Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS)(ISSN: 2582-1091)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 9

SPATZ3 Intragastric Balloon: Efficacy, Fungal Contamination and Complications during the 12 Months of Use

Bruno Queiroz Sander*, Oliveira ASB, Maiolini R, Pereira CRT, Sindorf ML, Ferreira CO, Silva MIF, Rosa ED, Barral MCM, Clasen SPAS, Freitas JBA, Benvenuti ECSC, Pessoa DF, Bonates HA, Scoralick MO, Ribeiro MMS, Matos CRQS, Carvalho CAM, Braga KM and Rosado JJS

Bariatric Endoscopy Department, Sander Medical Center, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Bruno Queiroz Sander, Bariatric Endoscopy Department, Sander Medical Center, Brazil.

Received: July 30, 2020; Published: August 08, 2020



Introduction: The intragastric balloon is the medical treatment indicated for patients with overweight and obesity, it’s safe and effective with great results all over the world. The presence of fungi on the external surface of the intragastric balloon has been the main cause of silicone fragility and perforation of the balloon, with the need for prosthesis replacement. One of the objectives of this study will be to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of oral anti fungal medication (Nystatin) to try to reduce the appearance of fungi on the surface of the balloon and, thus, try to also reduce the rate of leakage or rupture of the prosthesis, in addition, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Spatz in weight loss, as well as the complications presented during the period of its use. We divided the 268 participants in this study into two distinct groups: In the first group, we mixed Nystatin with the usual balloon filling solution and in the second group, we used only the usual filling solution, without the use of anti fungal.

Results: In the group where anti-fungal was placed in the balloon filling solution, a little less than 10% of fungal patency was observed on the surface of the balloon, while in the other group, without the anti-fungal, this prevalence was close to 20%, or that is, almost twice as much. We did not observe significant variations in fungal colonization in relation to the age or gender of the participants in this study. The appearance of ulcers, despite the considerable incidence, was not a problem and, in most cases, it was treated conservatively.

Conclusion: The use of anti fungal mixed with the usual filling solution of the balloon decreases the presence of fungi on its surface and, consequently, decreases the rate of perforation or early rupture of the prosthesis. Spatz proved to be a safe and very effective IGB as an auxiliary method for weight loss.

Keywords: SPATZ3; Intragastric Balloon; Fungal



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Citation: Bruno Queiroz Sander., et al. “SPATZ3 Intragastric Balloon: Efficacy, Fungal Contamination and Complications during the 12 Months of Use". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 3.9 (2020): 03-05.


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