Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 7

Evaluation of the Nutritional Status by Astrometry of Adults in Three Districts of the Commune of Matoto

Ousmane Sangare1*, Fatoumata Bah2 and Ahmed Guisse3

1Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences of the Ecole Supérieure du Tourism et de l’Hôtellerie, Conakry, Guinea
2Department of Biology, Julius Nyerere of Kankan/Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Guinea
3Department of Hydrobiology, Rogbane Scientific Research Center (CERESCOR)/Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Guinea

*Corresponding Author: Ousmane Sangare, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences of the Ecole Supérieure du Tourism et de l’Hôtellerie, Conakry, Guinea.

Received: April 27, 2022; Published: June 24, 2022


The comparative study of the nutritional status of men and women by anthropometry of a sample of the adult population of the commune of Matoto (Yimbaya, Matoto Centre, Gbessia), constitutes a public health problem to which the adult population of the city of Conakry is confronted such as: inadequate food which can lead to either overweight, or a deficit or even micronutrient deficiencies.

Indeed, it is a descriptive cross-sectional study of adults aged from 19 to 59 from different occupations living in the Commune of Matoto (Matoto Centre, Yimbaya and Gbessia), carried out from May 6 to July 17, 2021.

This is why we have set ourselves the objective of making a comparison between the nutritional status of men and that of women in certain districts of the Commune of Matoto in order to determine the causes related to malnutrition and to propose a resolution on the various health problems facing this current adult population. The study focused on the nutritional status of 575 participants, which was determined by measuring their BMI. On this sample, a survey sheet allowed us to then determine the occupations, the levels of physical activity and consumption of Fruits and Vegetables of Guinea. The analysis of the data collected showed that men were much more affected by underweight compared to women, equivalent to 11.41% against 2.89%.

The percentage of men with a normal nutritional status was higher than that of women. It was 68.48% for men against 42.51% for women. Overweight and obesity were more observed in women than in men, equivalent to 33.33% overweight and 20.77% obesity in women and 16.53% overweight and 3.53% obesity in men. Among the 207 women surveyed 0.00% were athletic, 82.61% active and 17.39% were sedentary. In contrast, on the 368 men surveyed, 11.96% were athletic, 83.2% active and only 4.62% sedentary.

Regarding the distribution of men and women according to the occupation, it follows that among normal weight men, the percentages were: pupils: 22.22%, students: 17.86% and civil servants: 15.88%. The obese, pupils: 0.00%, students: 8.33% and civil servants: 33.33%. Overweight, pupils: 3.28%, students: 9.84% and civil servants: 27.87%.

As for women, among normal weight, pupils are at 17.08%, female students: 11.36% and civil servants: 3.41%. Overweight, pupils: 7.25%, female students: 5.75% and civil servants: 5.79%. In obese, students: 6.67%, civil servants: 6.67% and housewives: 10%. For the consumption of fruits and vegetables, men consumed more than women.

Keywords: Nutritional Status; BMI; Adults


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Citation: Ousmane Sangare., et al. “Evaluation of the Nutritional Status by Astrometry of Adults in Three Districts of the Commune of Matoto". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 6.7 (2022): 79-90.


Copyright: © 2022 Ousmane Sangare., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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