Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Neurodevelopment of Infants with a Birth Weight ≤1500g at Two and Four Years of Age

Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía1*, Hernández-Guerrero Diana1, Fernández-Carrocera Luis Alberto2, Alvarez-Ramírez3, Elizabeth Higareda Sánchez Jesús Javier4, Conde-Reyes María de la Paz1, Guido Campuzano Martina Angélica5, Castro-Soto, Laura6, Romero-Palencia Angélica7, García Alonso-Themann Patricia8 and Ibarra-Reyes María del Pilar9

1Psychology, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
2Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
3Social Psychology, Zaragoza Faculty of University Studies National Autonomous University of Mexico, Educational Psychology, National Pedagogical University, Mexico City, Mexico
4Department of Psychosocial Investigations, Faculty of Psychology, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
5Neonatology, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
6Neonatology, Women’s Hospital Mexico City, Mexico
7Institute of Health Sciences, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
8Pediatrician, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico
9Neuromotor Stimulation, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico

*Corresponding Author: Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía, Psychology, Department of Pediatric Follow-up, National Institute of Perinatology, Mexico City, Mexico.

Received: April 09, 2021; Published: May 11, 2021


Background: Extremely low weight has been associated with a high risk of sequelae or Neurodevelopmental disorders, including personality disorders and emotional distress.

Objective: to learn the differences in neurodevelopment at 2 and 4 years of infants with a weight ≤1500g. Material and Methods: observational, analytical retrospective, comparative study of a cohort of children with a birth weight ≤1500g compared with children >1500g who attended the Pediatric Follow-up at the National Institute of Perinatology. BSID II and the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale by Terman-Merril 4th ed were used.

Results: 128 patients were included in the comparative analysis; significant differences were found in MDI and PDI of BSID II. For the group ≤1500 g presented a higher incidence in behavior (Orientation, Commitment and/or Emotional Regulation).

In the Intelligence Scale, the group of children <1500g at birth presented a statistically significant difference in all cognitive abilities and IQ.

Conclusions: At two and four years of age, children weighing <1500 grams have lower scores in neurodevelopment when compared to the group >1500 grams. Behavioral problems are a factor that influences MDI and PDI at two years of age.

Keywords: Neurodevelopment; Neuropsychology; Prematurity; Extremely Low Birth Weight


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Citation: Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía., Aet al. “Neurodevelopment of Infants with a Birth Weight ≤1500g at Two and Four Years of Age”. Acta Scientific Women's Health 3.6 (2021): 03-10.


Copyright: © 2021 Jiménez-Quiroz Rosalía., Aet al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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