Children’s Eating Habits in Turkey: An Evaluation through Children’s Eating Attitudes Test (ChEAT)
Ülkü Demirci*
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Ülkü Demirci, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Istanbul Aydın University, Istanbul, Turkey.
December 13, 2023; Published: April 23, 2024
Background and Aim: Obesity in children is a global concern that requires immediate attention. The sedentary lifestyle leads to the onset and progress of obesity in children. Herein, a detailed survey was conducted on 637 students aged between 8 and 11.
Methods: The survey was done on children of either Turkish or Syrian ethnicity, who went to public and private schools and belonged to rich, medium, and poor socioeconomic backgrounds. Contour drawing scales were used to categorize the body type of the participants. Statistical analysis was conducted to understand the responses provided by the selected students on the 26 items according to the ChEAT questionnaire.
Results: The results suggested that the students were aware of their health but were not ascertain about the relation between eating attitudes and obesity. A mixed response to the other’s perception of their obesity was observed.
Conclusions: The present results supported the validation of the ChEAT questionnaire to evaluate the children’s perspective psychometrically. The survey suggested adopting a scientific approach to improve the awareness of obesity among children.
Keywords: Obesity; Children’s Eating Attitudes Test; Public Health; ChEAT
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