Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 12

Effect Of Nutrition Education Videos On Mothers’ Knowledge, And Practices On Complementary Feeding Of Children 6-23 Months In Nairobi City County, Kenya

Robinson Nyaribo Mochoni* and Judith Kimiywe

Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, Kenya

*Corresponding Author: Robinson Nyaribo Mochoni, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenyatta University, Kenya.

Received: October 27, 2020; Published: November 27, 2020



Background: Children aged 6-23 months are most exposed to malnutrition because complementary feeding is done poorly in this stage of children’s growth. Efforts have been put forth to improve child nutrition but there are still significant gaps in complementary feeding. Low information on complementary feeding among mothers has been the main contributor. This study aimed to establish the effect of video use on nutrition education to improve mothers’ knowledge and practices on complementary feeding. The study was conducted in Ruaraka sub-county, Nairobi City County, Kenya. 

Methodology: Post intervention cross-sectional analytical design with control was adopted with 198 mothers with children 6-23 months who sought health services from selected health facilities. The study involved an intervention group that watched the short nutrition video clips on complementary feeding and a control group which did not watch the videos from a different locality but shared similar characteristics with intervention group.

Results: Most households, control (83.6%) and intervention (92.4%) groups were headed by males. The majority of mothers were married (86.4%) and Housewives (67.7%) with a mean age of 25.3 years. They were Christians (97.1%), lactating (95.2%) and had attained primary school education as highest level (46.7%). The majority, 41.1% had no specific allocation of income for purchase of food. There was a significantly higher proportion of mothers in the intervention (100%) than in the control (51.3%) who had the correct knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding (P = 0.041). A significant difference was also noted in the minimum dietary diversity score with 3.73% in control and 5.19% in intervention group with majority from intervention (95.5%) feeding their children from the four food groups as opposed to control group (30.0%) with a significant difference P = 0.006. There was also a significant difference in knowledge mean score between the intervention and control with P = 0.001. A significantly higher proportion of mothers from intervention (100%) had good knowledge of the age of initiating complementary feeding as compared to the control group (96.3%) with P = 0.021. In terms of practice, a significant difference was found between the control and intervention on complementary feeding of children 6-23 months (P = 0.021).

Conclusion: The use of audio-visual tools has been found to be effective in passing messages. Since the video clips’ messages are easily understood, interpreted due to the use of the local language, Maternal and Child Nutrition and Health knowledge is easily gained by the hearers. Better practices shown in the intervention group indicates gained knowledge.

Keywords: Nutrition Education Videos; Complementary Feeding; Knowledge; Practices; Dietary Diversity; Minimum Acceptable Diet



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Citation: Robinson Nyaribo Mochoni and Judith Kimiywe. “Effect Of Nutrition Education Videos On Mothers’ Knowledge, And Practices On Complementary Feeding Of Children 6-23 Months In Nairobi City County, Kenya".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.12 (2020): 62-71.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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