Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Case Report Volume 3 Issue 12

Advanced Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Imen Ganzoui*, Dorsaf Nouri and Mariem Balti

Radiology Department, University of Tunis El Manar, Habib Bougatfa Hospital, Bizerta, Tunisia

*Corresponding Author: Imen Ganzoui, Head of Radiology Department, University of Tunis El Manar, Habib Bougatfa Hospital, Bizerta, Tunisia.

Received: October 12, 2021; Published: December 07, 2021


A 37-year-old primigravid patient, at 20 weeks of gestation, was referred to gynecology and obstetrics department for pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding. At speculum examination, she had a cervical bleeding mass. The transvaginal ultrasound showed a complex left pelvic masses. A pelvic MRI was performed, revealing an extended cervical cancer with lymph node metastasis. The patient was diagnosed with an invasive locally advanced tumor of the cervix. After multi-disciplinary reunion, pregnancy was interrupted, and the patient had hysterectomy, adnexectomy and lymphadenectomy associated with adjuvant chemotherapy. The early follow up did not reveal any complication.

Keywords: Cervical Cancer; Pregnant Woman; Locally Advanced; Lymph Nodes; Metastases; MRI


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Citation: Imen Ganzoui., et al. “Advanced Cervical Cancer During Pregnancy: Case Report and Review of the Literature”. Acta Scientific Women's Health 4.1 (2022): 10-12.


Copyright: © 2021 Imen Ganzoui., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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