Kulvinder Kochar Kaur1*, Gautam Allahbadia2 and Mandeep Singh3
1Scientific Director, Dr Kulvinder Kaur Centre for Human Reproduction, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
2Scientific Director, Rotunda-A Centre for Human Reproduction, Mumbai, India
3Consultant Neurologist, Swami Satyanand Hospital, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
*Corresponding Author: Kulvinder Kochar Kaur, Scientific Director, Dr Kulvinder Kaur Centre for Human Reproduction, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.
Received: March 06, 2018; Published: March 29, 2018
Citation: Kulvinder Kochar Kaur., et al. “Synthesis and Functional Significance of Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA’s) in Body”. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 2.4 (2018).
There are 2 types of polyunsaturated acids (PUFA’s) namely omega 6 and omega 3 series. PUFA’s possess amphipathic properties i.e. hydrophobic head and hydrophilic tail. Such structure besides other properties of unsaturated fatty acids cause biological action especially maintaining cell membrane fluidity inhibiting inflammatory processes, decreasing secretion of proinflammatory cytokines by monocytes and macrophages/reducing susceptibility to ventricular rhythm disorders of the heart, improving functions of the vascular endothelial cells, inhibiting blood platelet aggregation and reducing triglyceride synthesis in the liver. In an organism arachidonic acid (ARA) gets converted to prostanoid series (PGE2, PGI2, TXA2) and leukotrienes (LTB4, LTC4, LTD4) which have proinflammatory potential and can induce platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction. The metabolism of EPA and DHA gives prostanoid series (PGE3, PGI3, TXA3) and leukotriene series (LTB5, LTC5, LTD5), this group of eicosanoids show anti-inflammatory and antiarrhythmic properties.
Keywords: Polyunsaturated Acids (PUFA); Arachidonic Acid (ARA); EPA; Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
Copyright: © 2018 Kulvinder Kochar Kaur., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.