Dr. Stefani Panayiotou
Internal Medicine Residency
General Oncological Hospital , Greece
Dr. Carmen Haydee Bautista Altamirano
Bariatric Endoscopy Unit
Sanchinarro University Hospital , Spain
Dr. Aleksandar Bogdanovic
Clinical Teaching Assistant, School of Medicine
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Dr. Rajdeep More
Department of Gastroenterology
National Board of Examinations (NBE), India
Dr. William A. Casteleins
Department of General Surgery
Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil
Dr. LÃgia Aurélio Bezerra Maranhão Mendonça
S-Inova Biotech. Post Graduate Program in Biotechnology
Catholic University Dom Bosco - UCDB , Brazil
Dr. Pablo M. Giuffrida
Department of General Surgery
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Wong Kutt Sing
Department of surgery
Fellow of the Royal Surgical College of Edinburgh, Singapore
Dr. Suélia de Siqueira Rodrigues Fleury Rosa
Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering
University Of Brasila, Brazil
Mr. Gokul M
Biomedical Engineering
Rajalakshmi Engineering College, India
Dr. Reddenna L
Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Medicine
Government General Hospital, Anantapur, India
Dr. Pablo Miguel Giuffrida
Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
Department of General Surgery , Argentina
Dr. Nafiseh Nasri Nasrabadi
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Department of Toxicology, Iran
Dr. Jonatán Mendoza RamÃrez
Department of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) , México
Dr. Archna Dhasmana
Department of Biotechnology
School of applied & Lifesciences, Uttaranchal University, Dheradun, India
Dr. Moges Agazhe Assemie
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics unit, Public health
Debre Markos University , Ethiopia
Dr. Dipal Patel
Bioanalytical Department/ Quality Control
ACDIMA Biocenter, Amman, Jordan
Dr. Lyo Min Kwon
Department of Radiology
Hallym University / Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Hospital, Republic of Korea
Dr. Vijay Sagar Madamsetty
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Mayo Clinic, Florida, USA
Dr. (Maj Gen) Atul K Sharma
Chairman - Institute of Gastrointestinal Sciences, Senior Consultant G I, Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgery G I, Minimal Access & Bariatric Surgery
Alchemist Hospitals, Panchkula, Haryana, India
Dr. Madiha Amjad
Department of Anatomy
Avicenna Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan
Dr. Mohan Khadka
Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology)
Birat Medical College Hospital, Nepal
Dr. Ashok Thorat
HPB & Liver Transplantation
China Medical University Hospital, Taiwan
Dr. Swati Chakraborty
Humans Rights
Schoolguru Eduserve Pvt Ltd, India
Dr. Riddhima Banerji
Department of Gastroenterology
Barts and The London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dr. Iure kalinine ferraz de souza
Surgery, Obstetrics-Gynecology And Propaedeutics (DECGP).
Medical School / Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil
Dr. Mohd Firdaus Che Ani
Department of Surgery
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia
Dr. Sajith Sebastian
Medical Gastroentorology
Muthoot Hospital ,Pathnamthitta, India
Dr. Joydeep Aoun
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)
National Institute of Health (NIH), USA
Dr. Benjamin Colleypriest
Department of Gastroenterology
Royal United Hospital, UK
Dr. Assaf Assis
Cell and Developmental Biology
the Hebrew university of Jerusalem , Isreal
Dr. Veenu Gill
Infectious Disease
Banner Thunderbird Medical Center, USA
Dr. Clement `C Kabakama
Internal medicine
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, Tanzania
Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Department of Medical Oncology
The Gujarat Cancer Research Institute , India
Dr. Rebecca Mathews
Division of Rural Health and Wellbeing
University of the Highlands and Islands, UK
Mr. Hemshankar Laugi
Department of Biology
Bal Kalyan Vidya Mandir (BKVM) Ma. Vi, Nepal
Dr. Urge Gerema Kotu
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Jimma University , Ethiopia
Dr. Vishal Soni
Surgical Gastroenterology
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Dr. Serairi Beji Raja
Department of Nutrition
University of Tunis El Manar (UTM), Tunisia
Dr. Sergiy Karachentsev
Department of Surgery
Roan Antelope General Hospital, Zambia
Dr. Adegbenga B Ademolu
Department of Medicine
Lagos State University Teaching Hospitalikeja, Nigeria
Dr. Huang Wei Ling
Department of Infectious Diseases and traditional Chinese medicine
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic , India
Dr. Samia Mahdi Ahmed
Medical Lab. Technology
Taibah Universirty, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Milad Shahini Shams Abadi
