Genetic and Factory Factors About the Variation in the Production of Leche from a Double Proposition
Miguel A Rojas1*, Audrey Torres1, Manuel G Gómez1, Carlos Lucena1, Gonzalo E Martínez2 and Gilberto A Pérez1
1Decanato de Ciencias Veterinarias, UCLA. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
2Institute of Animal Production, Faculty of Agronomy, Central University of Venezuela, Maracay, Aragua, Venezuela
*Corresponding Author: Miguel A Rojas, Decanato de Ciencias Veterinarias, UCLA. Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
March 09, 2022; Published: April 11, 2022
Obtain bovines that express adaptability and efficient productions in tropical environments, is the object in double proposition gauging investigations. Finally, to evaluate the genetic and non-genetic effects that affect the variation in leche production in double proposal vacuums, 3722 analyzed lactose flies were analyzed in 244 days (P244) of 1334 vacancies, belonging to a finica ubicada in La Ceiba, Trujillo State. Model I, allowed to evaluate the non-genetic and genetic effects affecting the P244 variation, establishes as effective effects: month of party (MP), year of party (AP), share of party (EP), number of parties (NP) ) and racial group (GR) and como effects: padre, madre de la vaca y residual, are evaluating and working on an analysis of variance using the mixed model methodology of the SAS® statistical package. Model II determines the components of (co) variance, genetic and non-genetic parameters, using a unified animal model with the conjunction of MTDFREML programs. Considering the effective effects, those that result in significant results (P < 0.05) of model I: (AP), (EP), (NP) and (GR). Considered as powerful effects: the animal, the permanent atmosphere of the vaca and the error. If we estimate the additive genetic variance (σ2a), proportions of the total phenotypic variance (σ2F), it calculates the permanent ambient variance of the vaca (σ2Ap), residual variance (e2), index of herence (h2) and coefficient of repetition. For P244 the adjusted weight of 1562.26 ± 150.06 kg. All effective effects result significantly (P < 0.05), excluding the part of the part. Estimates of the univariate model of σ2a, σ2Ap, e2, σ2F, h2 and ri for P244 fueron: 55970; 101127; 118896; 275993; 0.20 and 0.56, respectively. P244 is highly affected by environmental and genetic factors.
Keywords: Double Prosthesis Ganadería; Leche Production; Genetic Effects; Genetic Parameters; Hernia Index
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