Daouda Camara1*, Seydou Fane2, AD Ouologuem1, S Dolo3, B Samake1, MA Keita1, C Sylla2, A Sidibe1, I Simaga1, SO Traoré 4, A Bocoum2, S Amaguiré5, D Diarra5, Y Sylla6, D Koné6, SZ Dao7, M Coulibaly8, S Keita9, R Haidara10, Simpara Nouhoum11, I Tegueté2 and Y Traoré2
1Kati Health District, Mali
2CHU Gabriel TOURE, Mali
3School of Advanced Studies and Public Health of Bamako, Mali
4District Hospital of the Commune 5, Mali
5District Hospital of the Commune 4, Mali
6District Hospital of the Commune 1, Mali
7District Hospital of Commune 2, Mali
8Kalaban Coro Reference Health Centre, Mali
9Fana Reference Health Centre, Mali
10Koulikoro Reference Health Centre, Mali
11District Hospital of the Commune 6, Mali
*Corresponding Author: Daouda Camara, Kati Health District, Mali.
Received: September 21, 2023; Published: November 08, 2023
Introduction: Menopause is a natural phenomenon that generally occurs in women between 45 and 55 years of age, it causes annoying manifestations called climacteric syndrome. The objective of this work was to study the influence of climacteric syndrome on the quality of life of perimenopausal and confirmed menopausal women in the city of Kati in Mali.
Patients and Methods: This is a mixed, quantitative and qualitative descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out in the city of Kati from 1 February to 31 July 2021. Were included, 113 women in perimenopause and confirmed menopause and 20 husbands in individual interview, 02 Focus groups of six husbands each. The women were selected from a household survey in accordance with the sampling step and husbands in the places of discussion. We were interested in marital, family and professional life, self-esteem and the state of health of women in general.
Results: More than half of the women in our study were already menopausal (52.2%); the average age was 50.5 years with the extremes ranging from 41 to 62years. They were mostly married (69.9%), housewives (43.4%) and Bambara (53.1%). The climacteric syndromes most found were: joint pain (65.5%), hot flashes (62.8%) and night sweat (56.6%). Genital-urinary syndromes (42.5%) were dominated by decreased libido (41.7%), urination disorder (23%) and vaginal dryness (14.6%). Genital-urinary syndromes increased the frequency of disagreements with the husband; Pearson chi-square = 33.63; ddl = 1; P = 0.001. There was a statistically significant relationship between night sweating, genital-urinary syndrome, joint pain and increased disease frequency with: Pearson's chi-square = 4.660; ddl = 1; P = 0.031; Fisher's exact test, P = 0.001, Pearson's chi-square = 8.434; ddl = 1; P = 0.004. There was no statistically significant relationship between climacteric syndrome and family life, work life and self-esteem. Changes in the professional relationship between women and their co-workers concerned respectively: disputes (50%); disagreements (25%) and disobedience (25%).
Keywords: Menopause and Perimenopause; Climacteric Syndrome; Quality of Life; Kati-Mali
Citation: Daouda Camara., et al. “Study on the Influence of Climacteric Syndrome on the Quality of Life of Perimenopausal and Confirmed Menopausal Women in the City of Kati in Mali".Acta Scientific Women's Health 5.12 (2023): 06-15.
Copyright: © 2023 Daouda Camara., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.