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Cellular and Molecular Research Center
Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Geetanjali Agarwal Joshi
Department of Surgical Oncology
laparo obese centre pune, maharashtra, India
Dr. Kaushal M. Anand
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology and HPB Surgery
Shailya Hospital , India
Dr. Mukwela Mungulu Jean
Pediatrie, Sentinel surveillance Gastroenteritis, Meningitis and Vaccination
Kingasani Hospital Center / Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
Dr. Andrea Aiello
Patient Access
Intexo Società Benefit, Italy
Dr. Akile Zengin
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
Turgut Ozal University, Malatya Training and Research Hospital, Turkey
Dr. Kakil Ibrahim Rasul
Department of Medical Oncology
National Center for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR), Qatar
Dr. Ashfaq Hussain Chandio
Department of General & Colorectal Surgery
Luton & Dunstable University Hospital, UK
Dr. Soma Mondal
Senior Research Fellow; Department of Studies in Microbiology
University of Mysore, India
Dr. Anil Kumar Bilolikar
Department of Microbiology
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Dr. Tejas Nimba Nikumbh
Surgery, Abdominal Organ Transplant Division
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Dr. Simranjit K. Dhadiala
Department of General Surgery
Noble Hospital and Research Centre, India
Dr. Priti Nanda Sibal
Department of Medicine
Mediskool Health Services, India
Dr. Denis S. Romanov
Department of Radiation Oncology
1. LLC “Center for innovative medical technologies†2. PHI “CCH “RZD-Medicineâ€, Russia
Dr. Frederick Igila Allison
Department of Chemical Pathology
University of Port Harcourt. Rivers state, Nigeria
Dr. Khaled Ammar
HPB and Transplant surgery
Freeman Hospital, Newcastle, UK. National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Egypt
Dr. Xanya Sofra
New School for Social Research, New York, City University, London, UK
Dr.Yasir Hameed
Department of Biotechnology
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur , Pakistan
Dr. Riccardo Caruso
Department of General Surgery
San Pablo CEU, Spain
Dr. Dechasa Bersissa Seboka
Food Science and Postharvest Technology
Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Dr. Seke Manase Ephraim Kazuma
Department of Surgery, Ndola Teaching Hospital
Copperbelt University Michael Chilufya Sata Medical School, Zambia
Dr. Yunus Emre Beyhan
Department of Medical Parasitology
Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey
Dr. Subhajit Mukherjee
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
CHI Mercy Health, Oregon, USA
Dr. Mehmet Ferdi KINCI
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
MuÄŸla University Education and Research Hospital, Turkey
Dr. Ian James Martins
Department of Neuroscience
University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Dimple Kalsi Yadav
Department of Gastroenterology
Pgimer, India
Dr. Alick Bwanga
Department of Surgery
University of Zambia University Teaching Hospital, Zambia
Dr. Vedavyas Mohapatra
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology
KIMS Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Dr. Jôbert Kaiky da Silva Neves
Department of Pediatrics and Gastroenterology
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Dushantha Madegedara
Department of Health
National Hospital ,Kandy, Sri Lanka
Dr. Shafiq Ahmad Chughtai
HPB Surgery
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK
Dr. Carlos Florez-Zorrilla
Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary and Liver Transplantation Surgery
National Medical Center November 20/Instituto de Servicios y Seguridad Social de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE), Mexico
Dr. Aamir Jalal Al Mosawi
Advisor Doctor and Expert Trainer; Pediatrics/ National training center
Baghdad Medical City and the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Iraq
Dr. Sviatlana Orlova
Laboratory for Influenza and Influenza-Like Diseases
The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Belarus
Dr. Azhar Perwaiz
Associate Director GI Surgery, GI Oncology, Minimally access and Bariatric Surgery
Medanta The Medicity, India
Dr. Rosa Lelyana
Department of Medicine and Nutrition
Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Dr. Bakhodir A. Ismailov
Experimental Surgery, Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery
Nukus branch of theRepublican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Surgery named after Academician V. Vakhidov, Uzbekistan
Dr. Buzdugan (Sithinska) Inna
Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine
Dr. Igor Kudryavtsev
MD, PhD, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Kaluga Regional Clinical Oncology Center, Russia
Dr. Salvador Lopez-Valdes
Department of Surgery
