Ms. Rekha Ghodageri
Department of Nursing
Sagar Hospitals, India
Ms. Sunita Dhungel
Board Secretary
Nawa Aayam Nepal, Nepal
Ms. Alice Mocheche Maranga
Program Officer – Women and Governance
Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA Kenya), Kenya
Mr. Habibollah Dadgar
Department of Nuclear Medicine
International RAZAVI Hospital, Iran
Mr. Mable Musonda Chewe
Principal Nursing Officer - Care & Standards
University of Zambia University, Zambia
Dr. Samuel Kofi Amponsah
Department of Public Health
University of Ghana, Ghana
Dr. Asmare Talie
Department of Midwifery
Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Dr. Digpal Singh Chundawat
Senior Nursing Officer
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Mrs. Abonesh Taye kumsa
Department Of Nutrition and Dietatics
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Mr. Sajedul Islam Khan
Department of Sociology
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Md. Ekhlas Uddin
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Gono University, Bangladesh
Dr. Acheoah Ofeh Augustine
Department of Political Science
University of Lagos, Nigeria
Dr. Amelia Susanna
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT, London
Dr. Hamzulla Khan
Department of Haematology
Nowshera Medical College, Pakistan
Mr. Rupinder Kaur
Department of Nursing
Nursing college , BFUSH/IONURC, India
Dr. Mohamed EL-Gharib
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Tanta University, Egypt
Dr Richa Sharma
Department of Obstretics & Gynaecology
Senior IVF Consultant ,. Private Practice, India
Dr. Binamra Sigdel
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Dr. Abu Sayeed Md. Abdullah
Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Department
Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh(CIPRB), Bangladesh
Dr. Ashok Kumar
Department of Medical Genetics
SGPGIMS, Lucknow, India
Dr. Mohd Hafiz Bin Jaafar
Department of Public Health
University Sains Islam Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Kritanjali Singh
Central Research Station, Subharti Medical College, India
Dr. Ali Talyshinskii
Department of Urology
North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, Russia
Dr. Laxmi Verma
Department of Health Management
HDFC ERGO Health, India
Dr. Ayantu Kebede Olika
Department of Epidemiology
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dr. Syed Imran
Psychiatric Nursing
Yenepoya University, India
Dr. Bikram Gautam
Research Center for Applied Science and Technology
Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal
Dr. Afraa Talal Barzanji
Department of Public Health
Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Samira Khan
Medical education/Infertility center
CAAHDER /Concept fertility center, Pakistan
Mr. Haileyesus Gedamu
Medical Nursing
Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Dr. Preeti Sharma
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cocoon Hospotel,Rajasthan, India
Dr. Rana Muhammad Kaleem Ullah
Hubei Insect Resources Utilization and Sustainable Pest Management Key Laboratory, College of Plant Science and Technology
Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Dr. Glaucia Fernandes
Department of Molecular Biology
Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto, Brazil
Ms. Fatemeh Shaygani
Health Policy Research Center
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Leila Alizadeh
Department of Maternal & Child Health
Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Dr. Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy
Generic Statistical Information Model
International University of Japan, Japan
Dr. Nazirullah
Research Institute
Jakson Holding Group, Pakistan
Dr. Zurab Garakanidze
Department of Engineering Economics
Georgia Technical University, IBSU, Ministry of Env. Protection and Agriculture, Georgia
Dr. Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic
Dr. Deeksha Singh
OBGYN Physiotherapy
Hormonalwings, India
Dr. Stella Mary
Oncology Clinical Research
Higher Education Industry, India
Dr. Mohammed Elmuttalut
Family and Community Medicine Department
Qassim University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Elom Hillary Otchi
Quality and Patient Safety
Africa Institute of Healthcare Quality Safety & Accreditation, Ghana
Dr. Carolina Furtado Macruz
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Prabha Agrawal
