Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences (ASPS)(ISSN: 2581-5423)

Letter to Editor Volume 5 Issue 2

Hypothesis on Cadaveric Urinary Bladder Transplantation in a Radical Cystectomy, An Alternative Option of Ileal Conduit

Dattatreya Mukherjee*

MBBS Student at Jinan University, P.R China

*Corresponding Author: Dattatreya Mukherjee, MBBS Student at Jinan University, P.R China.

Received: November 30, 2020; Published: January 02, 2020



  In Radical Cystectomy the urinary bladder is fully resected and in ileal conduit the ureter is joined with a ileal part and drained outside the abdominal wall. It’s a technique of urinary diversion. This procedure has many adverse effects and its also tough for the patients to drain the urine through abdominal wall. So my hypothesis is to use a cadaveric bladder as a transplantation. Now the challenge will arise how to control urge of urination. For that artificial urinary bladder sphincter can be used with the neural regenerations procedure which is under research work. WNT/Beta pathway and Tissue genetic techniques have shown the peripheral neural regeneration.

Keywords: Radical Cystectomy; Urinary Bladder; Ileal Conduit





Citation: Dattatreya Mukherjee. “Hypothesis on Cadaveric Urinary Bladder Transplantation in a Radical Cystectomy, An Alternative Option of Ileal Conduit”. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences 5.2 (2021): 01-02.


Acceptance rate32%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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