Fundación guatemalteca de trasplante hepático -Fundahepa- (Guatemalan liver transplant foundation), USA
Dr. Dmitry M. Monakov
Advisory Department (Urologist)
S. P. Botkin State Clinical Hospital, Russia
Dr. Ajayi Olufunmilola Omolade
Department of Biological Sciences
Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Nigeria
Dr. Olena Kryzyna
Department of Pathomorphology
Kyiv Medical University, Ukraine
Dr. Gunay Jafarova
Department of Pharmacognosy
Azerbaijan Medical University, Azerbaijan
Dr. Amanda Aparecida Felizardo
Department of Morphology
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil
Dr. Pouya Ghaderi (MD)
Department of Cancer Biology
Islamic Azad University, Mashhad branch, Iran
Dr. Juan José Mendoza Rojas
Department of Gynecology
UNAN, Nicaragua
Dr. Gustavo Vásquez
General surgery service HUMNT – General surgeon
Hospital Universitario Dr.Manuel Nuñez Tovar , Venezuela
Dr. Mariana Añolis
Morphological Sciences
Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
Dr. Danny Fernando Silva Cevallos
Department of Internal Medicine
Guayaquil Clinical Hospital , Ecuador
Dr. Mykola Halei
Department of Clinical Medicine
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital, Ukraine
Dr. Ana Lucia Izzi
Department of Gastroenterology
Universidad central de Venezuela, Venezuela
Dr. Radmir R Rakhimov
Department of Pharmaceutical Antitumor Therapy
Bashkir State Medical University, Russian Federation
Dr. Kenia Guerere Perdigon
Department of Gastroenterology
Venezuelan Central University, Venezuela
Dr. Yusupova Nargiza Abdiqodirovna
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
Samarkand State Medical Institute , Uzbekistan
Dr. Bhavya Vijay Manohar
Center for Clinical Research and Education
The University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology, India
Dr. Yuksel Duygu Altıparmak
Family Medicine- Midwifery
Fenerbahçe University, Turkey
Dr. Tirikova Olesya Vl
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Dr. Giulia Causin Vieira
Medical Sciences College
University of BrasÃlia (UnB), Brazil
Dr. Fırat Aydıncı
Department of Infectious Diseases
Marmara University , Turkey
Dr. Elvina I. Mitusheva
Assistant of the Department of Hospital and Polyclinic Therapy
Kazan State Medical Academy - a branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education «Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation
Dr. Aikaterini Leventi
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon
ELPIS Hospital, Greece
Dr. Ruslan Maier
Clinic of the Bashkir State Medical University
Bashkir State Medical University, Russia
Dr. M.Gizem KESER
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
KTO Karatay University, Turkey
Dr. Hesam Adin Atashi
Department of Medicine
Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University, Iran
Dr. Vishal Venugopal
General Medicine
SRM Medical College and Research Institute( SRM University), India
Dr. Pathik Parikh
Department of Hepatology
Zydus Hospitals, India
Dr. Ãlvaro Fuentes Merlos
Department of Clinical Medicine
Miguel HernaÌndez University, Spain
Dr. Guzin Tumer
Nutrition and Dietetic Department
Ondokuzmayıs University, Turkey
Dr. Snehal Mallakmir
Department of Clinical Genetics
Apollo Hospitals, Navi, Mumbai, India
Dr. Stolyarchook Elena
Department of Hospital Surgery
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Russia
Dr. Syifa Mustika
Department of Internal Medicine
Brawijaya University, Indonesia
Dr. Dervis Bandres
Department of Medicine
La Trinidad Teaching Medical Center, Venezuela
Dr. Herrera Ceja Rubén Armando
Department of Health Sciences
National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico
Dr. Alessandro Tropea
Department of Abdominal and Transplantation Surgery
University of Pittsburg Medical Center, Italy
Dr. Akanksha Awadhesh Singh
Department of Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, India
Dr. Fazlollah Fathollahi
School of Nutrition and Health
Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Nimish Thakral
Department of Hepatology
University of Kentucky, USA
Dr. Andrew
Department of Endoscopic
The Clinical Hospital â„–1 of the city of Irkutsk, Russia
Dr. Konstantin A. Koreiba
Department of Surgical Diseases
Kazan State Medical University, Russia
Dr. Evaristus Sunday Chukwudike
Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist
University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar., Nigeria
Dr. Sirajo Mohammed Funtua
Department of Food Science and Technology
University of Greenwich, Nigeria
Dr. Pavel Reznitskii
Department of Oncology and Surgery of Colon
Ryzhikh National Medical Research Center of Coloproctology , Russia
Dr. Dervis Bandres
Department of Medicine
Centro Medico Docente la Trinidad, Venezuela
Dr. Tazhibayeva Karlygash
Department of Oncology
Kazakh National University , Kazakhstan