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medicover Woman And Child Hospital, India
Dr. Shine Thomas
Dept of Mental Health Nursing/ Nursing Research/ Nursing education/Anatomy
Kerala University of Health Sciences, India
Dr. Kritanjali Singh
Central Research Station, Subharti Medical College
Swami Vivekanada Subharti University, Meerut, India
Dr. Avisek Majumder
Department of Medicine(Hematology/Oncology Div)
University of California San Francisco, USA
Dr. Elham Romoozi
Department of Oral and maxillofacial Radiology
Tehran University of Medical Science, Iran
Dr. Anahita Enzevaei
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Minimally Invasive Surgeries
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Mahmoud Delphan
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Sciences and Researches Branch (Oloom Tahghighat Branch)
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Amir Abdolmaleki
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Medicine school, Iran
Dr. Mohammadreza Saboktakin
Department of Nanomedicine
NanoBMat Company GmbH, Germany
Dr. Saeed Seyed Agha Banihashemi
Department of Science and Technology
School of International Relation, Iran
Dr. Cristhian Eduardo Hernández-Flórez
Department of Pathology
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Dr. Samuel Asamoah Sakyi
Department of Molecular Medicine
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
Dr. Renata Elizalde
Department of Gynecology
University of Navarra, Spain
Dr. Khadiga Ahmed Ismail
Department of Laboratory
Taif University, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Maylin Almonte Becerril
Department of Health Sciences
Intercultural University of Puebla State, México
Dr. Yunuskhodjaeva Nodira Abdulkhamitovna
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan
Dr. Koray Görkem Saçıntı
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ankara University School of Medicine, Turkey
Dr. Ankur Nama
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Katta Hospital Bandikui Dausa, India
Dr. Alexander de Jesús Rafaelano Miranda
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Marine Secretary – Navy of México, México
Dr. Ashwini Nerkar Rajbhoj
Department of Oral Diagnostician & Maxillofacial Radiology
DY Patil Dental school,Lohegaon, India
Dr. Salman Barasteh
Health Management Research Center, Nursing Faculty
Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Rajshree Dayanand Katke
Department of Obstetrics and Gyanecology
Grant Government Medical college, Mumbai, India
Dr. Zahra Zahiri
Department of Biology
Islamic Azad university of Tonekabon, Iran
Dr. Hojjatollah Farahani
Department of Psychology
Tatbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Bizhar A Tayeb
Molecular Microbiology-laboratory Department
Veterinary Directorate in Duhok, Iraq
Dr. Abonesh Taye
Department Of Nutrition and Dietetics
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dr. Youssef Shakuri Yasin Al-Samarrai
Department of Nursing
Bilad Alrafidain University College, Iraq
Dr. Kannika Supachai
Department of Nursing
Chulabhorn Hospital, Thailand
Dr. Busra Yılmaz
Department of Women's Health and Diseases Nursing
Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Turkey
Dr. Swati Jain
Consultant; Department of Public Health Dentistry
Mobile Dental Clinic Project; National Health Mission, Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi, India
Dr. Dominique Diouf
Department of Cervical Cancer
University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal
Dr. Samaneh Alinejad Mofrad
Department of Nursing and Midwifery
Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Konstantin V. Kirienko
Embryology Department
Altravita IVF Clinic, Russia
Dr. Leandro Torriente VizcaÃno
Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist
Havana Medical Sciences University, Cuba
Dr. Youssef Shakuri Yasin Al-Samarrai
Deparment of Nursing
Bilad Alrafidain University College, Iraq
Asst. lecturer Dr. Alaa Nabil Al-shorbagy
Cardiology Department
Zagazig University, Egypt
Dr. Samah K Nasr Eldeen
Faculty of Science, Departmnt of Biochemistry
Tanta university, Egypt
Dr. Anthony Mwinilanaa Tampah-Naah
Department of Geography
Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana
Dr. Jiming Chen
Department of Gynecology
Nanjing Medical University, China
Dr. Fattaneh Pahlavan
Researcher at Royan Institute; Department of Reproductive Radiology
