Jacquelyn C Pence, Keith R Martin and Richard J Bloomer*
Center for Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplement Research, College of Health Sciences, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA
*Corresponding Author: Richard J Bloomer, Center for Nutraceutical and Dietary Supplement Research, College of Health Sciences, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, USA.
Received: January 05, 2021; Published: January 28, 2021
According to recent surveys, over half of American adults take at least one dietary supplement (DS), with usage increasing with age. Healthcare providers should be aware of which DS products their patients are taking in order to best manage their overall care. While DS can be used to complement and enhance the actions of traditional medicine, they may be contraindicated when taken concomitant with prescribed medications. Herein, example DS-drug interactions associated with common conditions are discussed, as well as two hypothetical applications of DS.
Keywords: dietary Supplement; Co-ingestion; FDA
Citation: Richard J Bloomer., et al. “Effectively Managing the Co-ingestion of Dietary Supplements and Prescription Drugs".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 5.2 (2021): 161-170.
Copyright: © 2021 Richard J Bloomer., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.