Acta Scientific Nutritional Health

Research articleVolume 2 Issue 4

Comparison of the Nutritional Status and Knowledge about Healthy Behaviors in Students of a Private Primary School with a Primary School in a Colony Marginalized in Puerto Vallarta, in the Year 2015

Ana Alejandra Franco Meza*, Juan Pablo Preciado, Jaime Duarte Jiménez and Bianca Munguía Casillas

Degree in Surgeon and Obstetrician, University of Guadalajara, University Center of the Coast, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Ana Alejandra Franco Meza, Degree in Surgeon and Obstetrician, University of Guadalajara, University Center of the Coast, Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, Mexico.

Received: February 27, 2018; Published: March 30, 2018

Citation: Ana Alejandra Franco Meza., et al. “Comparison of the Nutritional Status and Knowledge about Healthy Behaviors in Students of a Private Primary School with a Primary School in a Colony Marginalized in Puerto Vallarta, in the Year 2015”. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 2.4 (2018).


Objective: Compare the nutritional status and knowledges about healthy behaviors in students of a private elementary school with a public elementary school located in a poor colony in Puerto Vallarta, in 2015.

Background: In the last decades, evidence has been accumulated about the importance of a good nutrition, specially in development stages. During the childhood to good nutrition is essential to get a complete physical and intellectual development. It is during this development period when the children stablish consuming patterns that can contribute in the appearance of different diseases in adulthood.

Material and Method: We will realize a quantitative research, observational correlational type, cross-section to 103 students of “College Juana de Asbaje” and “Ma. Enriqueta Sanchez elementaries” Zataray schools. We will evaluate the knowledgement and the behaviors they possess regarding their feeding through a quiz. We will also measure the anthropometric values of all the students.

Results and Conclusions: We found a lot of kids with low weight (41 - 47%) in both schools, but there were more kids with a normal weight (47 - 55%). There were not kids with grade II and III obesity and the percentages of kids with overweight (1 - 3%) and grade I obesity (4%) were really low; this may be due to the little sample we got. The level of basic nutritional Knowledgements had a lot of differences, there were more kids on an inadequate level in the public school (55%) and adequate(42%) in the private school. If we talk about nutrition, both schools had a regular feed level, with 86 per cent in public school and 62% in the private school.

Keywords: Nutritional Status; Healthy Behaviors; Primary School

Copyright: © 2018 Ana Alejandra Franco Meza., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.316

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