Royan Institute and Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
Dr. Ian James Martins
International Agency For Standards And Ratings
University of Western Australia, Australia
Dr. Vasfiye Bayram DeÄŸer
Department of Public Health
Mardin Artuklu University/Faculty of Health Sciences, Turkey
Dr. Marin Loris
Department of Women's and Children's Health
University of Padua , Italy
Dr. Nilay Nishith
Department of Pathology
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India
Dr. Luis Fonte Galindo
Department of Parasitology
Instituto de Medicina Tropical “Pedro KourÃâ€, Cuba
Dr. Mohammed HM
Departmnt of Internal Medicine
Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Egypt
Dr. Avula Laxmaiah
Department of Public Health Nutrition
ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, India
Dr. Anadeep Chandi
Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
Mr. Mezinew Sintayehu Bitew
Department of Mental health
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Mr. Melaku Hunie Asratie
Women’s and Family Health
University of Gondar, Ethiopia
Mr. Mezinew Sintayehu Bitew
Department of Mental health
Debre Markos University, Ethiopia
Dr. Georges Nassar
Department of Electronics
INSA (National Institute of applied Sciences), France
Dr. Agustin Quilez
Social Worker in a local goverment
Comarca de Andorra-Sierra de Arcos , Spain
Dr. Seyyed Hossein Hassanpour
Department of Nuclear Pharmacy
Young Researchers and Elite Club, Iran
Dr. Hailemeskel Habtamu Shimels
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatal health
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia
Mr. Yonas Biratu Terfa
Federal Governmental Organization
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dr. Najwa Alfarra
Department of Physical Therapy
King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Dr. O. Stella Latinovic
Institute of Human Virology & Dept of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Mohammad Ali Jalilvand
Health Services Management
Isfahan University Of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Sheyda Shikhaliyeva
The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance |The Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions(TABIB)
The V. Akhundov Scientific Research Medical Preventive Institute, Azerbaijan Republic
Dr. Jacques Choucair
Department of Infectious Diseases
Saint Joseph University, School of Medicine, Hotel Dieu de France, Lebanon
Dr. Ma Amparo Pineda Tovar
Department of Nuclear Cardiology
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico
Dr. Zahra Pashaei
The Iranian Research Center for HIV/AIDS (IRCHA)
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Maria Arif
Department of Biochemistry
National University of Medical Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan
Dr. Kouakou Egnon
Department of Nutrition Pharmacology Toxicology
University of Felix Houphouet Boigny, Cote D’ivoire
Dr. Chalachew Yenew
Social and Population Health Unit
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia
Dr. Kouakou Egnon
Department of Nutrition Pharmacology Toxicology
University of Felix Houphouet Boigny, Ivory Coast
Prof. Dr. Christopher Boyejo
Vice President; Executive Department
OII3 Bank/ReGal38i83, UAE/NIGERIA
Ms. Raiza Jaafar Jumah
Plastics and Breast Reconstruction Surgery
Bellevue University, Ateneo de Zamboanga University / Royal Free London, NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Dr. Mathewos Mekonnen Gemmechu
Department of Nursing
Salale University, Ethiopia
Dr. Tawan Khetpanya
Outpatient Department Treatment
Faculty of Center medicine Kalasin Hospital Campus, Thailand
Dr. Saima Habeeb
Department of Nursing
Islamic University Of Science & Technology, India
Dr. Shashwati Sen
Consultant; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Mohak Hospital, Prayagraj, India
Dr. Semra SONGUT
First and Emergency Program
Hitit University, Turkey
Dr. Somphos Vicheth Som
Department of Health and Science
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dr. Zehra AYDIN
Department of Surgical Dıseases Nursing
Hitit University, Turkey
Dr. Mohammad Ariya
Nutrition Specialist; Non-communicable Diseases Research Center
Fasa University of Medical Sciences, Fasa, Iran
Mr. Mike Robinson
Medical/Pharmaceutical Research and Development
Global Cannabinoid Research Center, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Dr. Miguel Vanterpool Hector
Department of Gastroenterology.
