Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL) (ISSN: 2582-5550)

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 8

An Update of Bronchoscopy in Pediatric Practice-Review

Md Atiar Rahman*

Associate Professor of Pediatric Pulmonology, Department of Pediatrics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

*Corresponding Author: Md Atiar Rahman, Associate Professor of Pediatric Pulmonology, Department of Pediatrics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. E-mail:

Received: June 15, 2021; Published: July 07, 2021


Bronchoscopy is an invasive procedure for examination of air passages and lungs. It helps both for diagnosis as well as intervention of airway disease in children and adult. This procedure can be performed by rigid or flexible bronchoscope on the needs of patients and choice of the expertise. It can help direct visualization of airways, to obtain biopsy material, Broncho alveolar lavage (BAL) fluid from lungs and distal airways and help to diagnose various pulmonary diseases. Foreign body removal is another indication of bronchoscopy in children. Recently interventional bronchoscopic procedure has now been developed for treatment of laser therapy, balloon dilatation and stenting of airway in children. Though bronchoscopy is a safe procedure, but sometimes obstruction of airway may require special attention during procedure. The aim of this review is to outline update of bronchoscopic procedure for diagnostic, therapeutic and intervention of airway disease in children.

Keywords: Bronchoscopy; Children; Airway Disease; Rigid; Flexible; Broncho Alveolar Lavage (BAL)


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Citation: Md Atiar Rahman. “An Update of Bronchoscopy in Pediatric Practice-Review".Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 3.8 (2020): 23-29.


Copyright: © 2020 Md Atiar Rahman. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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