Acta Scientific Nutritional Health

Letter to EditorVolume 2 Issue 6

Foldscope, the Frugal Innovation and its Application in Food Microscopy - A Review

Soumitra Banerjee*

Centre for Incubation, Innovation, Research and Consultancy, Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

*Corresponding Author: Soumitra Banerjee, Centre for Incubation, Innovation, Research and Consultancy, Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Received: April 04, 2018; Published: May 29, 2018

Citation: Soumitra Banerjee. “Foldscope, the Frugal Innovation and its Application in Food Microscopy - A Review”. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 2.6 (2018).

  Microbiologists often claim that “microorganisms are omnipresent”, i.e. microorganisms presence is detected everywhere in our surrounding environment, i.e. land, water and air. Microorganisms are found in the deepest point of the sea or in the topmost peak of the world. The food that humans consume usually comes from land or water, get contaminated with microorganisms from the surrounding environment. For making the food safer, different food-processing operations are carried out of which thermal processing is the most commonly used process to reduce or deactivate the microbial load. The best example of thermal processing is sterilization, which ensures elimination of microbial load including the spores and enzymes. For this reason, sterilized products are safer for consumption with the highest shelf life [1-3].

Copyright: © 2018 Soumitra Banerjee. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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