Acta Scientific Ophthalmology (ISSN: 2582-3191)

Research Article Volume 6 Issue 3

Eye Damage During Malignant Arterial Hypertension at the Donka National Hospital in Conakry

Baldé R1, Baldé AK2, Bah TM2, Sovogui MD3, Baldé AI4, Kaba L5, Traoré L6 and Thierno Madjou7*

1Department of Ophthalmology CHU Ignace Deen, FSTS, Guinea
2Ophthalmology Department "CADESSO", DONKA National Hospital, Guinea
3Bartimaeus Ophthalmology Department, Guinea
4Ophthalmology Department, Camp Samory Military Hospital, Guinea
5Hemodialysis Department, National Hospital, DONKA, Guinea
6Institute of Tropical Ophthalmology of Africa, Bamako, Mali

*Corresponding Author: Thierno Madjou BAH, Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry, Guinea.

Received: January 05, 2023; Published: February 08, 2023


Introduction: This study described the different eye injuries among patients with malignant hypertension associated with cardiovascular comorbidity.

Patients and method: We included in our study all hypertensive patients with blood pressure figures greater than 180 mmHg/120 mmHg, who had stage III or IV hypertensive retinopathy on examination according to Keith and Wagener's classification. For each patient, we measured visual acuity with optotypes, eye examination with the biomicroscope, then visualisation with the volk lens the posterior segment (fundus' eye). We performed descriptive statistics followed by exact chi-two or Fisher tests followed by logistic regression.

Results: Of 279 hypertensive patients received, we recorded a frequency of 16.49% of malignant arterial hypertension. Patients had an average age of 44 ± 13.6 years; men were the most numerous (59.1%) and 59.1% out of school. Heart diseases (70.5%) and kidney diseases (65.9%) were most associated with malignant hypertension. Clinically, ocular symptoms were dominated by visual blurring and decreased visual acuity, 84.1% and 56.8% respectively. Retinal haemorrhage and exudates were 79.5% and 65.9%, respectively. Hypertensive retinopathy according to Keith and Wagener's classification shows that 61.4% of cases were stage III.

Conclusion: Heart disease and kidney diseases are recurrent cardiovascular comorbidities in malignant arterial hypertension that is complicated by exudative haemorrhagic retinopathy, without any association with a specific comorbidity.

Keywords: Eye Injuries; Malignant Hypertension; Donka Hospital


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Citation: Thierno Madjou., et al. “Eye Damage During Malignant Arterial Hypertension at the Donka National Hospital in Conakry".Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 6.3 (2023): 22-28.


Copyright: © 2022 Thierno Madjou., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
ISI- IF1.042
JCR- IF0.24

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