Acta Scientific Ophthalmology (ISSN: 2582-3191)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 12

MINT-Wigris Postulates

Gudrun Kalmbach HE*

MINT, Germany

*Corresponding Author: Gudrun Kalmbach HE, MINT, Germany.

Received: October 19, 2020; Published: November 30, 2020



  The new models of MINT-Wigris are based on few postulates 1.-9. which can be used for the states of energy systems. It is not necessary to use in infite dimensional Hilbert space for this. Octonians are sufficient whose coordinates carry charges and energies: color, electrical, mass charges, heat, kinetic, magnetic, rotational, electromagnetic (interaction) energies. They evolve from a black hole Horn torus which contains retracts of quarks. Beside the radius inversion at the Schwarzschild radius in 1., for speeds is postulated a Minkowski cone inversion at the speed of light. To the physics standard model with the U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) symmetry are added finite symmetries like the CPT Klein group of the quark dihedral D 2 , the quark triangle S 3 and S 4 of the tretrahedron. There are two dimension changes in 4. through the fusion model from 6 to space xyz-coordinates which relates to the Heisenberg uncertainties and from 4 octonians which add to coordinates the above energies for measurements. The evolution of energies in 2. is followed in 3. by a nucleon dynamical model, desscribed by the SU(3) strong interaction SI rotor. It makes cyclic integrations. In a crystalized version the rgb-graviton whirl has its tip in the center of a deuteron and forms as base triple a tetrahedron as model (Figure 6) with the quarks sitting at the endpointss of its three pairwise orthogonal vectors. The new tetrahedrons discrete symmetry of order 24 factorizes through the quark dihedrals CPT Klein symmetry of order 4. Obtained are for the equivalence classes that each color charge has associated one of the coordinates, has a symmetry of the quark triangle D 3 group (similar as spin has the Pauli symmetry of SU(2) generators). The fourth member in each class is one out of six basic energies (two for POT, kinetic, rotation, magnetic, heat). Gravity is included in the different postulates. It uses in many instances projective geometry and projections. The general relativitic version in 7. is due to a central projection. Mass rescalings occur in different form: added inner frequencies to a mass at rest, its Minkowski special relativistic scaling which give group speeds for matter waves. In 6. As new measuring devies according to the Copenhagen interpretation for quantum measures are added the Gleason frames GF as spin-like orthogonal vector base triples. Their weights attached to the three vectors can be non-negative real numbers with sum > 0 or complex or quaternionic numbers. Superpositions of GF occur. In figure 8 a list of 8 tools demonstrate some GF and are more general for teaching purposes. The Fano memo shows 7 GF, but there are more, also for SU(3). SU(2) has also some GF. For waves in 8. the cylindrical helix quantization is through winding numbers. Only full windings in a circular U(1) projection are stored as energy. U(1) is a rolled Kaluza-Klein coordinate for the electromagnetic interaction symmetry. In 7. the first octonian coordinate provides a vector needle for the U(1) compasses disk. It can set units for measuring the energy coordinates and generates in discrete form numerical or energy based cyclic structures with the nth roots of unity for polar dihedrals. They relate to the SU(2) Hopf geometry in 5. with the Heegard decompositions for colliding systems. In 9. to the wave particle duality is added as third character whirls. They occur in many conic geometries for quasiparticles. This set of postulates is published under researchgate for the MINT-Wigris project. Wanted are colaboraters, especialy for producing models.

Keywords: MINT-Wigris; Quasiparticles; Hopf Geometry



  1. G Kalmbach HE. MINT-WIGRIS, Bad Woerishofen (2017).
  2. Many related MINT articles and parts of books in the 104 items long list of the authors (mostly scientific) publications. Often they are stored in the internet and can be downloaded or are available in the authors MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik) book editions 1-65, 1997-2020, - the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt/M (until vol 40).
  3. G Kalmbach HE. "Deuteron States". Nessa Journal of Physics2(2017): 1-17
  4. G Kalmbach and R. Schweizer, Diskrete Mathematik, Vieweg/Springer, Wiesbaden, 1988 and Mathematik – bunt gemischt, Becker Velte (1996).
  5. G Kalmbach. Quantum Measures and Spaces, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1998).
  6. G Kalmbach. Orthomodular Lattices, Academic Press, London (1983).
  7. G Kalmbach and U Eberspaecher. MINT-Wigris Tool Bag, with a handbook, Bad Woerishofen (2020).
  8. Hering/Martin/Stohrer, Physikalisch-technisches Handbuch, VDI, Duesseldorf (1995).
  9. M Holzapfel. Tetraedergruppe, (2020).
  10. H Hopf. Uber die Abbildungen der dreidimensionalen Sphare auf die Kugelflache, Math. Annalen 104 (1931): 637-665.
  11. Internet video under YouTube: Moebius Transformations Revealed 2014; internet articles obtained by clicking on a blue word in the index of the tool bag for general informations.
  12. T Poston and I Stewart. Catastrophe theory and its applications, Pitman, London (1978).
  13. E Schmutzer. Projektive einheitliche Feldtheorie, Harry Deutsch, Frankfurt (2004).
  14. K Stierstadt. Physik der Materie, VCH, Weinheim (1989).
  15. MINT-Wigris project, in the internet under
  16. "A measuring mass triple for the neutrino oscillation". Advance Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries 1 (2018).


Citation: Gudrun Kalmbach HE. “MINT-Wigris Postulates". Acta Scientific Paediatrics 3.12 (2020): 15-22.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
ISI- IF1.042
JCR- IF0.24

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