Acta Scientific Ophthalmology (ASOP)

Mini Review Volume 3 Issue 6

Myopic Degeneration and it’s Low Vision Management- A Review

Raju Kaiti1*, Asik Pradhan2, Ranjila Shyangbo3, Manish Dahal4 and Bishal Hamal4

1Consultant Optometrist, M. Optom, Nepal Eye Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
2HDR Candidate, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
3Optometry Student, 3rd year, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Kathmandu, Nepal
4Consultant Optometrist, B. Optom, Nepal Eye Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal

*Corresponding Author: Raju Kaiti, Consultant Optometrist, M. Optom, Nepal Eye Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Received: April 10, 2020; Published: May 18, 2020


 Myopic degeneration is a condition characterized by the progressive expansion of the eyeball axial length which is not stabilized during the adulthood, causing a progressive degeneration. These changes result in visual impairment, changes in contrast sensitivity, reduced dark adaptation, visual field changes and electrophysiological changes. This causes extremely high amount of nearsightedness causing a major alteration of the shape or globe of the eye, which may lead to profound visual loss. The etiology of myopic degeneration is still not clear, but the influence of genetic and environmental factors has been increasingly recognized. This disease is a subtype of high myopia, which is characterized for refractive values lower than -6 diopters and axial length greater than 26.5 mm. The prevalence of degenerative myopia is almost about 2% worldwide. Myopic degeneration may lead to visual impairment and hence low vision management and rehabilitation should be considered in these cases.

Keywords: Pathological Myopia; Myopic Degeneration; Visual Impairment; Low Vision; Blindness; Low Vision Rehabilitation



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Citation: Raju Kaiti., et al. “Myopic Degeneration and it’s Low Vision Management- A Review”. Acta Scientific Ophthalmology 3.6 (2020): 13-17.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
ISI- IF1.042
JCR- IF0.24

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