Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 7

Jasonia Montana; A Promising Therapeutic Agent to Attenuate Neurological Disorders Associated with SCO-induced Dementia

Mohammed A Hussein1*, Nada M El-Laban1, Lamiaa H Elabody1, Amany M Ghazal1, Basant S Mohamed1, Azhar A Mohamed1, Lamiaa Y Elhalafwy1, Sanaa M Elsayad1, Amal S Othman2 and Ali A Ali3

11Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, October 6th University, Egypt
22Department of Med Labs, Faculty of Applied Medical Science, October 6th University, Egypt
33Vice President of Post Graduate Studies, October 6 University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Mohammed A Hussein, Professor of Biochemistry and Vice Dean for Post-graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, October 6 University, Egypt.

Received: April 22, 2021; Published: June 11, 2021


Neurodegenerative disorder clinically characterized by progressive cognitive and memory dysfunction. This study investigated the effect of Jasonia montana ethanolic extract (JMEE) on Ca‑, Mg+2 and Na+, K+-ATPase and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activities as well as β amyloid1-42 level in brain hippocampus of adult rats exposed to SCO. Rats were exposed to SCO (3.0 mg/Kg) and JMEE (150 mg/Kg) by gavage for 14 days. Rats were randomly divided into six groups with 6 rats in each: [Saline], [saline/SCO (3.0 mg/kg)], [saline/SCO (3.0 mg/kg)/JMEE (150 mg/kg,)], [saline/SCO (3.0 mg/kg)/ DHC (3 mg/kg)] and [saline/SCO (3.0 mg/kg)/JMEE (150 mg/kg,)/ DHC (3 mg/kg)]. Results demonstrated that plasma TC, TG as well as brain hippocampus levels of AChE, MAO, βA1-42, TBARS. Also, the results showed that a significant depletion of plasma HDL-C as well as brain hippocampus levels of phospholipids, GSH, ACh, Ca+2, Mg+2 and Na+, K+-ATPase. Treatment with JMEE (150 mg/Kg) prevented the increase in TC, TG, AChE, MAO, β amyloid1-42, TBARS activity when compared to SCO-treated group. JMEE treatment prevented the SCO-induced decrease in Ca+2, Mg+2 and Na+, K+-ATPase activities as well as GSH, HDL-C, ACh and phospholipids in SCO-treated group when compared to normal group. Our data showed that JMEE have a protector effect against SCO induced neurodegenerative. Also, Jasonia Montana is a promising therapeutic agent to attenuate neurological disorders associated with SCO induced dementia.

Keywords:Jasonia Montana; Antioxidant; Scopolamine; Acetylcholine Esterase; Monoamine Oxidase and Dementia


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Citation: Mohammed A Hussein., et al. “Jasonia Montana; A Promising Therapeutic Agent to Attenuate Neurological Disorders Associated with SCO-induced Dementia".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 5.7 (2021): 27-37.


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