Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 12

Conversion of Khadrwai Dates from Khulal to Tamar through Various Practices

Rehman Ali*, Umber Shehzadi, Amara Rasheed, Maryam Bibi and Anam Zafar

Institute of Home and Food Sciences, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Rehman Ali, Institute of Home and Food Sciences, Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Received: July 20, 2020; Published: November 25, 2020



  Dates have been an important basic food for several cultures all over the world and they are still consumed widely over thousands of year. The aim of our study was to protect khadrwai dates from monsoon season and minimize post-harvest losses. For this purpose, some bunches were wrapped with polythene plastic sheet, some covered in sacks and others remained open on date palm. Date samples were collected during Khalal, Rutab and Tamar stage by weekly intervals. Chemical and physical characteristics were determined using published procedures. Result showed firmness was more in polythene plastic dates about 4.733, 4.46 and 1.6 during every stage and other conditions have less firmness. Brix % gradually increases during all stages. At full ripening stage, brix % was near about 30 - 40%. Color changes during ripening from light yellow at Khalal to golden brown at Rutab stage and then converted to dark brown color at Tamar stage. Moisture content was decrease with the passage of time. At Tamar stage, moisture content was about 15 % which was beneficial for long term storage. The highest losses on date palm were observed in sack dates due to shrinkage of size and bitter taste. Monsoon season less effected on opened date palm. Polythene plastic condition is best for maximum production and minimum losses on date palm.

Keywords:Khudrwai Dates; Khalal Stage; Tamar Stage; Protection; Spoilage



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Citation: Rehman Ali., et al. “Conversion of Khadrwai Dates from Khulal to Tamar through Various Practices".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.12 (2020): 54-59.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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