Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 9 Issue 2

Natural Agents Used for the Management of Obesity in the Traditional Unani System of Medicine: A Comprehensive Review

Ziaur Rahman1*, Nikhat Shaikh1, Abdurrahman2, Osama Akram3, Jamal Akhtar3 and N Zaheer Ahmad3

1Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine Mumbai a Peripheral Institute of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine Ministry of Ayush Govt. of India, India
2National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorder, Hyderabad, India
3Headquarter Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine Ministry of Ayush Govt. of India

*Corresponding Author: Ziaur Rahman, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine Mumbai a Peripheral Institute of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine Ministry of Ayush Govt. of India, India.

Received: January 03, 2025; Published: January 28, 2025


Obesity is one of the most challenging chronic diseases threat the world facing today. It is a disease state emerging from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure and is directly responsible for the rapidly increasing morbidity and mortality from insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, respiratory ailments, arthritis, reproductive challenges and psychosocial problems. There is a global health burden due to lack of effective drugs for the management of obesity. The treatment modalities in modern system of medicine such as uses of sibutramine, orlistat, ghrelin and surgical intervention like liposuction having serious complications so it is need of time to find out novel anti-obesity natural agents without any side effects. According to ancient Unani literature obesity is a phlegmatic disease in which su-e-mizaj barid ratab occurs and excessive fat accumulates in the body. Based on Ilaj-biz-zid concept mentioned in traditional Unani medicine, the single Unani herbs of hot and dry temperament like Cinnamom (Darchini), Garden Rue (Suddab) Cumin Seeds (Zeera Siyah), Carom seed (Ajwain Desi) and Marjoram (Marzanjoosh) are in practice for obesity since ancient times. An ideal anti-obesity drug should help in the reduction of weight by 10% and showing the improvements of other biomarkers such as lipid profile and blood sugar level. The purpose of this review is to explore the potential of natural agents and herbs, their chemical constituents and mechanism of action in the treatment of obesity.

Keywords: Anti-obesity; Natural Agents; Unani Medicine; Recent Advancements; Ilaj-biz-zid


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Citation: Ziaur Rahman., et al. “Natural Agents Used for the Management of Obesity in the Traditional Unani System of Medicine: A Comprehensive Review”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 9.2 (2025): 114-126.


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