Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 12

Mind Genomics: Accelerating and Scaling Our Understanding of the Everyday Mind and its Prospects for Efforts in Nutrition

Sophia Davidov1, Ariola Harizi2, Glenn Zemel3, Alex Hutchinson4 and Howard R Moskowitz5*

1Independent Researcher, Canada
2Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia
3Mindgen Medical Messaging, Inc., United State
4CEO Recipe Revolution, Inc., United State
5MindCart AI, Inc., United State

*Corresponding Author: Howard R Moskowitz, MindCart AI, Inc., United State.

Received: November 11, 2020; Published: November 28, 2020



  We present the newly emerging science of Mind Genomics, which studies the way we make decisions in everyday life. Mind Genomics defines a topic, creates four relevant questions, creates four answers to each question, for a total of 16 elements. The subject evaluates a unique set of 24 vignettes, combinations of 2-4 elements, at most one answer to each question, rating the vignette on a scale. The scale may judge amount of (e.g., perceived fullness, liking, etc.), or may require the subject to choose an emotion. Each subject tests a different set of combinations. All combinations are created by experimental design, ensuring statistical independence. The analysis of the results reveals how each answer or element ‘drives’ the rating. A measure of response time, collected at the same time, shows the degree of psychological engagement. Finally, Mind Genomics reveals new-to-the-world mind-sets of people, with different ways of looking at the topic. Mind Genomics finishes with a personal viewpoint identifier, new people to be assigned to a mind-set. We finish with the vision of scaling the process, to understand the algebra of the mind for the world of foods and nutrition, and to correlate the mind-sets with exogenous behavior, both economics-oriented and health-related, respectively.

Keywords: Mind Genomics; Experimental Design; Inner Psychophysics; Conjoint Measurement; Part-worth Utility; PVI; Mind-sets; Segmentation; Response-time; Consideration-time



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Citation: Howard R Moskowitz., et al. “Mind Genomics: Accelerating and Scaling Our Understanding of the Everyday Mind and its Prospects for Efforts in Nutrition".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.12 (2020): 72-80.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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