Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 12

Effect of pH and Temperature on the Isolation, Purification and Characterization of α-Amylase from Aspergillus niger Produced from Pigeon Pea

Adegbanke OR1*, Adepomola AF1, Adeniran EA1 and Bamidele OS2

1Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
2Department of Biochemistry, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria

*Corresponding Author: Adegbanke OR, Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Received: September 22, 2021; Published: November 24, 2021


α-Amylase an industrially used enzyme can be obtained from Aspergillus nigernd can be produced from food sources such as pigeon pea. α-Amylase was produced from Aspergillus niger isolated from pigeon pea, purified and characterized. This process was achieved using ammonium sulphate, ion exchange DEAE column and gel filtration (Sephadex A-50 and sephadex G-100) chromatography. The effect of temperature and pH was determined. Ammonium sulphate precipitation results showed that the highest specific α-amylase activity was (1.01 U/mL. mg) obtained at 11.27% saturation level, with a purity of 1.81-fold of the crude extract and yielding 1.00%. Further purification using gel filtration increased the enzyme purity and yielding 8.94-fold relative to the crude extract 3.01% andSpecific activity after purification was 4.99 U/mg. Having varied temperature from 30-80oC, the optimum temperature was obtained at 50°C. The pH ranged from 3-10, at a concentration of 0.01 M which was prepared using different buffer systems, the enzyme was found stable at pH of 6. Therefore α -amylase produced from Aspergillus niger can be exploited for potential usage for industrial applications of enzymes in a wide range of production and its application in food processing.

Keywords: α-Amylase; Aspergillus niger; Pigeon Pea; Purification; Characterization; pH; Temperature


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Citation: Adegbanke OR., et al. “Effect of pH and Temperature on the Isolation, Purification and Characterization of α-Amylase from Aspergillus niger Produced from Pigeon Pea". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 5.12 (2021): 62-67.


Copyright: © 2021 Adegbanke OR., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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