Matanzas University of Medical Sciences, Cuba
Dr. Hassan Njifon Nsangou
Department of Philosophy-Psychology-Sociology
University of Dschang, Cameroon
Dr. Lina Mortada
Lebanese University, Lebanon
Dr. Annapurna Kari
Department of Public Health
J. N. Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi, India
Dr. Shalik Ram Dhital
Department of Health and Medicine
The University of Newcastle, Australia
Dr. V. Vishnupriya
Senior resident; Department of Psychiatry
AVMC, India
Dr. Maria Grazia Spurio
Founder and Director; Department of Psychotherapy
GENIUS ACADEMY – Research Centre for Research and Psychological Studies, Italy
Mr. Muhammad Ahmad
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Sbbuvas , Pakistan
Mr. Yibeltal Alemu Bekele
Reproductive Health and Population Studies
Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
Dr. Pooja Nilgar
Department of Public Health
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KAHER, India
Dr. Filippo Manelli
Director At Emergency Unit Asst Bergamo Est
Department of Emergency Medicine, Italy
Dr. Mahsima Banaei Heravan
Faculty; Department of Midwifery
Pregnancy Health Research Center; Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Roaa Majed Dawood Alkhazraji
Iraqi Ministry of Health / Babil Health Department
Training and Researchs Unit, Iraq
Dr. Garima Sachdeva
Consultant; Department Of Reproductive Medicine
Bacc, Bangalore, India
Dr. Hesam Adin Atashi
Department of Medicine
Tehran Medical Islamic Azad University, Iran
Mr. Sumit Khare
Psychiatric Nursing
Maharashtra State Board of Nursing and Paramedical Education, India
Dr. Karan Baburao Nagpurkar
State Senior Consultant (Research and Documentations)
State Health Systems Resource Centre,Maharashtra, India
Dr. Mitrea Mihaela
Department of Morphological Science
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Dr. Rana Ezzeddini
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Iran
Dr. Abbas Jedariforoughi
Department of Public Health
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr. Marcos José Pereira Renni
Clinical Research Department
INCA-Ministry of Healthy, Brazil
Dr. Salma Balhi
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
Faculty of Medicine of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
Dr. Dunya Suleymanova
Department of Economics and Management
Humboldt, Germany
Dr. Sucheta Banerjee Kurundkar
Clinical Development Services Agency
Translational Health Science & Technology Institute, India
Dr. Nkwerem Sunday Patrick
Department of Surgery
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nnewi Campus, Anambra State Nigeria, Nigeria
Dr. Ceren Yildiz EREN
Department of Obstetric and Gynecology
Acibadem Hospital, Turkey
Dr. Janet Michel
CEO and Founder of One Planet Sustainables
Lead Programme Evaluator. Global Health Mentorships , Switzerland
Dr. Pritee Sharma
Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
CARE Hospital, India
Dr. Vijay Nayak Bhukya
Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis
GITAM University, India
Dr. Satya Narayan
Senior Resident; Department of Medical Oncology
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Center, India
Dr. Indrani Malwenna
Specialist in Public Health, Deputy Director (Training)
National Institute of Health Sciences, Sri Lanka
Dr. Chandramouli R
Senior Resident; Department of Radiation Oncology
JIPMER Puducherry Hospital, India
Dr. Eman Maher EL-Baiomy
Researcher at Faculty of Science
Cairo University, Egypt
Dr. Aklilu Habte Hailegebireal
Lecturer and researcher in Wachemo university school of public health, college of Medicine and Health Sciences
Wachemo University, Ethiopia
Dr. Molla Yigzaw Birhanu
Lecturer and Researcher of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health
College of Health Sciences, Debre Markos University, Debre Markos Ethiopia
Mr. Yihenew Sewale
Lecturer and Researcher; Department of Public Health & Nursing
Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
Dr. Boura Hasna
Institute Pasteur of Morocoo, Morocco
Mr. Alemu Degu Ayele
Lecturer; Midwifery
Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia
Dr. Chatuporn Duangkum
Lecturer; Department of Obstetric and Gynecology
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad
University Lecturer; School of Dental Sciences, Health Campus
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Dr. Piyush Kumar
Senior General Medical Officer
Health Department, Government Of Bihar, India
Dr. Simrandeep Singh
Assistant Professor; Department of Radiation Oncology
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, India
Dr Sahana SM
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Apollo hospitals, Bangalore, India
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shinu Kuriakose
School of Health Professions
New York Institute of Technology, USA
Dr. Gebremedhin Gebremicael
Senior Scientist; Infectious Diseases Research Directorate
Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ethiopia
Dr. Kebenesa Angasu Kitaba
Lecturer; Department of Midwifery
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dr. Rizka Ayu Setyani