Dr. Arshad Khan
General, Hepatobiliary and Transplant surgeon
Sanford Health System and University of North Dkota, USA
Dr. Aiman Sadvakas
Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics
S.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University , Kazakhstan
Dr. Endeshaw Chekol
Department of Medical Biochemistry
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia
Dr. Bot, Yakubu Sunday
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Federal University of Lafia, Nigeria
Dr. Nigar Mutalibova
Department of Microbiology and Epidemiology
Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A.Aliyev (ASATID), Azerbaijan
Dr. Winarko Luminturahardjo
Faculty of Medicine
Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia
Dr. Ali A. Dawood
Researcher; Department of Medical Biology
University of Mosul, Iraq
Dr. Duygu KIRKIK
Department of Medical Biology
University of Health Sciences, Turkey
Dr. Han-Qing Liu
Central Laboratory
Shenzhen Samii Medical Center, China
Dr. Nikolic Dragan M
Medical Faculty; Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kazumi Fujioka
Department of Radiology
Nihon University School of Medicine, Japan
Asst. Prof. Vipul A. Sansare
Department of Pharmaceutics
PSPS’s Indira Institute of Pharmacy, Sadavali. University of Mumbai, India
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Balu Mahendran Kanumuru
Department of Biochemistry
Nimra Institute of Medical sciences, Dr. NTR university of Health Sciences, India
Prof. Dr. Amin El-Gohary
Department of Pediatric Surgery
Burjeel Hospital, UAE
Dr. Lugovaya Anna V.
Assistant of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics with a Course in Molecular Medicine
Pavlov First State Medical University, Saint Petersburg., Russa
Dr. Chandan Kumar Kedarisetty
Department of Hepatology
Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, India
Dr. Bharat Mani Banjade
GI Surgery
Kathmandu University/ Nepal Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Nepal
Asst. Prof. Dr. Raja Chandra Chakinala
Hospitalist Medicine
Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital, USA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alireza Barari
Department of Sport physiology
Islamic Azad University, Iran
Assoc. Dr. Rakhmanova Lola Karimovna
Department of Children's Diseases No. 2
Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan
Asst.Prof. Dr. Mohammed Khorshed Alam
Department of Gastroentrolgy
Kumudini Women’s Medical College & Hospital/Gazi Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh
Prof. Dr. Mahesh Kumar Sharma
Department of Anatomy
Government Medical COllege, Chandigarh, India
Prof. Dr. Rami Abu Shamsieh
Department of Surgery
O. Bogomolets National Medical University (NMU), Ukraine, Kiev.Clinic Dievo, Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Maxim V. Lunkov
Department of Emergency Care
State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Leningrad Region "Toksovo Interdistrict Hospital, Russian Federation
Prof. Dr. Mahim Koshariya
Department of General Surgery
Gandhi Medical College and Hamidia Hospital Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Medical University , India
Dr. Deepthi.C.R
Duty Doctor in Panchakarma
IAIM Health Care Centre, Bangalore, India
Dr. Verima Pereira
Department of Medicine
Dr. Luis Oliver GarcÃa
General Surgery
Hospital Virgen del Puerto, Spain
Dr. Najib Habib Hassan
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
Society for Family Health, Nigeria
Dr. Deepthi. C.R
Department of panchakarma & Center for clinical research* and education
IAIM health care, Bangalore, India
Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Assistant Professor & Consultant; Department of Medical Oncology
Gsl Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, India
Dr. Bhairav B. Kulkarni Tawshikar
Professor & HOD, Kayachikitsa Department
Dr. Vedprakash Patil Ayurved College & Research Institute, Jalna, India
Dr. Shapoval Sergey
Professor, First Pro-rector for Scientific-Pedagogical Work
State Institution; Zaporizhzhia Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education of Health Ministry of Ukraine, Ukraine
Prof. Dr. Hulya Cicek
Department of Medical Biochemistry
School of Medicine Gaziantep University, Turkey
Dr. Zain Majid
Hepato-gastroenterology, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantatio
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, SIUT, Karachi, Pakistan
Dr. Erika Espinosa Caiza
Degree in Clinical Laboratory
MedLab Specialized Clinical Laboratory, ECUADOR
Dr. A. Titkova
Department of General Medicine – Family Medicine, Phthisiology and Pulmonology
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine
Dr. Rita de Cássia Costa Santos
Nutritionist at JRJ Serviços Medicos e Cirurgicos Ltda, Brazil
Prof. Dr. Tkachuk E.A.
