Carolina Orge Anunciação Bacelar1, Katharine Dias Coelho de Lucena2, Larissa Monteiro3, Carla Salati Almeida Ghirello-Pires4 and Anna Clara Mota Duque5*
1Graduate Speech Therapy, Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies (DELL), Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, Brazil
2Graduate Speech Therapy, Estadual University of Bahia, Brazil
3Postgraduate Program in Medicine, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
4Department of Linguistics and Literary Studies (DELL), Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, Brazil
5Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Anna Clara Mota Duque, Postgraduate Program in Medicine and Health, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
Received: June 15, 2021; Published: July 14, 2021
Objective: To investigate the correlation between infants diagnosed with congenital heart disease and dysphagia.
Methods: Hospitalized in Intensive and Intermediate Care Units from 2017 to 2020, infants up to 60 days of life diagnosed with congenital heart disease and full-term controls were compared for dysphagia.
Results: Sixteen patients and forty-eight controls were included. Comparing them, the group of patients with heart disease showed correlation for dysphagia.
Conclusion: Infants diagnosed with congenital heart disease have a greater tendency to present dysphagia.
Keywords:Speech Therapy; Dysphagia; Congenital Cardiopathy; Infant; Rehabilitation
Citation: Anna Clara Mota Duque., et al. “Characterization of Dysphagia in Congenital Cardiopathic Infants Admitted to the Intensive and Intermediate Care Unit".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 5.8 (2021): 23-26.
Copyright: © 2021 Anna Clara Mota Duque., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.