Lecturer; Department of Midwifery
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Dr. Yoseph Gela Ali
General Manager /CEO
Tourism Technology; Yoda Partner Pct.Ltd.Co, Ethiopia
Dr. Kpade A. Angelique
Direction of the Army Health Service of BENIN
Department of Biology/Epidemiology, Benin
Dr. Chinar Ali Mustafa
Doctor; General surgery
Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Iraq
Dr. Irma Darmawati
Lecturer; Department of Nursing
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Dr. ThaÃs Byanca Brandenburg
Department of Medicine
Assis Gurgacz University Center, Brazil
Asst. Prof. Dr. Simrandeep Singh
Department of Radiation Oncology
Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, India
Dr. Shiralee Arvind Runwal
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Kamla Raja Maternity Wing, GRMC, Gwalior, India
Dr. Rawhi Abdat
Psychologist; Care & Rehabilitation for persons with disabilities
Ministry of Community Development, UAE
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sujal Parkar
Department of Public Health Dentistry
Siddhpur Dental College And Hospital, Gujarat, India
Dr. Chinar Ali Mustafa
Department of General surgery
Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Iraq
Dr. Silvia Nova
Lecturer; Department of Midwifery
Akademi Kebidanan Helvetia Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Dr. Kanakeswary Karisnan
Associate Professor in Physiology
Faculty of Medicine, QUEST International University, Malaysia
Dr. Getu Engida Wake
Lecturer of Midwifery
Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
Dr. Himanshu Narayan Singh
Senior Research Scientist; Department of Radiology
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA
Dr. Rizka Angrainy
Student; Department of Kesehatan/Health
Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI), Indonesia
Dr. Sri Devi Syamsuddin
Lecturer; Academy Midwifery
Institute of Health and Business Kurnia Jaya Persada, Indonesia
Mr. K. Sesha Kumar
Mid Level Health Provider; M.Sc Child Healthy Nursing
Hwc Valligatla, Phc Kanduru, Chittoor Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Suleiman Obsa
Department of Anesthesia
Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia
Dr. Nagwan Bahgat
Faculty of Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology
Mansoura University. , Egypt
Dr. Maithili A Athavale
Department of Cancer Biology
Godavari Biorefineries Ltd, India
Asst Prof. Mrs. Rashmi A Bapat
Open Digital Learning , S- VYASA DDE/ ODL
S-VYASA Deemed-to-be-University, India
Prof. Dr. Savita Rani Singhal
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pandit B D Sharma Health University, PGIMS, India
Mr. Mahendra Kumar
Stroke Team Coordinator
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Asst. Prof. Lingaraju CM
Department of Community Health Nursing
RGUHS(Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science), India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Asha K V
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecological Nursing
Government College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram, India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayush Madan
School of Biological Engineering and Sciences
Shobhit University, Gangoh, Saharanpur, India
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Beulah Jebakani
Department of Physiotherapy
Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, India
Dr. Pratip Chakraborty
Department of Assisted Reproduction
Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Kolkata, India
Mr. Hailegebrael Birhan
Lecturer and Researcher; Department of Statistics (Bio statistics)
Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia
Dr. Chalachew Kassaw Demoze
Clinician, Researcher and Academician
Department of Psychiatry; Dilla university, Ethiopia
Mr. Raman Kalia
Director Principal; Department of Nursing
Saraswati Nursing Institute, Roopnagar, Punjab
Dr. Gebremedhin Gebremicael
Scientist; Infectious Diseases Research Directorate
Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ethiopia
Dr. Prajwala Addagatla
Senior Resident; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Raichur Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research Centre, India
Asst. Prof. Dr. Khalid Abbas Owish Sukar
Department of Physiology
University of Bakht al ruda-Faculty of Medicine, Sudan
Asst. Prof. Suman Khatkar
Department of Nursing (Community Health Nursing)
Shaheed Baba Deep Singh College of Nursing, India
Mr. Lilia Jannet Saldarriaga Sandoval
Research Teacher; Department of Nursing
University National of Tumbes, Peru
Assoc. Prof. Hatlin Sugi M
Department of Nursing
PPG College of Nursing, Coimbatore, India
Dr. Héctor Montes Lainez
Surgeon; Surgical Oncology
Oncology National Institute . Dr. Juan Tanca Marengo, Ecuador
Dr. Sanchez Diez. D
MD Consultant Gynaecologist
Eva Fertility Clinics and La Milagrosa Hospital, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Ernandes Gonçalves Dias
Coordinator of Primary Care in Monte Azul
Professor at Faculdade Verde Norte (Favenorte).), Brazil
Mr. Aisha Salihu Abdullahi
