Report

Enterocolitis Due to Nivolumab Treated by Infliximab

  • Margaux Geier, Sylvie Gouva and Bertrand Geier.
  • Published: February 28, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 14-16.
PDF Full Text

Case Study

High Grade Esophageal Stricture Following Disk Battery Ingestion: A Novel Approach to Re-Establishing the Esophageal Lumen

  • Peck Jacquelin E, Wilsey, Alexander D, Swan, Emily K, Williams, Michelle F, McClenathan, Daniel T, and Wilsey Michael J.
  • Published: February 27, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 09-013
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Case Report

Lymphoma of Pancreas in a Developing Community: Case Report

  • Wilson IB Onuigbo and Nlogha E Okeke.
  • Published: February 27, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 07-08.
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Research Article Best Article of the Issue

Severity and Symptoms of Reflux Esophagitis in Older Patients in Nepal: A Hospital Based Cross-Sectional Study

  • Shiv Kumar Sah and Akhilesh Kumar Kasyap.
  • Published: February 27, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 03-06.
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Which is the Role of Locoregional Interventional Procedures for Secondary Hepatic Malignancies?

  • Roberto Iezzi.
  • Published: February 20, 2019; Volume 2 Issue 1 : 01-02.
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Research Article

Assessment of Knowledge about Risk Effects of Fast Foods and its Relation to Antioxidants among Students of Hail University

  • Yomna Ali Moustafa Elkhateeb and Sana Fahd Aubeed Alosh Alrshidi.
  • Published: February 07, 2019; Volume 1 Issue 2: 16-20.
PDF Full Text

Research Article

Right or Left, Safety is Kept…Donor Hepatectomy is Safe

  • Ahmed A Elgohary, Hussien A Elsiesy, Hamad M Albahili, Haafiz A Bakhsh, Saleh Alabbad, Bassem Hegab, Yasser Elsheik, Yahia Saleh and Mohamed I Alsebayel.
  • Published: October 14, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 2: 10-15.
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Research Article

Is there a Relationship between Helicobacter pylori and Urotensin-II in Peptic Ulcer Patients?

  • Ahmet Uyanikoglu, Çiğdem Cindoglu, Umut Sert, İsmail Koyuncu and Necati Yenice.
  • Published: October 14, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 2: 07-09.
PDF Full Text

Research Article

Adding Ribavirin to Sofosbuvir/Daclatasvir Treatment Regimen for Chronic Hepatitis C Patients. Cost Effective Analysis

  • Ehab Kamal, Mohamed Abdallah, Hazem M El-Hariri, Soheir Ismail, Kadry El Saeed and Yehia El Shazly.
  • Published: October 14, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 2: 02-06.
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When to Perform Surgical Management for Haemangioma

  • Wael Mansy.
  • Published: September 07, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 2: 01.
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Case Report Best Article of the Issue

Gastric Heterotopia in the Rectum? A Rare Finding with Unclear Malignant risk

  • Mohammed Inam Khan, Robert Spaziani, Khurram J Khan.
  • Published: August 31, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 20-22.
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Research Article

Utilization of an Urgent Gastroenterology Clinic for Patients Seen in the Emergency Room or Urgent Care Centre

  • Khurram J Khan, Wasel Kabir, Baha Alazzoni, Houssein Fergani, Subhas C Ganguli, Subash Jalali, David G Morgan, Robert Spaziani and Keith Tsoi.
  • Published: August 28, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 16-19.
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Research Article

Evaluation of the Patients Life Quality with Esophageal Cancer Treated with Self-Expanding Stent

  • Yanet Ortega Dugrot, Raúl A Brizuela Quintanilla, Norberto Alfonso Contino, Jorge Luis García-Menocal Hernández, Julián Ruiz Torres and Maricela Morera Pérez.
  • Published: August 21, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 12-15.
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Research Article

Endoscopic Treatment of Biliopancreatic Affections in Children. Experience in Cuba

  • Raúl A Brizuela Quintanilla, Juan Yerandy Ramos Contreras, Julián F Ruiz Torres, Samira Becil Poyato, Jorge García-Menocal Hernández, Norberto Alonso Contino and Ramón Villamil Martínez.
  • Published: August 14, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 08-11.
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Research Article

Repair of Gastrointestinal Tract Perforation with Mattress Suture Reinforced with Free Peritoneal Patch: A Controlled Study

  • BL Sunkaria, Sudershan Kapoor and Sheshank Mahajan.
  • Published: August 07, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 04-07.
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Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of GIST and GANT Tumors

  • Dimitrios Kalliouris, Theano Demesticha and Dimitrios K Filippou.
  • Published: August 01, 2018; Volume 1 Issue 1: 01-03.
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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!

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REVIEW. My opinion on the publication service. I have acquainted with the scientific publications of the Journal of Acta Scientific Microbiology and came to the conclusion: the articles are diverse, cover the latest achievements in the fields of Microbiology (especially medical), virology of immunology, bacteriology, ecology and their interaction with man and the environment. I liked their depth of research. I am pleased to publish my work in this journal, although I publish it in other journals. In this journal, scientists receive Certificates for their work. Sincerely yours Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentina Divocha

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I am Dr.Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from Lovely Professional University. At the outset I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Acta Scientific Publications for having given me the honor to be the Editorial Board member. They publish only scientific research papers/ articles with valuable and innovative information in recent and emerging fields. I appreciate their continuous services which are highly organized, commendable and professional. I am highly recommending this AS publications to all the active researchers to send their research findings for peer review and visible publication. I am very eagerly looking for a long term association with AS Publishers.

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AS Veterinary Science Journal is very useful journal for progressive farmers, students, faculty, scientist and other stakeholders as this journal regularly publishes research article, popular article and review article on Veterinary Sciences and Animal Sciences. Rating would be 4.75 out of 5.00. So, I wish all the best for this journal and the publisher for rendering great service in the field of veterinary science and animal husbandry for the nation.

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Acta Scientific is an internationally progressive publishing group with active and leading staff that collects original articles. The publications of Acta Scientific are dedicated to unsolvable problems that have global interests and inspire scientists to bring the knowledge. Editors of the Acta Scientific work purposefully and insistently with the aim to publish articles of advanced science. The contents of journals attract the vast circle of inquisitive readers and challenge discussions where indifferent are out.

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Acta Scientific Publication provides excellent platform for the researchers. The dedicated team corrects our errors with keen reviews. Their communication is very supportive and provide decent time for correction. No doubt it's the most emerging publication house in recent times.

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Haqua Wellness

As a researcher, and founder of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also coined , Haquapathy ; Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and President & CEO of Haqua Wellness, Virginia, USA; I had the honour to be an editorial board member of the ACTA Scientific Neurology since February 2019, until present time. I published series of articles with the said journal. Since then, all their services are highly professional, accurate, fast, and well organised. I strongly encourage any researchers not to hesitate sending their articles for peer review and publication with ACTA Scientific.

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It seems to be an excellent option to publish and consult articles and information, it is an International research journal that Publishes articles on Multidisciplinary fields, it has double-blind peer review, it also has eminent reviewers and an editorial committee committed to its work and research.

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