Andrea Menco Tovar1a, Edalcy Month Arrieta1b and Melba Tell Morinson1c*
11G.I. Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Applied to Educational Quality, University of Sucre, Colombia
aResearch Intern, Bachelor of Mathematics, University of Sucre
bNurse, University of Sucre; Specialist in Public Health Management
cFull Professor, University of Sucre; Associate Researcher, COLCIENCIAS
*Corresponding Author: Melba Tell Morinson, G.I. Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Applied to Educational Quality, University of Sucre, Full Professor, University of Sucre; Associate Researcher, COLCIENCIAS, Colombia.
Received: November 24, 2022; Published: December 28, 2022
Cervical cancer in the female population in our country is presented by sexual transmission of persistent infection of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the results of cervical-uterine cytology in time is a key element for the reduction of morbidity and mortality rates of this disease. The general objective of this study was to contribute to the prevention of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age in Montes de María (Sucre-Colombia). It seeks to estimate factors (sexual health, socio-demographic, anthropometric and lifestyle) that are associated with the risk of this disease. Statistical analysis of categorical data comprises: 95% CI and Chi-square tests for bivariate analysis; Multiple Correspondence Analysis for a multivariate description of the study variables, accompanied by classification of agglomerative cluster of Euclidean distances linked to Ward's method; Finally, Logistic Regression to estimate the effect of explanatory variables with the presence of abnormal cytology. Statistical analysis was performed in R software. 10% reported that it was abnormal among women who claimed the result of the last cytology, 60% of rural women do not do physical activity and are malnourished with a tendency to overweight and obesity. Low education has as a consequence, low income reflected in a poor socio-economic condition, which shows association with high BMI, which potentiates negative effects on eating habits, adapted to the consumption of foods with low nutritional or energy value such as carbohydrates (tubers) and saturated fats that occur in this area and is within reach of their pockets. The care and promotion of women's well-being and health are presented to us as a fundamental axis when we consider health promotion interventions at the community level.
Keywords: Cervical Lesions; Associated Factors; Rural Women; Categorical Data
Citation: Melba Tell Morinson., et al. “Relationship between Cervical-Uterine Cytology (CC) Results and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Rural Women: A Multivariate Analysis".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 7.1 (2023): 125-128.
Copyright: © 2023 Melba Tell Morinson., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.