Department of Nursing Sciences
Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Nigeria, Nigeria
Ms. Mariana Ng. Awang
Department of Midwifery
Health Polytechnic of Kupang Ministry of Health, Indonesia
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sangeeta S Kotrannavar
Department of Anatomy, JGMM Medical College, Hubballi
KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research, Belagavi, Karnataka, India
Dr. Sie Thu Myint
Lecturer, Consultant surgeon
University of medicine 1, Yangon, Myanmar
Dr. Ritanjali Sahoo
Chairperson, Research and Education Committee
TNAI Odisha State Branch, India
Ms. C Lotus Kikon
Department of Nursingof Pediatrics; Clinical Nurse
Mhondamo Memorial District Hospital, Nagaland, India
Dr. Shalini Malhotra
Consultant Obs & Gyn
Al Qassimi Womens & Childrens Hospital, UAE
Department of Preventive Medicine
University hospital Tahar Sfar Mahdia / Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, Tunisia
Dr. Francisco Suárez
Assistant Lecturer in Physiology
Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
Dr. Marcelo de Trói
Coordinator in Research Group of Gender, Culture and Sexuality
Cultures, Genders, and Sexualities - NUCUS (Cult/IHAC); Federal University of Bahia, Brasil
Dr. Sirikanok Klankhajhon
Department of Maternal And Newborn Nursing
Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University, Thailand
Dr. Vinay Singh
Research Scholar; Department of Medicine
Maulana Azad Medical College, India
Prof. Dr. . Mihail Kochubovski
Head of Unit of Environmental Health
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Medical Faculty Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of North Macedonia
Dr. Ola Kattoura
Tel-Hai College; Yemek Valley College , Israel
Dr. Dronesh Chettri
Dentistry, Public Health
Freelance, India
Dr. William Angko
Senior Lecturer/Economist; Department of Economics
Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies, Ghana
Dr. Radhay Shyam
National Consultant; Global Health
Ministry of Health and Family welfare, India
Prof. Dr. Rita Patil
Department of Food And Nutrition
Maniben Nanavati Womens College, Affiliated To Sndt Womens Univeristy, India
Prof. Dr. Ihsan E. AlSaimary
Department of Microbiology
University of Basrah – College of Medicine, Iraq
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kavita Verma
Health and Allied Science (Nursing Department)
Eternal University, India
Assoc. Prof. Shweta Rasaria
College Of Nursing
Bombay hospital. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, India
Assoc. Prof. Shweta Rasaria
College Of Nursing
Bombay hospital. Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, India
Dr. Belide Pavani venkat
Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry
JNTUH, India
Dr. Mukta Pujani
Department of Pathology
ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Faridabad, Haryana, India
Dr. Elias abiantun
Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Ultrasound
Barranquilla Metropolitan University Foundation, Colombia
Dr. Temesgen Senbeto Wolde
Department of Statistics
Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Northeast Agricultural University, China
Dr. Roghayeh Noori Pour Liavoli
Department of Counseling
Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Dr. Dan Wang
Department of orthopedics
Zhengzhou university Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
Dr. Jok Peter Mayom
Department of Public Health Administration
Texila American University, Sudan
Asst. Lecturer. Ms. Usha S
Child Health Nursing {currently Nursing Foundation}
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore., India
Assoc. Prof. Mr. Don Jose K
Adult Health Nursing
Amala College of Nursing, Thrissur, India
Dr AswathyKumaran
Senior Consultant; Department of Reproductive Medicine
Aster MIMS Kottakkal, India
Mr. Taniqsha Bambani
Department of Medical and Health sciences
RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, UAE
Dr Sheral Raina Tauro
Postgraduate Resident; Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Manipur University, India
Dr. Shashi joshi
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
J.P. Surgical Hospital, Ambala City, India
Dr. Shayista nabi
Specialist Obstetrics and Gynecology
Al- Ahalia Hospital, UAE
Dr. Poojan Dogra
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
AIIMS Bilaspur, India
Asst Prof. Laxmi agnihotri
Obg Nursing Department
Bldeas Shri B.M.Patil Institute of Nursing Sciences, India
By far the most professional people I had the honour to work with. They care for the Doctors and make sure that they build good communication between them and the Doctors. They are pleasant, professional and I hope the best for this publication, because honestly, I have worked with several publications before, and ACTA are the only ones who make sure you are comfortable with the work ethics and make sure your articles are well published! This is a great organization through and through, and if I faced any difficulties, they make sure I get a smooth round off. Honoured to have had the pleasure working and collaborating with all of you!
