The Nutrient Analysis and Therapeutic Evaluation of Kavuni Rice against
Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer Risk
Meena Parthiban*
Department of Environmental Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India
*Corresponding Author: Meena Parthiban, Department of Environmental Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India.
January 21, 2025; Published: January 30, 2025
Black Kavuni rice is a traditional variety of Tamil Nadu in the historic periods that lost its fame gradually. An act of regaining this cultivar to the modern society has made this medicinal variety popular again in recent days. It is rich in protein (9g/100g), Iron-2mg/100g, Anthocyanin-1000μg/100g flour (extraction at pH6.8), resistant starch (38%). All these characteristics make this crop possess antidiabetic and anticancer properties. In the course of tremendously rising diabetic and cancer patients each year, India loses its economy as treatment expenses as well as retarded human potential. The increasing demand for Kavuni rice in the local and foreign markets open new doors to the Indian economy by sales of the crop and cutting the treatment expenses by preventing the illness. More researches in this crop regarding germplasm, cultivation techniques, awareness among farmers and consumers by proper education nationwide should be rushed.
Keywords: Kavuni Rice; Antidiabetic; Anticancer; Antiageing; Low Methane Emission
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