Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Perspective Volume 3 Issue 10

The Origin of Ovarian Cancer - Still Debatable

Pushpam Kumar Sinha*

Independent Researcher, Kankarbagh, Patna, India

*Corresponding Author: Pushpam Kumar Sinha, Independent Researcher, Kankarbagh, Patna, India.

Received: August 26, 2021 ; Published: September 20, 2021


  Despite the discovery of two types of Adult Stem Cells (ASCs) in ovary, the Very Small Embryonic like Stem Cell and the Ovarian Stem Cell, the debate over the origin of Ovarian Cancer (OC) is far from over. Like several other cancers, Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) in recent years have been held responsible for tumor initiation and progress in OC too. CSCs are known to originate from malignant transformation (by genetic and or epigenetic mutations) of ASCs and or their multi-potent progenitors. In liver there exists cellular plasticity between ASC and mature differentiated cells (MDCs). Hence, in liver, even MDCs can be the origin of CSCs. I hypothesize in this article that, like liver, even the MDCs of ovary can be the origin of Ovarian CSC. MDCs of ovary transform to CSC by replacing the nuclei of oocytes by their own nuclei.

Keywords: Cancer Stem Cells; Very Small Embryonic-like Stem Cells; Ovarian Stem Cells; Cellular Plasticity; Serous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer


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Citation: Pushpam Kumar Sinha. “The Origin of Ovarian Cancer - Still Debatable”. Acta Scientific Women's Health 3.10 (2021): 21-23.


Copyright: © 2021 Pushpam Kumar Sinha. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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