Good work experience.
Miss Sadhana Singh is really good at her work and very helpful towards queries!
It was a pleasure working with acts!
Thank you.:)
REVIEW. My opinion on the publication service. I have acquainted with the scientific publications of the Journal of Acta Scientific Microbiology and came to the conclusion: the articles are diverse, cover the latest achievements in the fields of Microbiology (especially medical), virology of immunology, bacteriology, ecology and their interaction with man and the environment. I liked their depth of research. I am pleased to publish my work in this journal, although I publish it in other journals. In this journal, scientists receive Certificates for their work. Sincerely yours Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Valentina Divocha
Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
Peer reviewed and Quick publication. Good articles, easily accessible
Nice journal and very cooperative and friendly publication team.
Freely available research and review articles with broader coverage of the area. Publishes good quality research findings that are reviewed and edited by some renowned researchers from across the globe.
Hi... m from neighbourhood country Pakistan,I have wonderful personal experience of ACTA scientific Ophthalmology Journal entire Editorial Board, There is strong sincerity coordination with up date processing step by every mail helps author would work with zeal & zest.
Bright future is expected for the AS Nutritional Health Journal. It is publish strong Scholarly Articles featuring current research in Nutritional Health.
I have a very good experience with your journal. I wish success in every aspect of journey of Journal.
Very professional organization, always on time and follow up quickly. I was so bussy with work but they were so patient and very cooperative.
A wonderful experience with Acta Scientific Publications so far, both as reviewer and author. Journals provide a fast review and publication process.
Acta Scientific publications service very good and Fast processing and need. The response and clarification made very fast and smooth great work Acta Scientific publications service Team.
Peer reviewed and Quick publication. Good articles, easily and freely accessible with broad convergence.
Good stuff and different abilities for publication.
Swift and logical communication. I am very happy with you.
This publication house provides a variety and good quality of journals to the research community.
Publishes a variety of medical science journals .freely accessible to all..
Really an excellent platform for research and thoughts exchange.
It was a good experience to publish with you!
The publication process in Acta Scientific is very active. The review process is fast enough. My experience with the journal Acta Scientific Agriculture is quite impressive. The best thing I have experienced that, the responses from Senior Managing Editor is very quick and co-operative. I liked it very much and wish this journal can grow to a high level in future.
Friendly publication with earlier decision and acceptance of the manuscripts.
I have very good experience with Acta Scientific Publications with all its branches like pediatric, neuro etc.They are prompt in their communication and reasonable in charges.
A remarkable journal, open to all, a very professional and competent team. I wish this magazine every success and I congratulate all the members for the good work they are doing and especially Ms. Sadhana Singh.
I am Dr.Ravichandran, Associate Professor in Chemistry from Lovely Professional University. At the outset I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Acta Scientific Publications for having given me the honor to be the Editorial Board member. They publish only scientific research papers/ articles with valuable and innovative information in recent and emerging fields. I appreciate their continuous services which are highly organized, commendable and professional. I am highly recommending this AS publications to all the active researchers to send their research findings for peer review and visible publication. I am very eagerly looking for a long term association with AS Publishers.
AS Veterinary Science Journal is very useful journal for progressive farmers, students, faculty, scientist and other stakeholders as this journal regularly publishes research article, popular article and review article on Veterinary Sciences and Animal Sciences. Rating would be 4.75 out of 5.00. So, I wish all the best for this journal and the publisher for rendering great service in the field of veterinary science and animal husbandry for the nation.
