Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Modify Expression or Emotion of Inpatient Ward Nurse: The Effect of Emotional Labor Strategy on Burnout Mediation by Job Demand

Resekiani Mas Bakar* and Irwan Widiyanto

Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Resekiani Mas Bakar, Psychology, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia.

Received: July 21, 2022; Published: August 05, 2022


Background: Inpatient nurses have responsibilities with high task complexity and emotional interaction with patients. The nurse feels high task demands and tends to experience burnout. Previous research used the JD-R Model, which stated that the imbalance between job demand and job resources could lead to burnout. Emotional labor strategies (surface versus deep acting) are commonly used as job demand and job resources.

Purpose: This study examines the effect of surface acting and deep acting on burnout, mediated by job demand.

Methods: The research design was a quantitative survey with 120 inpatient ward nurses. The instrument in this study used the emotional labor, job demand, and burnout scales. This study uses the mediation model technique by Hayes Process.

Results: The results showed that deep acting and surface acting have a positive effect on job demand and have an impact on increasing burnout. Surface acting has a direct effect on burnout. Nurses who use surface acting and deep acting indirectly affect the increase in burnout through job demand mediation. The exciting thing in this study is that, unlike previous studies, deep acting is not proven to reduce job demand, so the nurses still experience burnout.

Conclusion: Deep acting and surface acting both affect increasing burnout through job demand. This study differs from previous studies that used the JD-R model with deep acting as a job resource. Because the inpatient department has a high work complexity, it is possible that nurses may not consider deep acting a job resource because changing positive emotions is not enough to reduce burnout. This research implies strengthening job resources through external support from hospitals.

Keywords: Burnout; Deep Acting; Emotional Labor Strategy; Job Demand; Surface Acting


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Citation: Resekiani Mas Bakar and Irwan Widiyanto. “Modify Expression or Emotion of Inpatient Ward Nurse: The Effect of Emotional Labor Strategy on Burnout Mediation by Job Demand". Acta Scientific Women's Health 4.9 (2022): 04-11.


Copyright: © 2022 Resekiani Mas Bakar and Irwan Widiyanto. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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