Gudrun Kalmbach HE*
MINT, PF 1533, D-86818 Bad Woerishofen, Germany
*Corresponding Author: Gudrun Kalmbach HE, MINT, PF 1533, D-86818 Bad Woerishofen, Germany.
Received: June 30, 2023; Published: July 18, 2023
A tribute to the Noether theorem: the basic forces of physics are discussed by her representation theorem through invariants (field quantums) of the symmetry belonging to a particular force geometry. Her theorem for physics is later than the Erlanger Programm of Felix Klein presented as scientific Habilitation to the Universitaet Erlangen in 1872. To every mathematical geometry belongs a symmetry group and invariants under this group. Noether’s transfer to physics includes that field quantums for forces are such invariants of related geometries. They are in general not using the 4-dimensional spacetime geometry R4 of physics. Observed are invariants in projections. As higher dimensional differently coordinated space the complex 4-dimensional C4 extension of R4 is in use. With different force coordinates 8-dimensional octonians and the strong interactions SU(3) space are added to C4. The invariants, symmetries and geometries are different for forces and often treatable in C4 only as observable projections.
Keywords: Physics; Internet; Field Quantums
Citation: Gudrun Kalmbach HE. “The Queen of Rings". Acta Scientific Women's Health 5.8 (2023): 34-38.
Copyright: © 2023 Gudrun Kalmbach HE. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.