Acta Scientific is a good platform for publishing and referring the articles. Had good experience in working with experienced keen reviewer team, they quickly responded the queries. Helping in each and every aspect for publishing the article. Highly recommended.
The quality of processing and submission of articles in the journal is very high! You are great! Great job! I really liked it!!! Thank you so much for the work you have done! I am ready to continue cooperation with you! Please tell me where on the site (in which section) you should post my review of the work you have done.
An excellent journal in which only highly informative scientific articles are carefully selected and published, allowing you to receive new valuable information on many diseases. Fast, well-coordinated work of the editorial board leaves only good impressions. Thank you for the appreciation of my article and the opportunity to become a member of the editorial board.
Excellent open-access, peer reviewed journal (Acta Scientific Orthopaedics). Quick and professional manuscript processing, interesting articles, great communication with authors.
Acta Scientific is an internationally progressive publishing group with active and leading staff that collects original articles. The publications of Acta Scientific are dedicated to unsolvable problems that have global interests and inspire scientists to bring the knowledge. Editors of the Acta Scientific work purposefully and insistently with the aim to publish articles of advanced science. The contents of journals attract the vast circle of inquisitive readers and challenge discussions where indifferent are out.
Excellent peer reviewed international indexed journal for publishing one's own research work. My work was published in toto and without any alterations and within 1 to 2 months. I got regular feedback and update about the position of my papers both by email and by WhatsApp messages. I recommend this journal ASPE for publishing research work in paediatrics and paediatric sub-specialities.
Acta Scientific Publication provides excellent platform for the researchers. The dedicated team corrects our errors with keen reviews. Their communication is very supportive and provide decent time for correction. No doubt it's the most emerging publication house in recent times.
AS Microbiology Journal reflect the power of research and the Quality of the Journal. Thanks to Chief Editor and other Editors, Reviews and other staffs.
An excellent journal that publishes new data on various medical problems. Thank you for the prompt and well-coordinated work of the editorial board.
It is an amazing platform to publish and refer articles and recent research information. Had a good experience working with Acta Scientific Publications. Highly recommended!!
Its really good platform for publishing your article at international level. They quick responsive and ratings of the journal are going high with unique and quality publications.
It is a privilege having some studies published in the magazine. I hope to send further papers soon. The journal consistently offers good quality papers and keeps improving. Relationship with the editorial board is amicable and informative. It is part of the Acta Scientific International Open Library initiative and offers democratic availability both to authors and readers. As a member of the peer-reviewing board of the magazine, I am also a testimony to the quality of papers and peer-reviewing. Relationship and communication with all editorial personal were always cordial, ethical, and friendly. All relevant information to authors and readers is available on the magazine's website for immediate consultation and the editorial bodies at immediate reach. The website and the companion journals are well programmed and visually attractive. It is an honour to be connected to a magazine that offers such moral standards. Always keep up the good work!
As a researcher, and founder of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART), also coined , Haquapathy ; Haquapathic Medicine (HAM), and President & CEO of Haqua Wellness, Virginia, USA; I had the honour to be an editorial board member of the ACTA Scientific Neurology since February 2019, until present time. I published series of articles with the said journal. Since then, all their services are highly professional, accurate, fast, and well organised. I strongly encourage any researchers not to hesitate sending their articles for peer review and publication with ACTA Scientific.
It seems to be an excellent option to publish and consult articles and information, it is an International research journal that Publishes articles on Multidisciplinary fields, it has double-blind peer review, it also has eminent reviewers and an editorial committee committed to its work and research.
Thank you for your professional and solution-oriented approach. I hope to work with you again on future projects.
Acta Scientific is an International platform for publication of your valuable research. Acta scientific plays its role in publishing unique articles with an accentuation on most recent exploration discoveries. Acta Scientific tries to bring famous researched data across the globe into light and plans to construct an effective platform. Acta scientific team is very fast, co-operative and well oriented. I’m honoured to be a part of this international and well reputed oragnization.
This is a high quality journal and it is my honor to be working with such professional people.
Acta Scientific is an upcoming journal with a good team. I have had the best experience as a reviewer so far. Journal provides a fast review and publication process and recommend every medical professional to use this service.
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