Maria Clareth Mendez Ramos, Jesus Sebastian Martinez Sevilla, Sebastián David Fernández Vertel and Melba Liliana Vertel Morinson*
GI Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Applied to Educational Quality, University of Sucre, Colombia
*Corresponding Author: Melba Liliana Vertel Morinson, GI Statistics and Mathematical Modeling Applied to Educational Quality, University of Sucre, Colombia.
Received: October 17, 2022; Published: November 07, 2022
In Colombia, several studies have shown that the development and integral well-being of children in rural areas has been marked by the high presence of intestinal parasitosis accompanied by negative repercussions on socioeconomic progress, negative effects on nutritional status and low learning conditions of the child population. Taking into account this context, the present research was born which analyzes the sociodemographic and parasitological factors determining the learning capacity and nutritional status in rural schoolchildren, through descriptive-explanatory research which has as an object population of study a rural community of the department of Sucre. The analysis of the information in this study includes techniques that are part of the tools used in data mining, of which decision trees were initially used for the factors included in the study; as a second, Multiple Correspondence Analysis was used as a multivariate description tool of sociodemographic and parasitological profiles depending on nutritional status and learning capacity, Subsequently, Multiple Factor Analysis (AFM) was performed and finally the significant study variables were incorporated into a logistic regression model. All this was materialized through the free statistical software R [1]. As a result, a prevalence of 73.8% of the presence of intestinal parasites in schoolchildren with low weight was evidenced, likewise it was evidenced that the determining risk factor in nutritional status taking as a reference the Body Mass Index-BMI was the deworming variable, while in the case of academic performance in Mathematics it was evidenced that it is determined by age and deworming in schoolchildren.
Keywords: Parasitosis; Learning Ability; Nutritional Status
Citation: Melba Liliana Vertel Morinson., et al. “Sociodemographic and Parasitological Factors Determining Learning Capacity and Nutritional Status in Rural Schoolchildren: Data Mining for Decision Making".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 6.12 (2022): 15-22.
Copyright: © 2022 Melba Liliana Vertel Morinson., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.