Varun Malhotra1, Hena Dhir1, Rakesh Malhotra2, Ankit Daral3 and Rahul Bhargava4*
1Medical Officer, Chandigarh, India
2Ex-MO, HP Government, India
3Senior Resident, UCMS and GTB Hospital New Delhi, India
4Emeritus Professor of Ophthalmology, Noida, India
*Corresponding Author: Rahul Bhargava, Professor, Noida, India.
Received: October 17, 2020; Published: October 28, 2020
Background: Patients with severe mental illness including depression may have multiple co-morbid physical illnesses. Systemic hypertension and lifestyle factors may increase mortality in patients with depression.
Objective: To study co-morbid hypertension and associated lifestyle factors in patients with major depression.
Methods: Cross section observational study at a tertiary care hospital.
Results: Patients evaluated after exclusion were 400. Majority of patients 69(34.5%) had moderate depression. The mean duration of illness was 58.94 ± 77.26 months with no significant difference between males and females (P = 0.830). Co-morbid psychiatric illness was present in 73(36.5%) study subjects. Co-morbid conditions were present in 106 (26.5%) patients. The prevalence of hypertension in our cohort was 18.5%. A total of 216 patients (54%) were found to be obese; it was significantly higher (Chi-square test, P = 0.024) in females (63.7%) as compared to males (47.5%). Inadequate physical activity was seen in 44.5% patients. On correlation analysis, a significant correlation (P<0.05) was observed between hypertension with obesity and family history of non-communicable disease. On binary logistic regression, in patients with depression, those with positive family history of non-communicable disease (OR = 2.6), increased duration of illness (OR = 1.3) and physical inactivity (OR = 2.1) were more likely to have hypertension.
Conclusion: A bidirectional association may exist between depression and hypertension with increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity.
Keywords: Major Depression; Hypertension; Global Physical Activity Questionnaire; Body Mass Index
Citation: Varun Malhotra., et al. “A Study of Hypertension and Associated Health Related Life Style Behaviours in Patients with Depression". Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 3.11 (2020): 39-45.
Copyright: © 2020 Varun Malhotra., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.