Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 4

Fertility Preservation: Opinion of a Group of Experts

Batiza Resendiz Víctor Alfonso1*, Aguilar Melgar Ashanti2, Luna Rojas Rosa Martha3, Pérez-Peña Efraín4, Gutiérrez Gutiérrez Antonio5, Ruvalcaba Castrellón Luis Arturo6, Salazar López-Ortiz Carlos7, Michel Vergara Jorge Alejandro8, Shaw Dulin Robin Jennifer9, Barquet Muñoz Salim Abraham9, Hernández López Luis Arturo10, García Rodríguez Francisco José11, Cortés Esteban Patricia12, Sánchez Llamas Benito13, Rodríguez Calderóon Ricardo14 and Maldonado Rosas Israel15

1Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, General Coordinator of the Consensus, Fertility, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
2Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Associate Coordinator, IECH Monterrey, Mexico
3Gynecology and Biology of Reproduction, RMA of New York Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
4Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, LIFE Institute, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
5Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, LIFE Institute, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico
8Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, Mexican Institute of Infertility, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
7Biology of Reproduction, Spanish Hospital, HISPAREP Assisted Reproduction Clinic, Mexico City, Mexico
8Biology of Reproduction, CEFERTIL Fertility Center, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
9Gynecology Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Mexico City, Mexico
10Gynecology Oncology, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
11Oncological Surgery, Spanish Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico
12Gynecology and Obstetrics, Oncology, November 20 National Medical Center Hospital, ISSSTE, Mexico City, Mexico
13Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico
14Embryology, Spanish Hospital, HISPAREP Assisted Reproduction Clinic, Mexico City, Mexico
15Embryology, Assisted Reproduction Center CITMER, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Batiza Resendiz Víctor Alfonso, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, General Coordinator of the Consensus, Fertility, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.

Received: June 17, 2022; Published: March 31, 2023


Fertility preservation is the application of medical and laboratory strategies to preserve parental genetic offspring in adults or children at risk of sterility.

Cancer is the main indication of fertility preservation in patients of reproductive age. In recent decades, the incidence of cancer in adolescents has increased. Cancer treatments have also improved significantly, making cure possible today in a large percentage of patients. Most children and adolescents with cancer become long-term survivors, increasing interest in the effects of cancer treatment on fertility.

Social, economic and cultural conditions are also decisive in deciding when a couple seeks to promote their fertility.

Furthermore, other pathologies or even drugs for the prevention of rejection of transplanted organs can affect fertility and, therefore, such patients are susceptible to guidance on fertility preservation.

Success in assisted reproduction programs and cancer treatments provide alternatives to preserve fertility.

In this first Opinion of the Group of Mexican Experts on Fertility Preservation, we have evaluated oncological patients who are candidates for fertility preservation: young people at risk of compromising their fertility due to oncological treatment, but with sufficient ovarian reserve and acceptable vital prognosis. Special cases such as social preservation were also considered, in cases of different sexual conceptualization, as well as the basic legal and ethical aspects.

Keywords: Fertility Preservation; Cancer Treatment; Cryopreservation; Freezing; Oocyte; Ovarian Tissue Transplantation; Cancer Survivorship; Gonadotoxicity; Premature Gonadal Failure


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Citation: Batiza Resendiz Víctor Alfonso., et al. “Fertility Preservation: Opinion of a Group of Experts". Acta Scientific Women's Health 5.4 (2023): 98-128.


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