Department of Pathophysiology
Irkutsk State Medical University, Russia
Prof. Dr. Wagih Mommtaz Ghnnam
Department of Surgery
Mansoura University, Egypt
Dr. Henrique Mateus
Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Asst. Prof. Anubhav Goel
Department of Surgery
Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra, India
Prof. Dr. Mohan Patro
Department of General Surgery
Gitam Institute of Medical Science and Research, India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Assem Babbar
Clinical Pharmacy/Pharmacy Practice
SGRR University, India
Dr. Alaaeldeen Balal Ahmed
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan
Dr. Rudradip Pattanayak
Department of Neurology
University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Dr. Seydamet Sh. Yunusov
Department of Surgery
Tashkent State Dental Institute, Uzbekistan
Dr. Ayesha Mushtaq
Consultant Dititian/ Nutritionist
UHealth International Hospitl Pakistan · Nutrition, Pakistan
Dr. Eduardo Manoel Pereira
Department of Pharmacy; Adjunct Teacher
University of Joinville Region, Brazil
Dr. V. V. Pavan Kedar Mukthinuthalapati
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School - Baystate, USA
Dr. Cristóvão Marcondes de Castro Rodrigues
Departament of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine of Taubaté, Brazil
Dr. Aditya S S N Kalyan Kondeti
Associate Consultant
GI & Minimal Access Surgery; Yashoda Hospital, Somajiguda , India
Dr. Raed Madhi
Department of Biology
University of Misan, Iraq
Dr. Zhenzhen Liu
Digestive System Department -Gastrointestinal endoscopy treatment Center
People's Hospital Affiliated to Northwest University, China
Dr. Polina A. Lushnikova
Siberian State Medical University/ "Tomsk Regional Oncology Center", Russia
Dr. Taha Yaseen
Department of Hepatogastroenterology
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, Pakistan
Dr. Abbas Ghazanfar
Department of Renal Medicine and Transplant Surgery
St Georges University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust , UK
Dr. Bharat Mani Banjade
Department of Surgery
Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Maldives
Dr. Chaykin Roman
Federal Scientific Clinical Center FMBA, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Maksim Nikolayevich Peshkov
Department of Oncology and Plastic Surgery
Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Russia
Prof. Ihor Hospodarskyy
Department of Clinical Immunology
Ternopil National Medical Univesity, Ukraine
Spec.Dr. Gaukhar BAKHTÄ°YAROVA
Department of Ä°nternal Medicine
Near East University Hosoital, Turkish Republic Of Northen Cyprus Instead Of Near East University, Turkey
Mr. Lumin Xing
Artificial Intelligence Lab
The First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University, China
Dr. Nair Silva Macêdo
Department of Biological Chemistry
Regional University of Cariri - URCA, Brazil
Mr Lakshmi Deepak Bethineedi
Department of Medicine
Andhra Medical College, India
Ms. Hiba Badawy Ali Mostafa Rageh
Department of Gastroenterology
Faculty of Medicine,Tanta University ; Kafr Elzayyate General Hospital, Egypt
Dr. Madhumati Varma
Associate Professor; Consultant Medicine; Medicine, Diabetology
JNU Medical Hospital’ college, Jaipur and private clinic Cosmos health and Art, Bernard road , Jaipur, India
Dr. Victor Ghosh
Department of Medicine
Andhra Medical College , India
Mr. Zildene de Sousa Silveira
Department of Biochemistry
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Dr. Mukund Srinivasan
Department of Pathology
The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston , USA
Dr. Pablo Miguel Giuffrida
Department of Angiology and Vascular Surgery
Hospital Universitario Cruces, Spain
Dr. Akshat Kumar
Expert Consultant
McKinsey & Company , USA
Dr. Muhammad Alnajm
Department of Gastroenterology
Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital, UAE
Dr. Zahra Ataee
Department of Internal Medicine
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Asst. Prof. Chandan Chatterjee
Department of Surgical Gastroenterology
S N Medical College Agra, India
Dr. Dilip Rajasekharan
Department of Neurosurgery
Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India
Assoc. Prof. Dr Kirti Nirmal
Department of Microbiology
University of Delhi, University college of Medical Sciences and Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, India
Dr. Chinmay Trivedi
Department of Gastroenterology
Hackensack Meridian Health, USA
Dr. Abdallah Al Farai
Surgeon; Department of Surgical oncology/HPB surgery
Sultan Qaboos Comprehensive Cancer Care and Research Center, Oman
Dr. Zaeem Sibtain
Department of Gastroenterology
Hamza Medicare Hospital , Pakistan
Asst. Prof. Dr. Jinendra Satiya
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Yuma Regional Medical Center / Yuma Gastroenterology, USA
Dr. Reda Elwakil
Department of Tropical Medicine
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!
