Acta Scientific Women's Health (ASWH)(ISSN: 2582-3205)

Editorial Volume 2 Issue 1

Intimate Partner Violence and Traditional Societies in Transition

Bindu Menon*

Sri Venketeshwara Medical College, Pondicherry, India

*Corresponding Author: Bindu Menon, Sri Venketeshwara Medical College, Pondicherry, India.

Received: November 15, 2019; Published: January 01, 2019



  In these times, gender roles have been turned on their heads as has the concept of family. Some societies however have been slow to catch up. Paradoxically in this age of communication, trends elsewhere percolate down into such societies too challenging rigid stereotypical concepts of feminity and masculinity. This often results in a backlash from more conservative sections which seek to perpetuate age old traditional mores, one of the methods used being community sanctioned aggression (emotional, verbal and sometimes) and controlling behavior in the family to ensure conformity and punish dissenters. Intimate partner violence in such societies is often tied up inextricably with these factors.



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Citation: Bindu Menon. “Intimate Partner Violence and Traditional Societies in Transition”.Acta Scientific Women's Health 2.2 (2020): 01-02.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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