Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 9

Glycaemic and Lipidemic Profile of Type-2 Diabetic Adults: An Intervention Study with Capparis Decidua

A Calabrò1*, C Bagnato2, R Paone3, MV Pirrò4, F Iannelli5, S Pellicano5, A Pirillo5, M Pungitore5, C Rosselli5 and Claudia Paone5

1Degree Course in Motor Sciences University of Catanzaro "Magna Grӕcia, Italy
2Clinical Nutrition Unit, Madonna Delle Grazie Hospital, Matera Italy, Italy
3Physiotherapist, "Villa del Sole" Nursing Home, Catanzaro, Italy
4Physiotherapist, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Soverato Hospital, Italy
5Dietitian, Freelance, Italy

*Corresponding Author: A Calabrò, Degree Course in Motor Sciences University of Catanzaro "Magna Grӕcia, Italy.

Received: July 27, 2023; Published: August 17, 2023


Background: Arthrosis is a degenerative disease that affects the cartilage that lines the bones at the level of the joints. This leads to a progressive joint deformity and a limitation in the movements of the joint heads with consequent pain. In Italy about 4 million people are affected by osteoarthritis and this represents 72% of all rheumatic disorders. Unfortunately, there are currently no definitive cures but therapies capable of inducing remission and increasing life expectancy, if diagnosed in time. People who suffer from it are often forced to leave their jobs and face excessive costs for social and health care. The progression of the disease, if not well controlled, affects the progression of quality of life, the frequency of hospitalizations and productivity. Unfortunately, according to the latest data, there are several degenerative conditions of the coxofemoral joint that also affect younger patients. Conservative surgical treatment, possible when the degeneration is modest, aims to stabilize the joint and reduce the overload on the surface.

Objectives: Overweight and obesity can exert a greater load due to weight gain; however, there may be differential systemic effects depending on the degree of fat versus lean mass. From the point of view of biomechanics, joint overload was considered one of the main causes of the onset and progression of osteoarthritis. To minimize the risk of hip osteoarthritis it is important to avoid overweight, the assumption of incorrect postures and excessive and repeated load on the joint. The goal of our study is to demonstrate, through the literature, how a low-calorie diet and physical activity, it is possible to help people with osteoarthritis to find benefit from this debilitating pathology.

Methods: However, there are few studies on how a correct diet is useful or able to reduce inflammation and the various forms of osteoarthritis. Furthermore, the course of the disease involves a rapid increase in pain, muscle-tendon and joint stiffness with consequent loss of range of motion (ROM) and muscle strength, due to the decrease in mobility.

Results: Several studies show how the regular practice of physical exercise can slow down the aggravation of complications, becoming a useful tool to support drug treatment in pain management.

Conclusions: Therefore, although maintenance of daily physical activity is recommended for patients with osteoarthritis, adequate nutrition, particularly a low-calorie or ketogenic diet, is also recommended in order to prevent daily cumulative excessive load on the hip and progression of the osteoarthritis (HOA). This is why it is important, for these patients, the figure of a Dietitian, a Physiotherapist and qualified personnel who evaluate the patient's physical activity in order to preserve functional independence, muscle strength and reduce or remove the complications that this clinical condition can lead.

Keywords: Osteoarthritis; Arthosis; Disability; Low Calorie Diet; Physical Activity


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Citation: A Calabrò., et al. “Effects of the Low-Calorie Diet and Adapted Physical Activity on Subjects Suffering from Osteoarthritis".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 7.9 (2023): 79-86.


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