Good work experience.
Miss Sadhana Singh is really good at her work and very helpful towards queries!
It was a pleasure working with acts!
Thank you.:)
REVIEW. My opinion on the publication service. I have acquainted with the scientific publications of the Journal of Acta Scientific Microbiology and came to the conclusion: the articles are diverse, cover the latest achievements in the fields of Microbiology (especially medical), virology of immunology, bacteriology, ecology and their interaction with man and the environment. I liked their depth of research. I am pleased to publish my work in this journal, although I publish it in other journals. In this journal, scientists receive Certificates for their work. Sincerely yours Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentina Divocha
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The publication process in Acta Scientific is very active. The review process is fast enough. My experience with the journal Acta Scientific Agriculture is quite impressive. The best thing I have experienced that, the responses from Senior Managing Editor is very quick and co-operative. I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future.
Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts.
I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro etc.They are prompt in their communication and reasonable in charges.
A remarkable journal, open to all, a very professional and competent team. I wish this magazine every success and I congratulate all the members for the good work they are doing and especially Ms. Sadhana Singh.
I am Dr.Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from Lovely Professional University. At the outset I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Acta Scientific Publications for having given me the honor to be the Editorial Board member. They publish only scientific research papers/ articles with valuable and innovative information in recent and emerging fields. I appreciate their continuous services which are highly organized, commendable and professional. I am highly recommending this AS publications to all the active researchers to send their research findings for peer review and visible publication. I am very eagerly looking for a long term association with AS Publishers.
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Acta Scientific is a good platform for publishing and referring the articles. Had good experience in working with experienced keen reviewer team, they quickly responded the queries. Helping in each and every aspect for publishing the article. Highly recommended.
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An excellent journal in which only highly informative scientific articles are carefully selected and published, allowing you to receive new valuable information on many diseases. Fast, well-coordinated work of the editorial board leaves only good impressions. Thank you for the appreciation of my article and the opportunity to become a member of the editorial board.
Excellent open-access, peer reviewed journal (Acta Scientific Orthopaedics). Quick and professional manuscript processing, interesting articles, great communication with authors.
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Excellent peer reviewed international indexed journal for publishing one's own research work. My work was published in toto and without any alterations and within 1 to 2 months. I got regular feedback and update about the position of my papers both by email and by WhatsApp messages. I recommend this journal ASPE for publishing research work in paediatrics and paediatric sub-specialities.
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As a researcher, and founder of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also coined , Haquapathy ; Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and President & CEO of Haqua Wellness, Virginia, USA; I had the honour to be an editorial board member of the ACTA Scientific Neurology since February 2019, until present time. I published series of articles with the said journal. Since then, all their services are highly professional, accurate, fast, and well organised. I strongly encourage any researchers not to hesitate sending their articles for peer review and publication with ACTA Scientific.
It seems to be an excellent option to publish and consult articles and information, it is an International research journal that Publishes articles on Multidisciplinary fields, it has double-blind peer review, it also has eminent reviewers and an editorial committee committed to its work and research.
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This is a high quality journal and it is my honor to be working with such professional people.
Acta Scientific is an upcoming journal with a good team. I have had the best experience as a reviewer so far. Journal provides a fast review and publication process and recommend every medical professional to use this service.
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