Navneet Singh Deora*
Ingredient Innovation and Research, Jubilant Food Works, India
*Corresponding Author: Navneet Singh Deora, Ingredient Innovation and Research, Jubilant Food Works, India.
Received: January 04, 2018; Published: February 03, 2018
Citation: Navneet Singh Deora. “Whole Wheat Flour Stability: An Insight”. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 2.3 (2018).
In the current scenario, millers as well as food Industries face many challenges in relation to the whole-wheat flour due to its limited stability in comparisons to refined flour. Lipid degradation by the action of enzymatic as was well non-enzymatic pathways seems to be a one of the leading causes of whole wheat flour stability. Milling technique is also of paramount importance to produce whole Wheat flour. To address the stability issues, retentions of available antioxidant during milling and inactivation of enzymes can be explored along with wheat bran stabilization. The purpose of this review paper is to address these key issues in the milling, shelflife, key biomarkers of whole wheat flour and finally discuss the strategies to overcome existing challenges.
Keywords: Whole Wheat Flour; Flour; Rancidity; Bran; Germ; Oxidation; Milling; Stone Mill; Roller Mill; Milling Techniques; Jet Milling; Enzymes; Refined Flour; Stability
Copyright: © 2018 Navneet Singh Deora. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.