Acta Scientific Women's Health

Case Report Volume 7 Issue 2

Cornual Invasive Mole: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge

Armando Menocal1, Rocio Santin2, Ramiro Cabrera3, César Aguilar2*, Steicy Flores4, Dayana Piedra4, Lucia Chaul3, Jhanneth Chura3 and Alvaro J Ovando3

1Head of Gynecologic Minimally Invasive Surgery, Hospital de la Mujer de Morelia, México
2Attending Physcian, Gynecology Departament, Hospital de la Mujer de Morelia, México
3Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery, Instituto Doyenne, México
4Gynecologic Fellow, Hospital de la Mujer de Morelia, México

*Corresponding Author: César Aguilar, Attending Physcian, Gynecology Departament, Hospital de la Mujer de Morelia, México.

Received: January 22, 2025; Published: January 31, 2025


Introduction: Gestational trophoblastic disease in the cornual invasive mole variant is a rare condition, representing a diagnostic challenge, typically evolving from a complete hydatiform mole.

Material and Methods: The following clinical case presents 25 years old primigravida referred with history of uterine aspiration two months prior due to a complete hydatiform mole and persistent HCG levels despite undergoing one dose of methotrexate.

In our institution at the evaluation whit a suspicious of cornual invasive mole. A Surgical treatment is planned. A hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are performed, which confirm persistent molar tissue in the right uterine horn. Surgical management included temporary vascular control through uterine artery ligation an vasopressin use, followed by excision of the molar tissue. The final histological report confirmed the diagnosis of invasive mole.

Discussion: The development of cornual invasive mole is poorly understood, however surgical management combined with chemotherapeutic treatment significantly reduces the risk of metastasis. In this case the use of minimally invasive techniques allowed precise resection of the molar tissue while preserving fertility in a woman of reproductive age.

Keywords: Invasive Mole; Cornual Pregnancy; Hysteroscopy; Fertility Preservation; Minimally Invasive Surgery


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Citation: César Aguilar., et al. “Cornual Invasive Mole: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenge".Acta Scientific Women's Health 7.2 (2025): 31-34.


Copyright: © 2025 César Aguilar., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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