Anne christine amaral ferreira1, Jaéle kécia do carmo e silva1, Sarah Pereira of Macedo1, Yasmim Gangá Ienczmionka1, Najara Sousa Da Silva2, Ana Clara De Alvarenga Morais3, Eloisa Helena Medeiros Cunha4 and Anderson Ferreira Vilela5* Tatiana Calavorty Lanna Pascoal6
1¹Academic of the Nutrition Course of the University of Rio Doce, Brazil
22Academic of Mestrado in Science and Food Technology, from the Federal University
of Tocantins, Brazil
3Professor of Nutrition Course at the University of Rio Doce, Nutritionist, Master
in Agricultural Technology, Brazil
4Professor of Nutrition Course at the University of Rio Doce, Nutritionist, Master
of Nutrition and Saude, Brazil
5Professor of the Agricultural Industry Course of the Federal University of Paraíba,
Pharmaceutical, Master of Food Science, Doctor of Process Engineering, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Anderson Ferreira Vilela, Professor of the Agricultural Industry Course of the Federal University of Paraíba, Pharmaceutical, Master of Food Science, Doctor of Process Engineering, Brazil.
Received: March 28, 2022; Published: April 22, 2022
Introduction: The isotonics are products that use hydration to lose weight during high resistance exercises, compost predominantly for water and electrolytes such as sodium and potassium, as well as to contain minor amounts of acids, antioxidants, preservatives and antioxidants. Objective: The objective of this work is to analyze the characteristics of isotonic substances that are related to the theory of sugars, sodium chloride, sodium and salts, and to compare them with nutritional counseling and vigilant legislation. Methodology: The present work is based on an analytical study of the quantitative and qualitative experimental type. Foram analyzed chlorine concentration of soda, sugar and cinzas. With the help of software R (R Development Core Team, 2017), the data were submitted for analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated mediations, to verify the homogeneity of the media. Results: As amostras present values of total sugar between 9.14% and 23.92%. Our interest purchases include a difference in inorganic matter between analyzes of 10.02% and 10.09%. Yes a sodium chloride analyte can take note of a variance between 0.27% and 0.60% and a soda has a variation between 1080 mg/L and 2400 mg/L. Amostra I3 presents values that describe our descriptive and superior descriptions as permitted by this legislation. Conclusion: However, it is concluded that the analyzes analyzed in I2 are more adequate than those that theories of sugar and soda have given the natural ingredients present in the baby. Our interest purchases include a difference in inorganic matter between analyzes of 10.02% and 10.09%. Yes a sodium chloride analyte can take note of a variance between 0.27% and 0.60% and a soda has a variation between 1080 mg/L and 2400 mg/L. Amostra I3 presents values that describe our descriptive and superior descriptions as permitted by this legislation. Conclusion: However, it is concluded that the analyzes analyzed in I2 are more adequate than those that theories of sugar and soda have given the natural ingredients present in the baby. Our interest purchases include a difference in inorganic matter between analyzes of 10.02% and 10.09%. Yes a sodium chloride analyte can take note of a variance between 0.27% and 0.60% and a soda has a variation between 1080 mg/L and 2400 mg/L. Amostra I3 presents values that describe our descriptive and superior descriptions as permitted by this legislation. Conclusion: However, it is concluded that the analyzes analyzed in I2 are more adequate than those that theories of sugar and soda have given the natural ingredients present in the baby. Amostra I3 presents values that describe our descriptive and superior descriptions as permitted by this legislation. Conclusion: However, it is concluded that the analyzes analyzed in I2 are more adequate than those that theories of sugar and soda have given the natural ingredients present in the baby. Amostra I3 presents values that describe our descriptive and superior descriptions as permitted by this legislation. Conclusion: However, it is concluded that the analyzes analyzed in I2 are more adequate than those that theories of sugar and soda have given the natural ingredients present in the baby.
Keywords: chaves; Isotonic; Hydroeletrolíticos; Bromatological Analysis; Nutritional Rotulagem; Legislation
Citation: Anderson Ferreira Vilela., et al. “Analyses Of The Concentration Of Sodium Chloride, Sodium, Sugars And Ash In Isotonic Drinks Sold In The City Of Governor Valadares - Minas Gerais".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 6.5 (2022): 73-81.
Copyright: © 2022 Anderson Ferreira Vilela., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.