Acta Scientific Women's Health

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 1

Pregnancy Outcomes of Maternal Heart Disease: A Cosmopolitan Experience

Husam Salama*, Hilal Al Rifai, Sawsan Al-Obaidly, Mai Al Qubasi, Mayra Batool

Women’s Wellness and Research Center, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar

*Corresponding Author: Husam Salama, Women’s Wellness and Research Center, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar.

Received: July 30, 2019; Published: December 06, 2019



Objectives: To study neonatal outcomes of mothers with established congenital and acquired heart diseases.

Methods: A retrospective review of data from the PEARL maternal and neonatal registry was conducted. The PEARL database includes and enumerates mothers with diagnosed heart disease and their babies.

Results: Out of a total population of 41,000 mothers, 195 mothers with established congenital and acquired heart disease gave birth to 200 babies, accounting for 5 occasions of twins, but no occasions of three or more births. There was no significant difference in terms of disease outcomes; 65.6% of women in the sample size suffered from acquired heart disease, whereas 34.4% carried a diagnosis of a congenital cardiac disorder at the time of delivery. The local Qatari population made up 41% of the mothers while 59% were expatriates, comprising mainly Indian subcontinent and Arab population. Results across both groups were comparable, with no difference in terms of maternal or neonatal outcomes. The vast majority of babies were delivered in good condition, with an average birth weight of 3.1kg. Length of hospital stay was 3.5 days± 1.5 and Apgar score was 9 ±1 at five minutes of age. However, one baby died in the NICU due to congenital anomalies. Rate of stillborn was 2.5%.

Conclusions: Contrary to what is reported in the literature, our data indicate that maternal heart disease confers similar risk of adverse neonatal outcomes of NICU admissions, length of hospital stay, and pre-term delivery, whether congenital or acquired. The outcome was favorable in both types of heart diseases. There was no difference between local and expatriate populations in terms of disease severity or pathology. The neonatal outcomes were also similar, indicating that the level of care rendered at a tertiary care center was comparable across both groups.

KeywordsHeart; Maternal; Neonatal; Outcome



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Citation: Husam Salama., et al. "Pregnancy Outcomes of Maternal Heart Disease: A Cosmopolitan Experience".Acta Scientific Women's Health 2.1 (2020): 12-21.


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