Pseudotumoral Form of Choroidal Tuberculosis: A Case Report
Sara Bouchriha*, Selma Ouazzani, Sarah Belghmaidi, Ibtissam Hajji and Abdeljalil Moutaouakil
Ophthalmology Department, CHU Mohamed VI, Marrakech, Morocco
*Corresponding Author: Sara Bouchriha, Ophthalmology Department, CHU Mohamed VI, Marrakech, Morocco.
March 25, 2024; Published: May 02, 2024
Choroidal tuberculoma is a rare form of ocular manifestation of tuberculosis; it is seen exceptionally in immunocompetent subjects. It poses both a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The main differential diagnosis is malignant melanoma, a diagnostic error could lead to aggressive treatment of the eye.
Keywords: Choroidal Tuberculoma; Eye; Ocular Tuberculosis
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