Acta Scientific Nutritional Health

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 4

Post-Harvest Storage Quality of Onion F1 Hybrids Produced Using Cytoplasmic-Genic Male-Sterility

Satya SS Narina*, Narendhra Singh, Chakrabarti AK, Singh RP, Deshmukh PS and Netra Pal

Division of Vegetable Crops, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

*Corresponding Author: Satya SS Narina, Division of Vegetable Crops, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.

Received: February 10, 2020; Published: March 19, 2020



Cytoplasmic-genic male (c-gms) sterility is one of the most genetically viable mechanisms of earliness, uniform bulb yield and quality in onion. Our present study was conducted in replicated and randomised block design for a period of three years to reveal the potential of three c-gms lines: Pusa Red msms, 75 msms and (102-1 x 106) msms used in producing superior onion Fhybrids when compared to better parent (BP), mid parent (MP), standard check (SC) and top parent (TP). Out of 60 hybrids studied, 54 hybrids were identified with heterotic bulb yield, bulb size as well as with better storage quality during five months of storage. Out of 36 superior F1 hybrids over BP, the F1 hybrid "75 msms x New collection from Daultabad-1 ⊗ P2" gave maximum heterosis (85.80%) for bulb yield over BP (36.82%) and SC (113.73%). This F1 hybrid also recorded maximum heterosis over BP (81.23%), standard check (63.58%) and top parents (34.04%). The dominant gene from female parents lead the positive directional heterosis for yield when crossed even with heterozygous testers with recessive gene at that specific location for this trait in onion genome. This was explained by tester "Arka Kalyan⊗P1" due to observed good combining ability with three cgms lines to produce heterotic F1 hybrids towards bulb yield irrespective of the gi and sij effects observed. The superior F1 hybrid from cgms line "102-1x106" with tester "Red Creole –1 ⊗ P2" was identified with early maturity of 113 days after transplanting onion seedlings. The hybrid combinations viz., "Pusa Red msms x 45-6-2-1 ⊗ P1", "(102-1x106)msms x 103 - 3 # ⊗ P1", "75msms x13- 50 Non-bolters from October planting # -2 #" and "(102-1x106)msms x 14 - 4 ⊗ P4" are observed with good negative sca effects for neck diameter. The Pusa Red msms (cgms line 1), 75 msms (cgms line 2) and cgms line 3 "(102-1x106)" contributed greater percentage of negative heterosis for both neck diameter and storage loss in bulb weight. The hybrids of Pusa Red msms with tester "Agrifound Dark Red –1 –2 ⊗ P2" followed by tester "113-1-1 ⊗ P3" were the best combinations for total soluble solids and dry matter, with high sca effects and due to high gca effects of atleast one parent, showing their superiority over SC, BP, TP, and MP. The storage quality is mainly dependant on the genotype-environment interaction, the physiological age of the bulbs after harvest, the post harvest storage and packing quality. Identification of molecular and biochemical markers for physiological maturity, bulb scale color and related biochemicals, bulb scale thickness, thin neck and base structure may help to identify the onion germplasm with good storage quality traits.

Keywords: cytoplasmic-genic male sterility, bulb quality, inheritance, additive or non additve gene action



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Citation: Satya SS Narina., et al. "Post-Harvest Storage Quality of Onion F1 Hybrids Produced Using Cytoplasmic-Genic Male-Sterility". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 4.4 (2020): 116-142.


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