Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (ASNH)(ISSN: 2582-1423)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Improvement of the Strategy in Food Safety, through the Research Action, the Huacana, Michoacán

Avila Serrato Salatiel*

Nursing and Obstetrics Department, Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Celaya, Salvatierra, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Avila Serrato Salatiel, Nursing and Obstetrics Department, Universidad de Guanajuato, Campus Celaya, Salvatierra, Mexico.

Received: April 21, 2020; Published: June 04, 2020



 The creation of new mechanisms of social participatory action, constitutes the reformulation of the community organization, corresponding to the transversal axes from the local to the inclusion and adaptation of globalizing parameters.
 That is why, through the research-action methodology, new reorganization alternatives are implemented in the microregion of Huacana, Michoacan; to include new gears of reorganization of production and food education, resulting in the increase in the use of the region's own foods to the usual diet.

Keywords: Food; Production; Intake; Food Safety; Consumption



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Citation: Avila Serrato Salatiel. “Improvement of the Strategy in Food Safety, through the Research Action, the Huacana, Michoacán". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.7 (2020): 03-08.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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