Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 2

Psychosexual Dysfunction and Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Male Patients at Mansoura, Egypt

Ahmed Hashem El-Sayed El-Monshed1*, Nelly Ahmed Mahgoub2, Hassan Abol-Enein Abdel-Baky3 and Samah Mohammed Taha1

1Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt
2Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Egypt
3Nephrology and Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine - Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author: Ahmed Hashem El-Sayed El-Monshed, Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

Received: November 21, 2019; Published: January 07, 2020



Background:Sexual health is an important aspect of Quality of life (QoL). It is a basic human right and a fundamental part of a full healthy life. Patients with Chronic kidney disease (CKD) world-wide suffer many physical dysfunctions including sexual activity. Psychological impacts may also contribute to changes in sexual functioning and further complicate CKD patients’ problems. Therefore, this study aims to assess the relationship between psychosexual dysfunctions experienced by hemodialysis male patients and their evaluation of their QoL.

Methods: A descriptive correlational research design is conducted in the hemodialysis units at Urology and Nephrology Center at Mansoura University. The data were collected from 100 hemodialysis male patients who corresponded to the following inclusion criteria "Male patients on hemodialysis not be the first session for the patient, Both acute and chronic kidney disease, Married before starting hemodialysis and still married after dialysis, Aged 20-60 years, Pre-morbid sexually active adult males, Willing to voluntary participate in the study and Under treatment at the time of data collection". The study Tools included the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX), the Psychosexual Dysfunction Questionnaires and the Quality of Life Index (QLI) Dialysis Version III.

Results: Obtained results prevailed that most of the study of sample (94%) complained of many psychosexual dysfunctions while only 6% expressed no significant psychosexual dysfunctions. These psychosexual dysfunctions are found to be highly negatively correlated with CKD patients’ QoL at significant level of p= <0.01.

Conclusion: The vast majority of the study sample does suffer multiple psychosexual dysfunctions which negatively affects their overall QoL. Both physical and psychological distress increase CKD male patients' psychosexual dysfunctions and indicate the necessity of introducing psychiatric liaison nursing programs in the hemodialysis care units.

Keywords: Chronic Kidney Disease; Hemodialysis; Psychosexual Dysfunctions; Quality of Life; Psychiatric Liaison Nursing



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Citation: Ahmed Hashem El-Sayed El-Monshed., et al. “Psychosexual Dysfunction and Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Male Patients at Mansoura, Egypt”. Acta Scientific Women's Health 2.2 (2020): 01-10.


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