Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 5

Management of the Droppings of Laying Hens of the "Large Poultry Farm" of the AECAM Common Initiative Group (CIG) of Mendong and Proposal of a Treatment System

Séverin Mbog Mbog1,2*, Dieudonné Bitondo1,2, Jean Paul Lekefack1,2, Innocent Ndoh Mbue1,2 and Simon Aneck Patamaken1,2,3

1Department of Quality, Health, Safety and Industrial Environment Engineering, National Advanced School of Engineering, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon
2Laboratory of Energy, Materials, Modelling and Methods, Doctorate School of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, University of Douala, Cameroon
3Ministry of the Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development, Cameroon

*Corresponding Author: Séverin Mbog Mbog, Department of Quality, Health, Safety and Industrial Environment Engineering, National Advanced School of Engineering, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon.

Received: March 15, 2022; Published: April 26, 2022


A Study on the management of the poultry manure at the "Large poultry farm" of the AECAM Common Initiative Group (CIG) of Mendong was carried out from June to December 2014, with the aim to propose a treatment system.

The methodology consisted of documentary research, interviews to collect information relative to the management of faeces from the poultry farm. The identification and characterization of the potential impacts of this management on the environment was done by using the Léopold’s matrix, Fecteau’s grid and direct observations. The analysis of the current situation helped to propose a treatment system which aims both at: mitigating the harmfulness of faeces by reducing the content of harmful substances and improving the valorization of these waste.

The results obtained show that the faeces produced are of two types namely; droppings and liquid manure, with a bi-weekly production quantities estimated at 52 140 ± 1 191 liters of droppings and 98 700 ± 3 371 liters of liquid manure. In addition to the lack of training and sensitization of the personnel in charge of these wastes, the collection and treatment tools are faulty. These leads to the disposal of dropping and poultry manure in neighboring water courses, bad odor spread and the loss of the esthetic view of the area. Meanwhile, 10% of the local populations and some members of the staff of the farm say that the management of the effluents is good, 52% find it bad. Regarding the potential impacts on the environment, the management of these wastes presents risks for the environment and the health due to the inadequacy identified in the field. These include; air pollution risks, deterioration of the quality of surface and underground water, soil pollution, fauna, flora and human intoxication. In general, the collection and transportation have less impact on environment as compared to storage and treatment of the droppings.

A drying system by “non-planted bed" was designed and proposed for the poultry farm. The cost for its implementation is estimated at 29,000,000 Fcfa (twenty-nine million Fcfa).

Keywords: Droppings; Poultry Manure; Management; Impacts; Pollution


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Citation: Séverin Mbog Mbog., et al. “Management of the Droppings of Laying Hens of the "Large Poultry Farm" of the AECAM Common Initiative Group (CIG) of Mendong and Proposal of a Treatment System”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.5 (2022): 177-187.


Copyright: © 2022 Séverin Mbog Mbog., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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