Maria Kuman
Holistic Research Institute, USA
*Corresponding Author: Maria Kuman, Holistic Research Institute, USA.
Received: November 26, 2019; Published: December 11, 2019
The offered here article bridges two articles previously published by the same author in this journal this year – the article about autism and the article about determining food intolerance without putting the food in the mouth. However, the present article offers a different way of measuring food intolerance. Autism is a very wide category diagnosis, which includes many different types of autism. The article offers a way to differentiate the different types of autism by measuring noninvasively on the surface of the body the spinning vortices and anti-vortices of the human nonlinear electromagnetic field (NEMF) called chakras. Patented high-sensitivity energy meter was used and it was found that the different types of autism relate to different type of serious hormonal imbalance. When the measurements showed abnormal reading of the 3rd chakra, related to digestion, the same equipment was used to find the food the autistic child cannot tolerate and which needed to be eliminated from his/her diet.
Keywords: Autism; Autism and Food Intolerance; Autism and Hormonal Imbalance; Autism and Chakra Measurements; Food Intolerance Measurements
Citation: Maria Kuman. “Measuring Autism and Food Intolerance to Determine their Connection".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.1 (2020): 84-85.
Copyright: © 2020 Maria Kuman. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.