Maria Luz Jauregui García1*, Maria Luisa Merino Hernández1, Arantxa Urruzola Lizarribar1, Nagore Lora Laca1, Iobat Jiménez Jauregui2 and Francisco Serna Rodríguez3
1OSI Tolosaldea Osakidetza, Spain
2Master's Student Health Management, University of Deusto, Spain
3Central Osakidetza Organization, Spain
*Corresponding Author: Luz Jauregui García, OSI Tolosaldea Osakidetza, Spain.
Received: June 24, 2020; Published: July 16, 2020
This article describes a formative and participatory understanding with the aim of fostering a relational culture that facilitates the transition to a patient-centered care model by improving communication. It consists in transmitting the advances of neuroscience and technology related to unit professionals through a common communication code that highlights the importance of the human factor. In addition, the values of the organization are worked, based on professionals, through collaborative work in each UAP. It analyses ns results of the intervention, highlighting do that professionals manifest as very positive the being able to share values in the way of understanding human relationships. They also show that the project has allowed us to generate discussion and reflection on how to communicate. Working these values from the perspective of professionals acts as a facilitator to feel the culture of the organization as their own. Participants can improve their personal relationship as this intervention encourages the sharing of beliefs and willgo in a relaxed environment.
Keywords: UAP; Fostering; OSI
Citation: Maria Luz Jauregui García., et al. “Developing the Human Factor in an Integrated Health Organization".Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.8 (2020): 35-44.
Copyright: © 2020 Maria Luz Jauregui García., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.